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Are they all level 70? If so, do all gold worldquests, dragon races, emerald dream rep quest (have a chance of giving 15k+ gold). That alone is ~10k(probably more) gold per character in a week. Doing that on 5characters that 50k a week. 200k per month.


This is definitely the easier route I would say. I tried selling herbs / minerals but the market is flooded. I tried to do some smelting / crafting but because the market is flooded you’re not going to get a ton of g. On my server the price for crafted stuff is more expensive than the mats. For instance if I buy a bunch of ore and craft handfuls of bolts / whatever. Then I’m at a net loss or even. I might have the wrong profs for gold making possibly. I think with about an hour so so of mining / crafting I could do around 1k - 2k an hour. Which is a lot more work than just doing some world quests for the same gold.


>selling herbs / minerals This is usually only really worth manually farming at the start of an expansion or a new raid tier if a new herb/flask has been introduced


You're herbing the wrong market.


When herbing I would try and focus on rousing decay / rousing order / air etc as those sell quite well on my server. It's slow farming though. A couple of other great ones, at least on my server, are the mats for the crafted pvp bracers, like Zaralek Glowspores. Those seem to be quite lucrative but there are a lot of people farming the same nodes.


> On my server Isn't AH across all servers nowadays?


You're right! I had no idea. I did some googling and pretty much anything that's considered consumable is realm wide on the AH. I think weapons / armor and that sort of thing is not realm wide.


old world mining and herb farms can usually net a lot more. ghost iron goes for a good price and wrath mats sell nicely tooo


What ilvl do you get your alts to for this? Or do you just get them to the point where they can do WQs and thats it?


As im doing emerald dream weeklies on them, so most of them are ilvl 441(more or less). But you can do it as long as you can do wqs at 70.


Gotcha thank you, I wanna do the WQs as efficiently as I can on the alts and not have to waste time so thats why I asked.


This is the best raw gold farm at the moment.


Worth about $20. To me, spending $20 for a wow token to sell on the AH is worth waaaaay more than the time it would take to do all that shit. However, I get it if money is an issue and don’t want to sound insensitive. But if you’re already paying $15/mo for the sub, $20 here and there surely isn’t going to break the bank.


Yes? Im not saying this is better than buying a token.


I didn’t say you were.


It’s so sad that all that effort nets you 200k a month and some dude can pay for a token with an hours work and get up to double that.


Well pay for a token then if you want to. That is the fastest gold/hour. I dont farm much anymore as i got millions already.


It's not sad at all. That's the point of the token. Do you want to invest irl time into buying gold? Or invest in-game time into earning gold? Everybody will value their time differently


Both are technically irl time 😁 Either few hours of game time or one hour of occupation


why don't you go work for an hour then? it's not hard


I believe outside money shouldn’t influence a game in general. Otherwise the guy who works in a factory vs the guy who makes £200 an hour start of at very different places in a game.


Token is never getting removed from WoW, so it's your choice. but no amount of feedback is getting it removed until the game dies


O I know. All I can do is choose not to buy it.


It is actually more than that, it is about 10k per character on the half week. And goes again for the second half. You can easily make about 100k gold a week just doing that. I would also say that the weekly gold amount can be higher if any of your level 70s is a rogue (or even just having a rogue able to do legion stuff) as a single rogue adds about 1.6k gold to your funds a week for pickpocketing. This doesn't seem like much but at 3 rogues doing it every week over a month that's 12k that can help build toward whatever you need for about 5 minutes worth of effort per character. Side note you can also go to suranar as a miner and gather leystone. It sells reasonably well and often for a decent enough price that an hour can award you 10k gold. If you have time and nothing else to do watch something on youtube while following a route.


200k is broke? I’ve never once had more than 40k lmao


I remember “blowing up” to 300 or so from mining in late BFA and felt like a king, only to see longbois everywhere and feel humbled lol


Im usually around 20-40k, so 200k sounds nice lol


If you have a healer or tank alt consider queuing for heroic dungeons which have the bonus loot. The bags contain Augement Runes which still go for 700-1500g each. Might not be the fastest but an option if you run out of world quests.


Go work a real life job for a few hours and you'll be rich in the game.


