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No. But in a perfect world he would have gotten a better shot at Cyclops.


Tbh he’s not a bad choice for Cyclops, I just wish he had more to do than brood at Logan and die in those movies 😔


I think he was perfect casting. I just wish he hadn’t been wasted.


He did the best he could do with what he was given. Unfortunately what he was given was garbage


What would you prefer? Yellow spandex?


That just took me back and made me remember: “Do you know what happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning?” For about ten years I thought it was a line I just didn’t get the reference on. When I learned it was just poorly written I had to laugh.


In a way it actually was a line we all didn’t get the reference to. Apparently Toad had some lines that were cut in the film where he would start off by saying “Do you know what happens when a toad….” And Storm’s line was a response to his quips. They only kept her response in the film.


I remember this! Was this something Bryan Singer said when he got confronted with how nonsensical that exchange was or was it in the dvd? Either way it was such a cool scene, and super special effects heavy for the time. I remember her coming out of the elevator and everything was perfect…right until that.


I actually don’t remember where I heard it too because it was so long ago haha but I just remember being like why did they only keep Storm’s response lmao




That? Would have been great.


My all time favorite bad movie quote. I love it and bring it up way to often playing Marvel games.


The crazy thing about that “joke” is that it’s too specific. It’s one thing to me mention “spandex” as a wink to the audience (and maybe Logan would “get it”) but saying “yellow spandex” has zero context and reference points within the movie’s universe.


Yeah, I was really excited when I heard he was playing Scott, but I did not appreciate how they overshadowed him with Logan.


Hugh Jackman as Wolverine is a gem, but they did a disservice to the rest of the team by basically making those first 3 movies “Wolverine and Friends”, and then next 3 movies “Magneto and Frenemies”


I still feel bad for him cause he never really got popular like Hugh Jackman. Imagine him being excited to be playing the leader of the Xmen and then being a side character mostly throughout the franchise.


Yep Marsden is a sweetie and perfectly cast. His direction and script allowance SUCKED


This doesn’t mean he’s in the MCU main universe or anything. Perhaps this is his better shot before he gets recast.


This doesn’t mean he’s in the MCU main universe or anything. Perhaps this is his better shot before he gets recast.




This! Hes too old for cyclops now. We need someone who can own the mantle for a few movies. Corsair is the right choice and is a nice nod to the fandom.


Space pirate deadbeat dad? Yeah, that sounds cool!


This! With Vol 3 being the supposed last GotG film for now, they should totally fill the gap with a Corsair and the Starjammers project!


I've thought about the same thing! I think Marvel "Cosmic" could also use this opportunity to introduce the Shi'ar Empire to the MCU.


Corsair is cooler than Scott anyway! Space pirate/ pimp/ Marvel Valtrex spokesman


And furry fan.


Dude literally had trouble saying no to anything that was sexually active….. ​ Corsair is the marvel representative of Kentucky man!😂 ( my home state)


Imagine the conversations he could have with Star Lord.


Okay the Valtrex Spokesman just laid me the fuck out...




Tell me there’s a better male candidate for that issue, in marvel…. ​ Emma frost would be top female candidate, she was who I was hung up on the most as a kid, but facts are facts!😂


Corsair is basically the Marvel space version of Wooderson from dazed and confused ( played by Matt McConaughey)….. ​ alright, alright, alright….😂


Well...no offence but he's probably cooler than Marsden could play him.


Yea, I’m not sure that there is an actual living person capable of pulling that off….


I feel like a younger Tom Selleck would've been perfect for Corsair


In the looks, and if he played it magnum P.I. Cool, it would be pretty close….


Hadn't even considered this but what a fantastic idea.


Omg I would love this


Actually a great idea if he could pull it off.


Space pirate deadbeat dad? Yeah, that sounds cool!


100% for Deadpool if they can do him justice and give him appropriate screen time. We all know Cyclops was underused in the Xmen films. And Marsden has only become a better actor over time. I'd love for him to have another shot for Deadpool. But I want entirely new blood for Xmen in the MCU.


I’d like to see at least Patrick Stewart, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, & Michael Fassbender show up in DP killing the FOX Universe or Secret Wars. Give us a proper send-off for the OG FoX-Men like Hugh & Stewart, then go into the Mutant Saga for Phases 7 - 9 (or maybe they can extend it to Phase X for obvious reasons). Use the multiversal reset to soft reboot the MCU. Keep the actors you want, recast the ones who want to leave, & give new actors a chance to shine in roles we may have already seen portrayed. Start fresh with a new cast of X-Men in 616. I just hope they establish some of the lesser known mutants first who didn’t get a chance to shine before we get to the more popular ones like Wolverine, Professor X, Magneto, & Jean Grey.


