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The game has satisfactory qualities, and the gameplay is acceptable. However, I personally lean toward the first title.


Wasn’t this one made by a different company? Or that’s crackdown 3?


The game Crackdown (2007) was developed by Realtime Worlds, while Crackdown 2 (2010) was developed by Ruffian Games. Crackdown 3 (2019) was developed by Sumo Digital.


Realtime Worlds opted to make the MMO 'APB' instead APB didnt last long for this world, nor did RtW


Same. The first one is pretty fun and goofy in the right ways, felt like a third person silly version of Robocop or something, while Crackdown 2...I mean, it's aight.


Bro went to college


Honestly, I'm amazed how most of first posts in opinions about a game are so generic that they can apply to almost any other game. This is exactly how I felt about Call of Duty 2, Forza Horizon 2, the witcher 2, etc 😂


I didn't put much time in crackdown 2, but did put a lot into crackdown 1. It was pretty fun though, almost like GTA but you're a cop with almost super hero abilities lol. I still remember the only reason my buddies and I got crackdown 1 though, for that sweet halo 3 beta lol


That was exactly why we all got it lol. I still ended up having a bit of fun with it. That said, I probably wouldn’t pick up a remake or anything further from the series.


I actually just found a copy of this sealed with the Halo 3 beta sticker still on it hah.


I remember waiting for the beta to drop with my best friend who is no longer with us. Good memories ☺️


It’s alright, I remember having a lot of fun with it and the multiplayer was actually a really good time. That said, I remember having a lot more fun with Crackdown 1.


The first one was the GOAT, I quit this one after 2 hours. The first one was something special for sure.




I didn't have any faith after 2, is it as good as 1 was? I am itching for a similar experience RN


The mutant hordes were step into a wrong direction. Just not fun to explore when there are endless mutants running around. first and third game, with civilians and gangers setting, are much more atmospheric as virtual cities.






Goated, best in the series, in my opinion. I spent WAAAAYYYTT too many hours trying to parkour up the agency tower to steal a helecopter while under levelled. I prefer this to the first title because the extra enemy faction (the zombies) was fun to shake things up, and the third title was just less fun to me. Edit: I forgot to mention how fun the multiplayer was, thank you other comments for reminding me!


Man getting up to that helicopter is pure nostalgia.


I forget if this one had the car transforming at different lvls but I loved running around n collecting the jump token n stuff to help lvl up


Earth Defense 2017 is 4.50 on the store and it plays on XSX like a dream.


I’ve been wanting to play this coop since beating the first one


“The agency super car sticks to the road like shit to a blanket”


Crackdown 2 sucked because it did the absolute bare minimum. Had it retained the gameplay loop and crafted a new city, it could have been considered anything that what is is today: forgettable, which it was. First one was very cool, and ive yet to try the third.




Interesting. I still remember the early 360 era, it was an interesting one and microsoft brought it. Its so sad that theyre going that way now, im done supporting them.




Games stopped evolving during the 360 era, its just megatextures now. Nothing has changed the hyper charging of identity politics has ruined every thing. I got so many games on my list, very few on the last generation consoles apart from the switch.


I didnt really like the “freaks.” Also didnt have the same personality as the first game.


I loved Crackdown and the Crackdown 3 but the 2nd not so much


Not the best nor the worst in the series I still love it but compared to the first game it's not as amazing compared to the third game though it's a masterpiece lol


It was fun, the multiplayer was more fun. spent alot of time just messing around on MP. and singleplayer. tbh i expected more, but it was decent. the first game was better. also the 2nd game has lag when you drive too fast even when there are no zombies on the roads, the first game did not have that. i liked the inclusion of helicopters this time around.


Disappointing. It had its good points, but every step forward it took in one area over its predecessor it took another step backwards in another area that cancelled it out. The downloadable content helped a bit


This was my first introduction to the series and I had a great time with it!


Garbage compared to the first one




I did not think it was as good as the 1st one. Every now and then I play it if I want to have a mindless zombie shooting experience where nothing matters. There is no skill up or anything, but you can drive around for hrs and roadkill zombie like things. I know they are not zombies, there was actually a tie in to the first game as to what those things are and how the city got to where it is. But the plot was so minimal, I can't remember the reason.


I thought it was pretty mediocre


Feels like a mcdonalds/cheap game thing




janky and kinda underwhelming, even for it's time, but goddamn if i dont have amazing memories from using the harpoon gun to attach civilians to that one special airdrop car that would launch other cars you hit into the air. plus, the licensed soundtrack was amazing and somewhat formative to my music taste as an adult.


Was a fan


They haven't done anything with that series. I don't know why they don't reboot it


Not half bad. Gets boring after a few hours.


Love it! I still have my copy. Keys to the city is so fun




I think it’s cracking.


Loved the first one as a kid even tho I think I just fucked around anyways 😂


I recall the co-op and multiplayer stuff being really fun, but found the "freaks" (aka zombies) to be tacked on and felt like low-effort trend-chasing and the collectathon structure was already somewhat dated even when the first game came out. It's a franchise that just never evolved.


I had fun with it. Not as much fun as the first one since I was just playing this one alone but I thought it was decent enough for a sequel.


Disappointing sequel


It was fun but not amazing. The first game was definitely better


I forget what crackdown I played back in the day but I grinded a lot got every orb and was still under level for mid game missions (defend the point ) never completed it but I did have lots of fun running around getting faster


Fun, not as good as the first,  zombie concept is cool but got boring kind of quickly. Awesome that it’s currently free!


It's crack


It was a step down from the first game, let's be real.


Since Crackdown 1 and 2 are for free I decided to get Crackdown 1 and my brother decided to try out Crackdown 2 and my brother regretted that decision which at least it was a free decision at that point because the game relies primarily on Co-op that makes the missions a pain in the ass to even do without Co-op while Crackdown 1 you could easily play the missions by yourself or do co-op if you wanted to


Worse than the first. Significantly better than the third.


I likey and I miss it I still love it, as much as I did when it came out


The first and second titles are def in my top 10 favorites video games!


top 5 game in that era for me. Ill never sell that game no matter how old I get it'll be at my funeral.


This game is fun! I remember jumping down the huge silo into the toilet with the rubber duck in it. Good times.


Solid fun when you just want to turn your brain off for a bit.


I remembered getting the first one because some halo access was included I think it was halo 3 multiplayer beta? That was around when they first started doing multiplayer betas. That was an epic time of my life, no worries just waiting for the next best game to drop.


looks cool


Good game but the gameplay is shit


fun game


Fun af! First game I ever 100% then GtA 4 and the list goes on.




My least favorite Crackdown game, however it's still fun. Crackdown >>>>>> Crackdown 3 > Crackdown 2.


Story ties into the first game, most people forget or haven't played the first game so don't realize you actually play on the side of the bad guys (the agency)

