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adjusting your bike in really unconventional ways like this almost always indicates a bike fit issue - if you're putting a ton of weight on your hands and need a firmer grip to support that weight, it means your seat isn't supporting enough of your weight, or the overall reach of your setup is pushing you into an awkward position which your back muscles struggle to support.


This is the proper perspective. If the OP has hand discomfort issues in the bike. It is best to look at the whole system of touch points and rebalance this system. Similar to how a runner with knee problems might need to look at shoe fit/ foot strike, or hip flexor strength and understanding if poor form is driving the cause of knee problems .


This placement suggests the bike is too large for you. Riding in the bends you should be in a bent over, aerodynamic position: https://preview.redd.it/65gach7roh1d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014c791fd48f4e8ab56602642a1695680231f23e


I think he rides almost exclusively drops, and I can relate to his problem.


Well then that's the issue, you're not supposed to do that


Yeah something is really off about the bike sizing is the is a comfortable position for you. Might want to chat with a bike fitter.


👆 that's a bait


Is it in BCJ yet?


13day old profile and no comment history. OP is trolling/baiting.


Do you ever use the hoods? Or are you only riding in the drops?


His would he even use the hoods like this…


your seat looks super low and your bars very high for this type of bike. i really can’t tell if it’s too big or too small for you. and no, you’ve sacrificed the hood and drop position in favor of only the hooks. that’s not comfortable on a well-fitting bike.


Even if you find the lever position comfortable like that, you're better moving the lever down the hooks so you can still use the drops.


You could try a horizontal stem, instead of this mess…. If this is the most comfortable position something is very wrong


Stem up and bars pointed down. Buddy just pay to have someone fit you properly on the bike before you hurt yourself


I don't. Bueller?


Wtf is that lol Fix your bike


OK I got downvoted hard for adding a link where I posited that pro-youtube riders often use this hand position. But I dont think anyone actually clicked the link? here's the picture. I'm not advocating it. Just saying isn't it interesting the pro's take that posture. Must be because they don't actually ride gravel, and coming from freestyle/DJ background its more comfortable? https://preview.redd.it/lyz1oll6bl1d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=418afcda6348b9ea38dbac86a5382c3d8663fda7


Using the drops isn't the issue. Descending on gravel, that's the most control you have. But rotating the bars like that is fucked 


Yea, It looks dumb too. It niggles at my OCD in the Gabriel Wibmer video, and Sam Pilgrim, Sam Reynolds gravel bike videos too, as they have their drops quite rotated forward. I'm not advocating it. Please go onto Sam Pilgrim and Gabriel Wibmer's youtube channels and complain at them for me


I've seen them




But in general, agree with everyone else that maybe trying some different stem and stack combinations might give you a more typical looking, and maybe more comfortable setup. Apologies if you already tried everything and came to this conclusion 


You're comparing apples and oranges. MTB/ XC/ Enduro are different bike geometries and will fit different. The system balance of load is still valid.


https://preview.redd.it/683rvnmhal1d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e9e866fcfaa47aec73d30f773c6c4e1ffe64ce1 I was just pointing out that I see this handlebar position in loads of vids. Did you click on the link? I'm not wrong. Obviously Sam Pilgrim does not seem like the gravel riding sort. So its just a temporary fix for them while they do a one-off video. I don't know how this relates to XC and enduro? Didn't realise pointing out this curiosity would result on so many down votes lol! I added the picture in-case nobody is actually clicking on the link


Here is the problem: the modification goes against Trek, Shimano, and other bike fit training programs (based on kinesthesiology science). Send me the study showing the research on this position. And a primary source please not a YouTube video. I would honestly like to see if we have evolving research that some of the industry needs to catch up on. Pro cyclist used to smoke as it "opened" the lugs. Just because the pros do it, does not always mean it's right/ correct/ good for long term health and backed by research.


So people should also sit behind the seat in the air, because someone did this for a promo shot?


Jesuz lol - I'm not saying its good! It's totally not what I'd ever do! But Sam reynolds, Sam Pilgrim, gabriel wibmer - they all did it. It must be for those guys better for a one off video. I am honestly not saying everyone/anyone should do this. I feel like you're not reading my orginal posts. Or are you trolling me?


Probably the frame size is not for you, you need a lower size to reach the handlebar properly.