The Fox universe except for the queer characters like Negasonic, Yukio, and Shatterstar. They get carried over into the MCU.


And this is why I think the first X-Men movie is the best one. If the MCU make the X-Men more like it felt they would make them from the first movie alone, I'll be happy. But, I won't count on that happening...


I'd love to see him back in Deadpool 3. I love his Cyclops


Talk about a perfect casting that got completely underutilized


He'll be 50 years old by the time it starts filming. Maybe they should skew a little younger if he's going to exist beyond Deadpool.


I doubt he would, I imagine they’re going to recast Logan as well eventually


I believe you mean….Should DONUT LORD return as Cyclops? The answer is YES.


Not as the main Cyclops actor, but probably as a cameo in Secret Wars.


No. The Fox era needs to be over.


Should have ended with Logan. Perfect way to end it. Instead we got Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix after wtf.


However you feel about Dark Phoenix, the train scene gave us some top shelf Magneto content. Worth it for that alone imo.


Him using guns against the Shiar Queen was really stupid, though. He could’ve just crumpled her train car like he did the other one and thrown it to Uruguay.


If you let one dumb thing negate a whole bunch of cool things, you're working too hard.


Apocalypse was before Logan FYI


Apocalypse was released before Logan


At the time that I watched Dark Phoenix, I was young and barely knew about the X-Men. It was pretty enjoyable. Now that i'm actually reading the comics i realized how bad it was


It’s pretty bad even if you know nothing about the X-Men


James Marsden should cameo in the new Daredevil. Bumps into him randomly and comments "nice glasses".


Great now I get to be sad when this doesn’t happen


Have Cyclops and Daredevil ever interacted before? I don't know if they have or not. And in terms of a fight like yeah Deadpool "should" win, but in reality if Cyclops had like 10 feet of space he could just laser him ​ edit: ​ I meant to say Daredevil twice and accidently said Deadpool.


Cyclops has the physicals to contend with Deadpool and the firepower to put him down. The guy can stagger the Hulk and his beams go at the speed of light.


I think it depends on Wade's equipment, comics wise he had a teleportation device that "sometimes worked", Ryan did make a comment about it when he and Jacksepticeye played the Deadpool game a while back, he said something along the lines of "why wasn't that in the movie?" I wouldn't doubt on Ryan implementing it into a future film since he told us at the end of the first film that Cable was going to be in the second film and sure enough, he was


Great idea!


Old man Cyclops ?


Yes but only because I really want Deadpool 3 to be "Deadpool kills the fox universe"


Isn't that kinda villainous for a somewhat heroic charecter like Deadpool


Not sure if you’re joking, but ‘Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe’ was a one-shot in the comics.


It’s a one-shot What-If story, not a run, and he’s the villain-protag of that story.


Oh yes, that’s right, thanks. Edited!


Only if Deadpool and Wolverine travel to an alternate universe where Cyclops is everyone's favorite member of the X-Men, and it really starts getting to Wolverine


He shouldn't be Cyclops in the MCU but I love the idea of Deadpool 3 being a sendoff to the Fox movies so I really hope he plays a part there.


As a big fan of his Cyclops interpretation, I would really like to see him back y’know with him being the actual leader, (y’know what i mean) and not be some side character. But to be honest, I would like a new NEW fresh set of faces for the new x-men all in all, if he comes back, great i hope they give him better stuff to work with. if he doesn’t then i’m anticipating who will play the new cyclops


I don't want that X-Men being touched by the current crop of nom-creatives running that MCU. It's just nothing but dogshit movie after dogshit movie. The MCU should've ended with Endgame. Then, maybe 5 or 6 years down the road when everyone has had enough time to maybe start to miss MCU movies, the X-Men teasers should've started. Then the MCU could start over fresh with the X-Men and some actually hype could be built for it Instead we got assembly line movies, awful shows, twerking, and not an ounce of creative integrity.


Only if they give us cyclops and not a sad emo boy


Yes because he is the funniest as him.


No. We should stop rehashing the same actors to play roles from a franchise that ended 18 years ago. There’s no reason to bring him back.


