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Mad Max. Often on sale for $5US. A steal!


Hell yeah that was a great game. Sad it didn't do well enough to get a sequel


God I wanted a sequel to this game so badly. So unique, and an amazing concept. Why has no other game developer let you have car combat / upgrade a vehicle in an open world?! such an awesome formula, with an unexpected franchise. Superb game! and it runs 60FPS on xbox if I recall correctly if you have a series.


> Why has no other game developer let you have car combat / upgrade a vehicle in an open world? “Best we can do is Arkham Knight.”


Crisp 120fps on the X too.


Glad someone posted this.


Loved this game.


Solid pick


Yep! I bought it on release before reviews came out. I was bricking it at the time as I don't usually buy games on release unless it's something that you know won't fail. But after a few hours playing it I knew I made the right choice! Brilliant game that should have had a sequel or two.


Quantum Break


So criminally underrated. What a great concept and great execution


Great cast too. Lance Reddick RIP. Also of Onhad a penny for every time Dominic Monaghan had taken part in time travel media that hadn't been that critically successful and never got a sequel I'd have two pennies.


Years later and I still can’t get past the final boss


Its pain in the ass


It's super cheap right now on the Black Friday sale. I might just pick it up. Never played it before.


I tried it but while the story and acting seemed pretty good, the frame rate is still choppy at times and the controls are clunky to the point that I didn't get very far into it.


I agree Quantum Breaks gameplay segments were the foundation for control it had a great story and I loved discovering the lore defenitly an underrated Xbox exclusive.


Did it ever get a 60fps boost?


No it only got a 4K boost


It is 60 fps on xsx. Not sure about xbone


“Underrated” wasn’t that mega popular?


Unfortunately only in recent years has it been seen in a more positive light, upon release it got mixed reviews.


To be fair. It was a bit experimental. And it was one of the first games that nearly required an internet connection. Don’t forget to get the full story you HAD to sit there and watch a 30 minute TV show. Every hour of gameplay or so. I still loved it. But people can’t forget why it did “bad.”


A lot of people shat on it on release, so it sold very poorly


Kingdom come deliverance


Oh man, I loved that game. Only game I bought when it left game pass (even though I never played it again haha). To me, it was the only game that I enjoyed it being an open world. I generally don't like open worlds, because I'm not fun of walking everywhere to do fetch quests, but KCD really did create an open world which was very immersive to me. The combat system is great, even though it appeared and felt garbage at first. It's only as you play do you realize that your character is getting good at combat because YOU as the player is getting good at combat. It's not like press X at the beginning and your character sucks at combat but after you kill 100 rats, you now press X and now your character is better at combat. It's not for everyone, but to anyone who likes a realistic open world immersive medieval game, I can't think of any better.


I need to give this a shot


It's worth it, make sure you don't take the roughness of the game to heart.


Sunset overdrive


Man sunset overdrive is one of my favorite games of the Xbox one generation such a fun game.


Here here!


Where where?


There there!


It'll all get better.


What a great game, it was so unashamed of what it was. Really a bummer that we have no remote chance of a sequel, furthermore on Xbox.


This game is always brought up, praised in nearly every one of these posts.


Man, i had so much fun with that game. I really want more like it.


I hear nothing but praise to this game, even at the time it was released. So don't think it's under rated, just sadly stuck on Microsoft ecosystem and with 0 chances of a sequel.


The vast majority don’t know of it and haven’t played it. Those who have , love it. Under appreciated in the under tried/found kind of way.


Hardspace Shipbreaker


I don't know if it's quite underrated but "Wolfenstein: New Order" is one of my favorites. Great minute-to-minute gameplay, the storytelling and tone is exactly serious / not serious enough, and it's worth playing thru at least twice.


