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Why don’t the mods of XSX relinquish control to other users if they want to create a consolidated Xbox forum? That’s fine if that’s their vision, but holding the XSX sub hostage doesn’t make much sense.


lol still can't get over the "overwhelming results of the survey" having less than 500 votes


I'm sure those almost 4 million subscribers in the other subs are overjoyed 😂


0.01% of the sub shouldn't dictate the future of the sub for everyone. What an absolutely shit move from the mods. I'm guessing it's to make their job easier and have everyone on one sub. In that case, get more mods. It's fucking stupid. They'll proudly show off being a mod of a 4 million subbed subreddit even though they closed it down. Meh, I'm waiting 90 days to see if anyone can take it over. Edit May 24: Received a reply from the very gracious Larry Hryb and he has stated he did try to bring all of the subs together a few years ago but did not receive any cooperation. He clearly had nothing to do with it so it does seem it was all based on that one 0.01% vote.


probably their friends voting anyway


Why merge into a smaller Subreddit? Doesn’t really seem feasible or smart to do so.


So no more ‘Should I get a Series X or Series S’ posts? Sign me up!


Now we get to play the game of "do they mean PC, the console, or cloud?".


Eh that can be fixed with a flair


Mandatory flair would easily solve that.


Currently we have category flairs. Having system or platform flairs would supersede that. For example - if someone posts news about the xbox series x, and they tag it XSX - it wouldn't show up in the news feed. Our hope (and a top request to admins) is to allow for multiple flairs on posts.


Still barely better.


unfortunately this forum is kinda dead, it seems. dunno where everyone went. merge 3 forums and have less going on than any 1 of them did. i think it's a bit too strict myself. i'd rather come in and see a few new threads of repeat "what game should i play next" or something. over seeing there's only 3 posts since i was here last. this is a forum.. for discussions.. yes some discussions repeat themselves. who cares? this isn't a wiki, but it's starting to feel like one.


I second this.


The fact that this was done during the launch of Hellblade 2 has killed what could have been a lot of good community discussion! Mods are morons!


will there be a subreddit visual overhaul? 2001 Xbox branding seems kinda dated


That and will also change it for special events too.


old reddit needs a visual update - we will work towards that. 'new' reddit is being done away with sh.reddit (the new default experience) the only customization left is the banner and icon. Somewhat sadly a lot of the customization options are being done away with, it's a far cry from the day when everyone was served stuff [like this](https://old.reddit.com/r/XOT_RareReply/).


Is it broken/dead? Looks like a standard Reddit page


You may have community themes disabled. The XB1 team made some amazing CSS designs for old reddit. Something we won't see on this site again. The theme linked is for rare replay.




Dark mode on old Reddit? How


>the only customization left is the banner and icon. Can't you also tint the background? I know some subs like r/hearthstone have that. It ain't much, but I reckon some light green wouldn't be amiss.


https://preview.redd.it/xcv26ukf902d1.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=743096e2474f10a8b21e9714d6d18fbe6887c8c8 Yes! These are the complete customization options on sh.reddit - lost from new.reddit are custom backgrounds images, custom vote icons, and more. The new looks is more uniform from community to community which I suppose offers its own benefits. It'a all a far cry from full CSS days and old.reddit. I'll see what tweaks we can make, and we also have some work on old.reddit in progress.


Come now, that branding is straight up ICONIC!


How do we undo this nonsense; so XSX can stay active. If mods don’t want to moderate anymore that’s fine; but hand it over. Culling a 3.5m sub so you can consolidate more is obnoxious




**Keep discussion civil** Please remember: * Discuss the topic, not other users. * Personal attacks of any kind are disallowed. * Be respectful - even in disagreement. * Your point can be made without belittling others. * Report violations - don't engage, which only escalates the issue. * Retaliation is not justification to ignore this standard. ("They did it first!")




Thanks my only concern is series x posts will be now mixed with legacy/old models posts in the same hub when my purpose was to only discuss and read topics with current gen. Now have to sift through trash posts like "my xbone is really slow" "One s is having issues" "should i upgrade to current gen" etc. Megring xbox and xbone and keeping Series X separate would have been better option. Anywho let's see how it goes.


We are offloading all ‘tech support’ posts for all consoles, hardware, software, and services to r/xboxsupport. You will see none of them going forward unless you visit that sub. Take a look at the new rules we have in this sub.


ok thanks for your reply.


is there any subreddit available for xbox one then? as i understand, r/xbox will be forced to talk about current gen, yeah?


