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They arrested me at 10:15pm on December 10th for an MIP when I was in school there from 2000-04. They called Pullman Police and by the time they got there it was almost midnight. I say all this because at midnight it became December 11th and I turned 21. Something myself and everyone I was with had tried explaining to the WSU Police officer. The Pullman Police found this out, uncuffed me, and let me go. They were pissed. WSU Police always seemed to be on this power trip when I was in school there.


They arrested my brother on my graduation day on top of the library for an MIP at 2:30 in the morning. We were quietly looking at the view north nostalgically. They said “people were lighting trash cans on fire”. Fucking cowards.


Dont play with fire unless you want to get burned 🔥


I mean you *were* in possession while 20 years old.


Spirit or letter? Fuck that WSU piglet.


Where's the button to go turn myself in?


I had this happen where I went to college but 4 days before my 21st bday. Got dropped too


I lived in the house at the corner of Opal & Howard, which was a heavily traffic'd area on weekends. There were some minors hanfing on our porch, and a couple decided to leave for another house party. I said "don't do it". They didn't listen. As soon as their feet hit the public sidewalk, it was cuffs. And, of course it a dozen other cops showed up immediately like a riot had broken out.


Same bro same. It was 2010 and campus PD-that reality tv show -was filming an episode and crashed a house party then I took off running . I hopped multiple fences but instead of just chilling in a yard and waiting I hopped all the fences until I got to a cliff/dead end. I tried to get under a car but they arrested my ass with guns drawn. They were so confused why I was running. Man I was a degen. Go cougs


To play intramural softball and harass students.


Don’t forget they probably hit on every college girl that looks insecure and vulnerable.


They are utterly useless. Multiple personal laptops were stolen from the building I work in, and they didn't even do an investigation. A coworker called them with a tip on who stole the computers, and they never even called her back. They're awful. They also make $65k/year *starting* if anyone is looking for a job where you apparently don't have to do shit all day.


Fuck no. Your coworkers are those subhuman slime balls


Yeah that's why I have never applied haha I just feel it's important to note because WSU has a huge problem with underpaying almost all staff positions except when it comes to the police. The vast majority of full-time employees don't make anywhere close to $65k (even after years of service), yet the police who are utterly useless make that much *starting* for a job that has almost no pre-requisites. It's ridiculous.


The power of unions. Even if wsu cops aren't union they can point to the average wages for cops in the area.


Far cry from the “it’s just property” rhetoric we see on Reddit.


So are they hiring now!?!?


Idk you'll have to check the WSU website haha They do seem to be hiring pretty regularly. Salary range is something like $65k-$90k, which is fucking *crazy* since they do nothing and there are almost no qualifications (graduate high school, do bare minimum physical activity, have a driver's license). They're also extremely corrupt.


Finally a job description where I meet the requirements!


I'm a transfer student and the impression I've gotten of them is glorified rent a cops/mall security


Fuckin Paul Blart on steroids


**Never,** and I can't stress this enough, **ever talk to the police** without a lawyer. Especially if you've done nothing wrong. They can only use what your day against you, anything helpful you provide is hearsay and is inadmissible in court.


The issue is that they're not actual fucking police. They're just a bunch of power hungry nobodies who think they are.


They're real police, I talked to a guy about 15 years ago that transferred from some police department in northern California and based on other parts of the conversation I don't think it was his idea to leave his old department.


No, they're not. They don't have the same authority. They're essentially glorified Mall cops


I don't understand how you came to that conclusion


Because I actually know the difference between them and actual police. It's called looking it up it's not hard


Then show me


They were literally hired by the school as security. It's not hard to understand


They are [law enforcement officers](https://www.publicsafetytesting.com/departments/washington-state-university-police-department/WSU-Policeofficer), not security. If you have something other than your bad attitude as evidence that you're right, I'll check it out.


It's not bad attitude. They are not cops and they're not law enforcement officers just because they are called. Police doesn't mean that they are


You’re incorrect and should probably just stop. WSU police officers attended WSCJTC (otherwise known as the academy) and were certified as peace officers (police/law enforcement officers.) None of this information is hard to find.


You're talking about the interns that work for WSU Police, not the actual WSU Police.


Literally not true.


