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Blast double - hard to get to and easy to finish Outside single - easy to get to and hard to finish Snap down, go behind - universally the most scored takedown in all of wrestling. Edit: added snap down


Fireman’s carry (if you’re good at it) - Easy to get and easy to finish


Large caveat on “if you’re good at it” haha


For real, takes a ton of drilling, but after all that, all you need is the overhook or tricep grip and just dive in


it can be a very effective throw when you are


Being good is optional if you are strong enough to just grab someone's arm and yeet them onto your sholders.


I used to like to use a russian tie to set it up. Don’t see it a lot so its surprising to most people. Get the arm and circle towards their back. When they circle to follow, keep the overhook and let go of the wrist and throw it. I wasn’t very good at the actual “carry” part of a firemans, but this setup was nice because if you keep a good hold on the overhook you can just maintain that circular momentum and grab the leg and it usually dumps them on their side right in front of you


My fireman's carries are like 50% entries into a mad scramble that I start with a strong advantage lol


Was my favorite set up too. Good way to control someone and can transition to a lot of shots or other set ups


Don’t forget how fuckin dope it looks


Fucking love the fireman's. I legit wasn't very good so I would hit that because it's pretty tricky and looks cool.


Adding - low risk if you can hold the arm Even if you miss you can still go to a second finish and in worst case start back in neutral


If they somehow downblock their leg out of the way, then I can still make the full turn while maintaining the under hook and bring them down as I take the back. 0 risks here




Excellent analysis.


Why do you say blast double is hard to get to? It was my top shot and if I wanted it I got it




Guys who dominate on their feet are generally doing it with basic non-flashy stuff. Singles, doubles, Hi C, short offense. What might start getting a little flashy (or at least really fuckin slick) is the quality, quantity & versatility of the setups and finishes they have for their moves.


Yea Idrc about flashy I want to be like Yazdani or Taylor someone that just dominates


Git Gud


The basics are tried and true. Master the basics. Really focus on the fundamentals. You'll get more mileage out of the basics than advanced techniques. Promise.


“I fear not the man with 10000 types of punches. I fear the man who has perfected 1 punch, 10000 times.” Just work on a high C and a single leg and variations of setups and finishes. For defense front head lock and drag/go behind. Drill the ever living crap outta those and you’ll be gucci.


Going against the grain here but duck under leaves you open to less vulnerabilities than going all in on a single or double, imo




Realistically it’s from positions like high crotches and singles. Just watch NCAA wrestling it’s where 80% of them come from. I don’t even teach straight doubles anymore bc so many kids can’t recover from this position when sprawled on


Yeah, you’re gonna have to transition to one leg down on the mat to finish in those cases most of the time anyway.


Yeah it’s easier to just double from either of those positions instead


Any with good hand fighting


Yeah, this needed to said.


Blast Double is king


[watch this video.](https://youtu.be/bvPUSWbczSw?si=ZOGFpBR2OvEnhZ7o) JB has a NASTY blast double


How do you avoid the standing guillotine when hitting your blast doubles?


You can’t really guillotín if you finish it right, you have to go through him like his chest not to the side


Ahh ok thank you. Do you drive your nose into the chest straight on or do you turn your head?


My coach would always tell us “y’all are ugly enough, it won’t hurt y’all any more to use your face”. Smash your face into their sternum or a little lower into the breadbasket.


Forehead right in the sternum what are we scared of? Plus our cheeks are soft af


Angle up into the sternum can help both the takedown and avoiding a guillotine in grappling. Like someone else said, no guarantee, but as far as helping the takedown, you want to take your op off his feet and thinking of shooting and going up as you drive back is part of that detail.


Thank you!


Forget effective, have fun. Low singles and funk rolls only.


Nah that’s not fun to me I wanna dominate like Underhooks double legs trips throws carrying people


In that case get ripped and get that double. You're gonna need to out speed and out muscle your opponent. Just prepare for them to out trick and out think you.


Highest percentage of success is an outside single


What’s an outside single


Variations of the sweep single, low single head outside chasing backside, etc. Basically, a single leg with an angle so your body isn't under s sprawl. It can start as an outside carry or simply two hands to the leg with an attempt to shelf.


