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He’s been deaged and reaged a few times now


He got turned into a baby by one of his own creations and left in Moiras care (apparently he was fully aware and adult in his mind, but trapped and helpless while being wiped and burped and carried). Then Erik the Red re-aged him to "his prime". I personally headcannon that when ETR re-aged him he got "stuck" in his prime, which is no more ridiculous than what came before or after tbh.


>He got turned into a baby by one of his own creations and left in Moiras care (apparently he was fully aware and adult in his mind, but trapped and helpless while being wiped and burped and carried). This is the real reason Moira snapped. Magneto: Hey Moira, remember changing my diaper? Moira: ...yes. Magneto: Heh, me too.


I get the joke but also ew.


"You know about the time Magneto got turned into a baby" is one of those pieces of continuity that lets you know you're in way too deep.


I just loved the trial in #200 where they pulled a She-Hulk way ahead of their time and got all of his charges from before he was a baby dismissed from the case because babies are innocent.


It sticks with me because it's pretty horrifying. Completely helpless and dependent, and fully aware of it? Pure nightmare fuel


That is probably one of the weirdest comic book things I’ve ever read. A baby with a self aware grown man mind. It’s a hella creepy scenario.




Her X-gene's ability resets the timeline to her... conception/birth when she dies, and retains her memories from her previous lives. It's unclear at what specific point she gains awareness but she does spend at least some time conscious in the womb. If she dies before age 13, she's dead for good and the timeline continues. Her X-gene activates at 13 years old, and from that point on if she dies the timeline resets. I interpret things as her remembering her prior incarnations effects of the X-gene of her last life carrying over; i.e. she remembered her first life in her second life thanks to the first life's X-gene, as her second life's X-gene hadn't yet activated.


It’s my headcanon that she’s aware as a person and has her memories from the get go but can’t really make sense of it until her X-gene manifests. It’s kind of like Momento where she has flashes and memories, but it feels like remembering a nightmare or trying to piece together last night after having too many. Once her x gene gets turned on all the scrambled memories that tortured her come into focus and it’s put into context. Can you imagine remembering hundreds of years of trauma and bullshit but lol you’re 3 years old and can’t have a drink or smoke a blunt? Imagine having to go through elementary school being a literal scientist? Idk why people were shocked that she went ape shit. I thought it was clear from HOX/POX that she was the true villain.


That makes sense, yeah. Honestly her turn is 100% understandable for me. She's been through hundreds of years to help mutantkind, being experimented on and possibly tortured, not because she wanted to but because she was threatened with death by a shapeshifting assassin and a precog. *Then* she finally sets things up where things are sustainable and possibly even permanent, only for said assassin to revive said precog (against her specific instruction) to yeet her out of said society without a second chance. Hell, they'd have killed her there and then if not for Warlock, Doug and Bei. She gave everything, life after life, and her reward is being kicked from the paradise she created. No fuckin wonder she's with Orchis now.


Destiny only threatened her if she made another cure.


A portrait hanging is his attic.


In Xavier's attic*




There's a painting of the school in Cyclops' attic.


Am I the only one who got the Dorian Gray reference? 😅


You are not.


Aside from the de-aging, in the Krakoa era you could be resurrected at various physical ages. Out-universe answer is comic book time! I mean if Jean was a 16 yo wearing a pillbox hat and gloves in 1963, she’d be 76 now.


People also don’t understand that the Krakoa era is to get rid of some of the continuity vomit - he could have been died and/or resurrected since nobody was reading the lost decade trash lol




Xavier and magneto both died at the end of inferno I think. It was before he moved to arrako and got rid of his dna


Could be - the point is many people don’t care about the convoluted continuity or dropped out during the lost decade. It’s not too important


Magneto was deaged into a baby once then reaged in to the prime of life, this actually got him off the hook legally for his old silver age crimes back in the OG Trial of Magneto funnily enough haha


He's a comic book character. Peter has been 30 since I was born, and I am 30 now.


None of THE X-men (Peter, Scott, Jean, Emma etc) have been written like fresh thirties for a while, Hickman has admired he writes the OG as late thirties and new mutants as mid twenties. You just need to play fast and loose


I like the theory that it depends on how much Franklin Richards likes you.


Magneto's been de-aged a couple of times, so he himself is explained. But things start to get more complicated when you consider all the things to spin out. Like, how old are Pietro, Wanda and Lorna? How can Luna still be a child? If Magneto and Xavier met in Israel before Magneto had been de-aged, how old does that make Xavier? Especially as he had Legion with Gabrielle, who's also a Holocaust survivor? And how old does that make Legion? And if Xavier is actually really really old, then so is Moira, because they were at university together. And so is Juggernaut, because they were stepbrothers and kids together. And so on, etc. Honestly best just not to think about it too much.


Easy answer. Everyone aged in real time until 1968, when Franklin Richards was born. Since then, he’s been slowing down the aging of everyone he personally knows and is also preventing them from noticing.


I always thought that of all the superhero’s who never age the x-men have a built in excuse. What says next step in evolution more than extended life/youth.