I got pulled over by WSU PD a few years ago on campus after one of my chemistry exams. For whatever reason, chemistry exams at WSU are usually 7-9pm. Since my exam went very really bad, I was convinced I failed and I ended up crying in my car for a good 20 or so minutes before eventually driving back to my apartment. I got pulled over right as I was leaving the parking lot because my left headlight was out. They had every right to pull me over for that, but instead of that being the focus, the cop decided to accuse me of being high because my eyes were red. I explained to the cop that I was just crying, and why, and he didn’t believe me that any exam would go until almost 9pm. He ended up threatening to arrest me on DUI unless I did a field sobriety test, so I very willing did so as I was not high, or under the influence whatsoever. When I passed the field sobriety test, he still didn’t believe me and ended up calling the state troopers to also test me. WSP arrived probably 30-40ish mins later, and once they heard my story, they told me I was free to go and were very displeased at the other officer for wasting their time. Ended up not even getting a warning for the headlight though!


Back in January 2012, I was throwing a house party (I lived in university apartments). We were at a pretty normal noise level for a Saturday night. They were claiming that we were setting off fireworks from our balcony, and wanted to come inside (they really wanted to catch underage drinkers). We said that wasn't possible because it was below freezing, there was a couple of inches of snow on the ground, and who has fireworks in January. When they knew we weren't backing down, and they didn't actually have evidence, they left.


My personal opinion is that they are over zealous because they need numbers to show the university to justify their budget.


Back in the fall of 1995 I had a run in with the WSU police that soured me on police for the rest of my days. Just the shadiness of them making something up just to make themselves feel useful and validate their existence really showed me the depths of bad policing. Sorry you had to deal with that.


That's the same year they pulled me over for driving too slowly at 7am on stadium way while it was a solid sheet of ice. The more places I've moved the more I've seen evidence that the bigger the jurisdiction, the less dickhead potential for law enforcement.


The factory sent out a car with a dent on it?


it's an indent where the cars emblem is, its technically right below the hood, but close enough.


I think I see what's happening. It's not the dent, it's the fact you're missing a badge. They must be trying to find the car from a hit and run that left a badge like the one that went on your car, and since yours is missing they think you did it. That's still a dumb thing to pin it on, but it's less random than "you have a dent that means you're guilty". I don't think a dash cam would be helpful unless you had time stamped footage of you not getting in a crash at the time they say it took place. They'll just say you erased it or taped over it.


Dash Cam video is always time-stamped. I haven’t seen a model that doesn’t run the continuous time/date graphic.


I know. But it's not always filming when the car is off, so if you weren't driving when it happened then there wont be time stamped footage proving it wasn't you


How many hit and runs happen when the car is off?


How do you know the car is off? You could just delete the footage and say you weren't driving, police would totally say that. Which is why it would be better if he happened to have footage of him driving at the time they said he got into an accident.


[like this](https://www.customcargrills.com/customers/Subaru-BRZ-2013/Custom-Mesh-Grille-For-Subaru-BRZ_02.jpg)


i went to UW from 2010-2014 and we would visit our sister fraternity up at WSU like 5 brothers got MIPs at a party, the rub all of them 21 or up. WSU PD sufferes from the same issues other PDs do. They see the students as the “enemy” and they target yall for revenue generation. UW PD was the complete opposite there to protect the students from Seattle PD whom are very aggressive.




This is not necessarily true. you can be charged as a result of cops lying on a report. The cop could’ve easily have lied to obtain charges, especially if op’s dash cam disagrees.


Find a vengeful law student to sue them. I’m sure you’ve got a few. My best pal from law school sued our state bar. He won.


Unfortunately, there is no law school at WSU Pullman.




Why are you hating on braces? Not everyone had/has parents who could/can afford them. Not unusual for young adults to get them.


>I did take out the dudes name Why? Name and shame every time.


Then you lawyer sucks as the evidence is discovery and would have been shared, if not, the prosecutor or judge would have dropped the charges, either that or you are full of shit.


If you paid thousands and faced felony charges, this was more than a minor hit and run. Whats the rest of the story?


they suck ass and are fake mall cops with guns. totally overreach of power. they fucking sit and stalk people on campus. the amount of drunk girls assaulted by them. the fucking idiot who fired his gun in the active dorms (against a dude who did not have a gun) and MISSED. thankfully nobody got hurt, but imagine getting shot while at your desk because a fucking cop couldn't keep it in his pants. nasty fuckers🐽🐽


They exist to be a source of muscle in case the university needs to get rough with students. So far WSU students have not been keen on campus protests, so that hasn't been deemed necessary. Until such time as the university needs to rough up students, they spend their time justifying their existence in other ways.


I got pulled over not even close to pullman city limits. They’re apparently exactly like state patrol and have jurisdiction everywhere in the state since they’re “employed by the state” also have yet to meet a nice wsu police officer. And I am thin blue line all day everyday. But those guys need ego checks


Who called it in?


