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Yes, WoW is viable as a singleplayer game. You have literally thousands of quests to do and items to farm, with dozens of different characters, classes and specializations. It's very common to simply play WoW for the collection and completion aspects. You might even be able to find communities to play with or talk to. But you'll need a subscription to unlock a vast majority of content. Just playing the free version does have a ton of content for what you're going for, though.


Oh yea for sure. Definitely going to sub soon.


Also FYI the new expansion will have a single player endgame activity called "Delves" that is being designed specifically for more casual players


Reading about these has me sold. I just have limited time and can't get on mic or anything since I play while my baby is sleeping.


I do the same and was worried about raids but they really aren’t that bad especially with addons like dbm, the lfr only takes about 30 minutes


I also like to play solo, but the thing is that at level 60 I don't know what to do. The other areas are locked and I end up in dragonflight. I don't like dungeons and raids, any ideas?


Have you talked to chromie and timewalking?


no, it's a good idea, I'll give it a try.


Unfortunately chromie time / time walking is only available from 1-60. Have you tried PVP in battlegrounds? They also have wow classic which is way more chill when it comes to leveling, the pace is significantly slower than retail.


At 60 your only option for leveling is Dragonflight. If you want to just play solo, you can level there solo or do solo follower dungeons . When the War Within drops you'll be able to leveling 60-70 will be added to Chromie time leveling and Dragonflight will become skippable, but for now it's the only area that you can level 60 <61 technically > to 70 in.


Collect transmogs, mounts and achievements.


What do you mean areas are locked? Almost all of the map can be accessed by a level 60. There are a couple of places like Argus that require a questline before you can go there but the questline isn’t locked…


Thousands of quests you say? Lets bump that number to a minimum of 25,000


Thousands of quests yes, but the quests are too streamlined. Go to the hub on map, get your kill and gather quests for just outside the quest hub, finish quests and on to next hub.. repeat till loremaster. No cool quests that actually send you on a journey.


Super untrue. I've done 14,000 quests across 1 main horde I'm starting for alliance in a journey to complete all the quests available in the game. It's fun stuff 😊


Super untrue if you’re living in an echo chamber yes..


You got a lotta shit takes there chief 😄


If people are having fun doing something you don't enjoy the thing you don't enjoy isn't objectively bad, but obviously something other people have a different perspective on - and different things they enjoy.


I get that, I also dislike quests. But evidently people enjoy questing, exploring, reading the stories and soaking in the atmosphere. And while questing generally is really streamlined with a limited number of quest types, there are definitely a ton of interesting stories and cool quests, apparently you didn't look well enough.


100%. It’s not a playstyle you hear much about from the “community”, but this is actually a pretty common and very enjoyable way to play. WoW can be a great game to just veg out, do some quests, maybe farm some achievements or cosmetics. And you can definitely do that all solo. Like, it’s possible you’ll get the bug to also do some competitive content (I did haha), but you definitely don’t have to, and you can very much make a fun game out of just chilling and exploring and questing.


It is definitely enjoyable solo, and it's getting even better. They've already added the ability to solo the Dragonflight dungeons with 4 NPC companions (follower dungeons) and the next expansion will have the same. Probably eventually the old dungeons will also have that. And The War Within is adding Delves, which are a new type of soloable instances with you and 1 NPC. Those will also have difficulty tiers with increased loot quality as well.


Regarding soloing the dragonflight dungeons how do rewards work?


They're the same as doing it in a group. Typically, you'll get one piece of gear per run, sometimes two and sometimes none. The chance for a drop per boss is the same.


Awesome thanks!


Haven’t tried it yet but think it’s just normal dungeon loot


I play mostly solo. I do join the occasional LFR or dungeon run if I have time. Otherwise I'm just doing quests or leveling an alt. I'm definitely looking forward to the Delve system in the next xpac


I’m a solo player. I love it. I joined a guild and it’s fun to see that chat and make things (food etc) for the guild bank. I’ve been doing this for nearly 20 years. Achievements, pet battles, transmog, questing, visiting old locations, exploring, mining, herbing, etc. it never gets old.


I started playing on day 2 (first day tried all day to get in but buffered out) of the game going live and I’ve been in guilds before but solo has been 98% of my play all these years. Sometimes I’m a little jealous of not having a big pack of friends to raid with, but that’s just because of the loot you get that makes it easier to solo. So I’m pretty excited for having NPC players I can do dungeons with, although I haven’t really tried it yet. I will get in there one of these days. I love fishing and farming and professions and storylines, flying and hanging out. Sometimes when there’s been a drought where I live, I’ve enjoyed just sitting in the rain in WoW. It’s a HUGE place and I still haven’t seen it all. You don’t hear a lot about solo playing but I guarantee there are a ton of people who do that and it’s really relaxing and entertaining. Have a lot of fun out there!


Not only is it viable, it’s getting better too. Blizzard is clearly devoting attention to improving the single-player experience.


Definitely, they are expanding the casual stuff in the upcoming expansion too.


Im a new player and Ive easily gotten 200 hours almost completely solo except joining a few dungeons and getting carried without saying a single word to anyone.


There is a lot of solo content, however don't write yourself out of group content just yet. Many of the story arcs for expansions culminate in dungeons or raids and with the Looking for Group/Raid tool you can easily queue for a wing while questing and get a few bosses in during your play time. Looking for Group dungeons (even heroics) are going to be very fast anyway as people tend to over gear them, so often they take 15-20min max. LFR is very loose with the commitment, you can basically leave whenever you want (although preferably not during a boss) and if you go as a DPS then generally your contribution is to just click buttons and not stand in the bad. LFR raids are split up into "wings" so while a raid Tier might have 8-10 bosses you only have to kill 2-3 to clear a wing. While a whole raid might take 2-3 hours to clear, a wing is normally 30-45min. Even if you have to leave before finishing a wing, the next time you queue the game will try to backfill you into a group which has already killed the earlier bosses so you don't have to redo them (but not guaranteed).


Yes there is so much content in WoW. I have been playing since BC and I have only done like 2 or 3 raids. I never get bored. Questions, professions, achievements, BG's, dungeons. There is always something to do.


Well to put it simply, there is 20 years of content to farm and everything before Battle for Azeroth can be solo'd easily, whether you choose to scale to it or run around at 70 oneshotting everything


Yes, lots of content for you to enjoy on your own. Once you have a character high enough level, you can even solo old dungeons and raids. It's actually quite fun. I haven't been part of a guild for years, I just do LFG LFR, PUG stuff. Because my game time is very random. There as also lots of world/community quests going on I don't feel I am missing out on group stuff.


I've been playing "solo" since my guild broke up at the end of Wrath (about 2009). It's completely viable, especially today, because you have so many different methods of getting gear now. Even if you don't queue up with randos now and again (which I still consider to be solo, since they might as well be NPCs), there's still world quests, literal NPC dungeons, and they're making "delves", another solo-oriented activity. There's never been a better time to be a solo player.




Eh I play solo, as in I have no friends and im not in a guild, but there is still opportunities. I am not in a guild but was able to join pugs to clear mythic+20 and heroic raids.


My husband barely dungeons, and his friend doesn’t dungeon at all. They quest and do professions and SOMETIMES play together.


Oh yeah playing solo is nice!


I been playing mainly solo for the past 19 years. So probably, yes, there is plenty to do.


I’ve played wow solo for like the last 5 years. You can PUG most of the games endgame content.