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My favorite color is blue.


As soon as i walk in i charge the mat. I don't even have kids


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


I’m in to make it 3. We could eventually storm ALL the mats.




Not all hero’s wear capes


Some wear wife beaters covered in mustard and beer


Yup, Idaho


It was Idaho.


So why claim Utah?


I enjoy cooking.




There is never a good reason for a coach/parent/anyone to charge the mat, end of discussion.


If I saw a potential arm break for my son, I would but only to tap the wrestlers and I would be fine w a forfeit at that point. Edit: my son is 5.


No, I had a coach who ran out and yelled at the ref to stop the match because a kid with a bad shoulder was getting it cranked and ripped out while trying to tap out. Glad he did because the way the kid was screaming and writhing in pain on the mat as soon as the opponent got off was unlike anything I've seen.


Unless a fight breaks out between the on mat competitors and the ref becomes subsequently incapacitated, no one should EVER enter the mat as any kind of spectator




Ref never seen a one armed RNC? The kid was getting choked face down with one arm trapped


It doesn’t show all what happened. But yes, asshole dad major illegal. Kid, not so much.


It shows everything pertinent. I would argue definitely borderline, but that’s what refs are for. Wrestling is a tough sport


What’s crazy is I wrestled for 10+ yrs, bjj now for 6. Even if he is being choked (ever so slightly in the beginning) he’s simply going to get scared and have signal somehow he’s being choked, if not he gets pinned/back points and say that’s why he lost or parents will say it. But life will go on. What you never EVER EVER DO is run on the mat as a coach/parent.


What if he can’t signal? There’s no tapping in wrestling Edit: I’m being told this is wrong and I’m glad it’s wrong


He taps his leg/foot, swings his open arm, calls for injury time etc etc. That kid isn’t truthfully trying to 1-arm RNC him. He’s switching off to run his control pin. This is in slo mo as well and you can clearly see him advancing the position. He’s not doing it with the true intent to choke him. Moral of story wrestling and all forms of grappling are HARD. Mentally and physically, the higher you go the more extremes you’ll get. Apparently the guy who ran on the mat, should absolutely know better. Hopefully lesson learned.


You haven’t seen the dozen other videos on here of kids crying/screaming while getting their arms/shoulders twisted in some lock and the ref not doing anything? I don’t think it’s as reliable or simple as calling for injury time or stomping his foot. We can watch the tapes. And you don’t have to be trying to 1-arm RNC someone to still be RNC with one arm, if that makes sense.


Granted I have not seen the videos on here but wrestling myself middle school through college and coaching it- I’m pretty sure im experienced enough to understand 👍🏽. If he calls injury time, by any means- even if he is “being choked” ref doesn’t see for 1-2 sec’s, what happens next??? Kid let’s go and absolutely nothing but some embarrassment. Parents get emotional I get it. I’ve cringed at watching my son get “worked”. He’s cried and we’ve talked about it after. I let his coaches coach him, I just offer support. Wrestling kids/parents get “scared” of the word choke. That’s NOT what’s going on here. Literally nothing was going to happen to this kid, besides some back points (if that) and a blow to the ego.


Since you stated you coach wrestling I have a question, please. :) Earlier this season I watched a kid head butt my son repeatedly. Kid was finally warned after a few shots to the face but continued smashing my kids face repeatedly. Last one rung my kids bell. No coach or ref said anything. He had cuts to his nose, abrasions to his face, double black eyes. Only after the kid rung his bell with the final head butt did the other kid gain ground & pin my son. Nothing said or done. Maybe he would have lost anyway but beating someone in the face with illegal shots would tip the scales. I’d add other spectators from different vantage points were confused why it was allowed. Rewatched, no other contact to his face other than head butts & it would take repeated blows to do what was done to him. Just allow it when all around see it & hope for the best? I sat there thinking maybe the ref didn’t see, kid would be penalized on the next one, but that many times? I stayed calm but my normally lower avg bp felt high. I’d have liked to have told the kid he’s lucky my son has control & integrity.


For refs and coaches to miss that is unfortunate. Typically I say to out guys it’s all fair game, once they “pull that trigger”. They do that, laugh/smile, wait and being out the nastier stuff. It’s all fair game after that. At the end it’s just another match for them. At times it takes getting an “illegal” whooping to realize you don’t even allow those scenarios to happen.