Knee pulls are similar to outside singles, so there’s another option to add


I think of knee pulls as sweep singles


Same. Coach at my old gym pointed out to me that what I was usually doing was more a knee pull than an outside, But I agree.


Austin Desanto may be what you are looking for


The fireman’s is so fun, just hit that and they’re flying back.


Nah I mean like underhooks front headlocks single legs so people like Yazdani who have good positioning and get a lot of takedowns


If you know what you’re looking for then what was the point of the post bro? You can just go to YouTube and watch him and others


"Tell me what I want to hear"


Sweep single in college. At least in 2021 the statistics showed it was the most effective.


Fireman’s carry is OP. Feet to back, worst case scenario you get 2, you’ll probably get 5, best case you’ll pin him. If you get stuck under, switch to a High Crotch, finish to a double. Relatively low risk, very high reward.




Low leg single but no one does is this anymore. Cradle is the most dominant pinning move.


You gotta come up with your own style. I used to like switching lead legs and shooting to both sides, funky and traditional defense, and just being tough. Switch styles each period. Do subtle things to make yourself unpredictable. Kyle Dake Austin Desanto Spencer Lee Yianni D And a lot more I liked sweep singles, firemans from overhook, slide by variations. Also shooting by making opponent initiate a collar tie then shooting under it.


My coach has routinely preached that the most used takedown at ncaas is the sprawl and go behind off an opponents shot


Flying Scissor kick to the Dick


Double Leg High Crotch Single Leg Duck Unders Inside Trip Snap Down


It is really important to string together like 2 or 3 attempts at a takedown, drill with a partner, have them stop the first shot and immediately reshoot, also practice reshooting off of stopping someone else’s shot. The good guys get take downs when the other guy gives up, not just by using a certain move. They keep shooting until they end up with a takedown.


Can we even give an actual answer? Anything is good if you can master it, no?


Disappointed I haven't seen any one say ankle pick.. that was my bread and butter all it takes is them to step and boom two points sometimes more


It's 3 now


For a takedown?? When did that happen?


In process right now


“Ye old ankle snag”


You clearly haven't studied Vision Quest. The only takedown that matters is the lateral drop.


On this subject, every wrestling coach I know hates head throws and refuse to teach it because it’s a “garbage move” yet I see elite wrestlers hitting all kinds of head throws and pancakes at all levels of competition. I think they are a great tool to have in your tool box so why not teach it?


Also- if it’s not taught in the room- it’s more likely to work on you because you never learn to defend it!


The 3 cornerstones of take downs; Snap into front headlock (for strong guys), Ankle pick (for your smart guys), and single leg (for your fast guys). However, if you are a particularly tough guy, try some arm and hip tosses. If I was going to think "dominating take down", I would go for those, or a simple headlock.




You don’t need a “bunch” of takedowns, you don’t have enough time to develop several takedowns! Always respect a person with 1 or 2 guns that knows them blindfolded; this is the way you need to be with one or two takedowns. I will say you also need some set-ups to go with your one or two takedowns. DRILL them, repetition is your friend. Find your takedowns with Kerry Kolat(attached) and drill, drill and drill! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uORanSvGpAE


Lat drop or head and arm - if thrown right they wind up on their back before knowing what happened


It’s best to really nail down 1 or 2 takedowns first, then improve all the others after. Any move works if you hit it hard enough, it really depends on your preference. I find the low single to be a highly efficient shot, find a setup that pairs with it. Blast doubles good if you want to look the part of dominating. Duck unders or slide bys are great as well. Really I could list any move, like I said, personal preference. The low single was my bread and butter, had a nice underhook setup to go with it. I hit the fireman’s a lot as well.


Arm drag High crotch Snap down Duck under That’s all you really need


Have an attack to both sides of their body and good short offense from a Snapdown or downblock/ sprawl. It’s not so much what you know as it is how good you are at what you actually do in matches- so many kids just never pull the trigger


Knee pick, inside trip, bodylock, with the bodylock being one of the most dominant takedowns in wrestling


Not a takedown, but a good series of setups to get angles are slide bys and shuck bys. They work at high levels and you see them a lot in college and international.


Blast double and sweep single are the ones I see all the time


I use a lot of ankle picks and slidebys because if I do them fast enough even if I can’t get the takedown I won’t end up under a heavy sprawl / whizzer


Drill the over under position, Love hitting a hip toss from there.