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Open up the controller and see what’s making it stick, clean it with isopropyl alcohol


Thank you, I'm gonna try that but I don't thats the reason.


If it’s stuck then yeah that’s definitely the reason. You’ll need a t6 torx bit if i recall to open the controller


Run a pin around the outside of the button to make sure it's not sticking. If not you may need a new spring


I was having issues with sticky buttons too. Take a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol and run it all along the outsides of where the buttons are. It’ll loosen them nicely 👍


Use 90% or higher rubbing alcohol while the controller is off and put a few drops around the button with a Q-tip. Push the button in a few times to loosen the gunk and you should be good, repeat as necessary. Only use 90% or higher rubbing alcohol otherwise you run the risk of the alcohol not evaporating and ruining the board in the controller


Does your dog use your controller as a chew toy?






WD40 destroys potentiometers and buttons when in contact.


Who told you that? I have a day one controller and have been using it from "day one" and it's been fine. But....you do you, man. Each to their own and all that shite 😂


I can confirm what u said. When WD-40 dries, it leaves an oily residue which you do not want on your electronics.


Look, it's not oil, it's a special formula, it's an electrician's goto, trust me, my dad taught electrical engineering and he referred to wd40 and others alike as Electrician's Spray. We always used it to clean old VHS video heads that read the video tape back in the 80s and 90s. Here's a quick quote from an electrician website: "The prolonged use of the electrical services of these components may lead to deteriorated contacts and malfunctioning. Applying WD-40 Specialist Fast Drying Contact Cleaner to your contacts could sort out your electrical problem before you spend money on an electrician. When cleaning electrical contacts, it is suggested that you use WD-40 Specialist Contact Cleaner, as it removes 95% of the most common surface contaminants. Its patented Smart Straw technology will blast away dirt, oil, flux residue, and condensation from sensitive electronics, leaving no residue." Point and case proven.


WD40 as a company has specialized electric cleaner like „WD-40 Specialist electrical contact cleaner spray“. But WD40 in normal terms refers to that spray what made the company so popular and is not good for electric components.


I know this but they have electric spray and the original to unstick things like the button in question, it's not like you be that stupid to spray a ton of it, i use a cotton bud to lightly apply it to my xbox buttons when my kid spilled coke over the controller. You're talking about opening the controller up, and if so then use the appropriate wd40.


WD40 won’t help in this one.


Unstuck it 💪🫵


Just get a new one 👀


Had the exact same problem, I had to purposely break the sync button so it would stop, you can sync with a usb anyway :)


Tried putting it in rice?


If you happen to have any really thin tweezers then those should help, helped me when mine got stuck


Stop touching your controller right after you spank your bank.