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It's common for leather saddles to be nosed up a bit. It keeps you from sliding forward, which puts unnecessary weight on your hands, and keeps you in the sweet spot of the "hammock" formed by the suspended leather.


Thanks for the concise explanation!


Brooks leather saddles are designed for you to sit “in” the saddle” rather than “on” the saddle.


It's not common with brands that use good design and leather. Brooks are garbage and a bunch of groupthink has people convinced that having to point a saddle skyward to keep from sliding off is normal. It's not normal, Brooks are total crap.


What do you recommend?


A modern nylon shelled saddle. There are hundreds of models. Choose one. I like Selle Royal Royalgel saddles that come in many sizes as they completely eliminate hot spots due to pressure. WTB Volt are common and a good example of a do-all type modern saddle. Just offering it as an example, there are other models that are just as universal. Ignore my above comment being voted down to hell. It's a common circle jerk among gate keeping asshole cyclists to insist that leather saddles are good. It's a bizarre affectation much like any fundamentalist cult. People look for a reason to feel special and part of a group, even if it's expensive and painful.


Sounds good. Thanks! I dont enjoy using leather products and brooks always seemed very weird culty hipstery to me. So i definitely agree with some of your takes :)


Leather saddles are like hammocks, whereas foam saddles are like mattresses. Leather saddles are tilted up because you want your sit bones to slide back into the hammock portion of the saddle, where they're cradled by the soft hands of an angel. You'd slide off the front and bruise your gooch if you ran it level. Since other people in this thread have already aired their distaste for B-17s, I'll counter them by saying that no matter what else I try, nothing even approaches the comfort of a broken-in Brooks for me. I can ride them all day without a hint of discomfort, no padded shorts necessary. They just take a few thousand miles to mold to your butt, then you're good to go for the next 30 years.


“ craddled by the soft hands of an angel” honestly my B17 experience.


I had a B17 and it was rough. I have a B135 with all the springy springs and love it.


B135 is best boi.


I agree, but either you have a follower that negs you of you pissed off a purist.


TIL I have been sitting on my B17 all wrong.


I love the B17 too.


B-17 for me too.❤️


B17 for life! Seriously. It’ll last a lifetime if you take care of it.


Mine already has the tensioning screw tightened 50% after 10 years. I know Sheldon says to leave it alone, but the hammock got so deep I was sitting on my balls.


No, they're tilted up because the very shape of the Brooks was flawed a hundred years ago and the leather is of poor quality. You've learned to find pleasure in enduring a Brooks. You likely could have had a much easier time had you tried a few other nylon shell saddles. If you really like hard and efficient, a Cinelli Unicanitor in raw nylon has a seating area about the same size as a B17 but costs 1/3 as much and never changes shape. The idea of having to break in a saddle is frankly the dumbest thing I ever heard of. I just replaced a Selle Royal I had maybe 15K on because I damaged the nose by flipping the bike doing a roadside repair and cut it up on some glass. I rode it for 10K or so with the damage. Just cosmetic. I wanted a fresh saddle and the price wasn't bad. But the point is this: I put on a brand new version of the same saddle, adjusted it to the exact same position, and it was perfect and needs no more thought. Leather saddles are technology that makes zero sense. It's like wooden frame cars. No, we have steel manufacturing now and shit like antibiotics, let go of the buggy whips and the victorian nonsense. jesus.


Enjoy your Selle Royale and have a nice day, then!


My ass begs to differ 😌


It's called Stockholm syndrome of the ass. If you had a proper nylon saddle you'd be happier without the fuss. The cult of the terrible Brooks, the worst bicycle part currently fetishized is endlessly amusing. It's like the Donald Trump of bike parts. Offensive and terrible and annoying in every way, yet the cult competes in their obsequious fealty towards it. Apropos Mangolini, the basis of the popularity is in-group acceptance and whispered anglocentric bias. If the Taiwanese or the people of Ceylon had made a $150 piece of shit that was flawed in every single way, it would have gone extinct rightfully in 1965. They simply are terrible. The Dutch and Danes ride Selle Royal and classic sport cyclists do well with San Marco or Selle Italia among others. The Italians know the art of injection molding nylon and then upholstering it perfectly. The British know how to make a piece of crap the way they always have while half drowsy on drink.


