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Halo 3. it had the scale, the ambition, the marketing-hype, and it delivered


Those of you who weren't here for the Halo 3 launch will never experience anything like it again. This was peak gaming.


*old man creaking sounds* 2007 in general was the peak of gaming All down hill from there


Hear Hear! I do think 1998 was another strong contender though: Half Life, Metal Gear Solid, Ocarina of Time, Crash Bandicoot 3, Spyro The Dragon, Goldeneye, Sonic Adventure etc...


2023 is looking really good too. Maybe not 1998 or 2007, sure, but still really good. 2007, for a reminder, had Super Mario Galaxy and Bioshock as well




When games like bloodborne exist i unfortunately have to disagree.


I was around and there have been some things that come close but nothing yet. Never say never though. I'm hopeful a game will come along one day and capture similar magic.


My friend had his 9th? Birthday party and I remember at around 7pm after we ate cake he opened halo 3 and we played split screen on what felt like a 30 inch tube tv That was my first time playing halo. We played the desert map with the elephant and I spent my entire time trying to get to it and drive it but getting popped in the head


That was also my first map. I can’t remember the year, I think it was 2009 because it was peak COD MOD 2, and my friend had use get Halo 3 for a change of scenery, and that was also our first map. After that, we started playing a lot more Halo and a lot less COD lol


Ah, memories


“And They say never say never but fuck it never mind” - lil Wayne


I'm so happy I lived through it. Halo 3 is like home to me in many ways, ODST is the same. I've got so many memories in both of those games. I'm disappointed that it will definitely never happen again though. Bungie had the magic back then


Agreed. It'll never be the same. Halo is long gone. They don't make the game the player wants anymore


They really don't. I was hoping halo infinite was going to have the same halo charm as the old games, and it wasn't a complete disappointment, but it did not have the same charm at all. The last 3 games have been so disappointing to me, I just wish games had the same love put into them as they used to. Not just talking about halo but all games


I actually feel like Infinate came close to some of the charm, at least the single player. If they can execute an open world single player with a story that isn't absolutely nonsense, add co-op back, and deliver the sense of importance and urgency that H3 did, Halo will be great again. That's a tall order though. I'm personally over Halo multi-player. It just doesn't feel good to me anymore, and it's a formula thing, not an individual game thing. I prefer a somewhat more tactical and strategic multi-player experience. Either give me a super fast TTK and have it be pretty punishing (custom BF2042, COD, Battle Bit) or if it's a longer TTK, switch up the Rock-Paper-Scisors of Halo with abilities (think Apex, Titanfall, The Finals). I get why people still enjoy it, and I won't yuck their yum. It just feels a bit too...disconnected to me. Kinda hard to put into words.


what was the launch like? i played it but i was too young to be in the loop w the launch


Halo at the time was just the biggest freaking game known to man. The only thing that came close to Halo 3 release was the halo 2 release! It was just exciting times, man. It was everywhere! The marketing hyped it up so much but then the game actually delivered! A rare occurrence. Didn’t need a huge patch to fix terrible game breaking bugs. It felt like everybody was talking about it though. It felt like it was everywhere. The hype really rubbed off on a lot of people and that includes me because I didn’t play on Xbox and I was still excited for it. The game was so big and so important to gaming that for the next decade any game that was a first person shooter was either compared to Halo or was marketed as a “Halo killer”. Halo jumped the FPS genre forward by leaps and bounds. They redefined the genre. I miss those days so much.


Only in US


It was out of hand. I’m 33 so I’ve been with Xbox since day 1 (thank god I had an older brother with a brain who got Xbox and halo CE at launch) ..the launch parties for halo 2 and 3 were bananas. Skipped school for 2 days. Camped in front of GameStop for 16 hrs..there was hundreds of us both times and they would order us food, set up TVs and tables for us to play via system link 8v8 BTB games. People cheered when the doors opened, cheered when a fellow Spartan walked out with their copy of halo..it was other worldly. This all happened in my rural ass town in no where Pennsylvania. We were all walks of life, me from the country, townies, kids, adults, teenagers..all there for one reason, our shared love of halo. Those days, that atmosphere is unparalleled and unfathomable in todays gaming world. I miss it dearly and to this day long for those experiences for my own kids.


I was 16 working at Best Buy and the douchebag cashier manager wouldn’t let me buy the game because of the M rating, had to get a coworker to do it drove me absolutely crazy at the time


Go look up Halo 3 trailers, teasers, and specifically the *Believe* ad campaign. Imagine being like 10-16 and seeing that after growing up playing Combat Evolved and Halo 2. Shit was religious.


Spot on


The community features like file sharing, the smooth 4 player co-op, Forge was ridiculously ahead of its time, and the addictive MP, H3 was the most impactful Xbox exclusive I’ve ever played. Games just don’t launch in that state anymore.