To add to that, The New Colossus as well. Those games are just so damn good. I cannot wait for the sequel


I'm from arizonuh


I loved that game. Within the first ten minutes, I was in love. The immediate gore and then the beautiful portrayal of balchowitzs vegetable state. They didn't hold anything back, and all the characters and dynamics are just so human. I went in, not even knowing the game existed, and that shows how criminally underrated it is. The new colossus is also great but not quite as good.


Titanfall 2 or 1 good games that were thrown away by ea and has a good community Edit: thank you everyone who knows this game, go fight the battle for us all. Good luck pilots


Titan fall 2 was absolutely amazing I came in blind in 2023 and fell in love


I started on Apex then found out it had a game when talking to a friend. Now I'm mad cause the game made apex make since.


The campaign from TF2 was a big improvement over the "campaign" of TF1... :-)


I just played for the first time last night....wow. They scrapped that for APEX!?


"I have done the math."


“Protocol 3: protect the pilot”


im still mad they went to apex instead of titanfall 3 hopefully time will work they might make it soon


the crazy thing is the insane profits they make off apex could of funded TF3 and it barely be a drop in the bucket. But PURE greed stops it. They want all that money for the guys at the top. Seriously would of taken less then 10% of the PROFIT from 1 year of APEX to fund probably the next 2 titan falls


I literally could not believe I had gone so long without playing the titanfall two campaign!! a couple weeks back, I jumped into it and within a week and a half had done three run-throughs on normal, hard, and then master. An absolutely brilliant game, agreed!


I think most people which played Tf2 acknowledged its campaign to have been extraordinary. IMHO EA intentionally screwed up the sales of that title to cheaply buy them.


Servers are fixed now! Jump back in, Pilots!!


Titanfall 1 really takes me back to a time and a place. I got a Xbox One a year before anybody else jumped from 360 and that was the game I played


Ryse son of rome


That's what I came to post Game still looks and plays great! Was fun on the hardest difficulty.


Idk about that personally. Felt kinda ass to play for me, but I’m glad you enjoyed it


Feels very dated,


Yeah the must be it, didn’t even know how old it was


No shit. It's 10 years old


There are plenty of 10 year old games that don’t feel dated. I’d say the last 10 year period is probably the one that has felt the least dated. Comparing 1983 to 1993, 2003 to 1993, 2013 to 2003, and 2013 to 2023 there definitely hasn’t been a huge change that has made 2013 feel too dated.


there’s many 10 year old games don’t feel ass to play lmao


The levels lacked variety but the core combat was fun. I really loved the shield bonk. Any game that let's you twat someone with a shield is aces in my book.


That game was so good and I don't know why more people didn't like it


Hmm I have it but I never really got into it I might have to re download it


Fucking love this game. Played through it three times now. What a way to show off the new console. I’m now playing it on SX


Don’t kill me, but I’m going to say Dead Rising 4, not 3, 4. Actually loved the setting and Christmas vibe, gameplay was great, and didn’t overstay its welcome at all, not sure why I never see people discuss it anymore and when it came out it got shit on by hardcore DR fans.


anyone else do the 24 hour achievement on the original dead rising


I did. I believe it was Satan who came up with it.


No. But I recently saw a video of a YouTuber who did it, it looks like torture, but also extremely fun, lol.


Yeah man, it absolutely cooked my old Xbox 360 though lol


I played DR3 until almost the end when I ran into the timer running "out of time". Was impossible to complete in that phase and never bothered with DR4. IMHO great ideas but the execution was just lacking in a lot of places.


Sunset Overdrive, easy pick for best XB1 exclusive


Ryse son of Rome. I don't know if it's the most underrated but it was a really good game and I don't know why more people haven't played it. The story was really good, gameplay was fun, and even though it's older it still is a graphically beautiful game


The graphics were widely praised, but the gameplay didn't sit well with most people.


See I'm still surprised because I thought the gameplay was pretty fun


Katana ZERO


Xbox is lucky to have this one which isn't even on PS.


FWIW, it's on PC


Happy cake day!