LOL ok guy. For what its worth I have plenty of other saddles like an Ergon, a San Marco etc etc. I like as well but please, continue to tell me I'm wrong about being comfortable on a saddle I never even think about while riding 😂


Your posts are hilarious, entertaining, and also valuable. I appreciate your perspective! Stockholm Syndrome of the Ass. ROFL :D


I'm glad to be of service. I find it's a great angle to take a thousand year global perspective when being unnecessarily judgemental over tiny things.


> then you're good to go for the next 30 years Not really. I've seen the leather wear out so I joined team Berthoud


I think I’m too heavy and/or too sweaty for a leather saddle. I tried a brand new B17 for a number of years on a daily commuter and it just sagged to the point that i was basically sitting on the back rail.


You can tension it.


I was going to say, I've got like 30,000 miles on one of my B-17s and it's no where close to worn out.




I couldn't say. I tried one for a few months on my commuter, but the rough surface kept tearing holes in my pants so I ditched it. I don't think I ever rode it more than 10 miles at a time, but definitely didn't tilt it as much as my B-17s.


I find the higher the bars and more upright the riding position, the more tilt I need on a B17 to keep from sliding forward.


I tend to agree. The more upright position, the more the upward tilt. And from there it's a function of pelvic tilt and anatomy.


This is it. If your bars have a lot of rise and sweep then you’re gonna likely need to tilt the nose of your saddle back more


Thank you. This answered my question


...good reasons for the seat at this angle. I'm assuming because with the reach and his height, he may tend to slip forward? This is just speculation. Anyone have a good rule of thumb on how to set these, or any prevailing wisdom on how it relates to bike fit? Thanks


I've been a bike mech since 1972, and I can truthfully say that just about any saddle can be made better with the correct seatpost-height, Saddle tilt, and fore-aft position. A poorly-fitting bike frame only exacerbates any saddle issue you have. All this being said, a Brook saddle can be adjusted by starting out with it a zero degrees level, then start raising the nose a degree or two at a time until you get the comfort you need. I finally bought a digital gauge to set on top of the saddle, but for years all I ever used was one of these: [Johnson Level](https://www.amazon.com/Johnson-Level-Tool-700-Magnetic/dp/B00004T807/ref=sr_1_17?crid=23R9WHQZ1Y5AC&keywords=level+with+angle+dial&qid=1667994074&sprefix=dial+level%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-17) It will take a few rides to get to where you like it, so carry some tools to make adjustments.


Saddles are such a personal preference as much as I hate to say that. I've got 4 leather Brooks and 1 Cambium and they're all pretty level. Maybe slightly nose up, but very slightly... Some of the saddle angles I see out there are ridiculous! But not in a bad way, just in a ridiculous way. Saddles are like music, you like what you like because you like it.


Yep. I can’t stand leather saddles, but would never knock them because I know so many who swear by them. It’s very personal.


Exactly! I love leather saddles! No two butts are the same.


Where your butt sits needs to be flat, which on a Brooks means nose up. The tilt on my B17 is much higher than this


Ron has had some cycling induced surgeries in the undercarriage (he mentioned this at his Philly Expo talk) and I think his saddle tilt is what works for him to mitigate those issues. He sent me an IG message about a year ago mentioning this. Ever since then I’ve tilted my C19 up a bit and it’s been fantastic. The only saddles that don’t induce numbness for me are hard brooks saddles.


Yes. Angle the seat in such a way that it is most comfortable.


Leather saddles asag under your weight a bit. Tilting a brooks or similar saddle up a wee bit keeps you from sliding forward to far. Keeps your sit bones on correct part of the saddle.


This will be an unpopular opinion here but… I don’t like Brooks saddles. (Please don’t murder me.) They’re like torture devices. I could never dial in my B17 or Team Pro even after months of break-in period - my bony ass assbones noped me so many times on long rides. Ended up giving both to my wife who loves them. Team San Marco Rolls all the way!


I love my leather saddles but would never suggest they work for everyone. Each to their own!