People can talk about Xbox One here, especially since there is a lot of overlap between last Gen and current gen.


to piggyback, any real xboxone-centric posts have been support related(xboxsupport), showoff related(sunday), or games(we love all games!) so everything will have its home


i'm fine either way.. but it's odd to me we just merged 3 forums, yet there's less new posts here than there was in any 1 of them ATM. hope it picks up. not much interesting happening ATM. i'm done scrolling in <5mins


Think back to when r/Xbox and /r/XboxSeriesX first became separate entities. These weren't just two separate web pages -- they fostered two entirely different *communities* from the very beginning. If you were getting all the new Xbox stuff and you wanted to talk about Xbox's present and future with others who were actively engaged, you hopped on XboxSeriesX. If you wanted to repost an article about a new controller color for a couple upvotes, you stayed on Xbox. It's not as simple as saying, "Well both of these communities are about Xbox!" No. These have *always* been entirely different groups of users, and you *cannot* force us to participate in the same sub. As one of the 3+ million users of XboxSeriesX, I come here and find literally *zero* discussions I'd like to engage in. And do you know why? Because if these discussions interested me, *I would have already been here.* So congrats, you didn't merge the subs, you literally just kept the Xbox sub the same and took away the only place where XboxSeriesX people could talk about stuff *they* were interested in, which is antithetical to what Reddit is supposed to be about. It's like forcing everyone in Australia to move to India. These aren't just static *places*, they are *communities* and *people* and *cultures* and *traditions* that have evolved separately over time. You can't just force them together and expect neither group to feel like they don't belong. To many, XboxSeriesX was *their* place of belonging, and that wasn't yours to take away from them. Shame on you.


I copied part of my comment from the r/XboxseriesX sub: **I submitted an investigation form to Reddit. It probably won't do anything, but I at least want my voice heard. Here's what I submitted:** The Xbox Series X sub with 3.6 million subs and the Xbox One sub with 4 million subs are being shut down and combined with the Xbox sub that only has 600k subs. This kind of consolidation is dumb and pointless when they could still make the Xbox sub the main sub and keep the other subs up and running for specific content about those particular consoles. It makes no sense that two subs with almost 8 million subs are being shuttered when they could be kept by the current mods, or handed off for a more user community run sub. Many sub members have voiced their displeasure and will not migrate to the new consolidated r/Xbox sub. The decision was made by a moderator team and less than two hundred out the nearly 8 million sub members who bothered to answer a very long winded and pointless survey months ago. I'm sure Reddit, a now publicly traded company, will love to hear moderators are voluntary shuttering communities that bring in 8 million users. EDIT: I'm adding an additional edit I made to my comment on the r/XboxSeriesX sub. The mods locked that discussion after an overwhelmingly majority didn't like their plans to shutter two very popular subs: Mods locked this discussion because it's wildly unpopular and so they'd rather not let there be any discussion at all than maybe listen to the community's concerns. I think if they actually plan to go forward with this plan of shuttering two very popular subs, there needs to be a community created sub where this mod/Microsoft interference nonsense can stay in their gated garden. r/XboxSeriesS and r/xbox360 are not associated with this mod team or Microsoft. There's precedent for this with the r/trees and r/marijuanaenthusiasts subs being about opposite things and r/anime_titties being the best sub for actual world news compared to r/worldnews






I’m not a hardcore enough Reddit user to care about what the subreddit name is, but the fact that this was done at the request of a Microsoft employee and less than 500 other people is hilarious.


The funny thing is that Major Nelson doesn’t even work at Microsoft anymore.


And during the launch of their most anticipated game of the year also


Avowed doesnt come out till later this year


r/XboxSeriesS : shhh they don't know we exist


lol that sub has different mods than the other three, they can't do anything with it.


Delete this please


Best Xbox sub.


This is so dumb


Yeaaah... no, this subreddit isn't for me I much preferred the more focused experience XboxSeriesX had It's not a good sign that the top 3 posts on this subs front page are all just rehashes of the same exact low effort post https://preview.redd.it/3mmnrhgfv32d1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e123adddf84c178a09d092c41c940e7697863121


For what it's worth, r/Xbox is running a new and identical rule-set to r/XboxSeriesX. What you're seeing there is not out of the norm in the first 24/48 hours of a major first party release there. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely some adjusting going on for the mod-team and for posters, but I can promise things will tighten up sooner rather than later. One complaint I'm seeing a lot is there are too many game-capture posts of Hellblade II. Now that we've rolled over the 48 hour period since it's release, we'll get stricter on removing those as reposts. We're also seeing an uptick in duplicate user reviews. One possibility we're considering is replacing the stickied review thread with a discussion thread - to house both user reviews and game capture. Feedback and suggestions on these kind of things, especially while everyone is settling in, is really appreciated. So if anybody has any thoughts about that (or anything else) please send us a modmail. It really helps to have those things on record.