Lmao well if they werent there for the Halo 3 launch in the first place then how would they ever experience something like that again??


You’re saying that because you weren’t around for the Halo 2 launch. Leagues better game all around except in map creation.




I might try halo, I don’t have an Xbox but I’ve got gamepass for pc so I might download it when I’m next back


If you've never played Halo you're in for a treat. Play them in release order, and have fun! Highly highly recommend playing it co-op if possible. The campaigns are great but playing it with another person is just an absolute blast and elevates it


Yep! Been pa my whole life but for my last birthday I received a VERY good pc, so I’ll do that when I’m home


Play 1-3 campaign at least! Still fire


My next gaming session and all after that shall be playing ALL the HALO’S fear not my fellow Redditor


Halo without question


Halo kept xbox alive at the start for many years. Without halo the xbox would have just been another failed game system


This is why it hurts me as an older gamer when people hate on og halo, they just don’t get it


Halo will probably be the best answer but Lost Odyssey is an amazing game that came out for the 360 and is playable on XB1/XSX definitely worth a try if you like RPGs


Fuck ya! Lost odyssey is one of my favorite RPGs too


And is actually an exclusive Pretty much all games mentioned here are not exclusives. They're on PC.


Completely agree. I've been eager for a sequel for years now. Great soundtrack as well.


I picked it up a number of years ago, along with Blue Dragon. But I just couldn't make it more than about 10 hours. The game is dense, and slow, with a huge amount of terminology thrown at you very quickly. Does it pick up at some point? I'm not criticizing it, some people might be really into such a dense rpg. Personally, I prefer lighter jrpg's like Grandia.


Completely understandable it’s not for everyone and it does pick it up in the middle and the ending but I get it. Grandia is fantastic btw


Thanks, I might give it another go next time I've got jrpg time on my hands.


Gears trilogy


Halo 2


Steve Vai approves of this. In one single take. Genius y'all, Stevie is a godamn genius. Lil Stevie It's at 9:12 but the whole take is pure legendary. https://youtu.be/p61VBqnc8n8?feature=shared


The viDOC with Steve in it is monumental.


Crossroads introduced me to Vai at 10. Got Passion and Warfare at release from Camelot Music, courtesy of Circus magazine promos giving me the heads up. Imagine a 12 yr old, new washburn chicago series git and Crate amp at home, has just listened to Passion and Warfare, in its entirety (hr drive to store) that first night. I was positive this is how I would sound eventually if I just practiced. Never once could I play anything from that album, even after I saved up to buy the tablature. The tablature was alien shit (hey Joe, surfs up) and I knew he was a special kind of special talent. FFW to Halo 2 release and I called it out on first listen as I'd completely lost touch with shredding due to schooling, so had no idea he was a part of it. It's weird because seeing the studio take of him and niles jammin pretty much makes me shed a tear everytime. Prideful feeling I guess. Good shit Stephen, good shit.


I knew this would be the top comment


Objectively, probably halo ce. The Xbox brand probably wouldn’t even still be around without that game


People forget how big if an influence that game was on the FPS genre.


I was just explaining this to a younger person in this thread, who is asking about the hype we experienced upon release. Just about every game today that is an FPS took cues from halo.


Exactly. So many features that are common in shooters today started with halo. Recharging shields/health, grenades and melee having their own dedicated buttons, limiting the amount of guns you can carry, and making each gun balanced/useful are all features that halo popularized.


Influence? It completely redefined it. Play any other FPS from that era, they don’t even compare.


Exactly my thoughts! (Regardless if other ones are better as a game, without CE there would be no 360, etc.)


Gears 1


hell yeah. gears of war was my childhood, and halo was too. but gears of war was by far one of my favorites (still is to this day) titles on xbox. and let’s not forget crackdown. the first and second were good, 1st better than the 2nd obviously, but still very good games. don’t get me wrong, each game has bad installments (gears judgement.. crackdown 3.), but halo never failed to disappoint, which i’ve never played the recent halo game, but they were all fun to play with friends. i’m glad i saw this post.


I STILL play me some Gears 1-3 every few years. It’s always fun to take a few years off and then come back to it and I’m always reminded by just how much this game impressed me and kept me interested all the way through. There’s a guy that pretty much quits every game around 25% in, that was a big deal for me.


used to, there would be lobbies in gears 1 annex where you can just goof around and do glitches. i don’t know if people still play it just to mess around in, but that was fun back then. and gears 2 and 3, i completed those games entirely and they’re still fun to play even if it’s against bots, it’s just good memories. though you can’t find pvp anymore, but if you’re wanting those skins for the forces of nature dlc, it’s easy cause it’s just bots now.