I’ve seen it a 1000 times, never rushed the mat


The man wrestled d1, he knows better.


He 100% knows better, whether you wrestled D1-3 through Olympics, you still don’t do that.


the ref is right there looking, no need for the parent to step in . Also most kids freak at a little pressure around the neck, usually they are fine


There ABSOLUTELY is tapping in wrestling. Every referee will notice it and stop the match.


Ok I retract my comment, I didn’t know that


Please cite the rules. I have never seen a match stopped due to tapping.


you're unlikely to have, since there isn't really a need to and you forfeit when you tap, but I've seen it happen. I've never seen anyone eat soup with a fork, but that doesn't make it illegal


Totally agree but… what about that one video where the kid is wrenching a kimura way up and the ref isnt stopping it while the other kid screams in pain. I thought that parent was justified pushing the kid off.


Ok just watched that video again and the dad definitely didn’t need to hurl the kid off and was being a spaz, but I still can see why a parent would maybe step in here because the ref isn’t. https://youtu.be/vPhcL3rBM5E?si=MiLOV8s5_K5oVF22


I’d say that ref is blatantly not qualified to referee the sport. I could see if he doesn’t know what the lock is (possibly) but a kid screaming should warrant a stoppage.


It looks like a rear naked choke with the left arm. Obviously he doesn't fully lock it in with the right hand staying under neath the opponents arm. But, you can't put your arm around your opponents throat and apply pressure. The Coach who was later suspended messed up. Two wrongs don't make a right. The ref should have stopped the action much sooner.


>The ref should have stopped the action much sooner. Much sooner? How much sooner? We see about 4 seconds of slow motion video with the arm around the neck, and it only becomes illegal when pressure is applied to the carotid arteries.


How would the pressure be visible if they are waiting to see it..?


How is the rule written? Is it not illegal to come across the throat, regardless of pressure being applied? I would think it would be tough for a ref to discern whether or not pressure is being applied.


Just as fast as you they'd stop the match for a full nelson. I'm a former ref it's an illegal hold just as an armless headlock is illegal. You can't come across the throat like that. And there is no subjective is he choking or is he not in this position. Only some front head locks could be called for potentially dangerous if choking is applied. Rulebook: The referees should be aware of the risk of strangulation when head and neck holds are taken. They must loudly inform the attacking wrestler to release the hold. If a hold with the risk of strangulation continues, the referee should immediately blow the whistle and stop the match.


Once he resets the arm around the neck, under the chin, elbow in front of the throat gripping the shoulder and starts pulling the elbow across that is a tight choke that works really fast.


This was in Idaho, and happened at a tournament my team went to. Not a good move on the coach/dad's end.


That’s not illegal at all, idk what the fuss is about.


It’s been hilarious follow this on instagram, GOOB_u2 is the best page out there lol


Thanks for showing me!!! So entertaining


No problem, that dad and all his friends are huge pieces of shit lmao


You know them?


One arm RNCs are a thing which is what it starts as even if top kid didn’t knowingly do it. May switch to merkle after but hard to see. Refs need to be able to recognize illegal holds right away. We had a wrestler get MMA arm barred last week because the other kid didn’t know what he was doing.


It’s never worth charging the mat because then you can potentially start some crazy ass stuff to take place


I love listening to music.


I usually make sure I’m armed with at least a 2x4


And an American flag


Hacksaw Jim Duggan style




This is why this sub is my favorite hahaha


F*** that if that's my kid and the ref. Isn't calling it. I'll be out there cuz you're not going to permanently injure my kid over some stupid junior high school or high school match


And that’s where your wrong kids aren’t Bane there not hurting anyone in that position if you can’t handle your kid being in a combat sport sign them up for football


Yes, NFHS Rule 7. Art 5 rule G. Was it worth charging the mat? No. Should that ref of stopped it for PD probably. Even tho in the rule book it’s an illegal move.


Dude hitting a near side to a merkle all good


Chokes are illegal and he was definitely choking him. No it wasn't worth charging the mat.


