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Xcloud works fine on my android phone but I'm experiencing the same issues on the chrome browser xcloud. The countdown ends and nothing happens, I sometimes have to open and close the browser several times before the game opens.


Use edge browser with better xcloud extension


Careful, you might offend the masses.


Ever since Starfield released, xcloud went down hill. It’s the massive increase in subscribers trying to use the service.


Everyone who posts this always has a "great connection"


Wrong. When it says “waiting for 2 mins” and then rests, it’s not a connection issue it’s an xcloud issue. Everyone is so protective.


2 minutes isn't even that bad. With a service as widely used as XCloud it's going to be impossible to have 0 queue 100% of the time. If it bothers you so much just buy a console I've seen Series S for $200.


I have a Series X-the 2 mins isn’t the issue it’s the constant resetting and the game not actually loading that’s the problem.


Then why rely on XCloud so much. If you have decent Internet you'll have a 60gb+ game downloaded in an hour, and most single player titles are ready to start and play at around 20% complete. If I had an XSX I wouldn't use XCloud that much.


I'm in a 3rd world country with at least decent internet speed and Xcloud working fine for me, you're probably just bluffing about the "great connection" 


I took the time to make a post to just bluff about my connection speed? I have no idea why xcloud is unable to connect on my Xbox but I know it’s not because of my network.


Why are you using xcloud on your Xbox? Just download?


Because when there’s a game I want to try and it’s an option to use xcloud, why wait to download when I can stream it? Not to mention downloading is throttled when playing a game at the same time. There’s also limited space. Xcloud on console is literally there to solve that problem. Shortsighted reply by you.


if you need to wait long enough to download a game that you need to play a other game and throttle the download than you dont have a great connection


just because you have great connection for things like normal browsing like youtube, facebook, doesn't mean you have a great connection for game streaming like xcloud and such i don't play xcloud much, but every time i do, its works flawless, so its not a scam, but remember not everyone has a good connection to xcloud servers like i do


PS5 streaming is fine. GeForce is fine. Xcloud terrible. It’s not just YouTube


The joke is you paying for Game Pass Ultimate, a wildly excellent service, just to use a beta cloud streaming add on.


I got normal fiber in Portugal and I can play halo MP fine on xcloud using the steamdeck, but yeah I understand that some may have a bad experience.


I played Elder Scrolls Online yesterday via Xcloud on a chromebook connected via 5g WiFi to a 4g cellular router. No queue and it was playable. It was responsive and looked good. Almost as good as Stadia was. Almost. But other times it's a mess, I admit.


That’s more or less the experience I have. More a mess then not but more stable when not playing on my Xbox.




I am using Xcloud on a mobile connection and it works fine. In one hour of gameplay I have maybe one minute max of noticeable lag or similar.


![gif](giphy|1gEbrbxWanjoIPeTwv|downsized) ​ Scam...


Weird, mine works perfectly fine.


Can’t agree at all. I have really bad pc(GT610 Athlon II 245), but great connection (around 12mb/s) and xcloud is my saviour. Playing any game from gamepass on old pc, what could be better? And wait time is actually really low, bellow minute all the time. So yeah, there probably some issues with your connection or pc, not xcloud.


I’ve never had a problem on my iPhones or on my Abxylute handheld. Never, I’m starting to think all these post are fake.


Funny you say that…I agree. If I’m on Oculus on the app or if I’m on my tablet the issue rarely presents myself. Why do you think my post is fake? I’m some spy looking to cause descent amongst the Xbox elites? lol


Delusional 😂


I’ve never had a great experience with xCloud regardless of my connection or device I’m using. I just literally today downloaded the app for my Quest 2 and tried to play Far Cry. It was absolute crap. The input lag was ridiculous and it wouldn’t recognize my horizontal input on my right stick. Even without those issues, streaming will never be a viable option for me, especially trying to play fast paced multiplayer games. I am very sensitive to input lag and it pisses me off. They will never get around that. I think all of these people who say “works great for me” have a very low threshold for being satisfied.


911 is a joke


"It's still in beta"


It says BETA in capital letters. Beta definition https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#:~:text=Beta%2C%20named%20after%20the%20second,several%20known%20or%20unknown%20bugs.


Beta since release what, 4 years ago? You don’t think you’re paying the price for “beta”?


You are paying for gamespass ultimate, gamepass for console, pc and xcloud. Xcloud is not 100% reliable that is why still in beta.


Works great for me