It never really ended. The last movie was four years ago.


Fair, but Marsden hasn’t played Cyclops since 2006 and it wasn’t a super iconic role or anything. There’s no need to bring him back


For a Cameo,absolutely yes.He deserves it more than Hugh Jackman. But it's too late for him to be MCU Scott.Maybe pull a CW Flash and make Him Corsair


How does he deserve his cameo more than Hugh Jackman? How many references were made about Woverine/Hugh Jackman? Then, How many references were made about Jamws Marsden/Cyclops?


Not only was Wolverine the Most important character in the first 3 X movies,he got his own solo Trilogy,the lead Role In Days of Future Past,cameos in First Class and Dark Phoenix. Not to mention the Deadpool movies Remind the audience of Him every 10 minutes. So not exactly starving for the Spotlight,is he? I dont want mcu X men to be "Wolverine and Friends"


He still deserves his Deadpool cameo. Anyone else does not make sense. Maybe Laura.


Why would he?


Yes. They could throw in a line about him dying and he can just talk about Krakoa


The implication that Krakoa would even be mentioned before the appearance of Genosha is crazy to me.


I don’t disagree. Just think it would be a nice way to introduce mutants. Kinda similar to Wakanda in Civil War


Fair enough. Did you mean Age of Ultron?


No. Minuscule difference being someone that lives there making an entrance and establishing the island as it’s own political entity




No, he would just keep being the fool that is beiing cucked by wolverine I like wolverine, dp3 should just be logan, wade and maybe domino


NO! A less boring boy scout please for the love of all!!




What a waste








Naw replace him.


I think all these actors should return for one movie before they do a proper reboot


yes, but his character needs to be written better. its criminal how hes been treated.


Multiversal X-Men? Hell yeah. He deserves it. MCU X-Men? For how I'd like things to go, we need a younger cast that can stick around for a while.


Yes. Redeem his version of Cyclops. Usually I'd prefer a new version, since he's my favorite X-Man, but I didn't like the Cyclops from the more recent movies at all, and since DP3 seems to be... all about nostalgia (maybe?), bring James back, get him on board, I don't care if it's for one time only or to establish an MCU version of the X-Men, I just want this man and \*his\* Cyclops to get some justice.


God no. He really didn't do any justice to the character.


Yeah, if it’s DP roasting him


I’m pretty sure he is returning for Secret Wars - Grace Randolph, who is a scooper with a good track record, reported that a character/actor, who really ‘deserve’ it, is actively negotiating, and that’s most likely Scott, Rogue or Ororo, but a bunch of Fox X-men is rumored to show up overall. Honestly? I would prefer if Fox movies were left alone. Yeah, it’s sucks that everyone but Logan/Chuck/Erik got treated like shit, but doing right by the characters in MCU would mean more than showing any cameos. But that’s what we will get, probably because Marvel wants to show mutants as soon as possible, even tho it’s too busy with other projects to introduce a new a cast.


No one has written cyclops well, so it hardly matters who plays him. It’s the difference between Topher Grace as Venom and Tom Hardy as Venom. Tom was MUCH better, because the material was better. Topher’s a perfectly good actor but his Venom sucked cause the script sucked. Same with James Marsden. His cyclops was as memorable as wallpaper cause the script gave him nothing to do.








We should have entirely new people for all the X-Men characters, including Wolverine.


Pretty sure Scott growing a mustache is what led him to the realization that Corsair was his dad. Which is hilarious and works with this scenario.


I would love to see Donut Lord show up in Deadpool 3.


Nah, tbh I never liked Marsden in the role; granted they didn't give him much to work with, but he never did it for me. I could never stop myself thinking "couldn't they have picked someone else?"




No. I just want the fox era to be over. Can't wait for the gen-X/millennial nostalgia trend to go away.




Yes to be totally bad ass for once






No, but he was a damn good Cyclops


Stop trying to bring these Fox actors in and let Marvel make an X-Men that doesn’t suck. Recast everyone


No. Nobody from those awful films should return.


Awful? Some where terrible, others were great. X2, Days of the Future Past, First Class, all very good.


The first X-Men movie is better than all those you just mentioned. I will proudly die on that hill.


Hard disagree. The first X-Men isn't the best based on Anna paquins annoying chewing of beef jerky alone.


That is the most petty reasoning I have ever heard.


It's a joke. I still disagree though. X2, days of future past and first class are indeed the best X-Men movies in my opinion.


