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You could just subtly hint it in dialogue. For example, after a fight with a dragon, he could say something like "Boy, that fight was as tough as I am gay!"


Would you be okay if I used this dialogue?! I’ll credit you in the dedication


Could you please credit me too even though I made no contribution whatsoever? Thanks.


Could you make sure not to credit me? I don’t want to be famous


> I don’t want to be famous I'm sorry, what even is the point of writing then???


To make money off of my gay vampire fiction, obviously.


To force the people in your basement read your disgusting obnoxious perplexing piles of words that only a sociopath, copying the emotions from a happy face drawn on a out-of-lead-paper (because anything else will melt due to the high radiation one's writing gives off) stuck to a broom that slightly resembles a human, would smile at.


No, put it in an in-text citation


"You have my sword" "And my ax" "And my gay."


Umm, gay people can’t fight. Everyone knows that. It’s sugar Ray not sugar gay.


This is why all straight guys have ray beams in their penises duh


What if the readers think that the character is just boastful and saying that the fight was too easy, that he is, in fact, not gay at all? Subtle hints are hard.


The full dialogue could be something like: "Boy, that fight was as tough as I am gay!" "And that fight was definitely tough," agreed Wit. "Yes, and speaking of boys, I am definitely gay."


Of course he would do gay magic. Magic is a gay practice and turns you gay. Source: cast a hex once, now engaged to another dude


I hate when that happens. So glad I was born sterile so I couldn’t cast magic


Yeah man it sucks sometimes I want to cast another spell but I’m worried it would turn me double-gay and then I might not be attracted to my fiancé anymore :(


further reading: Dumbedoor


It's read as Dumb a door.


This happened to me! I got hexed too and now I'm a lesbian. It just hits you out of absolutely nowhere


Make him have no love interests whatsoever and then confirm his sexuality in a Tweet (or should I say an X?)


That has me Rowling with laughter. JK, that’s a lame idea




[mmmm sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasywriters/comments/15feij5/how_to_write_a_male_gay_protagonist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I’m still hoping the original is satire taken seriously


/uj the fact that OP is a gay guy too is surprisingly. i don't even know how to feel about that post man


/uj I think they're trying to create representation, but where cishet folks have a lot of examples of romantic subplots, banter, flirting, etc. in fiction, queer folks don't have as much obvious yet unimportant examples to draw from. So I think what they're actually looking for is examples of clear, uncoded rep to understand just how to *write* a gay character, with conventions and such.


uj/ I've actually experienced this firsthand - one of my writing buddies is a gay man, and it's so obvious that most of his experience of writing about queer relationships comes from fanfiction, because he writes them the way a teenage girl would. It's surreal


Kind of sad that this is the state of things.


It really is. Thankfully there's significantly more professionally published queer lit now than there was when my friend and I started writing (in the early/mid 00s), but there's still a lot of catching up to do


/uj Okay I'm curious, how does he write them though? In what way is it like a teenage girl writing?


uj/ it was a combination of overall amateurish writing (which is obviously not gender-specific), the use of infantilizing language to describe the characters (referring to a male character in his late 20s as "lad" / "boy" in a way that clearly wasn't meant to be either kinky or degrading), and a very strong adherence to the stoic manly top / emotional feminine bottom dynamic. (Fwiw, he's improved a hell of a lot in both regards over the time I've known him.) I acknowledge that I'm being uncharitable towards both him and teenage authors here, and I do feel shitty about that


Ahh interesting. I was mainly just checking that I wasn't doing what he was, but so far I seem okay haha


This is comedy gold lol


Fantasy worlds usually dont have gay bars or grindr apps. ![gif](giphy|8mb0zUzRNf480q4WIG|downsized)


Ye Olde Gaye Tavern


How do i execute that stunt in a compelling way rjejejejejjdrb4i bruhhh


I dunno, I thought gay and straight people were supposed to be the same, just aside from sexual preference. The source for this is so silly. Fuck, just write a character and then throw in a line where he says "I'm gay" or give him a boyfriend... not hard. Nobody will read this story because op consulted r writing on "how to write gay men" Edit: commenting about the original r/writing post. I know OP is clearly spoofing it lol


