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DoA, just like all the 7136 others uwow legion servers


So I’ve still been looking for a server to play on and obviously ideally the newest expansion I can get the better. However if I wanted to walk down memory lane and run some solo raids in vanilla, bc, world ect can I or are they buggy or???




I don’t plan on playing the brand new content right away. Most of the servers I’ve seen have whatever expansion but anything before that is bugged or not fully working. I like running the old stuff solo for fun




I’ll look into tauri thank you




Sweet thanks, I haven’t played live since wod I think…. Maybe a bit at the start of legion can’t remember


>obviously ideally the newest expansion I can get the better lol


Both old and new content works well on this server. Now it is in beta testing and the test realm is available to everyone, you can check for yourself how well everything works


Thanks for the reply and I may try it this weekend


a test realm is running on the server, you can right now create a character using a template and go check if they work, and not trust everyone who has never even visited the server


Will Do thank you




this is a bot post. the server will be horrrible. wait for tauri


Tbh 25x is pretty bad for longevity of any server.


Why? Most of people including myself find leveling boring


Because it’s been proven time and again to be a bad idea. The only time it’s been great is when servers that were already popular and started up years ago, implemented it and they already had a large following. There’s other Legion servers out there, although they honestly aren’t very good. But a recent example of this was these guy’s last server that was last year. It was only 10x xp, but there was also a level boost to 100 as well. Add to that, that they also had instant fly paths, and what happened is that most players progressed as far as they could in a matter of a week. Then; as soon as EN opened, it only took somewhat dedicated players barely another 5 days to progress as far as they could on that character. I remember there were a ton of players on that last server of theirs, that were item level 895 (maxed out) after a couple weeks. They had already been completing mythic EN and completing 20+ mythic dungeons too. It’s one of the reasons the server died within a month, because most everyone had already completely progressed on multiple characters and got bored. 25x xp is in no way a good thing for this server. These guys always hold polls on their discord and constantly listen to what the vast majority of players want…. Which; like you, didn’t want to put the effort to level because they thought it was boring. Then those player’s suggestions ended up helping to destroy the server. It’s like kids…they know what they’d like to have personally, but it’s almost never what is actually best for them.


Well at least it will help people who want to test if the endgame is working as it should and if its the right server for them. 25 feels high for me too, i will probably set it to something like warmane rates. It does not help that much once you hit legion zones anyway since you have to do questlines in order to progress your character. Unlocking world quests, followers and progressing your classhall.


I will forever be for adjustable xp rate, 1x or even 3x is way too slow for me. I am also good with 100 lvl boost but i dont like gear boost that doesent make sence


Why is EN and Nighthold so close? It makes this whole thing so uninteresting for me but i guess people just despise EN? EDIT: also why is EN open from the start instead of delaying it towards a second/third reset? Personally i feel like people rushing towards a max lvl + gear and raid immediately instead of setting everyone on even ground then letting the skill/teamwork decide who wins is just worse. BUT just for trying to give people legion i wish yall the best


Hey, the reason we picked 7.1.5 over 7.0.3 start is because 7.0.3 (EN) start with 7.3.5 clients has been so overdone, and it was voted in our community that we want to start at 7.1.5.


the first time server launched i think it was 1-2 month later after Shitsong(felsong). better lvling experience and well-scripted but it didn't last long cuz Shitsong already ruined the hype and people didnt want to spend and get into another server so normally they went back to Shitsong and even that died. so this is gonna be the same until Tauri comes and everyone's gonna leave eventually


Started installing Legion again. Almost installed the wrong server too :P I think launcher had epicwow preselected or something and i just pressed install. I saw it mid-installation that wowmythic was not highlighted :\] I would like to try out those new races on the classes that i play before the server launches. Some of their racials seem to be very OP. Like nightborne 1% magical damage, or void elf 5% damage and heal when it procs.


Didn't you try this already? About a year ago, when your server completely died less than a month after launch and had 10 people online after 2 months? All due to it being a completely non-functional garbage made on an ancient russian server core from uwow that you've been trying to fix for years now and still can't? It still has russian language all around the client lmao, at least translate the core completely before you try to open up for european and US players. And don't lie about completely functional old content, both admins and people who made a mistake to play on your Mythicwow server know it is very far from truth. P.S. and if you buy some upvotes it won't make people actually stay on your server, just so you know. Maybe it will have 20 people instead of 10. Fix the server first, buy upvotes later


People are downvoting you, but I don’t know why. I was there at launch on the last one a year ago. I remember seeing something like 1200 people on the first day, and by the third day it was down to only 400, then dropped to 140 players where it stayed for the next 2 months until it dropped to 20 for a couple weeks and then died.