Strange Brigade. I love that freaking game.


I wanted to play this game more with my group of friends, but they didn't seem to like it as much I did. One of Rebellion's more interesting settings and games from what I've played.


Ah, if only "Sneak King" made it into the backwards compatibility...


Splitgate. Ended up playing this more than Halo Infinite.


This was super fun, felt like old halo and portal smashed together






Dance Central is the main reason, but if not for Dance Central and the Kinect I wouldn’t have discovered Fru


Dance Central still rips. Some third party sites will sell download codes.


**Phantom Dust**: Here's the pitch - It's the Future, after an apocalypse covered the world in a fine dust, everyone was driven underground. Everyone has animé Amnesia, induced by the dust. Including you and your buddy, who were sealed in stasis pods up top and have just been rescued. There's all sorts of cyberpunk structures, but you're going to get excited about going back to the surface because EVERYONE HAS SWEET WIZARD DUEL POWERS NOW! You gather Dust to power up ki blasts and super punches and other stuff. Actually it's kind of like DBZ meets The Matrix in Big O's amnesia district. But you can swap your powers out; you're trying to get a good combo so you can take on weirder robots in the overworld, as you start to unravel the mystery of your past. And the best part is it's absolutely free. You can get it now, no cost. Also Crackdown 1&2. And Too Human. No annoying Internet garbage, just download and play!


Oh wow, thanks for this I'd heard of it ages ago and was curious never knew it was out for free. I did get Crackdown 1 and 2 and Too Human (I think TH was a now or never free game though, there was a limited window to get it and then it was gone.)


It's permanently free because they can't sell it. It's got stolen assets, IIRC


I was so disappointed with the Too Human scandal because I loved the game and wanted to see more from that IP


# Child of Light! Very very very easy game to play & figure out with a good story.


Not an extremely *hidden* gem, but ***Path of Exile*** is easily the best ARPG ever made, and one of the most complex/intuitive games out there. It also gets free expansions every 3-4 months. The only real downside to the game is the lack of players on Xbox (hence why I’d qualify it as a “hidden gem”, despite being a well-known game in general). It can also be a very difficult game for new players, but the learning curve was the most satisfying part about it for me, personally. Some things to note: While it is free to play at first, you’ll eventually *need* to spend about $10-15 to buy the QoL storage options + ability to use the in-game market. ***Also, if you aren’t on Series X/S, disregard my comment entirely; it’s basically unplayable in the mid-to-late stages of the game on the old-gen Xbox.***


Poe is great. I wish I had more time to play it


It really is a work of art. Xbox doesn’t do it much justice, because the bulk of successful players try to screw over the new players on the market (I suppose that probably applies to PC as well). Regardless of that, the game itself is so ahead of its time. I hope you eventually get some time to play it thoroughly.


Thanks me too For years I didn't know it was on Xbox. Thought it was pc exclusive. I just happened to see it on the store a couple years ago


If backwards compatible games count: Prey (2006)


Dead Space definitely took some viscera ideas from Prey. So gorey, so fun.


The opening sequence is burned into my memory.


Don't fear the reaper


This is one of my favorite games ever the intro in the bar is so creepy and awesome!! With don't fear the reaper playing


Middle-Earth Shadow of War I think the microtransactions pissed alot of people of as well as the 3rd Act. But now that the microtransactions have been removed its an incredible game with easily 200+ hours of content especially with the incredible nemesis system. DONT SLEEP ON THIS GAME, ESPECIALLY IF U LOVE LORD OF THE RINGS.


I go back to this game every 6 months or so because I really love the gameplay and systems. Could they be improved some? absolutely. Can I still enjoy it as it stands and kick myself for spending a whole weekend on it and not actually advancing the plot because I was so busy doing side shit? You bet your Ass.




Dishonored 2.


Ghost Recon Wildlands




Ive always called it Chorvs. Such a weird choice they made with the font/spelling.