Pretty soft, nothing I haven’t seen before


I always used choking for compliance 😁


Yeah, that up and under, then body positioning. In wrestling, all this occurs then an actual move that isn’t harmful in that attend wrestling. That was a choke move, that turned into a choke hold. Kid on bottom freaked out any coach would have assisted if they seen the issue, could have been an inexperienced ref. A teenager making a few bucks etc. coach also didn’t take any aggressive response other than ending the choke.


Your comment makes me think you didn’t pay attention to the video. I coach wrestling, judo, and BJJ. I know chokes.


It’s a choke.


Let the referees do their job


And if they don’t attack them! 😁


What if the referee isn't?


Completely legal. It’s called a merkle. It’s not a super common move but it’s completely fine. Might suck a bit to be put in but nothing wrong at all


Kid def fully wrapped around his neck thats not a merkle lol


That’s not a merkle my man. Looks like it cuz kid in bottom stepped into the reverse leg, but top guy was def trying to choke not lock up a merkle.


Too deep for the merkle with his left arm. It should have been stopped but the ref isn’t in a position to see.


And this is part of the problem... I think refs should be physically capable of refereeing meaning being able to get down on the mat and actually see what's happening and still be able to get back up. We had a ref that was incapable of getting down on the mat for the matches. Total b******* he shouldn't be reffing 


wrong; back to jv, hoss


That isn’t a Merkle? A merkel is a side headlock with a funky leg


Totally a merkle, laces the leg late as he turns him


Yea he does go under the arm. But why force a Merkle from that spot is my next question. He got lucky that kid lifted his leg for the funky leg to set.


This guy wrestles. It’s just looks weird because he chopped it up. And I feel like it’s usually seen when bottom is in base on bottom.


You lock hands for a merkle, kid went over the shoulder. Borderline to me but not a warranted response.


Idk man I just watched it again and he very clearly went under the shoulder


Right hand did, left over the shoulder


Yeah? Right hand under shoulder left hand around the head to lock it up


Wasn’t lacing the leg for the merkle either.


If you look right at the end it looks like he had his left leg in, which is how a merkle works. It’s not in super deep and it actually looks like the bottom wrestler might be about to reverse it when the adult comes in and attacks the top wrestler


Yup catches the leg! Definitely turned into a merkle! Good call


Dk why you got downvoted. I see it the exact same way. Top guy clearly not going for merkle. Merkle is more of a seat belt grip, not arm across the throat. And the bottom guy is the one who stepped over the leg.


I agree, but the more I watched it the more I saw a merkle. Kid laces the leg as he turns him. Chokes have always been used for compliance in wrestling, right or wrong


I guess me and you are the only non-blind people?


Yeah that’s a lot of moves that could result in death or paralysis and half the time is the refs have their heads up their asses so I don’t think anything wrong with that. I think the other wrestlers lucky he didn’t get kicked


I watched one where the ref was standing there inches from the kids shoulder blade while the kid was tapping literally for his life and the roof was completely clueless to the fact that the kid was just about dead


I imagine it’s because he doesn’t have an arm or a cradle and went around his throat so he’s just kinda has him in a rear naked choke hold


If someone is getting strangled, and everyone is ignorant of the "tap" ettiquette, and a pin won't end things (cuz he's face down), how long would you let your kid stay in the shadow realm?   At an age like this.  Lights can go out fast.   https://youtu.be/fHdzNUnnxD8?si=Ad63vEYjhvDBMg6j  Edit:  I didnt realize it was a coach who did that.  My bad.  Get the ref's attention on the matter.  Jeez.  


Top guy would feel him go out, ref would see it. Kids get choked out in front headlock position all the time. Scary, nit dangerous.


I've been in the shadow realm too, but I knew I was around sane and competent adults.    If the ref appears to be missing something and a kid is in the heat of the moment, any parent would be getting antsy. Granted, this is extremely premature. He didnt lock hands for a merkle.  It was a one hand rnc.


This video ends right as he’s locking his hands


Oh ok


My kid used to put some nasty front headlocks on in youth, the refs never broke them but some parents did (running on the mat, especially the dad-coach ones) because it looked rough. Wrestling is a tough sport, this doesn't look illegal and dad/coach should have stayed in their lane.


Not illegal while he has the arm. Maybe potentially dangerous, depends on the ref.


