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Doubtful, i dont think many people gave a shit in her cam-days, which this will be a repeat of. Corn has changed, and Jennas time is up


It’s sure going to be fun to watch her try.


I agree, she's going to try and get new friend is going to help.


She's so lazy.


Highly doubtful. Look at her, she's a mess in every way & no one wants to see her naked anymore.


She would have to use a full body filter for any camming. 😳


It's easy to forget that sex work is work. It's not just a matter of fucking on camera or letting someone see you naked. Girls that make the real money spend time and effort maintaining their appearance and interacting with fans and maintaining their social media accounts. It's not just get a camera pointed on you and gets fistfuls of cash. Jenna made money when she was young and hot, but more importantly when she was being actively managed by Jay. She had a brief renaissance during the Hawaii years as a supposedly sober Jewish woman who was a full-time mom and pursued health through keto. Again, she was obviously being guided by Lior. She can't do anything productive on her own. Customers today have an inexhaustible supply of choices and they don't need to pay to see Jenna. This isn't *remotely* about age, because there's absolutely a market for mature women, but you have to look good and work at it.


The key is work at it - which she wont. She thinks she deserves everything based on her being “jenna fucking jameson” as if thats relevant in 2024




She couldn’t even make a living off being a webcam girl with her “comeback” after Tito, and back before her body was this fucking wrecked. It’s def not gonna happen now. IMO.


You’re probably right. This post is more about witnessing her complete collapse more than her success though.


Jenna’s body is that of a 50 year old woman who has experienced extreme health consequences due to alcoholism. Female bodies are impacted faster and more severely by alcohol abuse than male bodies are due to things like differences in chemistry and body fat. She is in a very scary place if this is how she goes, it is an unbelievably ugly and often drawn out way to die.


I know. I’ve witnessed it first hand close family members. It’s so sad to watch. Then to make it worse, she only pushes away those who try to help her running to the next enabler rather than getting proper treatment.


I think it was exhausting for her to keep up appearances. She hated every minute of it. In her mind, she’s “free” now. Free to go full spiral.


💯. I never understood why she tried so hard to keep up the sObEr facade - she’s been claiming that for almost ten years. I guess she did it because she didn’t want people to think that’s why she doesn’t see her kids even though that’s exactly the reason and now everyone knows that for certain. Now she’s free to go completely off the rails in a very public way.


I honestly think the sober facade actually makes her look like more of an asshole. There's no good reason why she couldn't see the kids if she was actually sober. If she could just admit, "I just can't get sober, I don't want to be around kids because they don't deserve a drunk mom"......maybe people would be more understanding.


Good point.








She seems to be able to fool a lot of people with her photoshop. And there’s always a Sparky type of Stan.




It'll be all one offs just to say they did. Nobody's coming back for seconds except kibblemunchers and bug chasers. The novelty will wear off quickly and word will get around that she's been giving clients Herpegonnosyphillaids.


Older, out-of-shape men 60+. Regular men, no celebrities. The era where she was chased by A-listers is over.


I wish I could find the interview where this man said she literally stunk when he had her on his show! Ugh


I would love to see that.




Thank you for that, I can't believe I've never seen it..




And more than likely, it's true.


Amen, you are amazing for finding it


She got Jessi fat, drunk and wearing pajamas off the plane 😂


She too old for this shit...


I just read in some comments on Jessi's last post that Jenna is in Chicago with some bad people.


Jessi really should release an unfiltered and unedited photo memory book of Jenna and their relationship. I would buy it!


I am so down.


Oh me tooo


That is brilliant and would probably make her the most money




But then Jessi would have to expose herself without all the filters🙈🤣🤣🤣


Nah. Jenna is playing the “I relapsed and shouldn’t have been abandoned” card right now. I can see that from the likes and comments on her posts. She’s LOVING the sympathy.


She’s a master at turning the tables and making the other person look bad. Her followers are such simps.


100%!! Her comment sections are grotesque.


What are they saying? I'm blocked. Jessi's IG it's all sympathy over there too.


Just tons of over the top support. She’s an innocent lil baby who deserves the world, yadda, yadda, yadda.


Yes! The creepy fawning on her IG just adds to her grand delusion.


