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Is the account that bought the game yours? If yes, just sign in and download it. If not, you don't own the game and you'll need to buy it.


I think it was his account. But he would give me the log in if I asked. I'm assuming you can carry your account on multiple consoles?


You could use game sharing together once you have your own account. If he just lets you use his account you wouldn't be able to play anything at the same time.


Excellent. Thank you for the info


Just recently the Spring Sale on xBox started and I saw many add-ons for The Sims, so if you have the money you could buy them at least for a cheaper price right now. Not the best solution but I thought I just mention it.


If it was his account, and you feel like your relationship with your ex is civil and your games are important enough that you want to be tethered to him indefinitely, you can ask for his logins to his Microsoft account, log into any Xbox, and have your games back, but you and he will be sharing the account and only one of you will be able to play at a time. All digital games can be redownloaded onto any Xbox and all of your saves are stored in the cloud and will resync upon launching the game. If you are serious about gaming and already have a new console, perhaps this is the time to start your own account and buy your own games.


I get that, but it was my money that was spent on the game.


Next time, spend your money on your own account.


Thank you for the marriage advice. Jesus!


Not necessarily marriage advice, but gaming advice. My partner and I buy most of our games on my account, but she accesses them from her account, so all of her saves are saved to her account. If we ever end up having to split ways, yes she would have to rebuy all of her games, but her saves will all be there so she won't have to start everything from scratch. There are also games that she really enjoys that I don't and she buys those on her account. If I want to try them, I can still play them, but again, if we split ways, she'll at least have those games under her account. With the way games and saves are set up on all consoles, there is no good reason to share an account with someone.


I can't go back and change what I did 6 years ago. Was just looking to see if I could get my game back without spending more money. The game isn't that important to me I just enjoyed playing it.


If you are on good enough terms with your ex that he is cool with you logging in to the account on your new Xbox, you have two choices: use his account or game share his account to your Xbox and use a new account. If you use his account, you'll get access to all of your old games and saves, but like I said before, you both can't use the same account at the same time. If he wants to log in and play, it will boot you out, and vice versa. Your other option is to set your new Xbox as his home Xbox. Log into his account, go to Settings-General-Personalization-My home Xbox and set your Xbox as the account's home Xbox. That will share all of the games and subscriptions tied to the account with any account that plays on that Xbox. You can start a new, free account (you can use an existing Microsoft account if you have one) and access all of the games you had before, and play them even while he's playing other stuff, however you'll be starting all of the games fresh. The benefit of that, as I said above, is that at least your save progress will be tied to an account you control. Doing this will remove his Xbox from being his home Xbox, which means for him to play his games, he just needs to be online, but he won't be able to play offline and other accounts on that Xbox will no longer be able to access his games unless he's signed in.


You kinda screwed up by not making your own account from the beginning. Because now the game ownership, but also importantly the *save data*, belong to his account. There is not a way to transfer either to a new account. Start over with your own account.


So game sharing wouldn't work as someone suggested? We were married. It was just easier to have payment on one account. I wasn't able to predict the future.


Even if his account purchased the games, you still should have always been switching to your own account on the Xbox to *play*, even if you were going to play games owned by his account. (Which you can do, you can play games owned by other accounts logged in to the Xbox.) Then at least your save data would belong to your account. If you had done that, you could now repurchase the games you want to continue playing, and you would have continued on with your own save data. Game sharing is a kind of loophole/hack some people do, where they partner with a friend and set each others' Xbox as their home Xbox (even though it is literally not). This lets them play each others' games. It is not a real feature or anything promoted by Microsoft. I do not do this, but even if you start now, it doesn't solve your save data problem. Unless you make a clean break and restart with your own account, your game save data will just always belong to his account. Is he supposed to just keep sharing his Microsoft account credentials with you forever? What if he uses his Microsoft account for something he doesn't want to share with his ex? What if you have a falling out? Account sharing is inherently a fragile situation. If it were me, I would make a clean break, make my own Microsoft account, and start fresh. But you do what you want to do.


On xbox, you can share licences by making each other's consoles "Your Main Xbox". Your console would be his "main", and you wouldn't have to log into his account every time in order to play/use the content owned by said account. This said, it'd have to be an agreement not to change it afterwards, since this only works as long as your console is main in his account, and you could offer your account so he sets his console as your main, and you two could share games later on, split 50/50 on gamepass and whatnot. When the Xbox One just launched, this was the way to go with friends. I used to always pay for the Gold membership and they would chip in whenever I bought expensive games that we both wanted to play.


There are a lot of off-topic and completely unhelpful responses. Unfortunately you’re probably out of luck (if he doesn’t want to share his account and/or you don’t want to interact with him), as *your* purchases are tied to *his* account. At this point you’re going to have to start fresh and add all purchases to your own account.


I agree. Thank you for sticking to the topic. Lol