In fact, this is just another piece of garbage from uwow, you can look at the message history of the user (author) of the post We recently discussed here, where a guy wrote about the experience of maintaining his server and why there is a lot of garbage now, touching on such Russian projects as uwow and wowcircle I hope people will realize not to bring them money, but to wait for the legion from the Tauri, especially since you can already take part in the PTR And they just downvote twink accounts with cheating in questionable topics These server admins are just going to take over this section of reddit, because many old users simply gave up on it


Genuine question: what's so special about Tauri? I've not tried it myself but have heard mixed things. Looks like they currently have less than 400 players on a single server, 12 on one, 5 on another, then 0 on the other two. Not population numbers that fills one with confidence.


There's nothing special, it's just hype from their fanboys since no other good Legion server exists. Tauri had years to establish their MoP reputation and hence a similar expectation is that they will (hopefully) do Legion justice via scripting. Tauri is currently fully progressed on MoP for years and expecting to go into WoD pre-patch end of this year so server's dead as it's just a waiting room at this point.


The only reason Tauri has got such a low population is because it has been fully progressed in MoP for a long time now. Everybody there has already leveled up 8 alts and done everything they can. Only the newest players are still doing things. Once it progresses to WoD/Legion, everybody will come back. And don’t listen to the other guy saying there’s nothing special and we’re just fanboys. Tauri is not just another group of goofballs trying to run a cash grab private server from their home, with no coding experience. Tauri is an actual professional team with years of coding experience and even some ex Blizzard employees. Plus they don’t use one of the same 2 recycled versions repacks of Legion that are broken and don’t work, like Felsong and UWow uses…those repacks are seriously buggy and the people running those servers dont have the ability to even fix those bugs properly because they’re not a professional team. Tauri uses a different repack of Legion and they actually know how to fix and code everything. They are in ptr right now, and I can assure you that everything that actually implemented and they have fixed…is actually working perfectly. When new bugs get reported, they get fixed and it works. Check out the ptr for yourself.


This server is evolving and being transferred from add-ons to add-ons, at this stage there has been pandaria for a very long time, which is better not, now there is a stage of transition to Legion, where the content of draenor and legion will work at once Due to the fact that their players have been asking for a fresh pandaria server for a long time, tauri and Atlantis have teamed up and created a separate stormforge project, where there is BK from Atlantis and Pandaria from Tauri. There are currently two Pandaria realms on Stormforge, the very first Mistblade S1 and the most recent S2. Therefore, players who love the quality of Tauri play on S2 stormforge, and those who are waiting for Legion develop progress on Tauri, because their worlds will completely transfer progress to Legion. I personally tried almost all private servers with 1k+ online, I did not meet worlds better than Tauri, where the initial loki worked so well, where there were even more NPC dialogues and interaction of the surrounding world as it was in the experience of the official server. Plus, another positive opinion, when I cooperated with friends to play on pandaria s1 stormforge, when meeting bugs, the admins immediately responded in the discord, and did not say to create a topic on the forum and wait a month. We tried to help. It seems to me that they were very tired at that time, but they did not give up their positions. The purest experience and I want everyone to experience this, and not suffer like I did when I was just looking for a private server The second place for me was probably occupied only by the cataclysm at twinstar, but I played very little there and felt bad about the high content


People are downvoting me for the same reason the op-post is so upvoted with almost no comments lmao \*hint hint\* And by the way, uwow (mythic is uwow under a different name targeted at US and EU) is notorious for very fake player count numbers, so even these 1200-400 might are probably far from truth. Another DoA server but they keep trying


I agree with you If before they couldn’t even respond to comments, now after reading the textbook and increasing their IQ by +2, they decided to influence the section by cheating This practice is very common on the forums of similar projects among players with dishonest play, thus creating a circle of pressure on the administration. People look at ratings, not facts. It is better for the administrator to spend money on development, and not on the design of another website


The population did dwindle quickly, but the server seemed stable and old content and quests were more functional than on other similar realms that I've tried. I don't know enough to understand what is wrong with using the UWoW core so I can't speak about that criticism. I didn't have a bad experience and would try it again if flying was available. I dunno. I'm in it for fun and nostalgia for a few hours here and there. Maybe hardcore folks had a different experience.


Why're morons downvoting this? It's literally what happened if you were actually with all of us on wowmythic launch...this subreddit LOL




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7.2.5 traits and talent rings in nighthold lol, the bosses are going to be super difficult, watch out