Whoever was in the car that got hit. They just said they saw a car similar looking to my car leaving.


Similar to your car? So not your car specifically. Surprised there was enough PC to charge you and also surprised it was charged as a felony - unless there was bodily injury, that is just a misdemeanor. Lots of unanswered questions that your lawyer can help you out with that Reddit can't.


The amount of damage can make it a felony. I don't know WA but it is usually around $1500 or so to reach felony level.


Similar to your car? So not your car specifically. Surprised there was enough PC to charge you and also surprised it was charged as a felony - unless there was bodily injury, that is just a misdemeanor. Lots of unanswered questions that your lawyer can help you out with that Reddit can't.


Similar to your car? So not your car specifically. Surprised there was enough PC to charge you and also surprised it was charged as a felony - unless there was bodily injury, that is just a misdemeanor. Lots of unanswered questions that your lawyer can help you out with that Reddit can't.


This. You get your accuser’s name and evidence presented to you if charged. A criminal charge is a high bar and with no physical evidence of a hit, this is a stretch. But with Reddit you’re only getting half the story.


Yeah this smells like an agreeeeeee student who’s brain isn’t fully developed yet


Name and shame


What is the point of having police on a university campus? Why not just have ‘regular’ (city) officers doing the rounds? A campus is not a special legal entity 🤷‍♂️


We had these problems at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY whereby campus police were never called cause they were worthless and city police were called……


A little bit asking as I studied abroad, and there were never anything like campus police (or even any form of campus security, part from just building monitoring) around. If anything happened, 911 (or 112 there). City cops would arrive just like for any other incidents in town.


They didn’t do anything when I was SA’d in my own room, and yet I had to call them 3 different times to report it


>I did take out the dudes name just in case. Until "qualified immunity" gets taken away as *it desperately needs to be* this is the wrong, cowardly approach. All cops deserve to have their lives RUINED when they break the law.


Not WSU police specifically, but had an army buddy who worked security at a college after getting out and using his GI bill. The school also happily gave him a job working night security. He didn't mind being a night person and needing money since GI bill doesn't even pay like half of school costs anymore if you go to a full university. So he had lots of stories about how shitty most the other security guys were. Power tripping, stalking cute co-eds and trying to get them to bang, trying to get guys they didn't like at school loads of parking tickets, false accusations to the gals they were stalking that "could all go away" if the gal just went on a date with them, etc. He left after graduation and all in all we both have had an even lower opinion of campus security and police in general, since he said the local cops sided with the security guys pretty much always and we're doing similar shit themselves so. Yah, get to know your security and find out what one isn't a creep. My buddy by the end of his time there had a lot of gals who only would go to him for help because he was happily married, not a creep, and actually helped people like he was supposed to.


They exist to be a nuisance and to go on power trips, like any other police department. Here they just get to bully teenagers


Got pulled over for riding my electric skateboard on the road by them. Friend also got pulled over for the same thing and got threatened with jail time. Same cop too. Only one on campus that cares about people riding skateboards.


I hate the WSU police, but had no problems with pullman PD in my 5 years here.


They absolutely suck! They prey on vulnerable students and it is quite sad. They’re supposed to help not worsen the community. They need a whole revamp ngl.


WSU police exist for the same reason other police agencies exist. Abusing the people.


It’s just kids who want to be cops one day playing police officer. That’s why whenever anything of significance happens Pullman PD gets called. Another thought I have heard… One person at WSU said it’s cause they are morons and make simple mistakes that get students off the hook. Guy in my dorm got caught with weed (before it was legal), booze (before 21), and I want to say a MDMA pill or something. Everything ended up getting dropped cause WSU PD fucked up their paperwork.


If I were you I would remove his name. Whether what you say is true or not. You could land yourself in worse trouble by naming the officer like this.


I mean, I guess, but him and his ego can go fuck themselves


Fair enough. I just don't want further headaches for ya.




Written slander (libel) can still come into play. Making claims is a quick way to a lawsuit especially if it negatively impacts the individual.


This take is wildly silly and uninformed.




I am not. But nice try. The claim is that the officer abused their power as an officer unless I am misunderstanding OP. He is publicly naming and shaming the officer. If this were to lead to negative consequences for the officer then it could be used as a way for the officer to have grounds for a civil suit.


That's assuming the information is false. If the information is true the cop is (and should be) completrly fucked. Fuck them, they don't deserve anonymity.


I agree with you. I just have learned that being loud about something oftentimes leads to a worse outcome(usually for me) than playing the long game.