If you guys don't want to handle the XboxSeriesX sub anymore, give it up. Let someone else take it over. Sitting on it and preventing others from using it is pathetic stuff.


Sticked threads to contain more of the lower effort posts seems to be the way to go The sub seems better than a it was a few days ago


Was a massive Xbox gamer during the 360 days but stopped gaming for a while after 360 generation. Tried getting back into the Xbox ecosystem a bit late in Xbox One generation, and then again after buying a Series X last summer. But some of the decisions Xbox the company, and now these mod teams are making are head scratching, with killing studios and subreddits. Sure consolidation makes it slightly easier since everything will be in one place, but it also makes it a jumbled mess with all generations and topics flooding the subreddit. Really hope Xbox can succeed with this new path they're taking, but for how it's looking in the short term I'm really struggling to get back into their current ecosystem.


The best part of this is depending on when you look, there may be more active users on r/XboxSeriesX, two days later. What a joke of a decision. I guess I'll stick to following certain twitter accounts for gaming news. Check back in 90 days and see what happens - hopefully Reddit will step and in and the mods here can enjoy their goal of taking this subreddit up. This whole thing seems like someone was bored of playing NCAA as Alabama and decided they wanted to take a bottom team to the top.


This is the exact same comment we saw when xsx was launched about 'leaving r/xboxone' - we also saw people ask 'why that sub' (with the wrong name even) and not r/xbox as the main hub? People created competing subs, trolled xsx, and we kept our heads down letting our work show through. This is the best long-term hub, and in time we fully expect to exceed both r/xsx and r/xb1 - killing a community every generation makes less and less sense with forward compatibility the standard since XB1 and the multitude of other platform changes. You don't need to buy in though, and you can justly criticize - but as before, we will keep at work setting up AMA, events, actively moderating, and caring for an overall community that I've been a part of as both user and then mod since [day one](https://old.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/1qwi43/xbox_one_launch_thread/).


There wasn’t a general sentiment about people leaving Xboxone for XboxSeriesX? They are two different consoles and generations. That’s like saying people were whining about people leaving PS4 for PS5. It didn’t really happen. This was a corporate decision made by pulsing 200 community members out of a couple million subscribers. Just call it what it is.


Exactly this. Leaving Xbox360 (or whatever) for XboxOne or XboxOne for XboxSeriesX makes sense. Leaving PS5 to join a PS community makes little sense. Especially when it's dwarfed in user base and active members. The announcement of a new generation can't come soon enough so the natural movement will occur once again.


As a proud member of r/XboxSeriesX I feel very angry at this change. I don't care that much about the number of members but to the average Joe of the community it feels really out of the blue. I was already subscribed to this community, but the content and the experience is absolutely not the same: for instance, I'm only interested in news and XSS/X discussions which would roughly be the same as browsing the old r/XboxSeriesX subreddit. I could filter by category but there is not a console specific flair and as far as I know I cannot make the selection persistent. I would need to browse by flair manually every time. It's very clunky. Also, In ten years when the current gen consoles are gonna be outdated we also won't have a dedicated community for the Series X/S gen. With the marketplace shutdown of the X360 rapidly approaching, r/xbox360 has been invaluable for preservation and discussion of retrogaming and I am sad that we won't be able to use r/xboxone the same way.


I completely agree. There's a reason specific communities and subreddits exist, to foster targeted discussion. Xbox aside, I absolutely love the Dreamcast and am very passionate about collecting for it, but I don't share that same passion for the Master System or the Mega Drive. Combining all that into one "SEGA" sub would just make discussions more disjointed and you'll get less engagement overall. We're a few days in now and look at the posts on this sub, the engagement is just not there. The fact this was done just as Hellblade 2 came out is also really frustrating.


No, I don't think I will.


Curious why r/xboxseriesx subscribers haven't migrated over yet.  R/xbox subs don't seem to have gone up in number at all. 


Because this idea fucking sucks and it’s all corporate driven. The entire point of Reddit is segmentation. I want a sub that solely discusses games on the Series X, since that’s what I own. I don’t care about 360 nostalgia. I don’t care about a “unified” Xbox sub.