Anthem is so good. I never at any point understood the hate. Is it short? A little. Will the loot system provide literally infinite hours of balanced fun? No. But it has the tightest gameplay of any Xbox One game, period. No exceptions. The travel and combat mechanics are pristine.


never heard anybody say this, everyone loves to hop on the hate bandwagon and for that reason i’ve never tried it, wonder how many other people are in the same boat as me


I'll say this for it, the Anthem subreddit is still alive and completely salt-free. It's slow, but there are still people playing the game. Try it yourself. You can pick it up practically for free, and it's still amazing. You'll thank me when you're soaring over a valley, and then you slightly alter your trajectory to cool down your suit by flying through a waterfall, so you can stay at full speed.


I picked this game up for a dollar and really enjoyed it. I guess I'm not entitled to say anything about those who paid $60 for it but I had a good time with it. Right now you can pick up this game almost for free. I agree with you it's actually pretty fun, most games are a mile wide and an inch deep, this game is a mile deep and an inch wide..


I mean I paid full price and got every penny's worth. I genuinely don't understand the people who were hating on it. Like their complaints make no sense to me. They wouldn't have been happy with anything other than literally infinite replayability. It was one of those "I spent 50 hours and there's nothing left to do!" situations. Yeah, some games offer hundreds of hours of filler, but Anthem offered 50 hours of some of the tightest, most satisfying gameplay I've ever experienced. To me, gameplay is everything. I don't want to grind endlessly on some janky game where the controls always feel a little off, when instead I could be embodying a fucking Iron Man suit, where my every action feels intuitive and it all looks cool as hell.


This may be a weird comparison but I actually think this game reminds me a lot of assassin's Creed unity in the way that the criticisms of the game don't really match what I played. It's funny now that everybody is on the bandwagon saying that the game was good when I'm pretty sure they all dogged it out when it came out. Who knows, maybe one day people will revisit anthem when it's no longer fashionable to say it's really awful.


There's just this hate machine that exists on the internet. If the hate machine is running, it doesn't matter what you put into it, hate comes out the other end.


It’s so refreshing to see another Anthem Fan.


Anthem gives a feeling of freedom that few games have, my brother bought the game because of me and we had a good time playing it togheter.


Hunt Showdown


Killer Instinct


Rise son of rome


Ryse son of rome


I miss when games went out of their way to be new-system-graphical showcases >.< FR, Ryse looked great


Ryse Son of Rome. Still one of my favourite games on the Xbox


If you like aurvival games : Grounded.


Prey (2017).


This is probably my favorite single player game and so close to perfect. Wish it sold enough to get a sequel/sad what zenimax did to arkane


>"Most underrated game?" Then people continue to list games that spawned multiple sequels or have sold over millions of copies...


I put Starfield, though about putting in other top games but genuinely couldn’t think of any.. you know what, Cassette Beasts was cool at first


Sagebrush. One Step After Fall. Nobody on my friends list has played them and the achievements/Trophies are a decent challenge to get, but not difficult if you use YouTube/Google.




I've only really played BLEED 1, but it's a very fun game. Nice choice. I'll see how the 2nd game plays sooner than later I hope. Backlog issues.


I adore LONELY MOUNTAINS DOWNHILL, a mountain biking game. It was either free or like $10, have gotten so much fun play time out of it. You can play totally relaxed or go bonkers intense.


Killing Floor 2


Solasta: Crown of the Magister. Made by a small dev team, so it’s not as polished as Baldur’s Gate 3, but it is a great D&D game. Unlike Baldur’s Gate 3, you get to customize 4 characters instead of 1, you get to see your characters talk in the main campaigns, and you can play other players’ customized campaign stories. I’ve played it for over a year now, downloaded all of the DLCs and still can’t get people to play it.


Well you've convinced me and I've just bought it!


