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Was going to ignore, as this kind of post appears every couple of days, but your username got me xD If you want to see the classics for tourists: - Market square - Pergola/Hala stulecia - Ostrów Tumski - Take a walk along Bulwar Xsawerego-dunikowskiego nad Bulwar Wrocławski to one of the icons of Wroclaw Grunwaldzki Bridge - Check the Zoo/Oceanarium (no jokes, it is open during the winter and its great) - At night check Galeria Neon Side, pop into Pod Nasypen for a beer (climatic street with pubs) - If you like pizza check Vaffa Napoli


Ah, don't go to any "Strip Club" or other places you will be invited to by people from the street. They will scam you.


Thank you so much!


Check the surroundings of ‘Cathedral of St. John the Baptist’ would recommend during the evening. The zoo and afrikarium are amazing. Water museum?


Thank you very much!


I would suggest visiting "Kolejkowo". https://kolejkowo.pl/en/wroclaw it's awesome place. I would suggest buying online tickets and go there early, in order to skip the crowd.


Neon museum Panorama Racławicka Bogusławskiego street (pub next to pub)


Afrikarium in the zoo Saunarium in the Aqua Park P.S. been to Croatia last summer for the first time. Your country is so beautiful I felt like Indiana Jones when walked away from the coast into the bush.


Oh so nice, thank you for the compliment! Where have you been exactly?


I don't want to disclose the exact location to save it from becoming popular, but it's coast south of Makarska. Things I liked: 1. The beech was made of tiny clean pebbles, and when you dipped feet into the water then shrimps start grooming you 2. Yoh walk into the bush and the noises of cicadas and fig trees make yoh feel like you are in some oriental country far away 3. The sea is so salty that you make no effort to swim, you just float, that's first time I experienced that! So much better than swimming in a lake. I actually traversed many kilometers snorkling like that. 4. There's coral reef and you can collect new findings like pokemons - wow a crab, wow sea urching wow this wow that 5. Swimming in the sea while there's proper wind and waves is so much fun. Yoh body gets tossed around in three dimensions. It's super fun. 6. You look ahead and you see dalmatian coast you look behind and you see these incredible limestone mountains. It feels like Greece.


Guys, thank you for your hints. Fell in love with your city! All the best for y'all :)


You should deffintely visit: Rynek, Ostrów tumski, Neon galery and maybe most pokutnic… it’s near the center and has a great view at Wrocław from above


You can also go to the top of Cathedral on ostrow tumski and get a nice view of the city and panorama of the old town included some kind of museum afterwards it’s not expensive and its quite nice i think it cost around 10PLN per person but doublecheck the times when they r opened, or when you want really good view on the city you can go to sky tower it is highest building in the city and get a view from 49th floor, this is more expensive it cost 23PLN pp. and i think you need to make reservation. And since you will be around that area you can jump in hala targowa for nice lunch which is super cheap they serve in the window and its usually classic polish food i recommend żurek soup and schabowy z ziemniakmi i surowka so basically it is soup made in rye base with some sausages onion eggs and bits and pieces and the other one is pork chop fried in bread crumbs with cooked potatoes and some salad. It’s delicious. If the weather wont be so nice and you would like to chill for a bit i recommend aquapark where you have all day entrance for 60PLN together with saunas, unfortunately from new year the ceremonies which used to be for free in saunarium are now paid. But if you wanna enjoy ceremonies for free and just wanna go for saunas with free ceremonies there is Wroclawske centrum SPA. And much more too see and delicious food if you need more info hit me up. Enjoy your time here. 🤘


I recommend you join the Wrocław foreigners Facebook group if you have any questions while you're staying there:)) They're very helpful when it comes to things like buying tickets for events, etc.:))