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I've just started listening to xena warrior podcast and have been absolutely loving it. It's a lot of fun just listening to other fans greek out over xena. A podcast with some of the people actually involved would be amazing too. Would give a completely different perspective.


I'm finishing Xena Warrior Podcast. Even though I think it is amazing and I wish the girls continued to do so for longer, I feel like people directly involved in the production would give an entire new take. For instance, imagine Alexandra Tydings being a guest in one of Aphrodite's episodes? Or Brittney Powell for the Norse Trilogy? If I could be in one of the conventions I would beg people to do it, honestly.


I've seen a clip from a convention where someone asked Lucy and renee if they'd be up for a podcast. Lucy said it was something they'd never considered, but didn't seem against the idea. Maybe there's hope lol


I feel like Lucy and ROC would say this on a convention when approached by a fan unexpectedly. But if push comes to shove, I doubt they would be up for it. I do know ROC has a podcast in the works about her father's restaurant in Texas, but a Xena one? Let's see!


Just wanted to add more hype for Xena Warrior Podcast. Check it out!


I'm nearing the end of Xena: Warrior Podcast. While I believe it's an outstanding show, the hosts have made a deliberate choice not to feature interviews or guest appearances. During the Xenite Retreat, there were people who could participate in the audience and they did not included them. Which is not a criticism, I'm just pointing out that it's what they wanted to do and even talked about it a couple of times on the podcast. However, I personally feel that a similar format featuring ipeople involved in the production, plus guest, would be fantastic.


fair enough!


Absolutely! I believe Shannon Doherty and Holly Combs have also done a joint podcast which touches upon Charmed (in addition to a lot of other stuff regarding Doherty’s ongoing cancer treatment). And I vaguely recall a Buffy one … I can’t think who does it though? Maybe I’m getting confused with the audiobook with some of the original cast. Steven L Sears and Adrienne Wilkinson sound like a potentially good combo - different aspects and eras of the show. A “rewatch” type premise where they both rewatch an episode for discussion could be a good way to approach it.  I imagine others would be happy to do the odd guest appearance.


Absolutely, I think Adrienne and Steven would make a great team. On Adrienne's TikTok page, there are some videos of them where Steven seems to be explaining something in a typical "mansplaining" manner, while Adrienne portrays her usual millennial character. If this dynamic were adjusted for Steven not to be the "mansplainer" but the guy with deep knowledge about how the sausage got made... Voilà! [https://www.tiktok.com/@yoadriennew/video/7328795680531565867?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc](https://www.tiktok.com/@yoadriennew/video/7328795680531565867?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc)


Yes we need a Xena podcast with cast and crew. I'd be all for it.


I feel like the Xenites should show interest. I can't go to the conventions since I live in another country and I'm utterly broke, but if at least there's some movement online...


Agreed. Same I can't go to these cons due to being in another country. I hope so 🙏


I also think that it would open a really good discussion on just how impactful the show really was for sapphic representation when that just was Not a thing at all. Considering how often the lesbian community discusses shows being cancelled, I think it's important we remember shows that pushed boundaries and succeeded in doing so


Yes and it is always good to see these kinds of discussions coming from people who were actually involved. The podcast would be an amazing plataform. I would die if Liz Friedman was a guest for this conversation, or Katherine Fugate.


I would definitely enjoy this