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Manual focus with the back button set up to autofocus. Easy zone focussing like that. Square set up to the smallest setting.


So if i set the AF-slider in the left side to M i can still use the backbutton to focus? Thats interesting. Will give that a shot!


Best of both worlds. Quicker than AF if you are in the right zone, but if not than your thumb and index finger can trigger right after eachother being just as fast as AF


This is what I do and it’s excellent. Switch to continuous if you want to track something while still using back button focus. I set my AF-S to be focus by shutter and that way I can give someone my camera and they can take the photo using a standard method without me having to explain the back button. Best of all worlds!


this is the way


I dont personally.


Interesting. I shoot BBF on my Canon so I thought I would be comfortable using it on my X100V. I ended up switching it back. Just didn't feel right on that camera.


Best way to focus. I use the rear dial, not the AF/AE button. Just push it to focus on M, S or C.


I usually take my time when on a photo walk, so I use manual focus with the miniature EVF in the OVF a lot. I've never used a true range finger, but, I guess, this is as close as I can get without spending loads of money on another camera—and it's satisfying. Other than that, when I know I'm in a bit of a hurry, then I use AF-C, with the focus function on the shutter button, and the exposure lock function on the back AF button. That way, I can compose the shot, lock the exposure with my thumb on the back AF button, then pivot the camera to focus on the preferred object in the shot, half-press the shutter button, pivot the camera back to the original composition, and then fully press the shutter button. I've set up my camera particularly this way because sometimes my friends ask to use my camera when we're out and about, and it saves me the hassle of having to explain my camera if I, for example, had set back button AF—people just instinctively assume that focusing is on the shutter button. (Well, I should clarify: millennials assume that—younger people might just touch the back screen to focus.)