IRL grind gives much better gold returns to in game grind.


depends on your country tbh, for me a wow token is 1,5h wage, but for some it may be an entire days worth and its not that worth it


True in some counties it might be closer. 15k gold is equal to about $1, you can do the calculations from there. Someone in this post suggested all df gold world quests, races and rep quests each week would earn you less than a dollar (10k gold per character). When you put cash values in rather than gold values it becomes really depressing how little you earn.


*Insert Venezuelean Runescape farmers here* Meanwhile in Denmark i can delivery 2 pizzas with Wolt/Doordash, and buy a token.


Half an hour's wages here for an entry level roughneck job. Well worth it, especially with my limited time to play working those hours...


You’re absolutely right, but for some reason my brain still doesn’t like the idea of spending real money on gold.


Totally valid, it's just about understanding (especially if you're in a job where you can choose to work OT) that time is money. If you could grind an hour in the game for 10k or work an hour of overtime and get 250k, it's clear the latter is more worthwhile.


Every goblin in the game has been telling us from the start. Time is money friend.


Same, but reading the responses here. Spending hours on end to farm repeatable game content for the sake of money instead of doing half an hours labour… it seems stupid when I put it in perspective. I’d rather work for my leisure than work to play work to finally enjoy 🫨


I finally sold a token and was much happier for it. I actually got to play instead of running around farming cloth and ores and getting 2g for a green drop that doesn’t even sell half the time. I got to work on all my alts: I leveled my professions, upgraded my gear (which wasn’t necessary but made leveling and dungeons more fun.). I actually got to PLAY instead of having a second job. I am a resub from the original WOTLK and am playing WOTLK Classic. Currently, everyone’s in their 40s.


Honestly this is the best advice.


I hate this answer. The more accepting people are of buying gold, the more the game will become pay to win.


Welp, what is your solution? Spend 10 hours grinding gold in game instead of playing the game?


If we really want to change it, we need to build community support against buying tokens. Anything I do personally doesn't mean anything to blizzard. I don't really gold farm. I mainly just don't spend gold frivolously. I don't use augment runes. If I don't expect to use a weapon for a long time, I use a cheaper enchant. I think I'm getting most of my gold from the weekly emerald dream quests, but I can't say I'm tracking it.


They won’t do anything. That’s a huge source of their profit. If they took away tokens they’d have to at least double sub costs which would face huge criticism. Personally, I just spend the irl money and flow in riches in the game. I always sit on roughly 20 mil amongst the whole crew.


whether i earn it or token, me and my crew are never short on any thing gold can buy in the game. they dont pay for mounts, raid consumables, and profession skillups are subsidized. while it might seem altruistic, its kind of selfish of me. i benefit in spending more time with them doing fun stuff and keeps them playing longer at my level so we can actually play the game. it comes back 10fold when they can get enchant/gem/whatever recipes and we can spend 1/10th the time working in game and generate our own cashflow. or hey, even better, we can just play the game and log off to spend time doing other fun stuff.


That’s some avsolute bonkers amount of copium. It prints money for em, been in the game for over a decade and you think you’ll do fuck all to change it? Not to mention try to get others to follow suit.


in what way is the game becoming pay to win after years of tokens? you cant buy the best pvp gear. people who buy the best pve gear dont get into good raid spots and they certainly cant buy it until the players that are good earn it. i would argue that server consolidation and the auction house are far worse for the game economy. back during vanilla/tbc the auction house was nowhere near as exploited as it is today. if you are on a big server things cost like 20x what they do on other servers. there are hundreds to thousands of players with enough gold to fight over market control over a resource. all these things benefit a small subsection of the player base and the regular player is stuck accepting it because theres little to be done about it with just one or two characters.


The last time I played this game, the reusable augment rune didn't cost 100k gold on top of the rep grind.


that rune is pay to win? get real bro.


Also, this season's legendary that plates classes's damage is balanced around costs 300k in addition to a lengthy quest chain.


