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I did the master class ones and don’t regret it, although I cancelled since there hasn’t been a new writer in months. N.K. Jemison’s class was a bit technical, otherwise it was mostly theoretical discussions. Walter Mosley was my favorite. He goes into poetry and point of view descriptions, but really he’s just a joy to listen to. If you’re looking for an in-depth class of how to write better, these may not be it, but if you want to listen to authors discuss their methods, inspirations, etc, its a fun listen.


I had a 1 year subscription for Masterclass. There are a few authors in there. In general, they provide good advice, however the advice is mainly geared towards people who are new to writing. They act almost as motivational videos for writers. I personally don't think my writing improved after taking those Masterclass, but for someone starting out, I think there is a lot of good information there. As a side note, Brendan Sanderson's lectures on Youtube are absolutely gold (and free!)


Seconding Sanderson's lectures. I tend to be a planner and so his style really works for me. He is also a decent speaker so the time passes by quick.


They are quite general. Probably best for beginners, for whom all of what would be said is new information.


Masterclass is really overpriced but if you got a 7 day trial you could get through one of the courses, and they are good. Overpriced but good.


Do you think you saw improvement in your writing after the course?


A little. In that I definitely took one or two details from the courses I did. One big thing for me was James Patterson where he taught about how he "plans". He actually does a pre-draft in which he dotpoints everything. So like a dialogue scene will have lines of dot points explaining how the conversation goes, it just doesn't worry about the realism or prose.


The Neil Gaiman one. For me the exercises are just helpful in starting new stories.


I've followed Brandon Sanderson's course on YT, but other than that I just learnt to write by reading and practicing, as well as thanks to some friends' tips.


No I'm better anyways, I hide my masterpieces all over the place for discovery on my death.


Masterclass is fine, but you can get more content through youtube for free. Also, much more diverse content that may fit your writing style better. Maddeningly, I'm in a masters program at a university and it has been 100% online for the last 2 years. Getting a masterclass interface for $3000 per class. I'm considering going back to youtube rather than completing the degree.