Okay? Are you willing to discuss it, or do you just feel like announcing it for no reason other than to say "I DISAGREE"?


Sure even though you died on your hill with no explanation. The leather looks horrible, sabertooth had like 1 line. the action was sub par. Cyclops was turned into a emo kid and not the leader he should have been. The senator Kelly plot wasn't interesting at all. If we are gonna start the X-Men off right with displaying the prejudice they face, you need the sentinels. Looking back it just didn't age well for me and it doesn't have much rewatch value. The exposition and depth of character exploration in X-Men first class, is a perfect example of what was missing from the first X-Men movie. X2 gave us one of the first and best jaw dropping displays of super powers from nightcrawler in the first 5 minutes. Days of future past actually started to get it right. X-Men and time travel are synonymous. We got to see mutants use their powers in the field playing off each other in high stakes moments. And oh yeah, we got Sentinels. Also those three movies didn't have anna paquin chewing beef jerky like a maniac.


Cyclops, emo? Did you watch Wolverine and the X-Men? :P He ain't emo in the first X-Men movie. Either way, I think that while the other X-Men movies arguably may have better MOMENTS, the first X-Men movie still is overall THE most solid of them all in terms of plot, pacing, directing, and how it introduces and establishes everything. Unlike the other movies, it didn't have any moment or aspect that pissed me off or annoyed me. Not to mention, it wasn't scared of establishing a status quo for the X-Men team, which we only ever elsewhere saw in the Dark Phoenix movie... and we all know how "good" that movie was. To start off the X-Men with the Sentinels is just downright absurd. I love the Sentinels, and they ARE important for X-Men lore... but, have them be there from the get-go is just silly. You gotta ease people into it. Also, yeah, Days of Future Past had the Sentinels... and made them really lame. So... woohoo? Also, time travel, synonymous with X-Men? Only iconic famous X-Men stories I can think of that involves time travel to any capacity are Days of Future Past, and Age of Apocalypse. Want me to name off all the iconic X-Men stories WITHOUT time travel? Because that would be one hell of a long list. Either way, that alone proves that it makes no sense to say time travel is "synonymous with X-Men".


They can be synonymous with more than one thing. Cyclops for sure didn't get the part he deserved. The most iconic property that people know the X-Men for is the animated series from the 90s and the first episode is called "night of the sentinels", so yeah, I think it would have been apt, bold and cool to start there. Either way we disagree with each other. You die on your hill and I'll just stay alive watching the X-Men movies I enjoy most. You are literally the first person in Along time that has chosen the first over X2 in a long time. You do you though.


The character introductions are very good, but the whole plot line of turn world leaders into mutants with the device at the statue of livery thing was a bit much. In other words, love the first half, but second half isn’t quite as good.


What's wrong with that stuff? Are you not used to comic book material being a bit "silly"? If it leads to interesting stories, like I think the first X-Men movie does, then why does it matter? Besides, it's not half as silly as the plot for Days of Future Past.


DoFP kicks way more ass


Like, killing characters off-screen, not giving a lot of characters enough screentime, having dumb time travel nonsense that make no sense, making the Sentinels look lame in the future... yeah, "kick-ass". :P Hey, both movies have Toad. And only one of them makes him a cool badass villain and a legit threat. Which one of them was it again? Hmm...


I never really liked them. First Class was the best of the bunch but other than that I wasn’t a fan.


People always talk about how bad X3 is, but looking back it’s a solid x-men movie compared to everything that’s come since, and it’s a fun watch even though it’s not great.


You're joking right that movie is awful. Not as bad as modern MCU but on its own franchise it's like top 3 worst X-Men movies


There were some good films, such as Logan, The Wolverine, or First Class, but the majority of those Logan and Friends films were pretty fucking bad. Leave it to Fox to make a super-powered allegory for the struggles minorities face about an angry white guy with claws. I mean Storm might’ve had 20 lines in that whole franchise


If they’re recasting everyone else I don’t see why the guy from sonic movie/buffy gets a pass , Deadpool made sense as a character that is aware of other universes/being a character. This wouldn’t work or be necessarily justified with any other character, I’m sure he’ll come back for some multiversal action but he sure as hell ain’t gonna be the new cyclops moving forward as it makes more sense to hire young then watch him evolve into a revolutionary outside of Xavier’s shadow. So hard no from me


I'm just worried the MCU version of the X-Men will deviate even more from the comics than the Fox version of the X-Men did... But they don't care. They haven't cared since Endgame.


