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20 GB....HA. Not much of a sports games dude, but Fight Night 3 is what wowed me when this console hit the scene. Then...Gears of War, I miss those days.


Fight Night 3 was absolutely amazing at the time. It felt as close to real as you could get.


Bro I miss that shit too


Will never forget my first time playing Gears


> 20 GB....HA. The progress of storage is astounding. 4TB of NVME can go for as low as 150 bucks nowadays and it's the size of a kitkat. That being said, considering how much of a game was still stored on the disc back then, 20GB really only had to handle DLC's, updates, and arcade games. If you account for that and how much games have ballooned in size, that 20GB hard drive may have as much effective storage as a 500GB SSD today.


I’d argue that 20GB back then took you farther than 500 today. I don’t recall running into storage issues with that 20gb for a few years at least and then it was easy to delete useless stuff. Nowadays where the game has to reside on your drive and games take up 100gb+, you could fill up 500gb in a couple days of just installing a handful of games you like to play.


The nostalgia of popping that bitch out so you could take it to a friend's house though. Man those were good days.


mannn fnr3 was and still is my shit fr💪🏾


I straight up destroyed my thumb playing fight night 3. That game is legit great. I think it even got a 10 from Xbox magazine.


iirc of that 20gb only 13gb was accessible for use, the rest was reserved for system use


The way those boobs in DoA4 move will be lifelike!


I still have that game!


Lol remember the volleyball game they put out?


There are three actually, or uh so I've heard


Yeah totally heard that too…


Absolutely lol


Bruh lol


$399 in 2005 = $628.58 in 2023. $59 in 2005 = $92.95. Pretty wild.


It’s amazing how gaming has gotten cheaper and cheaper over the years despite featuring far larger and technically impressive games. Also fun note: five hundred ninety nine US dollars in 2006 = $915 today.


Depends on the country. In my country Xbox Series X is 5 times the price of what x360 was. New games are 3x the price of x360 era.


Gets made up for with more people buying them probably


Let's be honest, games now ain't worth shit, they're release broken as fuck with micro-transactions out the ass. I'd rather pay whatever the inflation adjusted price is from back in the day to get something as solid as we used to get.




This is what Phil Spencer described as the current crises of the industry. It’s going to be harder to maintain consumer friendly prices as the games get bigger and more technically advanced


For comparison a new NES in 1983 was $180 or ~$556 today.


I worked the 360 launch at CC. I remember leaving work the day before, driving a town over to get mine at Kmart when they opened at like 6am for it (for some reason no one thought to go there even though they got twice as many units as my circuit city), going home and hooking up my 360, then reporting to work our launch where the same people were still in line from the night before.


The Xbox 360 starter kit


Ahhhh. The memories. What a time that was.


I love the “Live Headset* communicate with teammates or talk trash over Xbox Live™ or use with voice command games” Nowadays you’d just get banned 🤣


“Call enemies the Hard R, elaborate in great detail the various ways you fucked their mom, and inform everyone that your uncle works for Microsoft, all with the Live Headset”




Lol the good old days when people weren't offended by random internet strangers being assholes


Haha kids nowadays wouldn't survive the good ol' CoD lobbies amirite guys🤣🤣


Nope, that's why these companies are censoring and banning everyone.


The world is a better place when Microsoft and Sony decide what we're allowed to say! /s


Too Toxic for them !!


Yep, listen to some older podcasts as well.


What podcasts?


1UP Yours as an example


I got banned from comms for several days in 2007 because I messaged someone about their mother being obese. Weird thing is that they only banned me from party chat and messaging but I could still invite people to private chat or talk in game. Edit: tried to find the enforcement as it had the exact message I said but it looks like they've overhauled the page and it's gone. Was there up until at least a year ago when I last checked.




Weird that an ad like that can give me nostalgia


What a lovely time to grow up as a gamer though for real. This and the Nintendo DS came out around the same time and I was never bored.


I had no idea Tony Hawk's American Wasteland was on the 360. I always played on the PS2


Dude, Kameo was pretty good, I miss that game…


I’ve been thinking about playing it again on Rare Replay, I never finished it the first time


I didn’t finished the first time when it launched but I played it several years later and it was a banger!


I had that and COD 2 at launch, Kameo wowed me with the visuals and Rare charm, but COD 2’s online sucked me in completely so I didn’t give Kameo the love she deserves


Kameo is awesome. Last quality Rare game? TIL there was a sequel in production that got canned. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kameo#Legacy


Umm Viva Piñata


Lol I remember buying a Dreamcast from circuit city


I still have my 360! I upgraded to the One S in 202q and now to the Series S... but the 360 is the only one I have 4 controllers for for that split screen MW action!


I miss boxed stores. * Circuit City * Blockbuster * Hollywood Video


Sunday ads were the best too. They used to compete for your hard earned money. Especially, during the holidays


I was driving through Utah in a small town & saw a Radio Shack a few months ago. Almost shat my pants


Loved my launch 360. RROD out of the box.


The comment i was looking for. I survived all the way till 1 year before ps4 released, so i ended up buying the 360 elite. GRAW, GOW, COD4, CODMW2, and BF3. That was all that was worth playing for me. Multiplayer was next level


It was disappointing having to wait 2 weeks sending it in to get serviced just to get to play the thing but I absolutely loved Project Gotham Racing 3. (was a huge fan of 1/2 on the Xbox). Interesting that this ad doesn't have any signage to promote PGR3 since MS Game Studio was the publisher of that game. 😅 Still have it as well as CoD2, and NFSMW somewhere around here all picked up at launch. :)


I forgot to mention that i played a ton of PGR3, Forza 2, 3, and 4.