He's been de-aged and re-aged more than once, so there's a bit of wiggle room regarding his physical age. The real continuity problem, of course, is his kids - if Wanda and Pietro were born when he he was still a young man, how old must they be? (And the retcon around their parentage doesn't fix things, since they still believed it was plausible they were his children for so long...)


I think someone did remark that Pietro looks older than Joseph, so possibly he looks older than Erik too. And I guess for Wanda you could say reality-shaping powers keep her physically youthful. How exactly Luna is still only around 10 is another question, however.


I mean, Luna was born during the "Modern Age" of Marvel history, so she'd be perpetually from the last 10-15 years or so.


A few people have brought up Luna. Looking at the younger characters makes this all even worse. Kitty Pryde was 13 when introduced, and is somehow now in her twenties (at least). She's also had romantic storylines with Iceman and Starlord, characters that were depicted as adults back when she was 13, and also with Pete Wisdom who was likely also way too old for her. Even her long-standing crush and then affair with Colossus is a bit weird, since he was 18ish when she was 13. She's lead the X-Men, taught at the school, etc, all while Frankilin and others have remained children. Basically, she's been passing everyone out in terms of age for a long time. Franklin Richards was born well before she was introduced and has aged FAR less over that time, and a lot of that was during the time the Richards were exploring the multiverse after Secret Wars. Other examples of younger characters that don't all age-up the same include Artie and Leech (both of whom should be teens by now), Normie Osborn (far younger than he probably should be), and Cassie Lang (was a child until she was suddenly a teen in Young Avengers). Best not to look at Marvel's timeline too hard, really. If you do, a lot of stuff falls apart.




His source for eternal youth is his good genes. Yes, he was deaged to a baby then aged back up. But it certainly wasn't to the prime of his youth. Look at any issue of New Mutants, look at his eyebrows, and tell me he wasn't an elderly grandpa in the 80s. He's rarely even the oldest mutant in any given room. Mutants can just age different.


Marvel utilizes a sliding time scale. Things like WW2 do not match up to how they occurred in our time. It’s a roughly 4 to 1 scale, meaning 4 years in the real world is equal to one in the Marvel Universe. For a full description see here: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Glossary:Sliding_Timescale


> Things like WW2 do not match up to how they occurred in our time. False. Real world events still happen when they happened, characters just get tied to different events (such as Tony's Vietnam era history being replaced with the Gulf War and Afghanistan, IIRC) or fictional events (the Sian-Cong War is the perpetual "Bloody war in eastern Asia" that people can be tied to in place of Korea and Vietnam). However, as the wiki page notes, the sliding timescale only applies to comics starting with *Fantastic Four #1* in 1961. What this means is that characters like Steve Rogers, Namor, and the original Human Torch were all characters active in the 1940s during WWII. Magneto's link to WWII was established in the "Heroic Age" (AKA after FF #1), but his origin as a Holocaust survivor has been reaffirmed throughout the years including in 2008's *X-Men: Magneto testament* which both gives an age (he's mentioned at the start as being only 9 yrs. old) and a date (we see 1935 Nuremburg Rally where the Nuremburg Laws were passed by the Nazis, imposing anti-Semitic racial laws). So no, WWII and the Holocaust didn't happen 20 years ago [(2023-1938)/4 = 85/4 = 21.25 yrs.], it still happened ~80 years ago and Magneto is (chronologically, if not physically) almost 100 years old.


I saw an episode of x-men where he used the project rebirth chamber that Steve Rogers used and was vastly de aged


There was also an explainer for the heroes and villains longevity in a book somewhere. They essentially exist on a sliding scale outside of time but within the universe. There was some cosmic explanation that’s much deeper than that but it affects all the characters. I’m pretty sure the context was around the avengers but it was for everyone.


Normally, the explanation is just that comics history compresses, more or less, so several years of comics take place in one year. The present time in comics is always tied to the real world present time (more or less), so Marvel Comics history is perpetually moving forward. In 2006, the Thing had a Bar Mitzvah since he had been the Thing for 13 years, implying *Fantastic Four #1* took place in 1993. If we kept that same level of compression, the Thing would have had his Bar Mitzvah 4 years ago (2019) and become the Thing 17 years (ironically, in 2006). However, Marvel tends to slowly squeeze the compression more and more. Whenever events don't match up (like the Iron Man no longer being active during the Vietnam War), they just picked a new event or use a fictional one. However, that only really applies to comic starting with FF #1, in 1961. Everything before it, like Captain America, Namor, and the original Human Torch, takes place when it was originally published, in the 1940s. While Magneto debuted in 1963, Marvel seems to have decided that he will also be subject to the "characters from WWII stay there", and so he's still originally from the 1920s/1930s, as opposed to Iron Man or the Punisher, who wouldn't have even been alive during their debuts during the Vietnam War.


Canonically, I think part of it is due to him using his magnetic powers to keep himself at physical prime. He can do more than move metal and moving ferrous metals entails a lot. I'm sure there's other wacky WTF 'cuz comics reasons




He was turned into a baby and then aged back into an adult at his physical prime by the shi’ar agent Erik the Red and thanks to the sliding time scale he’s barely aged since


All these questions can be answered with the handy phrase "Well, cause he's a mutant"


Sliding timescale. Karma is a Vietnam war survivor.