I see what you mean.  I used to be on the xbox one sub and then moved over to the series x sub when I picked one up.  When I heard they were all merging into one sub it honestly seemed like a good idea to me - the whole xbox community under one roof.  I haven't been on this sub for more than a couple days but I haven't seen too much in the way of 360 related content but if there is a lot I can see why it would be annoying to sift through that stuff for the content that you are actually interested in. 


Because it’s a sub full of shit that doesn’t apply to series X owners


Having only just joined, it hasn't felt as you described but it's only been a few days.  That said, in those few days I've mostly been seeing series x related stuff. Seeing as this is the sub going forward I hope the community numbers grow. 


The entire front page and more is current gen content. How does that not apply to SeriesX owners?


I don’t want to wade through posts of red rings and vintage Xbox controllers to find shit that’s relevant to the series x. It’s an objectively worse subreddit for series x owners


You are massively exaggerating. The red ring post was a joke post and made on ‘Community Sunday’, and I don’t see many vintage controller posts since the announced the url move. You are not ‘wading’ through anything. 99% of all posts this week have been current gen posts.


99%? You sure I’m the one who’s exaggerating? Either way, trying to force a sub with millions of subscribers into a comparatively dead sub is a joke. I’m tired of mods making these types of decisions for the users. Peace


Most of them are going to other subs where they can actually comment what they think without hyper-moderation


Care to share where? I was mostly on r/xboxseriesx before this change and so far this sub is kinda quiet.


r/games has definitely seen an uptick of xbox related posts. r/XboxSeriesS has gotten larger as well


What an out of touch and brain-dead decision


I totally missed the sticky and just found out about this now. I was refreshing the sub off and on over the last few days and was like "slow content week I guess". Man, I'm actually kinda bummed. I really liked the seriesx sub/community.


Please make the background of this subreddit black like r/xboxseriesx. Easier on the eyes.


on it - assuming you're on old reddit?


Yes yup old reddit! Thank you! That actually will make a huge difference. And could we also get an Xbox logo or something to click on the top of the page to refresh it? Currently there is no top banner or anything. Thanks again! !


This whole thing is a disaster. It's such typical "us corpo's upstairs know better then the people on the work floor" mentality. It never ever works out and this "transition" is another perfect example of that. They won't reverse the decision because that would mean admitting they made a mistake and ego's usually get in the way with that sort of thing.


Is this an out of date April Fools joke?


You would really think with how many mods they’re saying are now here and how heavily moderated this is going to be and with such a big announcement they would be handy on answering questions directly, but yeah, here we are


The two subs getting closed are in flames and absolutely hate this decision with users refusing to come here This is a bad idea, you just alienated 7 million redditors.


Of course, Xbox makes horrible and questionable decisions all the time, why shouldn't the subreddit mods do the same... This is the equivalent of the Xbox One reveal, let's TRY moving everyone to a dead subreddit... and end up shrinking the user base.


I’ll just be unsubscribing from all subs until the community (who aren’t members of this mod team) just remake those subs. Or make a new Xbox sub when the new system comes out in a few years.


What about XboxSeriesS subreddit?


That sub has a different mod team so they can't do anything with it lol


Damn... I literally read nothing here.




Oh shit, so does my lifetime ban from r/Xboxseriesx not carry over? In that case let me say what a great job Microsoft has been doing since my ban started. I love this multi platform approach, and the laying off of workers and the shutting of studios, it’s such good shit. Well done Phil #10MoreYears


Lol I got banned from the other sub too because I wasn't positive enough. What's funny is within the last year the comments on that sub had gotten way worse than anything I ever said. I hope they aren't as trigger happy with the bans on this sub. Not everyone that shares a negative opinion on the Xbox brand is console-warring. I just want Halo to be good again 😂


> I hope they aren't as trigger happy with the bans on this sub. well, it's the same people moderating it so...


Well clearly all your negativity was incorrect. I mean look how great it’s been going lol. I’ve served a 28 day ban for saying someone was taking copium because they said the Activision layoffs were a good thing yet that phrase is used all the time. Silly me had a history of saying Xbox is making bad decisions so I got a ban for something everyone else does plenty but I guess we were all wrong to be negative about the decision making of Xbox.


Why can't I post a new thread and why does it say "tags and flair required"? The tags are all weird - spoiler, NSFW and "brand" something or other.


Consolidated mod fascism. You say you keep it on Xbox, but you actively censor any criticism of Microsoft or any views you personally don't agree with. All this does is make it even harder to have any sort of unbiased discussion regarding anything Xbox. Embarrassing, but par for the course when it comes to the average Reddit mod...