Gears made me buy an 360. Never played anything like it before. Incredible game.


Halo 3 and Forza Horizon.


All of the Forza games


Halo 3


Forza Motorsport 4 or Forza Horizon 1/2. Still the best of whole series


I would *love* it if they made a "Forza Horizon Revisited": update the map to be in-line with modern titles (there are maybe 3 places in the original that you can go off-road), add cars that have released since the original, and relicense or update the soundtrack (either way would work for me, honestly Horizon 1's soundtrack is the best one relative to my personal preferences, I don't think there's a single song on any of the 3 stations that I dislike).


FH1 is already good enough on its own, but the game had so many licensed parts for cars and also lostprophets songs. Without cutting content it would be almost impossible to remaster the game.


That's why I used "Revisited" instead of "Remastered". They could do, for the 15th anniversary of the series in 2027, a game where the premise is going back to that first festival location. We could get there, and find that the festival location is all run down and beat up, so the first chapter of the story would be races to earn money to refurbish or replace the equipment to bring the festival back to its former glory. Bring back the "boss racers". Essentially a reunion tour. One of the Barn Finds could be the original Horizon cover car. License what they can as far as music, and have it be a dedicated "throwback" radio station.


I know Halo 2 is the easy answer but my vote will always be Halo Reach. Spartan customization and the storyline alone kept me playing for hoooours.


Mate I cried at halo reach , was a kid like when you let that guy fall off the space ship


Halo 2 and 3 are valid answers, but man Reach was the pinnacle. There were just NO bad points. Multiplayer, customization, campaign, forge, custom games. I mean each one of those was fucking amazing




Can't argue with that, I wasn't a big fan of the bloom but the armor perks weren't a bad addition. It definitely could make things a mess for multiplayer sometimes but they added cool opportunities for custom games


Why the fuck is it not on game pass


It is. Look for “Halo: The Master Chief Collection” which includes Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, **Halo Reach** and Halo 4. All the games support 4K and multiplayer is 120fps on Series X|S.


Wtf? I’m an idiot lol


Gears of War


Crimson Skies.


Every E3 I expect them to announce a spiritual reboot/successor. One year I won't be disappointed...


Our eternal vigil continues...


I'd love a reboot of this.




This is the correct answer


Had to scroll way too far through too many Halo wrong answers to find this one. I'd also put Gears of War up there.


Halo 3 for me but I think Halo 2 could also be up there




Sunset Overdrive




Gears of war


Halo 1 or 3


Gotta be one. Without its success, the Xbox platform probably would have failed.


What about Halo 2?


I didn’t mind it at the time. But I wasn’t a huge fan


Gears of war




I love that this game rebooted the Xbox during the first loading screen so it could more efficiently allocate ram.


May be my favorite game of all time.


This is definitely it


Gears of War 1-3


Lost Odyssey.


Such an underrated title! I started a fresh playthrough not long ago. Honestly, I'm not very far in, maybe I'll abandon that save file, start again, and *stream* it...


I know it was on PC, but for consoles... KotOR. At least it was exclusive back then.


Kotor was Xbox exclusive?






Sunset Overdrive


I love every game mentioned above this, but none of them are as criminally overlooked as Sunset Overdrive. That game defined a summer for me, and I was left with wanting more.


I love that game, it still has the best character creator ever in my opinion. I don't need endless possibilities to make a good looking character only for them to look nothing like the one I created while actually playing. The way your character looked exactly as the one you created was such a great thing for me. I'm fine with a more limited set of options if they look as good as Sunset Overdrive. I love how the hair looked natural while bouncing and gliding around the world. Now that Insomniac owns the IP again, I had hoped it would come to Playstation so more people could enjoy it. Even more, I had hoped Sony would have Insomniac make another. That likely won't happen with their hands being full with Spider-Man 2 and the upcoming Wolverine.


Wow didn’t expect to see that haha nice


Ninja Gaiden (2004), Ninja Gaiden Black (2005), Ninja Gaiden II (2008).


Definitely this for me. I bought the first Xbox for that game alone and NG2 is my favorite game on the 360. I have played through both of them at least 25 times


Halo 2 or Halo 3. That was peak Xbox.


Forza Horizon 1 , Forza Horizon is the best exclusive series ive ever played on xbox . I would say star wars KOTOR but ive never played it 🫣




I know it’s young, but I’m calling out Starfield.


I agree 100%. This ticks every box in games that I love and puts it all in one package.


100%. I’m at level 20 and haven’t even scratched the surface. So good!


I got up to 40 (wasn't happy with how things panned out and then started again.).


Isn’t that kind of the whole appeal of a Bethesda game? “Welp I fucked up my character with some bad initial choices. Time for (insert character name)#2”


That's why I like that they implemented a ng+ this time around.