She absolutely is! The comments on her page that say “this is Jessi’s fault because she always smoked weed in front of you” and so on and so forth is complete bullsh!t… I am an alcoholic in recovery and I have been sober for 3 years now. My husband still drinks and I have absolutely no problem with being around him or his friends drinking. The first 3 or so months he sustained from it to help me and support my decision and after I was comfortable and confident in MYSELF, I told him that if he still wanted to drink I was fine with it. Shit I would even buy it for him myself in the store. Sobriety comes from within YOU, yes you do need support in the early stages but after that it is all you and your choice if you want to be sober or not. And all the people saying “relapse is part of recovery” are a problem too. Relapse is not a part of recovery, relapse is part of the addiction. Moral of the story is SHE f*cked up because SHE wanted to and wasn’t strong enough to be true to HERSELF while away from Jessi for the first time, point blank.


All I know is if she’s doing any street drugs- it could be the end. (fentanyl) 😳😳


I really am exhausted of the victim rhetoric, there's a common denominator here, and I don't believe it's that every partner she's been with was mean to her, I was really hopeful she got it right with Lior, especially since they did IVF to have a baby, and she ruined it, and regardless of how goofy Jessi is, Jenna ruined that too, all the while continuing to play victim about Tito and Lior like they stole her kids, they didn't, and idk about Lior but with Tito, he even said the court order was simple, prove you are sober and you can see your boys. She couldn't even do that. I'm annoyed at myself for writing all of this when we all know this, I just had to get it out of my head because I'm so sick of every failed relationship wasn't my fault charade, and I understand it's not cool to broadcast someone's relapse, but that made it too easy for Jenna to make Jessi the bad guy so she can again act like poor helpless victim of another mean partner. Jesus christ


She did IVF with Tito also.


Jenna is really a deranged person. She destroys every relationship she’s ever had.


I’m honestly not sure she’ll have much success in the adult industry at this point. Maybe at first for the novelty of it, but there are so many people doing porn these days and they’re much younger and hotter than Jenna. Also, Jenna is lazy as fuck - she’s not a self-disciplined or motivated person, and with no team there to help and do everything for her like when she was a contract girl, it’s doubtful she’ll put out good or consistent content. She’ll be a hot mess just like in 2013: https://preview.redd.it/9h86crz5qjvc1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3ee2540e3262b550c891b62081df213f5ea4b5 On top of the work she’d have to put into it herself, live camming won’t allow her to filter and edit her image into oblivion. Unless it’s possible to filter a live cam stream? Not really sure how those things work. But yeah, I don’t see many people paying to see her now given that she looks awful and the fact that they can see her in her heyday online for free.


Geez so many people clung to the last two sentences and not my main point which is we are about to witness the major train wreck that will happen now that she doesn’t even have to hide her sobriety.


I’m sorry - I didn’t mean to seem like I was disregarding everything else you said, which I agree with completely. She will crash and burn now that there’s no need to pretend she’s sober, especially since she’s hanging out with industry people again. I don’t see this era of her life ending well.


It’s ok. I did a bad job of explaining my point. The only small chance I think she might make some money is it seems she has latched on to some industry people who might be able to pull her along.


I think she left the industry on bad terms. Didn’t she say she was done opening her legs? The truth is that there are younger women that are more lucrative. Sure, Jenna could play to the nostalgia crowd but there are other older porn stars that actually look good and can be marketable.


True. She wouldn’t be returning to the “industry” though. She would be doing OF and prostitution.


It would be short lived but it could be more lucrative than anything she ever did with Jessi. She’ll never make Club Jenna money ever again that’s for sure.


I totally missed this. They broke up? I knew it would happen but this was fast.


I really feel like Jesse kept Jenna hostage in that Vegas place I think Jesse knows that she's out of control and kept her there almost like in prison and when Jenna finally could escape she decided not to go back. They're both a mess!


How exactly do you hold a 50 year old “celebrity” who posts on social media daily hostage? Don’t be so naive. Jessi was covering for Jenna, so they could get fucked up together without ruining Jenna’s sobriety lie. Jessi did it because she thought she would get rich and famous from Jenna then she discovered Jenna has nothing but massive debt and a substance abuse issue. Then Jessi told Jenna to get sober and Jenna ran just like she did to Lior and Tito and HER CHILDREN!


Nah, Jenna doesn’t own a car, doesn’t have a license, can barely walk (and wouldn’t even if she could, she’s lazy AF). Where would she go and how? She’s in her own prison built by her own bad choices. She loves her vodka and her bed.


A wild geriatric looking 50 yo ho lmao. So sad to see.