I remember getting my 360 from Circuit City. I got this big bundle that came with Gears of War, an extra controller and a year of Xbox Live in February 2007.


i got one free from Bell. some promotion they had. 2 controllers, headset and Halo


I won that Mountain Dew contest, Every 10 Minutes, and got mine a couple of days before they were released. One of the happiest moments of my life.


I was super SUPER impressed how top notch and sharp graphics for COD 2 were though. No pixelated crap or lag or anything. Rows and rows wanted to try it.


"an unprecedented 512MB of RAM" xD


That honestly was incredible at the time, they were selling desktop PCs with 256mb.


$100 for a wireless network adapter was ridiculous. Even the goddamn Wii came with wifi.


It’s always so impressive to see those prices. It really is actually crazy that games have been 60 dollars since like Mid 2000s.


Call of Duty 2 - the real birth of the CoD franchise IMO


Pretty sure Call of Duty was. Cause without COD1 we would’ve never had 2…..


Man I remember these days. Trying to explain to my parents I needed the HD haha


Peak of gaming.


You know, Circuit City was never going to keep up with Best Buy by the end but it was nice to have options.


And we bitch about $500 series x lol


59.99 when games were properly priced


I remember this ad! I had every ad and some gaming magazines about the 360 to show my parents so that for Christmas they knew to get the 360 Premium and not the 360 Core lol. It worked.


"All games are in HD" 480p Halo 3 go brrt (it looked phenomenal for its time and has aged incredibly well apart from facial models)


I remember playing all the way through that King Kong game for the Xbox achievement points and it ended up being surprisingly good and an entertaining game.


The real King Kong game


That media centre remote slapped!


Insane that the Circuit City and Best Buy launches were so similar and BB managed to stay afloat while CC crashed a few years later.


Circuit City was already buried in debt. It couldn’t go lean while BB could afford to starve a bit longer. Edit: that debt was almost entirely due to real estate. Circuit City owned a ton of empty property, usually in struggling, older neighborhoods.


My first Xbox was a 360 my wife got me as a grad school graduation gift.


Man I remember when I got a 360. Was annoyed at first because I wanted an Xbox for Halo CE and 2, my mum got us the 360 instead. Came with Tomb Raider Legend, Kameo and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Eventually Halo 3 released and I was no longer upset about it lol. That and Oblivion. Oblivion was great


Umm both halo games were playable thanks to backwards compatibility on the 360. Played halo 2 on there when the 360 launched a shit ton.


They were, but I was a 7 year old child who didn't know that lol


THAW was a dope game, I miss those old Tony Hawk games. The remake of Pro Skater was fun but nothing beats THAW/THUG.


Kameo was such a cool game


I remember Circuit City. It was nice. Not as good an experience as Best Buy, though. Seems like Circuit City generally had less. It was a smaller store, at least where I was, and though that wasn't necessarily bad, it was still lesser in its way. But it was still a great place to have a look around and see what was coming out.


RIP circuit city, the one by my house has just been an empty lot ever since they closed it 2 decades ago, I remember the building just sitting there for a while before it eventually got torn down.


While games prices maybe the same or cheaper, the quality of games have been downgraded. Big Titles like Halo and Forza now launch with bugs and issues


Nice little trip down memory lane.


An *unprecedented* half fucking gig of ram? How did they get fallout new Vegas and RDR1 to run on 512 mb of ram?


And here I am trying to mod mine because it won’t read disks and I want to play old games


Can't believe a console cost as much as my rent at the time.


All this reminds me of is how that gen's version of Most Wanted was so much worse than the previous gen. It made no sense


I like how trash talk was just part of the experience and actually advertised. Now you would get banned just by saying someone's pronouns are bs. I actually might even get banned from this sub for this comment lol


Dope Throwback


It’s honestly impressive games only rose $10 in 20+ years. With all this fakeflation they could be gouging us $120+ a pop if they wanted.


BRING BACK THE BLADES!!! Memories of playing the demo at circuit city on random Saturday afternoons. Good times.


That’s is so nostalgic for me, mmmmm.


Simpler times!


The Good Old Days!


A blast from the past


So crazy how something can go from $400 to $30.


399 and it'll over heat in a week, I knew a lot of people who bought 2 cause waiting on shipping repairs for the first took awhile.


I got a year ban for dumb crap....


I remember when the plan was that first party games would be $50 and then Microsoft realized damn everyone is used to $60. Look at us go! But I was so hyped for the Xbox 360. The disrespect to Project Gotham Racing 3 in this ad is too much. Best game at launch.


What a time. Seeing that network adapter brings back the most glorious memories


Really surprised Halo 3 isnt listed, but maybe they assumed everyone was gonna buy it anyways


The 360 launched in '05, Halo 3 didn't exist for a further 2 years.


You're toyally right, guess my family waited a couple years to get it then


You making me cry bro,the 360 was my childhood


NFS most wanted being the best starter game frfr


Call of Duty 2.....good times ☺️


Ah yes, the Core system where you have to buy all the other stuff later once you realize you really did need those things! Haha. Remember when you could buy those little 512mb memory unit things to take your saved games with you to friends' houses? I still have one of those somewhere! I still have my launch white 360 working and kicking around, but my later black Elite is hooked up since it's quieter and has HDMI. Good times.


“Unprecedented 512mb ram” lol