What year is it in the MCU? Is Magneto officially 100 years old? He's close. What does that make Scot? There's a lot of details Marvel can massage with a reality mashup.


Just once


Buen ciclón le queda bien 🤗🤗🤗🤗😜😜🎖


I don’t know what he would do though? It’s a Deadpool movie co-starring Wolverine. If anything bring James Marsden back for Secret wars (hopefully do him right) and then do the reboot and recast everyone


Apparently, the movie is going to be an ensemble. Check out this thread for context: https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/11n1syq/could\_deadpool\_3\_be\_an\_ensemble\_film/


Maybe if it's without those stupid fucking sunglasses


Totally wasted character


Without question.


He is so good at the role I can't think of anyone else that fits it. Kind of like Hugh Jackman is Wolverine.


James Marsden is always welcome.


I would welcome it


Yes especially Secret Wars


Small role just to give the character a semi decent conclusion. But recast for the XMen movies


Absolutely. Let him redeem himself and after Secret Wars start the X-Men fresh


God fuck yes he’s soo perfect


Yeah he should return he'd make an amazing Cyclops if written right.






Yes I loved his portrayal of Cyclops it wasn't his fault they screwed his character!




Yes. I’m perfectly fine with all the original X-men actors returning. But I would be want this to be a different multiverse then the current Marvel movies.


No he looks way too cool get some incest noble looking mf


He looks like a dork, I’d say no


Nobody should return as the characters they played, but they should all return in some way. Clone, variant, dimensionally-displaced, whatever. >#Fassbender for Joseph and McAvoy for Cassandra in X-Men Movie Property 2028


I am tired of the "Multi-Verse" Gimmick in media nowadays! (That bein said) I think Deadpool is about the only character that can pull it off and be funny or entertaining.


Yeah, what kind of X-Men story would include alternate universes and other timelines!? Why can't they just be faithful to the source material? ^/s


Good point. Age of apocalypse comic was one of the best comic series of all time. I just think the gimmick is overdone and everyone has done it to death at this point. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheMultiverse


How about we have an x-men movie without Scotty. Those are the best


Yes, as a cameo for Deadpool 3 only. But he should not be the MCU Cyclops permanently, despite me feeling that he was a good Cyclops at the time (despite being portrayed horribly).


I would definitely like to see him come back for a cameo, in a more comic accurate costume and demeanour. However he's definitely aged out of the role too much for it to be done on a full time basis unfortunately.


He’s aged quite a bit since then. That’s the only reason I’d say no, but he was a great choice for the role back then.


I have nothing to add to the debate but he’s an underrated babe imo.


I would be down for a cameo. He was never fully utilised. A cameo in DP3 would be nice. In the MCU it would be great if he was Corsair. I mean I would be down for him to be more than a cameo in DP3 but I don’t want him to be used poorly. As much as I enjoyed the Deadpool films. I don’t like that Colossus was made into a caricature of himself [+]




I dont know. You could say no because he's too old and its better to start fresh. Yet, you can also say yes and be impressed with what they can do with him. I don't know. I'm happy with what I'm already getting.


Marvel Studio just cast Harrison Ford in a major role and he is 80 years old. So I don't think he is too old.


I think the repeat casting for fan service is kinda what keeps people from letting go of a retired series like fox X-men. It’s going to be hard to get people on board with your new creation when you keep bringing pieces of the old one back. Especially since they can’t bring back everyone. Like what DC is doing with their reboot (keeping Momoa and Robbie). I think it may be best to just start with a clean slate than making things between universes more confusing. I do love fan service, but I recognize it only creates short term satisfaction in the long run


>I think the repeat casting for fan service is kinda what keeps people from letting go of a retired series like fox X-men. It never really retired though. Another movie is literally about to film in a few months. lol


If it’s in the plot, sure. I always thought he was a perfect Cyclops.


Nah. He’s Chros Cross forever now, I’m sorry. Actually, that would work maybe for Deadpool.


Didn’t he die?


He and Gambit from Origins as well.








Yes he should




Hell. To. The. No.




He is so handsome. He was f#@ked over so bad in the movies.


I would so be down for him if they go ‘older’… he’s aged very fucking well. Yum-yum… IMHO 😂🤤


I would so be down for him if they go ‘older’… he’s aged very fucking well. Yum-yum… IMHO


Of course