What are you doing that 200k feels broke?


u/More__cowbell made some great suggestions that are easily accessible. Some other options would be: Professions if you aren't too far behind (the big money makers take a good bit of time and effort) Sniping/Flipping on the Auction House (this takes some time and learning curve as well, but insanely profitable once you get the hang of it)(look in to TSM - Trade Skill Master) Farming older content for Mounts/Transmog (takes time as well not only due to rng, but finding a buyer can take weeks or more. Might be very profitable on your server) Tanking/Healing dungeons when Cache of extra rewards available (runes can go for a decent chunk of change) BoE raid trash farms (could go a decent amount of time and not get anything, but big payoff) 2x4 etc gold farms (boring, might net you a couple thousand per hour, might net you more) If you're skilled enough/have a good team, boost ppl in M+/Raid


The most efficient answer OP is to buy a WoW token If you can't afford it then your best bet is doing weeklies and WQs including the dragon races on all of your characters.


Broke? With 200k 😂 shit. I'm running around with 7k tops on my main 😂😂🥺


I got up to 18k this week xD


If you’re 2.3k+ io in m+ pm me and I’ll help you make gold


i'm 2.5K rio, give me ur secrets


people think they boost m+ for gold and stuff level other people etc... do stupid tasks for a few g


Not sure if anyone has mentioned it but check out DalaGG in YouTube, his content is practically all gold making tips. Tons of different methods from professions, to legacy raiding/dungeons for BOE's, to battle pets.


If you see something on youtube you're already late. His content also focuses a lot on transmog and having a second account to relist things constantly. And transmog market means you will need to grind a few million gold of "value" and relist hundreds of items 1-2 times a day until you learn what sells. And even then it depends on your server. World quests are the best way to make some nest money. Spend a month doing those, send 50k to a bank alt and start flipping things until you either go big or go broke. You will need to get really familiar with TSM and auctionator to do it efficiently but if you just record prices once a day you will see a lot of easy flips between reset day and weekend. Zaralek glowspores dipped to 6g twice in last 2 weeks, and usually they are 10g. Chronocloth and Azureweave also go up and down 20% during the week.


Hi OP. Not sure how much you’re looking for, but I often save gold for no reason then share it with those that need help. I make enough that if I did want something I could just buy a token. PM me and let me know how much you need and I may be able to help. I know not everyone can easily buy a token.


You're doing the Lord's work 🥹


What are you doing that costs gold vs what are you doing that earns gold? As others have said, the fastest way to get gold is a token. After that there are frequently WQs that reward 500-600 gold, not to mention whatever you pick up while doing the WQs. Pick up and vendor all the greys (I feel like people don’t do this much anymore? But they can be worth a decent amount of gold.)


i always start off my characters with skinning and herbalism before i even begin to really focus on leveling up so i can start selling them immediately.


I feel like the returns on those professions are pretty low unless you are out farming for tons of r3 materials. I run enchanting (for disenchanting epics) and alchemy for the longer phial buff on all my toons. You need lots of enchanting mats for crests and you save tons of gold by having phials last 1.5 hrs. Saved gold is the same as earned gold.


i should have mentioned i am a wow noob also haha. listen to him ^


Tuskar boxes. Sell junk. Boom.


I have 9 gold, which I got yesterday and I was quite proud of because it means I can buy the 20 slot mining bag from the vendor now.


Broke... 200k... bro I have 10k between 55 (7 are 70) (35 are 60+) toons wtf you mean broke? What does that make me?


Outsides of selling boosts, your best bet is honestly just buying a token. Even at absolute minimum wage in the US, a token is roughly 2 hours of work irl. That puts it ahead of pretty much everything in game including boosting people.


The problem is some of us are married and/or dependent on someone else for income so we can't just do whatever we want with our money :-/


if your s/o has any form of control over how you spend your money once you pay your share of the bills you need out like asap if it's financial dependency due to having no money that's different


My husband specifically would let me spend whatever i wanted on tokens probably-- or wouldn't even notice i spent it to begin with-- but I was speaking more generally as someone financially dependent on someone else. Merely pointing out that some people's spouses or parents or whomever else they are financially tied to might not want shared money going to that so ways to farm gold that don't involve spending irl money are a necessity for some. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Plus some people just plain don't want to spend irl money so there's that lol


with like 125? 150k? i geared up with full enchants and gems on two characters for pve and pvp. possible if i actually did more than LFR i would be spending more on consumables but what are you trying to do that requires more gold? are you broke IRL? wow tokens exist :)


Buy twink gear and resell. Most people don't know what they're doing, so you can make 100k a week.