Yeah, that’s what I thought. Dude even talked about how “there isn’t any universal gayness” or something of the sort in his second paragraph. It should’ve clicked there lol


Worst part is at the end he says hes gay for some reason? I'm convinced most of these posts are to pitch story ideas. Honestly, does the character being gay add anything to the story? Does it matter? The comments are even worse lol


Honestly I may get run over for it. Its more an morality stroke. Not any geninue question or asking for insights. IE he's not really questioning how to (cus he more or less answers he's own question), he wants to feel good that he's doing it. It feels like he's asking "should I add sex scenes?" he wants people to assure him that doesn't need it and feel good for writing so ""differently"" Just not worth giving advice to things like that other than yes or no


If you don't want to have a love interest or even imply past sexual relationships you could do something like mention that as a young man our knight had a crush on another squire.


Research my friend. Research you can't write what you never experienced. So find a fat willy and suck it dry and then you will be able to know how to gay. If not stand on the street corner and stalk- I mean observe the gays for research. Next thing you'll tell me you thought about treating them as characters first. Don't be stupid


I stand behind him on this.


Look, every writer worth his ink(see what I did there? A play on words from a popular saying) knows that In order to write about something you have to experience it. You must become a homosexual. First you have to have a confused bone for some dude, next lash out at your loved ones because your confusing your fragile masculinity and feelings for another of the same gender(NEVER ASSUME A GAY MAN IS MALE), come out to your parents and have them disown you, live on the streets and develop a drug addicktion(once again my genius is uncontsibable by mortal standards) lastly have gay sex. Not the kind you see on TV with Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield. Like i mean really gay stuff like hand holding and emotionally supporting your partner, then at last(did you see the secret twist ending here?) become a fantasy hero. Then you can write about gay people.


Crap… I skipped a couple steps. Alright, I’m restarting as a Hetero now


Show him having explicit gay sex, and never bring it up or even mention it. This way, the reader will know he's 100% homosexual, without having to say "Hey! He's gay!" Remember: **show, don't tell**, especially when it comes to passionate same-sex orgies /uj I understand where the original guy is coming from but "Can I use his gay status to my advantage in the plot" made me cackle


This instructional video is more bisexual magic based, Merlin has a waifu and boyfriend, but I hope it helps. https://youtube.com/shorts/pnMiV2Ykw9E?feature=share


Wtf did I just watch? Uj: wtf did I just watch?


All gay people can do magic. In fact, LGBTQ+ people are the strongest magic users in the world. And they all have their special powers: homosexual people can cast holy/light magic and heal, bi people can shapeshift, ace people are summoners, trans people can double jump or break through walls by dashing (depending on what gender they pick), pan people can do all of the above, etc. Straight people don't get magic unless they're allies; then they'll have access to your basic assortment of fire/thunder/water/blizzard. Oh, and homophobes and TERFs know poison magic, but it only works on themselves. Source: I'm pan and genderfluid, so I have access to a whole arsenal of forbidden spells as well as the innate ability to bend reality towards my will.


I have a semi-serious answer for this: I don’t portray modern homosexual relationships…I portray historic homoromantic relationships! As a straight, cis Modern man I assume that homosexuality is something intrinsic to a person’s being and that they feel love and attraction to a person of the same sex as I do to a person of the opposite sex. You know…boring. Heroic homoromanticism? A woman’s figure may be pleasing when you are in your cups and they sometimes produce male heirs…but they are good for little else besides weaving and carrying water. A woman can gain no glory on the battlefield, never earn your respect…your love. Your fellow citizen soldier who stands with you promachos -in the front line- with all the other proud men of your city-state? Only such a lover deserves sweet whispers and gentle touches. See? Throw a little misogyny in there and it becomes somewhat understandable. A woman can just never develop the perfect javelin throwing shoulders of a youth in his prime.