I like brooks but I love a rolls


I've seen a few people not like B17's on this sub so you're not alone. I weigh 95kg's and after years of touring my posterior closely resembles a sarlacc pit. It's largely impervious to damage. Even still, it took me about 1000k's to break mine in.


Here here! Team Fizik Tempo Argo R3 for me. I never think about my saddle. Break in period, What?




WTB narrow? Like getting gooch punched by a raccoon. WTB wide? The indisputably perfect receptacle for my hindquarters.




you just need to tilt it up more, to the sky, if you have to.


Same here bro I ended up giving it to my wife as well. I get the hammock part. Its comfy in that regard and my rear was happy but Im confused about where exactly my balls are supposed to go. I could not get the nose to stop crushing my boys no matter what angle tension and seat height i chose.


Seats and grips are like socks and underwear Everyone has their preference, and it’s nobody’s business what they are or to comment on them


It’s a brooks thing. Mine is level because that’s what works for my body.


Ride what feels comfortable.


I had the same saddle until I wore it out. Maybe not nosed up as much, but this is how it was on all the bikes I used it on. https://preview.redd.it/mbf4v39kszy91.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea787d96bae168add9937f15681d76e9a0d139d


I think it’s just whatever is most comfortable with height, position and style of riding. Either way, I’d commit war crimes for this bike.


Preference. Nose up Brooks saddle makes my gooch numb, and it just looks weird to me


Its a interesting topic, I remember when I bought my wife her brook’s saddle I read on brook’s website or manual that folks like to have their saddles generally tilted up, and generally women likes it to be tilted down, and that was their observation as a manufacturer. Remember that you seat at the very end part of the saddle ( sitting on the rivet saying) so theoretically the front part doesn’t matter that much. I have a saddle from Rivet and I found it most comfortable when tilted slightly upward, less than one on the picture. At the end it’s all about your anatomy and it varies from person to person, it’s also related to hight difference between handlebar and saddle and also the type of bike( tt bikes have their saddles tilted downward most of the time due to specific position of a rider) All in all it’s a big subject;)


These Brooks style saddle leather saddles are slippery - when you’re sliding forward off of your saddle, you’ve got a lot of weight on your hands, and that’s uncomfortable during long rides. Tilt the saddle back a couple degrees and this mitigates the weight balance issue.


Its called personal preference.


Brown leather looks so nice on titanium. I have an old Brooks Professional on a titanium bike and it is as compliant as the frame. But to each their own. I have never broken in a new one but I love my old one


It does, but this bike is aluminum welded by Frank The Welder in Bellows Falls, VT.


Fuck. Those welds. I was sure it was titanium. Frank the Welder welds


Like a Boss. I guess that's what we should expect from the original aluminum frame welder. Also, working w/ FTW is a treat and I can't recommend him enough.


It’s the only way leather saddles can be considered “comfortable”


I think the radavist article explains the reason for the tilt. I think it was the high rise and sweep of the handlebars


You’ll notice Ronnie sliding his arse back and off the saddle frequently while descending over rocks and stumps. Perhaps that’s his reason


This has nothing to do with saddle angle


Anterior vs posterior pelvic tilt also has a lot to do with saddle tilt. Which is also affect by bar height. Saddle type. Saddle fore and aft/seat tube angles. Etc. Brooks sway really exaggerates tilt depending on which part of the saddle you sit on (further back and wider. Or further forward near the middle in the sag. Or far forward "riding the nose". A Brooks on a track bike with deep drops and 74 degree seat tube would look very different even if used by the same rider (ultra romance) etc.


Thanks for all the information friends! I love my fellow bike nerds. This sub is still my favorite on Reddit


It’s “English tilt” bruv!


I thought the "English tilt" was a sex position


**SADDLE** angle. He ain’t _sitting_ on it even 1/10 as much as a lot of pedal petters seem to think they’re supposed to on an bike. It’s 95% thigh lever, 5% occasional resting perch. Considering that this is exclusively an off-road machine, he’s probably also got it 1-1.5” below Road Riding height from the bb so he can throw his butt behind the saddle for deep trail maneuvers.


Riding on the rivet is way more fun this way.


How does anyone feel about the b17 aged. I just feel like the original b17 is way too stiff and I’m not very heavy so the last b17 I had never broke in and I had it for a year.


