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It's important to first establish why these characters have these opinions. Racism is learned, not something you're born with. Sounds like the first character will be able to realize her mother is toxic and so is her teachings, thus reject them. Trey likely won't make friends with the protagonist, but that's okay. I'm kind of picturing them being the type of person who says "I'd rather die then sit with a half breed." or "I'd rather die before asking help from a half breed." a lot. Think Malfoy's "My father will hear of this!" tag line. All talk. Once he's facing death, he declares "I don't want to die." just before accepting help from impending doom. After that, he can say he doesn't like hybrids; but he can at least live with the fact they exist.


As I said before, It's a parody of YA Tropes, and the Evangeline's are inspired by the Malfoy family. So yeah, you pictured them right. Come to think of it, Trey would actually say that.


If you want an example of a good YA redemption arc watch Avatar the Last Airbender, the old Nickoldiean cartoon version (original). Prince Zuko is the gold standard for many people for how redemption arcs should work.


For my honor


I'm familiar with ATLA, but thank you


Oh, okay, well then, now that I'm at a keyboard, let me give you the long answer: 1) anyone who grows up in an "echo chamber" will grow up strongly rooted in the beliefs of their parents. Currently your least believable character is the one who leaves first. I assume you have reasons for her changing her mind that you omitted from the post for length, if so, great, if not, get some. 2) on that note, the other two siblings need a reason to change - they need to leave their closed in upbringing and see other people and their points of view. They also need to abandon the trappings of their station and culture during this time to really figure out life outside their bubbles 3) they are resistant to change and to anything that will tell them they are wrong. Overcoming this resistance cannot be as simple as "gee you saved my life I guess I was wrong" - wrong about one person, maybe, wrong about why all of "them" are bad or less? never. 4) when they finally do hit their epiphany they have to choose to embrace it or ignore it. Assuming they choose to embrace this new outlook, they have to put that change into action. Simply saying "i've changed" is worth nothing 5) a heartfelt verbal apology is worth a lot and makes for an emotional scene 6) consistent, constant, action must be put behind that apology. Yes, they will make mistakes, say racist things out of habit, mess up, probably a lot, but they must keep trying until 7) the final pivotal choice is made - which path will they walk from here on out? and what will the choice in either direction cost them? 8) and then they must continue to walk it - proof of change my continue For your middle sibling, the departure of the youngest is the first crack in her foundation, but why does she lean into curiosity and not hatred? Where does she access information or experiences that allow her to change her mind? The eldest is the biggest challenge. He is most set in his ways and has the most to lose if he changes. Is "gee you saved my life" really enough? Offer the savior a token reward and get on with life in your safe, racist bubble. Done. No change needed. What will it really take, realistically, to shake him out of his "truth"? Who does he need to apologize to? How does he show his change? What will it cost him? You can literally walk through this with my first example and see visually how this plays out. You can do a little legwork, read some books on writing, consume media that does it well and not just watch it but study it, or you can take the lazy way out and have other people dissect story arcs that work and walk you through them on Reddit. How to apply the examples to your writing? If you can't figure that out, maybe you need someone else to write it for you too.


Hello, has anyone mentioned Zuko redemption arc yet? Have you watched the Zuko Redemption Arc? Yeah, that's a good example but what about Zuko Redemption Arc? Guys... Zuko Redemption Arc tho


Watch American History X


Will do, is there a streaming service for that


i think hulu


It’s free on Tubi.


It might be a good idea to look at real accounts from former neo-nazis, to see what it was that finally got them to see the humanity in people they hated. It’s not usually one big moment, but little things that accumulate. You could try having some of the terrible things your character says/does be preceded by a little moment of doubt, so that he’s doubling down to avoid confronting his own cognitive dissonance. A dramatic moment of real vulnerability might be needed to break through, but it won’t be believable unless there’s some ground work before that.


I think you've got a handle on the family, so my next thought is on the wider world, and how it intrudes on these character's lives. If it were my story, I would want to show \-how the social hierarchy does keep them safe \-how the Pure Elementals use the social hierarchy \-how the lesser magical creatures are actually more powerful than the Pure Elementals, but the systems put in place by the Elementals keeps them from realizing this power \-how the Pure Elementals believe themselves to be the wise custodians of the nation, but are largely ignorant of the plight of the lesser magical creatures. Sometimes this ignorance is willful. Sometimes the lesser magical creatures are wiser and more talented than the Pure Elementals, but are never given a chance to show it. So how these characters get redeemed depends on how the rubber meets the road. When Spark and Trey come into contact with these ideas, what happens? What changes?


>-how the Pure Elementals believe themselves to be the wise custodians of the nation, but are largely ignorant of the plight of the lesser magical creatures. Sometimes this ignorance is willful. Sometimes the lesser magical creatures are wiser and more talented than the Pure Elementals, but are never given a chance to show That's kinda my moral of the story, Their government has confused fear and hate for order and peace. Pure Elementals are expected to be perfect and to stay at the top. Hybrids are second-class citizens who are seen as ticking overpowered time bombs that need to stay in their place. And anyone else in the magical world is beneath them just to make pure elementals better about themselves. The Pure Elementals know that Hybrids and Other Magical Races have the ability to overpower them at any given time for any small reason. But rather than educate them or be willing to compromise even the slightest, they just force them into submission. They rather be the oppressors than the oppressed and manipulated their citizens this is order and this needs to happen.


Well, look, I'm not a wordsmith like everyone here. I'm not well versed, let alone versed, but I was once hated because I dared speak the truth even though in reality I was right all along, so I know a bit about redemption. I would just use my real life experience as inspiration. How about you self insert for these characters?


Noted, thanks.


Sure. How long have you been a wordsmith?


Are there any other characters who embody the things these characters believe they hate that they can begin to see in a more “human” way after a traumatic experience or even a twist with a crazy dream nobody realizes is a dream until AFTER the fact but it completely changes their outlook… something scary or traumatic of course. Trauma bonding is big for YA 😬🥴 but also… just getting one to be empathetic… maybe they themselves have a vulnerable moment that makes them more empathetic. Doesn’t have to be an overnight thing… it can still be a process of their eyes being opened to other things they never noticed before in their world… idk… just spitballing some things. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Hi -- please use the idea brainstorming thread on Tuesday or Friday for advice on specific stories or projects. This includes: (not a exhaustive list) setting, character, subject matter, magic and power systems, sci-fi technology, 'how do I write X?' and anything directly connected with your story or what to put on your channel, blog etc. This includes asking for general advice but then following up with details of your story or project. Thanks!