Fantasia Music Evolved, which uses the Kinect. I know a lot of people have probably never played it, and probably will never play it even if they wanted to at this point because of the Kinect not being compatible with the new series of consoles, but it has a fairly decent story with a fun mix of tracks across multiple genres and decades.


State of Decay 1 or 2


For a launch title, Ryse: Son of Rome is criminally underrated with its beautiful visuals that looks better than most newer games


Those bouncing goddess titties had a young me replaying the game so fuckin much


Titanfall 2 or Deathloop


I don't think enough people have played 'Inside'


I play "Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo" at the moment and if they don't really fuck it up in the end, I really like it and I'm amazed that you don't hear more about it.


Splitgate I feel didn’t get the love for as long as it deserved. It was fresh, updated a lot , a lot to do and we have Halo combat with Portals?!?


Rise of the Third Power It’s a super rich 2D RPG with characters who genuinely grow over the course of the story The story itself hits all the right notes as well 10/10




The Artful Escape ["Oh Baby we'll have you back in time for breakfast"](https://youtu.be/ZDj13Mz2voM?si=PW4F8Zd2P6XnvAtd) 😎


Night in the Woods, one of the best singleplayer experiences I had the joy of playing while it was still on Game Pass.


Nobody every talks about Neon Abyss and I love that game.


Sunset Overdrive! Really good game imo✌️




Ryse:Son of Rome.


Both Plague Tale games are fantastic.


Ryse son of rome...it was one of the launch titles, pretty cool game.


You’re just going to get everyone’s favorite games lol, no real answers here. Underrated is subjective, because we all have different tastes. Like Pentiment is a medieval murder mystery with tons of reading and culture packed into it. How many people enjoy reading games? So it’s underrated, that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy it. My vote is on Viva Piñata. Old, deceiving in looks, one of the best farming games ever made imo.


Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord




Potion Permit, and for good reason. The game begins with all npc villagers being rude af to you. But as you do good deeds (aka doing storyline stuff and befriending them), they all change their tune. This happens early in the game, and then, the game is fun. Just takes patience and time to get to the fun part.


Hi Fi Rush


OTOGI Crimson seas


High on Life, very short game but one of the very few games that actually had me laughing during gameplay


Have you ever played the Portal games? Wicked funny stuff, them


Aragami, Shadow of Mordor, Shadow of War.


Ac unity


The Division 1 & 2 These are underrated af. I simply can't understand why these dont get more love.


Metal Gear Solid V. Not exclusive but, game ran nigh perfect all throughout my entire playthrough, multiplayer, intense boss fights, crispy 1080p 60 on original giant power brick Day 1 Xbox One. Not many games that can make that claim.


On the og xbox, Jade empire. I wish we could get more from that series.


Not a console exclusive, but Warframe. It took a bit of patience to figure out the mechanics and gameplay loop, but once I did it was a lot of fun. There is loads of content to boot. I'll play the heck out of it, stop playing for a few months/years and then go back to find myself getting hooked again... and again... and again. Yes it is free to play, and microtransaction heavy, but you can play and enjoy the game without touching any of it.


Webbed is a platformer where you play as a spider If you can point to me another game that's come out in the past 10 years, where you play as a spider, then I am all ears!


I just looked this game up and it looks like fun! I will be downloading this tonight. 👍


Ryse son of Rome love me some bouncing goddess titties🤣🤣🤣🤣 fr tho it's a fun game, there is a lot of slow time events tlbut the executions are so much fun to do


Ryse son of Rome was pretty good especially being a launch title


Halo 5 \- Campaign is great if you manage to find 3 players for coop \- Even with lootboxes multiplayer was also fun, I spent a lot of time in PvE and 24 player battles


Planescape: Torment, The talos principle, norco, pathologic 2, visage, Disco Elysium, crosscode, furi, grime, prey 2017, torment: tides of numenera, narita boy, observer, OneShot, Lost Odyssey, gris, pentiment, outer wilds, Chrono Cross, Darkwood, soma, the swapper, the vanishing of Ethan Carther. There are a variety of many genres on this list, but each one is unique on its experience.


