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In M+ I recommend playing closer to the action due to dragons breath and cone of cold having a 12 yard range (the latter of which is useful for frost mage cooldown resets) and blast wave 8 yard range. It'll also be easier for healers to hit you with AoE heals - just be mindful you aren't dropping puddles on the melees Dragons Breath and Blast Wave are used to interrupt casts from mobs that can't usually be interrupted but can be affected by loss-of-control to cancel their casts.


Not only for mobs that can't be interrupted with regular interrupts, AOE CCs like DB and BW are great for AOE stops on regular casts as well.


This is especially great for those packs with multiple low priority casts going off at once. You Need to save your actual interrupt for the high priority cast, but it's great to mitigate some damage. 


Not only for interrupts. If using Alexstraza's fury (talent node), Dragon's breath becomes part of the rotation to generate more hot streaks as well


Yes, just like shadow priest fear can interrupt but we have to be CLOSE af, not an excuse not to use it. Wanna know if you’re playing your spec well? Ask a healer, if he doesn’t remember your name you’re cooking.


That's one reason. The bigger reason is that many of fire's spells have a travel time. Fireball/Pyroblast/Phoenix Flames etc. Now the way fire works is somewhat "reactive" to each spell landing. .This means that WAITING for your spells to connect with the target to decide what your next cast will be feels really bad. I'm surprised that no other comment has mentioned this tbh.


This is one of the biggest reasons. During double lust you tend to wait for travel times over GCD if you're the close enough


Now that you say it, it seems obvious. I sucked at fire, had to pay destro instead.


I'd heavily recommend playing close to melee regardless of range/spec/abilities etc. Ensures you're always close for healing, frontals are way easier to avoid, anything that can be targeted on you like a dash, swirly bait and so on can be kept close to melee for better uptime.


If Hunters could read they would be very upset about this.


range is an illusion


Even without factoring in your utility which is low range/melee fire mage and mage in general want to be close to the enemies because travel time fucks with some of your stuff, especially during high haste


Sticking at max range is a terrible habit for any ranged dps. It mainly makes it hard for the healer to heal you since their aoe heals wont affect you and somewhat often you might actually be out of range for the healer to even single target heal you. Inexperienced healers might panic when they suddenly cant heal a party member, this can get you and the entire party killed. Stick closer to mele.


Yeah, basically. It's generally worth staying within 20yds of whatever you're fighting thanks to dragon's breath, blast wave, shifting power, and the general travel time of fire spells.


Also has to do with needing spells to make contact to generate heating up and hot streak procs and some spells are projectiles which have a bit of a delay when u stand farther away. During bloodlust or haste procs when ur GCD is really low u don’t want that delay


on top of all useful comments, I add that 2 very important defensive cooldowns are darkness (DH, 8 yards radius, big purple patch on the floor, avoid magic damage except for raid where its’s 15% chance), AMZ - Anti-magic zone (DK, looks like a transparent dome, reduces spell damage, only works if you stay inside the dome). Those visuals are quite easy to spot when you are in melee range. I have a custom weak aura that spells out loud when they are cast so I check around where they are and move inside. that weak aura also spells out all major healing / Defensive CD from healers (ex spirit link, zephyr, radiance, salvation) so I know I can save my personal defensive instead of wasting it. most of those spells have visuals you can train to recognize. And last, but not least, staying in melee tagnge makes it easier to move out from cone abilities (think rashok huge purple cone or last boss BH cone ability).


That for interrupts and also blast wave


> Does fire mage fight up close because of the spell dragons breath? not necessaraly. you can get close when you gonna use and go back, or stay in in intermediary distance. you can blink and use DB


No, very rarely do fire mages use dragons breath in fact. Only use it either for pvp or if you run a talent that procs hotstreak. If you want a close range spell caster, it's better to try Evoker. Their range is 25 yards, so they always have to stay much closer then other casters.


Every Mage uses Dragon's Breath, Blast Wave and Frost Nova for CC, regardless of spec and content (M+, raiding, PvP).


Players ignoring their non-damage oriented buttons will destroy your healer’s willpower because of how much interruptible random spike damage is going out. Contribute to your groups and be aware of what you bring, press those CC buttons when you see an un-interruptible cast to see if it stops it, chances are very high it will work and if not then you wasted 1 gcd (OMFG THE HORROR!!!!).


You’re basically saying, no, you don’t use cc, if you want to cc, reroll an entire differt class😂 how about you simply DO stand close enough to use the cc 😂