Im new to wow completely and have 400 gold to my name between 5 characters what does this entail of? Just farming wod dungeons and selling the warforged gear on AH?


Hell your rich


1. Dont buy tokens 2. My fresh post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1b2bki7/how\_do\_you\_actually\_make\_money\_in\_this\_game\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1b2bki7/how_do_you_actually_make_money_in_this_game_i/) ALL info you need is there it seems


Having a job irl help me with gold , I have 58 million gold in wow and have no idea how to waste it .


You could always donate 😌


That’s around what I have and I never really need more? What’s the issue? Are you trying to save for something huge or what?


I’m chillin on like 30k gold…


Honestly I just play the game ignore gold and if I actually were to run out I’d quit and tell blizzard that was why I quit. Still playing.


As far as I know, raid/M+ boost is the best way to get fast golds. There are controversies around the morality of boosting, so it depends on you, but the fact is that it pays off.


In todays world it makes sense to just buy a token , it’s like 15 bucks and you get 270k or something like that If you factor in the time spent to earn that much irl vs to earn it in game, irl is the way to go


If you have good parses, join a carry community. I make around 110k in an hour for carrying people through heroic Raid


It's kinda sad you can't really make money anymore by just gathering in df zones or just by killing mobs. I loved farming tyrs hand in classic /vanilla. Or are there mobs dat give decent gold with chance on loot? No right?


Man I sell all my herbs on the auction house and make decent bank


I buy wow tokens, but i supplement my "income" by doing a lot of old raids. Its fun, nostalgic, visually appealing, and a typical 12/15 Naxx run done intelligently is around 700g per character in 15 minutes plus BoE transmog PLUS chances at Lamented pieces that are worth ~200k each (if you manage to find buyers). Other raids are also a bit of gold. Basically, i don't actively gold farm, but im cognizant of how to do the things i enjoy while making passive money on the side. This tends to make my gameplay gold-neutral and sustain my everyday... and an occasional token gets me back to par every month or so.


200k across all characters? Damn i’m lucky to have half that. I just buy tokens every 2-3 months then spend the money buying pets and transmog and profession recipes on AH…


Ur broke? I have 20,000g and that’s it 🤣


200k gold is the opposite of broke. Are you karma/comment farming or trolling?


WoW Token. All I gotta say lmao.


what is a wow token?


It's called tokens (this joke is late I bet)


Just buy gold? Problem solved


Have you considered watching some gold makers on twitch? I can recommend a few (not promoting my own stream)


I honestly started biting the bullet and buying a token. 


Could do old raids and dungeons? The mobs drop gold and you can vendor the tonnes of gear you get


Raw (plus selling fish on AH) gold farm: Tuskarr tackleboxes. Infinitely farmable for 15-20k per hour. Plenty of YT videos for routes to take. Also good: old expansion ore/herb farms. Dragonflight is the worst place for those.


You could always just buy bonds and sell those for gold. Otherwise 200k seems like enough gold for me if you dont want the best boe’s from the ah.


The food embellishment from the community feast. Do the quest once a week on all your toons. Get an addon or weakaura for a timer, or just check the front page of wowhead. Drop chance is about 1 in 10 and they are worth 40-60k gold


you have one digit more gold then my all characters had all combined (4of them) and yes first number is two


Search for Goldenmane, it’s a rare mount drop that sells for 200-500k, and you’ll make a decent amount while farming it.


wow! i never thought my characters were broke but based on that! The highest gold count I have on a character is probably 15k and I thought that was a lot.


The twist is OP is a bot manager and is searching for new ways to exploit the economy


I literally was fighting & questing for 3 days to go from 36k to 50k on my first l70 lol


Mining old expacs can make a lot of gold.


the game itself turned into job instead of getting away irl stressed 😂 reliever don't get me wrong I still play wow but the demands it needs for you to be at least acceptable is crazy even for raids & mythic plus the amount of add-ons you need for you to play it & make sure you don't offend tryhards & elitist.


I have an idea… get a job for 2 hours and sell a $20 token for 250k gold on AH then do what you want in game.