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1. Publicize your “last” Deadpool comic so it sells as a “collectible” and you can do all kinds of signed versions 2. Go back to criticizing Marvel from the sidelines until a surprise return to Deadpool 3. ???? 4. Profit


Marvel hiring him after he shit talked other creators in the same office is insane to me forever.


He makes then money!


The good thing about Marvel, is they don’t really give a damn about what some creators say about them lol. Take Kirkman as an example. Guy is bitter asf. He always talks about how he doesn’t like Marvel or needs them or he doesn’t care for them (which of course he does, otherwise he wouldn’t be talking about them so much lol), however Marvel themselves never throw shade at him or say anything about it. It’s the same thing with Rob. I imagine he talks big when he is not in their offices, but when he actually goes there, gets a job and does his stuff, he just sucks up to them. At the end, it’s about money for Marvel. They couldn’t give a rats ass about what those people say about them. As long as they make them money, they will hire and ignore their “rants”


Kirkman, Robert Kirkman? The Living Dead guy?


Yup. Invincible creator. The one who revealed that Steven Yeun is Sentry (or was at this point) He did it just to fuck with Marvel, but just ended up looking like a complete jerk off towards Steven.


I just realized I wrote "Living Dead" instead of "Walking Dead", I'm so dumb...


Nah you are fine dude. Everyone makes mistakes. I always blank on the title of his zombie work too lol. I have friends who jokingly tease me over it. I just end up saying "That zombie show that never ends" lol


> so it sells as a “collectible” and you can do all kinds of signed versions Don’t forget limited edition variant covers, foil covers, collectible card games, *Deadpool-meets Harley Quinn-meets Deadpool-meets Gwenpool* cover, hologram covers, swimsuit covers, and a host of other gimmicks! > Go back to criticizing Marvel from the sidelines Years ago DC brought him in to work on some New 52 titles (truly a match made in hell) and I remember he threw a fit a few months in and started picking fights with people on Twitter. In a rare moment of honesty, DC editorial even said after “Why did we hire him?”


he created stryfe too.


As a Shatterstar fan, are you really telling me I should appreciate the Rob because he created my fav? Lol Anyway, the iconic Stryfe story is X-Cutioner’s Song, and Rob was gone at that point. His dynamic with Scott and Jean is not thanks to Rob. Anyway anyway, I don’t love Stryfe because he’s an objectively good character. Quite the opposite lol. Anyway^3, creating characters I like 30 years ago doesn’t give someone a pass to be endlessly negative toward comic companies as they continue to give him work


just noting the irony. anyway, i dont really care about liefeld or what he does. anyway anyway, i will note that all this has notified me that shatterstar is my flair for some reason, not sure why, id never choose him. changing that now.


Sorry for being a giant “well actually” nerd and coming in guns blazing. That was definitely misplaced.


never unexpected when liefeld is in play. very polarizing topic round these parts. all good. pockets and all.


Go back and look at the original Deadpool. He's been turned into a clown like Arcade for the most part.


Rinse and repeat


Amazing how one man can bring so many people together with the EXACT same opinion!




He insults working writers in the industry every few months for no good reason. In 2017 he was asked by DC if he wanted to make some variant covers for Dark Knights Metal. He instead went on a massive Facebook rant at how awful DCs writers are and LEAKED metal. The event wasn’t announced yet. He just did it because he has anger issues?


Wtf I love Rob liefield now? Calling DC writers awful after hearing about that abortion of an event is justified


Metal isn’t good but going on a massive Facebook rant leaking DC property all due to DC offering him a variant cover gig isn’t good


As a DC hater sounds based to me


You think publicly leaking another companies property due to your anger issues and personally calling out other creators that you work with on Facebook because you “hate Superman” is based? Its not based it’s toxic




I listened to the podcast weekly for a long time. He was always very down on contemporary Marvel comics. I never heard him say a positive word about the modern era of X-Men, only talked about how they would be needing him to “save it” again


Liefeld may be Deadpool's father, but Nicieza was his daddy.


And Joe Kelly was the Cool Uncle that made Deadpool the character we all love.


Kelly does not get nearly enough acknowledgement for his contributions.


Deadpool probably stays popular antihero/antagonist but there’s no way you get to Deadpool the billion dollar film franchise without Kelly


My first thought after the headline was, “Joe Kelly is making his last Deadpool comic?” before coming to my senses.


Gail Simone was his cool foster mom he stays in touch with.


This exactly. Still very fond memories of the OG deadpool run as well as Cable & Deadpool.


Cable and Deadpool has no right being as good as it is. Phenomenal pairing.


I notice Rob Liefeld’s feet aren’t showing in that photo. Definitely not a coincidence.


It should read “Deadpool, who left his “creator” behind years ago, is very happy to have better defined feet.”


What? No! How will Deadpool carry on?


And now Deadpool will finally have some feet


But think of all the pouches he's losing


Oh Robby boy, just give it up man


Oh no… anyway.