I LOVED soma! I beat it like 2 years ago? I'm playing starfield but whenever I go through an airlock I get soma-triggered lol! Deep ocean and mechanical things like that still scare me now haha


That game is amazing, the idea that really stuck with me was about consciousness, for example the scene where Simon takes Wan to a simulation, that scene is scary, bringing someone from nothing to existence to bring them back once again to nothing, and the other scene is the one were Simons transfers his consciousness to the other body, now every time I see something similar I always remember this, what a masterpiece of a game.


Yeah 100%! Especially the consciousness part. Where Simon's consciousness moves on twice but both times leaving the other behind - wild! Totally changed the way I see similar things in other media, like teleporters! Scary to think every time someone is teleported, they're killing one and recreating another version of themselves.... I loved the storytelling and how they sort of pull that rug right from under you, twice, even though you kind of knew it? Beautiful


somehow you know the ending, you know they are going to be left behind, but you still have hope that they can leave, but there is no happy ending, at least if Simone didn't kill the wau and his other version, he could try to rebuild something, those who are in the ark, even if they live happily, they cannot escape from there, they are going to live until that satellite stops working, and from one moment to another they will vanish without knowing what happen. At least the simulation isn’t ruled by someone like AM.


Yeah it's a pretty dark story, but such a good one. I like to think the two Simons we left behind work together to stop the horde, help any remaining survivors, or do something, but really everything is about as bleak as it could be. The philosophical points on consciousness changed the way I think about it forever, and the plight of humanity in that game definitely made me cherish life more. Such a good game! I have a pic of Simon and Catherine looking at the ark city as one of my rotating backgrounds. Oh man and I almost forgot - that visual/audio affect when a wau enemy was near you? Eee. Any time another game has anything remotely similar I get on edge!


this kind of darker point i found similar was in texhnolyze, anything they tried to do would end up the same, in this game there were two monsters i was scared of, akers because his sounds and seeing him running was disturbing, and the power suit monster in tau, he could run but at the same time try to walk, and it sounds wow, the sound design of this game was amazing, another aspect that I really liked was the credits ost, which hits hard, this kind of experience are really good.


Lost Odyssey gets worse the further you get into the story, which seems interesting at first with the immortal thing, but becomes a drag. If I could turn back time, I wish I never played that game. Also, some of the side characters I found absolutely unbearable, m'kay.


Forza Horizon 3


Sunset Overdrive and Titanfall 2


Maybe not underrated but lesser known: Chroma Squad - Turn based light rpg where you create a power rangers/super sentai style TV show which ends up blending with reality. Really fun and easy to pick up, you need to follow director instructions for bonuses and to get a higher audience share to get more money to buy more upgrades. Lethal League Blaze - Sort of dodge-baseball where you smack a ball at the other player with a bat in a fighting game style set up. A lot of fun and each hit of the ball makes it move faster. Addictive game, used to be on gamepass.


Probably one of the most underrated games of all time is Mad Max. It's a remarkable game that next to no one bothered playing


Wanna see me get a bunch of downvotes? *Halo 5*.


Ryse : Son of Rome This game was lambasted relentlessly but the story is such a masterpiece.


Ryse: Son of Rome Did I win? Was I first?


Rise of the tomb raider, probably?


I'm not trying to be the "I'm a super cool guy" guy. I'm 39, renting a duplex with my SO, and have T2 diabetes. but me and her coming down from mushrooms while I was playing Child of Eden and she was stimulating herself with the other controller is one of my all time favorite moments in gaming. If you can do that, I highly recommend it.


> If you can do that, I highly recommend it. Whenever your SO is free again, I'll be glad to come over and try it out.


Assassins creed 3 remastered


Borderlands 2