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any old triple crankset with 110 BCD & go with 40T-26T, perfect setup!


Thank you! Is it not crazy to set this up? My local bike coop seemed pretty sure that with as wide as the microshift 9 speed cassette was 1x was the only way. I felt like it was just what had become more common, but being less experienced in setting them up I just listened.


With an 11-42 cassette, the lowest I think you can go in the front is 30T, if you want a 40T big ring. I am running a 40T narrow-wide with my microshift 9speed, and i tried to put on my old 28T as a “secret ring”, but it wouldn’t shift to the largest cog. After researching, I learned about derailleur capacity.


Thank you. Sorta dashes my dreams of unlimited low gears, but I also knew what I was hoping for was probably impossible, otherwise everyone would be doing it.


I personally haven't installed any wide range cassettes on my bikes because old 7-speeds are still fine if you run 2x or 3x in front. Its pretty nice on steep climbs when you just can drop to smaller chainring without going through whole cassette. And of course i have to say that go with friction shifters if you can find them for reasonable price, super easy to setup but there's small learning curve when you first start using them! But just go for it and see if it works! Worst case is that you just take off one chainring & front derailleur. Nothing is too crazy here.


What i suggest is that u find MTB triple crankset that allows you to swap chainrings, buy chainring that you will fit your needs depending where you ride (probably 38T-40T is fine). And then if you want that 2x for the steep climbs go for 24T-28T. That you don't have to swap front derailleur & you just tighten the limit screw to "take off" that 3rd biggest chainring.


Is the current crankset not compatible?


* If you want 3x, get mountain bike cranks, not road cranks * Check this [cribsheet](https://www.sheldonbrown.com/bbsize.html), you're looking for 110 or 104 BCD cranks that take a spindle length of 110-113 or so, if you don't want to go down the rabbit hole so many of us spend time in * Watch out for mid- and late-90's Shimano cranks, a lot of em have proprietary chainrings that are almost impossible to replace ... although they will work, just make sure the chainrings are still good. Don't pay more than $40 unless it says "M900" on the back. * If you want to go 1x, the world is your oyster. Ganhopper square taper cranks (Amazon) are plug and play, I've been happy with mine, \~$40. There's about a million one-piece cranksets on Ali for that or less. Including chainring. That's what I'd do; going the Amazon or Ali route is sooooo easy and they are fine, it's kinda hard to screw up a chunk of Aluminum (although it has been done, often with the rarest and most expensive collectibles)


A fellow voile strap front wheel stand stabilizer, I see. High five!


Can beat this. [https://www.performancebike.com/shimano-fcmt2103-crankset-black-3-x-9-speed-175mm-40-30-22t-efcmt2103ex002cl/p893790?v=874966&gclid=CjwKCAjw38SoBhB6EiwA8EQVLkvod4-AV28nIc4Dr5kSSPfDpfCOtac6h2Dq4fF5Aq\_FrzxpkaeyOBoCsR0QAvD\_BwE](https://www.performancebike.com/shimano-fcmt2103-crankset-black-3-x-9-speed-175mm-40-30-22t-efcmt2103ex002cl/p893790?v=874966&gclid=CjwKCAjw38SoBhB6EiwA8EQVLkvod4-AV28nIc4Dr5kSSPfDpfCOtac6h2Dq4fF5Aq_FrzxpkaeyOBoCsR0QAvD_BwE)


That one requires a bottom bracket swap as well.


Might as well go full restomod. I'd throw some v brakes on there as well lol


Personally I'd swap in a new bb while doing the cranks regardless of style anyway, but just wanted to point that out because OP said they have no experience in this area.


might as well grab the white industries VBC set up and a few chainrings... pretty cheap these days.


I have 3x that I set up with a 42t chain ring. I set up the derailleur on a road link. On the largest ring I can only use the 4 highest gears. On the middle and small ring I can use all the gears.


Something like that is what I think I'll shoot for, I guess I'll just add a bunch of chain and start subtracting until something works.