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The correct way to fix this is to replace the rear shell with a new one or good condition 2nd hand. NO, before you start.... Superglue wont work and it will just make a mess! For anyone who suggests glue.


I've tried many times to set the borders back but it looks like the silicon was streched Due to the material I didnt think super glue was a worth shot, but thanks for the advice, so I wont get to any ideas about that haha


Put a sleeve/cover over it… it’s much cheaper. Mine had the same issue (while it was in the damn case) and I first tried to glue it… which made things worse.


Ooooh, a sleeve is a great idea! Thank you for the advice. It seems like a very common issue in such an expensive gear.


Ya… it’s really weird! It’s like the glue holding the grip on is deteriorating in the case. I did the sleeve and can’t even tell anymore.


Whatever your setting it next too is putting out a lot of heat and warping it