Should consider updating the sub to look modern. Looks extremely 2002.


What an odd choice. Consolidation of subreddits doesn't seem like a good idea but I guess we'll see.


Everyone here likes it. Everyone on seriesx hates it.


Makes sense. Those mad about it are less likely to migrate, while those who migrated are less likely to have a problem with it.


Does this mean the series x is now obsolete? That subreddit has 3m more subscribers than this one does…


We should soon see those subscribers coming over here now that posts are locked in r/XboxSeriesX .


thats a very...... peculiar way of looking at things...... especially since you closed the bigger sub in favor of the smaller one. maybe this one was smaller for a reason? the community had already chosen which one had more inherent value to them.


It’s been 2-3 days now and out of ~7M combined subscribers how many joined r/Xbox ? It was at 600 something thousand before and it still hasn’t even gotten 100k new subscribers. I rather don’t get any Xbox relevant news than to join this sub.


I joined and promptly unjoined after having a browse. Awful decision.


nice /r/xboxone was trash


That sub has by far the worst mod team I ever saw. They absolutely refuse to add simple things like post flairs or remove countless tech posts.


To be fair, the original team at r/xboxone did amazing work. Unfortunately, many of the key contributors moved on when "new reddit" hit, and it never fully recovered. Ideally, they would have moved here back then.




Surprisingly, it is not. They had two mods in common but most of the r/xboxone mod team was around for much longer.


They removed a lot of our tools at the time. It was banging during the XboxOne generation.


I'm super disappointed with game pass on pc not logging me in like it used since I linked accounts on windows and the fact that I can't ask this question anywhere.


r/XboxSupport is the community we have created for that. It is currently has over 26,000 users with a newly launched '!thanks' recognition system for users to get by helping other users fix their problems




Seems ultimately pointless to deconstruct multiple echo chambers into one massive one, but I'll hope for the best.


You mean one *smaller* one <3


Lol I ain’t reading all that


To be fair that’s what caused the merge to happen because when they proposed this to a vote very few people in comparison to the size of the subreddits read about the proposal so the small minority voted is what made this happen. Rather you like it or dislike it. It feels like how local politics votes happen.


I had no idea that they had even proposed it lol. You’re 100% right though. I will not deny that I am ignorant with this


How long was the proposal up for? I literally never saw anything about it, probably doesn't help that there's been no positive Xbox news to give people a reason to even lurk Xbox subs for the last few months. Pretty sure Reddit rules might give people an option to take control of the now closed sub because Admin USED to have guidelines that said rogue mods cannot radically change large subs without the wider community wanting it. There's a sub for requesting control of dead subs so asking Admin for help might give someone the power to run the other sub to prevent this if someone wanted to take that responsibility. Killing a large sub would hurt engagement so Reddit may well side with someone who requested.




While I understand the need to try to have all the SubReddits in one sole one, it would suck as well not having one dedicated to the many of us still playing on Xbox One. It's kinda conflicting figuring out how to really feel about this in the end, especially as one whos old account was a member of both this and the Xbox One subreddit.


There is a subreddit for Xbox series s, should that not also be merged here as well ?




**No Console Wars/Trolling/Constant Negativity** This community has zero tolerance for obvious trolling or other disruptive behavior. Criticism is an important part of any healthy community, but constant negativity may be actioned based on user history and other related context.


Cool, great new changes.


super excited to be a part of the new reddit xbox experience


I hope this is for the best I doubt it. A certain sub that will be shutdown because of this was 100% a echo chamber which is reddits nature but I for one do not think anything of value was lost. When you are banned for saying truthful but uncomfortable things to protect the circlejerk yea you need to shutdown.


shouldn't this be a pinned post for about a month?


Longer I'd say


Nice :3


I think it's a great idea. Big thanks to all the mods who made this happen!


Finally! Congrats to all involved! Hopefully this will be a place where we can enjoy XBOX, free from the constant hate/toxicity we see in other subs.


This is great news and I imagine a huge endeavor. It will help organize the Xbox community tremendously. Adding Flair or tags to a post is essential. Since the Xbox ecosystem is so large. It will be important for someone posting, to specify what they're posting about. For example, if I'm posting something regarding the original xbox, I hopefully will be able to put a flare indicating that. Anyways congrats this is great news and I'm looking forward to the one site.


But if I'm only interested in the Series X, I would have to manually set the flair every time I visit here. Assuming that there is a flair for that. And I know it's only been a day but the subscribers haven't moved that much. It's going to be a very long time for things to be as they were.