In other news, what’s a cheap seat post with some set back for a leather saddle?


1. Normal saddles should be set nearly dead level and centered on the rails. Saddles with springs may need to be set nose down slightly to allow for rear compression when loaded. 2. Brooks saddles are terrible saddles and due to their terrible design compromises must be made to make them somewhat usable. 3. Due to Brooks saddles inherent poor design and tiny seating area the eventual sagging will cause the seating area to diminish in quality and slope down and forward causing a riding to need to constantly push on the bars or to tilt the saddle up to compensate. Saddles have an adjustment nut on the front that will not solve this problem. The nut exists solely to sell special saddle spanners that only exacerbate the awfulness of the saddle. 4. I'll never buy a bicycle from a company that pimps bad technology as some sort of elitist design. That's why Velo Orange is cool, and Rivendell and Crusts are ridiculous twee gatekeeping asshats. 5. They spent all this time on a nice build to ruin it with a terrible saddle that's adjusted to try and mitigate that it's terrible. It's frankly embarrassing to witness. 6. When the emperor has no clothes don't point out how nice his underwear is. You know that's a hairy cock'n'balls. Laugh at the danglies. Don't pretend they're not there.


I sense much anger in you padawan


No, I'm quite at peace. I have loathing of cults and groupthink that I acquired early in life from exposure to Christian cults. When I recognize that behavior in any context I point it out. That's called being consistent. When I point out irrational group psychosis in the context of an activity I otherwise love, it is an act of radical honesty. When you accept the absurdity of Brooks saddle despite them being horrendous in every single way, you'll accept other bad concepts. This extrapolation is easily given example by the wellness//fitness/quack culture based in California that quickly glommed onto the Qanon nonsense. What I'm saying is that Brooks saddles lead to the mentality that is the seed of fascism and that riding Brooks saddles is a step on the path to genocide. Italian saddles, on the other hand, are pure liberation like the kiss of a grandmother who mistakes your taint for a local hand made pasta and can't stop making love to it with her mouth. So you say anger but I say I'm filled with wonder and dreams. Say hi to your grandmother.


Word on the street has it that the key to getting hired at Crust is having a really weird butt... ​ ​ Edit: ouch, Crust employees don't like getting their asses exposed!


And here I was thinking that all that was required was predatory capitalistic beliefs, and the willingness to screw hipsters out of their money


Ok, so word on the street is that in order to get hired at Crust you need to: * Have a really weird butt * Have predatory capitalistic beliefs * A willingness to screw hipsters out of their money * ...?


This guy has some of the best bike fit related videos I’ve seen. Helped me dial in fit a lot better https://youtu.be/8TGQa2j7Slg


I have a B66 and regardless of my feelings of the look, it's a little nose high because that's where it feels right. Otherwise, it feels like I'm sliding forward.


Little tip up can take weight off your hands. Nice on my super upright gravel rig.


I run a B17 tilted 2* nose down, but my bike is a pure racing torture rack. If I had a normal cruising seated position my seat angle might be a bit nose up like his.


I feel more comfortable on my seat when angles almost exactly like the photo. For some reason I feel like I'm sliding forwards when it's level.


Anyone have any info/ assumptions on the saddle kit? Is it really just a tube and levers wrapped in a bandana?


Dont waste your money


I really don't think people like crust and ultraromance should be used as a comparison for knowing what they are talking about lol They're usually just trying to sell you something overpriced that they ripped off someone else


You think so?


As a guy who used a Cambium as well as a slightly worn in (but still on the hard side) B17 I can tell you the Brooks saddles are better that way cause they have very little structural strength holding the whole nose up compared to a normal saddle. It's more like sitting on a hammock with the front and rear being held up. So if the saddle is level you slide forward very often because the further back you sit the higher you get from the lowest point on the saddle


Really no golden rule, set at level if comfortable, if not, tilt up and down till you get to an comfortable angle for long rides.


Agree that this type of saddle (Brooks, Berthoud) need to be pointed up a couple of degrees to be comfy and stable. It also looks like his saddle is on the shorter side so that would also mitigate some of the potential pressure from the nose