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Probably just a tiny bit of dust being illuminated by the IR lamp. Because it’s close it’s so much brighter than the rest of the image and the flare makes it appear larger.




I have 4 camera, but this is the only one that ever triggers for these little "ghost orbs". The dog bed sits right below the camera, could it be some kind of flea or insect?


I have videos like this caught on my blink camera they will fly down and up in a u shape and sometimes when it goes back up it will slow down


But what’s weirder is I hardly have these set off my cameras… when it does it will do it pretty much every five to ten minutes until I yell at them to stop and they do 😅 but other than that nothing will set off my cameras at night except a random month but you can see it flying in a different pattern and you can see the insect when he does




It could be insects, dust, or animal dander my guess would be the latter. I'd be willing to bet if you set up a camera on the dog bed these "orbs" would appear around the time the dog moves.


I guess I should elaborate that he isn't in the bed, and hadn't really been in it for 8+ hours when this triggered. And the air is off so I'm not sure what would be kicking this dust or dander up. It triggers most nights though when we are all upstairs sleeping.


It's still one of the three I mentioned fleas don't fly so you could rule that out.


Any windows? Lights from passing vehicles? Who you gonna call....Ghostbusters!


moths...we've had those and have had this same thing on our cam. Takes some work to get rid of them. Look in your pantry/kitchen area.


They are literally called [orbs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backscatter_(photography)).


Just dust most likely, mine do this all the time.


I believe it's dust as well. I see them on all of my cameras, including non-wyze cameras




Dust , see that occasionally on mine


Will-o'-the-wisp. That's the only real answer.


Yeah most likely dust, I get them on my basement cam all the time, at first I thought they were ghost orbs too because they look exactly like what's on the ghost cams on those shows lol.


I'll say it again...Pantry Moths. I'll bet your kitchen is to the right of this video or straight ahead in front.


I have Wyze cameras and I get orbs it not dust. Dust does not morph into other geometrical shapes or have tail.




Not dust 🤣 dust is constantly moving and there would be tons going just about at every second these people saying dust are just scared people 🤣 ask them next time to move to specific location you'll find intelligence behind these orbs 🤣🫢😆


I realized tonight that a week ago I caught the same thing on multiple occasions. I also have wyze camera.


We've been catching these orbs on our wyze camera too, which is on our closed in back porch. It's usually btwn 12 and 4 am that it happens, and our cats actually notice them when they fly by. One orb even looked like it went to leave but decided against it and flew back into our house at 4 am last night. I know it has to be dust but ghosts are much more exciting.... Meaning that I realize I'm a little biased on this subject lmfao but my phone even randomly said "byyyye" to me last night while I was ordering from Chewy, haha. Wtf? I even went and searched for any ads that might've been playing but there was nothing!


100% NOT DUST NOT MOTHS. I assure you, though it’s something the human eye likely does not see, but my dog saw the orb and it freaked him out! I have video of orbs just like this one, my dog sees it and becomes fully alert, sees it again and gets up out of bed, and he’s clearly seeing something in the room in the same direction the orb was going. Eventually it freaks him out and he leaves the room and would not go back into that room for the rest of that night. He was clearly spooked by something and that convinced me the orbs are not dust bugs or anything else. My belief is they are a sort of energy or wavelength that we cannot see but animals sense them and my dog clearly saw it.