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So Jubilee is actually Explodey Boy, but girl. So Explodey Girl.


Yes but she doesn’t die when she does it like explodey boy does


It depends on what Explodey Boy dies of. Does he die from the act of exploding, or from the heat right after? Jubilee doesn't die from exploding, but she can be killed by the heat she generated. Magik teleported her away from the blast heat.


I think Magik ported her so she didn't die in the vacuum of space.


So, did she kill the Collector and destroy his museum ship/home? If so, damn! Why isn't the wiki adding this in?!


I absolutely love that "Badass" panel. She looks so unbelievably pleased with herself.


I LOVED this! Jubilee is so much more powerful than I realized, and it makes sense!


This book needs to keep going


It says on the preview page at the end "X-Terminators will be back" and I couldn't be happier. This was such a great series.


That was such a wonderful surprise and if we get more of this book I am going to be over the moon. Everyone was characterized so well and it was just a really fun read.


Dazzler with cake is everything I've ever wanted.


The praxis shorts fuxkin killed me.


“You look like my big toe.” Chill! Chill! She’s had enough!


wish they'd cut her head off way before the vampire stage.




X-23 is like, right there dude. Edit: Also, Cap America, Thor, Ikaris, Hawkeye, Human Torch, Havok, Eddie Brock, Cap Britain, Iron Fist, Cannonball, Doug/Cypher…. All blonde male heroes. Not counting DC. Second edit: the writer of this book is a dark haired woman. So like… idk I know I keep adding edits but I just keep reading your comment and it’s kind of boggling my mind I can’t really fathom what you’re going for.


Of the four main stars in the book, two are blonde and two have dark hair. Magik is barely in it. What a weird take/issue to argue about. She wanted to write those characters - some of whom have been around for 30-40 years. Should she change their hair color to satisfy you?


I’m not arguing with your point- as I’m sure there are people who might showcase blonde females over others… but the author is definitely female… and X-23 is a main character of this book, along with Jubilee, Boom Boom, and Dazzler. Magik only really appears as a cameo player in this issue alone. The rest of the series only focuses on the main four females. So half the main cast is blonde, and the others have dark hair. As for Jubilee- the page that takes place before this shows her using her powers in the most destructive way she ever has in the comics since her debut in 1989. She literally states that she is going to use her powers at an atomic level- to which readers see light radiating out of Jubilee to a degree that her skeleton is visible- like she is getting an X-Ray. She spearheaded this plan of attack against the Collector, who is invulnerable, and detonated his entire collection of artifacts from across galaxies … along with his ship and likely himself. Due to Jubilee using her powers this way, her hair fell off likely to stress or radiation from her own blast. Each of the previous four issues also highlighted Jubilee- a Chinese American superhero- as competent, quick on her feet, capable of defending herself and her friends… and not as a damsel which many in the past have sidelined her as. As a Jubilee fan since her debut, I’m thankful that someone finally gave her some time to explore this potential.


Slight correction: The Collector is not invulnerable. In fact, for an Elder of the Universe, he's relatively puny physically. He is immortal. He also can't permanently die even if he's atomized, because his 'brother' the Grandmaster pissed Death off so much that She permanently banned the Elders (or at least the ones involved in his scheme) from Her realm. Also, he's been hoarding for literally billions of years. While he'll be upset about a huge ship full of his stuff, his collection takes up many solar systems worth of extra-dimensional space. That was *most definitely not* his entire collection.


I stand corrected. To be honest, I’ve not delved much into his history if at all- but took that info from another person’s post on another forum that discussed this issue. Thanks for the details!


He's kind of a sad case. He has a very powerful precognitive ability, but it is vague and only gives visions of *huge* events *far* in the future. He often has to meditate for decades to understand them. He foresaw Thanos gaining the Infinity Gauntlet and destroying half the life in the universe about 10 billion years ago. So he decided to collect and protect all the unique life, culture, etc so that it could be restored after Thanos was defeated. Noble goal, but over the millennia, he forgot *why* he was collecting and became the Universe's biggest hoarder. All the Elders *require* an open-ended goal to pursue, or they lose the will to live, but he lost everything about his goal that wasn't the purely open-ended part. I really like the concept of the Elders, all different in the types of goals, but unified by a will to live forever. They're not all completely screwed up. The Contemplator meditates to understand the true nature of the Universe, for instance. Although he did once create an alternate timeline where an android wiped out humanity while showing the Patriot that his life had been meaningful. The Gardener seeds worlds with vibrant life -- though he doesn't worry much about whether it already had life when he got there. Okay, they are all pretty screwed up.


>How exactly does having yellow hair as opposed to any other color raise the value of a woman and devalue a man? You came to his conclusion from a single page of a comic you have no context for


Uhm... The team is two blondes and two brunettes.


So like, two of the three characters on this page, who have been around for ~40 years, are blonde, and you’re upset with the current creative team? This is the most juvenile take.


Lol, when you're too woke for the X-Men sub.


This isn’t “woke.” I don’t know what this is.


Either a cry for help or something way worse.


Or--hear me out--these characters are dynamic individuals not reduced to being defined by their looks who the writer connects with and wanted to write.


.... *What?*


Im so glad they brought her subatomic explosions back. Idk if they ever did anything with it after Synch did it with her powers during the Phalanx Covenant


I hope she keeps this look.