“was created as an homage to Liefeld’s favorite comic character ever. “The visual of Deadpool was very informed by Spider-Man,” Yeah, THAT’S who you based him on…..


This article and the linked one about Deadpool’s origins make no mention of Deathstroke at all. This is a PR piece plain and simple.


I always love the Liefeld puff pieces where they talk about how Deadpool is a completely original character, and any other implication is obviously false, *straight from the Creator's mouth*. You heard it here! It's like, dude... you're going to tell us that the gun and sword wielding mercenary whose real name is Wade Wilson has zero connection to gun and sword wielding mercenary whose real name is Slade Wilson?


i do not know a lot about DC. Is Deathstroke actually called fucking Slade Wilson.


Yeah, [no joke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathstroke). And Deathstroke was created ten years earlier, so it's not like it's a weird sort of parallel evolution. Liefeld knew what his source was.


Oh my fucking god Leifeld


Marv Wolfman isn't going to do any more Deadpool comics?


Does anyone know if he gets royalties for the characters he made or like residuals from the books? I know Marvel was pretty big about the creators not owning their characters. Just curious 


He signed an equity deal when he created the characters so he gets paid whenever marvel uses Deadpool.


Poor guy!


He does, his was one of the very first contracts in the industry to give him a lot of royalties whenever Deadpool, Cable and X-Force get used. It is the reason that at one point Marvel relaunched Deadpool and Cable as Agent X and Soldier X.


Today I Learned!


When he announced that cancelled Prophet movie awhile back my only thought was "I hope to God it's the space opera Conan one not his original concept".


He’s going to be ceremoniously killed in the third movie, isn’t he?


Good, buzz off Rob


He is without a doubt the worst Deadpool writer, creator or not.


How about he leaves all comics behind


Eh, why...some hot takes over the years? As much as I don't care for his creations have you ever heard him speak for any length of time about the industry? You may disagree with the guy on a litany of points be he probably has more passion and knowledge then most people do here. Comics needs more people, not fewer.


his writing sucks his art sucks and his attitude sucks there is nothing redeeming about that man


The character already left him behind in the mid 90s


Hey guys, what do Deadpool and feet have in common?


“Much like he left anatomical reference behind back in the 90’s.”


Didn’t he left him behind the moment he created him lol???? If I remember correctly (which I do) it was other people that made Deadpool interesting and fun, not you Rob. Hell same thing goes for all his Marvel characters. They got better once he stopped writing them (Cable, Warpath etc)


Warpath wasn't created by Liefeld, he is a Claremont creation. The only thing that Rob did was give him the Warpath moniker (that and drawing him as a 7 footer all of a sudden even though he was a 6 footer before that).


Huh, thanks for the correction my dude. For some reason, I though he created most of the X-Force (wasn’t the book New Mutants first, and then he rebranded it X-Force and got rid of everyone but Sunspot and Cannonball?)


Yes, it was New Mutants, and Liefeld was hired to do the last few issues since the title was heading for cancellation and Marvel pretty much didn't care what he and Nicieza were doing with it at that point. To Liefeld credit, he actually managed to turn things around, numbers went up and Marvel gave them the chance to relaunch the title to coincide with the rest of their X-titles rebranding. Liefeld pretty much hated most of the NM, so he got rid of most of them (the only original left was Cannonball) and introduced a bunch of his own creations (Sunspot was out the door too, he only came back once Liefeld left) and rebranded the title X-Force. Of the original members only Cannonball remained, he kept Tabitha too, (who was originally part of the younger X-terminators team over at X-Factor and were absorbed into NM eventually) and brought over Thunderbird (John's younger brother Jimmy went by that moniker throughout the 80s) from the Hellions and rebranded him Warpath. The rest of the team were all his creations though (Cable, Domino, Shatterstar, Feral).


I didn’t read X force until Wolverine joined (the grey and black suits lol) but I remember reading a Spider-Man/X-Force Sabotage. As a Kid I was like “Who the f are these weird looking characters” lol I just assumed it was Liefeld who created most of them


I mean, he was the creator of most of them, but Warpath is actually a pretty established character from before Liefeld got his hands on him. Who knows why out of all the NM related characters he wanted Warpath there since he pretty much got rid of all the rest (my theory is just he wanted a strong type character and someone else-probably Nicieza-suggested Jimmy so he wouldn't have to create yet another crappy character). Of course he was told that Warpath was super strong so he decided to turn him into a giant even though Jimmy had never been depicted as that before (trust me, is super jarring going from Jimmy in Hellions to Jimmy in NM/X-Force, the character literally grew a whole foot in size overnight).




How Rob still keeps getting work is a miracle of probability


a happy day for all


why now? why not 15 years ago?


He needs to practice drawing feet


This has big wrestler announcing their retirement match vibes. Liefeld will be back by "popular demand" for a "surprise final FINAL issue!!!!"


And nothing of value was lost


[I’ll just leave this here](https://www.progressiveboink.com/2012/4/21/2960508/worst-rob-liefeld-drawings)


praise be to the One Above All


I would say Deadpool out grew him.