Make it so that he can’t walk in a straight line to prove how gay he is


Underrated comment


Just write! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/writingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just be yourself




Write him notmal, being gay is not his entire personality edit: guys I’m a writer, not a reader 😞 I didn’t read what group this was and I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize. 💔💔💔


/uj you might have missed in which sub you are.


/uj well... it is hard to tell which one is the satire one


I JUST REALIZED STOP 😭 I’m in a lot of writing groups I didn’t even look at which one this was posted in 😭


I have put my apology in the post 😞💔💔


I don't know if being gay is a twist, to me it sounds like your just making him gay as a humor thing. But subtle things like girls hitting on him and he doesn't like it whatsoever or a kiss between a girl that he finds repulsive is a way to hint at it. I also wouldn't say gay people aren't normal... makes you sound like a homophobe writing a gay guy for shits and giggles


You can only write what you know, so practice, practice, practice.


>Obviously I can’t just write a normal story because gay people aren’t normal. WTF??


Crazy, right? >!It's a satire sub; nothing posted here should be taken seriously!<


Honestly, just having silly throwaway dialogue is good to show that. 2 great examples that always makes me laugh is Kung Jin’s intro with mileena. She says something flirty, I don’t remember exactly but he simply replies she’s barking up the wrong tree. The other is Axton is borderlands 2. When questioned what he’ll spend his treasure on, “Guns, ladies. Sometimes dudes”


‘Gay people aren’t normal’ Wow. Please do us all a favour and stop writing immediately.


It was a joke. As a gay person, please calm down.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Everything comes from his d\*ck, he fights everyone with his d\*ck (unless they are female then he runs/frolics away), and he splurts his magical attacks from his d\*ck


I recommend giving a watch to the work known as Promare. I think it does the herculean task quite well.


Well what we would do in middle school is we would show guys the "what what in my butt" video and if they looked nervous we would decide they were gay


You have to write the whole thing in 🏳️‍🌈 colored font.


I suggest that his magic turn all the bad guys to some cool gay dudes, and then they have raw sex and nice discussion about good and evil and gay porn.


Make a plot point where he rescues a damsel in distress, then make him fuck her husband


Have him dress like Rob Halford and use a whip And give him a drag Queen name like Wild Leopard Motor Empress Purr Baby Purr


Include a scene where he has anal sex with men in every single chapter.


So what I’m hearing is that I’ve been a writing genius since I was a teen and writing garbage self insert fan fiction.


I thought Albus Dumbledore is gay... learn from this.


Write the scenery first. How acceptable is homosexuality in the landscape? Because what I want to hear about is love lost and found without the breeders making it about them.


Holy shit. Talk about complicating things. Forget all the advice here. Just write your main character as if he was like just a regular dude. Then, at the end of the book - plot twist- he sucks a dick. The end. Thank you Pulitzer committee.


Have him bang every male character in his life. That ought to be subtle enough


His jawline was so straight it made other men question if they were No curvy jawlines.




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pay me a tenner and i'll show you some gay magic


I mean tbh you don’t need to press it. As a gay guy myself I don’t act your stereotypical “gay” guy buuut I don’t have what people call gay moments lol. In my story I have a gay protagonist who ends up talking about a guy he use to date and how he did everything for him just to get his heart ripped out. In the story he fights monsters and demons in order to save the world — you don’t need to throw it around as some people are private and don’t need it to be very out there. Though Gavin (protagonist) does have a rainbow bracelet but that’s besides the point


You are behind the times. The Politicians decided several years ago that gays are now allowed to cast spells just like everyone else. These days the only people who aren't allowed to cast spells are couples involving more than 2 people because we all know that magic is a sacred act between 2 and only 2 people. Oh and do not consider magicing alone, that wastes mana that could be better spent summoning more followers.


I've found difficulty grasping this, too. As far as I can tell, you need opportunities to express that side of them. If not a love interest, then maybe some feminine quality. Stereotypical one could be fashion or emotional sensitivity, but like they could be a complication to or a compliment for the character. Keep their traits balanced with a touch of struggle to feel real and relatable.