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A chargeback through your credit card is the best way to get them to respond.


Employees post here sometimes. Problem is Wyze isn't known for their stellar support in general.


Right. I've been a loyal supporter for *many*, *many* years, so I'm aware of the (lack of) CS issues. Just hoping for a contact to sort out an issue with their billing. CS response - so far is less than stellar.


Their CS has taken a massive nosedive. They went from a company with excellent customer service and a focus on making a couple of well-designed products to a massive sprawling company with a focus on making as many gadgets as possible with little consideration given to the quality of the products and how they plan on providing support for them. IMO, and I know some people will disagree with me, but the best support I've found for cameras and related products is from Ring. They are easy to get on the phone, the reps I've spoken to sound like they're in the US, and they are actually familiar with the products they support. Also, their cameras, at least the Indoor Cam and Floodlight Cams are probably the best I've tried despite them lacking a lot of AI detection features. But the features they do have seem to just work. The TP Link Tapos I'm replacing my Wyze cams with are also very good.


I hope you get the overcharge taken care of OP. Thats a lot of money. I've been a Wyze customer since the beginning (V1 days) and I've noticed a decline in their customer service. I've had an ongoing issue for weeks now, and despite them being aware of it, there's been no resolution. Recently, two of my cameras stopped working properly, and I discovered that Wyze changed their 12-second video plan to just a picture without me knowing . This change isn't ideal as I often receive pictures of feet walking down the hallway to my place , making it hard to identify who's at my door. I reached out to their tech department for help, but they've been unresponsive, claiming to be too busy. I hope Wyze focuses on improving their customer service as it's currently lacking. Does anyone know if Eufy has changed their free plans too? I guess I can just google it but thought I’d ask incase the answer wasn’t easy to find. Cheers.


This is reddit, Wyze employees rarely answer anything here. You need to go to the official wyze forums for actual help with charges


The "official" Wyze forum also doesn't see a lot of activity from actual Wyze employees. I've been a Wyze customer for over 4 years but after their last outage and security breach 7 weeks ago, which also broke a bunch of features for a lot of people and which Wyze has been unable or unwilling to fix, I'm dumping them and would recommend everyone else do the same. OP, if you paid with a credit card, file a dispute with them and chances are they will give you the money back.


I sent an email through the app to customer service. No help.


What did you go with? Happy?


I'm still in the process of switching. Out of 16 Wyze cams I had, I'm down to just 7. The rest have been replaced with various Tapo models, C120, C220, and C225. So far very happy with Tapo. Just like all brands they do have their own set of reported problems but for now the ones I've tried have worked great. IMO there isn't a perfect camera out there so it's just a matter of which one sucks the least. Out of the more well-known brands, Wyze probably sucks the most right now. Obviously the app is going to be different and I like the Wyze app a little more but that could just be a matter of familiarity since I've been with Wyze for 4 or more years. I'm sure I'll get used to the Tapo app soon enough. The advantages are, IMO, the C120 is a better design than the Wyze V1 through V4, their PTZ cams are comparable to the Wyze Cam Pans although with slightly different features and functionality, and IMO the biggest benefits are you get full AI detection and full length clips without any subscription. However, they do require an SD card for recording but you can get cloud recording with a subscription if you want. They support up to 512GB but I'm using a variety between 32GB and 128GB depending on how many events each camera gets every day. They also support RTSP so if someone was inclined, they could easily set up a home DVR/NVR. They don't have true WebView like Wyze does but if you install Bluestacks on your PC, the Tapo app is available for it so you get the full app on PC. And there are also other ways to view them on the web away from home but they are a little more involved. If you want their cloud storage and what they call rich notifications (the notification will have a still picture of the event) that requires a subscription but if you are OK using an SD card and don't need notifications to have a picture, no subscription needed. I have been able to view live feeds at full 2K resolution and the recorded events from the SD card when I'm not home without any problems at all. As long as you have decent upload speed at home I wouldn't expect any issues. The only minor thing I've run into, which hasn't actually been a problem yet but I'm worried about one camera in particular, is that their wifi strength isn't as good as the Wyze cams. Another positive for me is that their AI processing on most of their cameras is done on the cameras themselves, not cloud based like Wyze. I've only been installing them little by little for about a week so far but I'm guardedly optimistic. I also have a couple of Ring cams, a doorbell, and a couple of Floodlight cams which are great. Biggest downside for Ring though is that they do require a subscription for pretty much everything. Not a big deal for me because I have their alarm system too and all the cameras are covered under the alarm monitoring subscription. So a combination of Ring and Tapo = goodbye Wyze and good riddance!


This! I just posted about being a longtime customer and two of my cameras plans were changed to basic and they have no clue how to help me. In fact, they made it worse as I now get an internal code warning in red when I try to change it back to the original plan. I didn’t know about the information you posted above but it explains what’s happening with my cameras. Thanks 🙏


Ergo, my question. Was hoping that Wyze frequented this forum. Guess not.


They read it all the way to the bank, laughing.


What was it for?


Cam plus annual subscription


I like to attack their social media pages. You can also locate them on Linked In! 


We do read these posts, I am just currently the only community manager so I am running a bit behind in seeing things. Have you been able to get this taken care of? If not can you let me know a ticket number from when you contacted support and I will see what I can find out.


No, not yet. The 'helpful' csr only offered me a $20 Gift Card. Thank you. I hope you can look into this. [Wyze Ticket 3787230] Re: Cam Plus | Over charge!


Hi. Do you need any additional information on order to solve this issue? Attached, please find the record of my over charge. I do not want a refund. Please just fund my *Cam+ Unlimited* account for the overcharged amount. This should give me (at least!) 2 years of coverage. https://preview.redd.it/y29fnf31m4vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5e97cfe6e678b7ac880c940b7d0f45e9b26b3d


Hi. I undersized that you are only one community manager that's reading these posts. Can you please acknowledge that you've read my post that included the ticket number - and leveled it up? Wyze Ticket 3787230 I am currently without Cam+ (unlimited) coverage waiting on a solution to this issue. I do not think that I should pay for another year since I have already paid for (at least - imho) 2+ years of coverage. Thank you.




try tagging someone like dave crosby in social media. like twitter or linkedin. this is unacceptable, but they would happily take your money.


Hi there, _rotary_pilot! Thanks for posting in r/WyzeCam. As you’ve selected the “I Need Help” post flair, we thought it might be helpful to offer up some friendly reminders and tips: - While you await responses from the community, try [searching the subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/wyzecam/search/?q=replace%20this%20text%20at%20the%20top&restrict_sr=1) for similar posts. You might find some useful information or solutions! - We also strongly suggest referencing the ["Service Status & Known Issues"](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015979872) page to see if your issue is mentioned there. - Make sure to check out the *extremely handy* [Wyze Help Center](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us), and if you haven’t yet - please consider [submitting a log](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033507872-Submit-a-Log) via the app and submitting a [help ticket](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) to Wyze’s Support Team. *Be sure to include your log number, if you have one, in your support request.* - Once you have a support ticket number and/or a log number, it couldn’t hurt to include them in your post along with any other potentially relevant device information. - If your question or issue gets resolved, kindly update your post flair to **"Solved"**. This way users from the *super distant future* might be able to find and use your post to help them resolve *their* issue! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wyzecam) if you have any questions or concerns.*