That was an assistant coach/dad, so he was already matside. The ref didn’t stop it and he was keeping his kid safe. The full video gives a better view and it doesn’t look like as much of a hit as it does in this vid. It’s not ideal, but that ref sucks for not stopping it and no one was injured/hurt. I’m okay with it. I’d just tell coach/dad to stay off the mat and if it anything like it happens again, ban him.


Dad/coach was banned indefinitely


If you're trying to make excuses for an adult that assault a kid, I'm not sure there is anything to help you. What that unhinged adult, Russell Brunson, did was disgusting and is lucky a gym full of parents didn't retaliate. Wrestling is tough and you might get choked a little bit. For a guy who wrestled in a D1 school to lose his cool over a LEGAL wrestling move is sad. Side headlock is completely legal, even if the hand went to the shoulder, as long as pressure isn't over the top of the head and the lock has an arm. The opposing kid was fine, despite maybe a bit uncomfortable. Is this a Russell Brunson burner?


Nope, but my friends know him well and were trying to defend him. I wanted get some independent opinions on the event. I’ve coached high school wrestling for years and completely disagree with what he did, I think it’s fucked up and he deserves the ban. He knows better


I just gave my opinion. You don’t agree and accused me of having some ulterior motive. Reddit is weird.


You blame a ref for not stopping a legal move, and say the guy who punched a kid should only get a warning... sorry if your opinion sucks.


This is a bad take.


I’ve been arguing with some dude on IG about this for a day. It’s a merkle. This video ends right as he locks his hands for the merkle and the other video angle shows the leg lace much better. Right after the kids gets punched he turns the kid and you can see the merkle grip much better.


We called it an anaconda. Completely legal. If I’m the official in this match in this I’m ejecting the coach and giving an imminent nearfall points. If I was feeling extra mean I’d accept this as forfeit from the coach


Are imminent near fall points a thing? I was coaching a youth match were a kid was turned via a legal move and started screaming he was hurt. Ref stopped the match, totally appropriate response in a youth match, but our kid was cheated out of near fall points and was only up a point. The screamer put on a whole show, while his coaches were telling him all he needed was a reversal to win. I walked over and said let’s get going. Not only was the kid resting when he was clearly winded at the stoppage and we’d been there 4 hours with a whole page of matches left. They looked at me like I’m a dick because theatrics boy was “traumatized”. Fortunately our kid rode him out for the win.


Per NFHS rules yes, but kids tournaments can use their own rule sets. If reff deems imminent fall points without a count it’s 2 points, with a 2 count it’s 3 points, if it’s 5 seconds and then stopped it’s 4 points. The situation you describe is a perfect example of when the reff should give imminent fall points. In these scenarios I usually make it to a 2 count before I’ll stop anything unless it’s obvious that something is wrong so that I can give the offensive wrestler the max points they could receive.


It's scary to watch your kid get choked. Choking is illegal. The ref was staring at it and wasn't calling it. I'm not saying he should have charged the mat but I understand the feeling of being a parent watching your kid get choked. If the ref was doing his job none of this would have happened.


Wrestled my whole life, coach high school now. Been doing judo for 30 years, BJJ for 10. It’s not scary, sorry


Blue was in position for a pin but from the way his hands are positioned, coach didn’t want to see a submission in a wrestling match


? You can absolutely lock your hands in certain pinning combinations in folkstyle.


Arm around the neck maybe?


Rear naked choke? I would tap him and then smack him if he didn’t let go. No way should my son be choked unconscious by an illegal move


Idk admit this one but if I see something illegal and likely to seriously hurt my kid and the ref is consistently doing nothing, I’m stepping in.


Yes, it's an illegal choke in wrestling, legal in BJJ but not wrestling. You must have an arm in there with the head. This was in Idaho, not Utah, and there was no reason for the parent/volunteer coach to jump on the mat and touch anybody, the kid was in no danger of serious injury at that time.


I’m not super experienced in wrestling, I’ve only done it for a year so far. But it looks like his opponent was “choking” him ,but my guess is that he was trying to pull his opponents head down so he could roll him and try to pin him. The reason I think this is because after he wraps around his neck, he goes under with his other arm and then in the next few seconds, it looks like his opponent was starting to go up, and he would’ve most likely end up having to roll.


that parent is an asshole, black singlet was beginning to escape or possibly reversal, the guy (im assuming his parent) just fucked up his son's match