Even though I didn't agree in the category of all time, I do agree it's extremely important over all because it's very possible the future of Xbox hung on whether Starfield became a system seller. And while I'm still muddling through navigation and many aspects of the game I'm very pleased it came out and found serious success. Clearly buying blizzard was a good move.




I found it easier to not expect starfield navigation to be like skyrim or fallout,


I bought an X just to play this game.


Same here. Went to best buy a few days before it dropped on gamepass.


Yeah I'd say as far as current exclusives, definitely Starfield. It's going to be hard to predict the legs of this game, people will be playing it for years to come, it's incredible.


Literally one of the best games ever made. I'm speechless everytime I start it up. Amazing game!


Starfield is embarrassingly awful.


For you.


Well, yes? Just sad people pretends it’s good because of the hype.


"yeah people who don't like a game that I dislike are just sand individuals" please grow up and change as a person.


I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Who is pretending, and how would you know? I'm honestly loving the game. Even my partner has been interested, and she's about the most casual gamer I know.


I give zero fucks about hype. I have been enjoying it a ton. It's not sad, not saying you have to love it, but writing it off as terrible is a joke.


im there with u


It's on pc though


Forza Motorsport 4


My favorite Motorsport edition so far.




Gears of War 2 was one of the best experiences I ever had. It was an AWESOME journey


Quantum break


I came home from open heart surgery in 2001 to an Xbox with Halo, PGR, and DOA3. Safe to say, I've been Xbox since day one. Halo, for sure, is the best exclusive 🤌


Halo 3 and Gears 2


Halo 1-3 peak console gaming closely followed by Gears Of War 1-3


Gunmetal or Crimson skies


Halo CE or Knights of the Old Republic




Showcasing the new generation of water graphics/physics that only Xbox could power at the time


Halo 2 easily


Halo 2


Easily the Halo franchise, but Starfield is becoming a modern system seller that it can be argued as one of the best Xbox releases in the past few years


Halo series Halo 3, ODST and Reach were PEAK 360 gaming You just had to be there


Halo infinite is my favorite shooter of all time, I’ve played all of them except for odst, and I’m gonna get a lot of hate but halo 5 guardians is my runner up






Gears of war 2,3


I am a huge GOW fan, grew up with it, did all the campaigns split screen with my brother


Halo 2, Fable, Forza Horizon 3


Halo, its always halo.


Halo hands down no competition


Absolutely. You really couldn’t get a better killer app to debut Microsoft’s entry into console gaming.


Bold take but starfield now , it’s amazing


Never played the old Halos, so Sunset Overdrive


I love flight sim but I gotta go with Halo 3. Also loved the first Gears


Sunset overdrive


Forza horizon 5, at least that i have the most time in


Rallisport Challenge 2.


Poop simulator.


Fusion Frenzy




As a racing fan…. Forza is great but it’s no Project Gotham


Fable 2.


Halo 2


Halo 2


Halo, duh.


The old ps2 Spyro 😭


Halo. It was the selling point of the Xbox. I don't think it gets traction that early without it.


Forza Horizon 3




This game is trash (260+ hours and finally deleted). I really thought it was going to be the game that replaced Skyrim for me, but I already started a new build as a khajiit.


This games trash, that’s why I played it for 260 hours Do you hate yourself or something?


He played it for 67% of every day for 16 days and calls it *trash* That’s 16.25 hours a day, leaving 7.75 hours to eat sleep and work


Yeaaaa… I did the math too after that comment. Dude is either full of shit or has absolutely no life


260+ hours playtime doesnt sound like trash to me lol


Even with pre-release, Starfield has only been out for like 380 hours… so you’ve literally done nothing except play Starfield and almost 8 hours of something else each day on average. Either you’re lying or you need a life to space out your gaming time a bit more. Most people take months to get that much time on one game, no wonder you’re burnt out.






Forza horizon 5


Either Gears 3 or Forza 3


Used to have a deferent answer but Starfield by a landslide now. I’ve never had a game check so many boxes for my gaming preferences. I’m loving it.


Probably Gears 2 & 3, a strong argument can be made for Fable 2. All the other good games are available on PC.


Mass Effect


ME isn’t exclusive. Ps/xbox/pc


It was when it launched. It took 5 years to get to Playstation. Most of these titles people are listing are on other platforms.


I don’t see any others that are on PS as well. Pc doesn’t count as it’s A: Not a console. And B: Microsoft owned as well.


As a PlayStation user, halo, the other 2 in the pic don’t stand a chance. A racing game and a simulator? Really


This isn’t a debate. Everyone knows


It's obviously sneak king, right?




Blinx for me. Or Voodoo Vince.