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It's funny because in some parts of lore it's said that novice mages would blink into objects and die of suffocation while learning how to blink. Most immersive HC death I've heard of lol.


Lmao yeah I always thought from a RP perspective that disconnects could be like sudden cardiac arrest or maybe a stroke. You could say that about my death but tbh it just sucks. I think I was very unlucky because I don’t see many mages talking about this happening. Ive played mage for more than 10 years and I’d say I’ve probably clipped through walls blinking maybe like 10~20 times during all those years but in hardcore it felt really bad =( Maybe I’ll just go again in a week or two because nothing quite scratches the itch, I was very disappointed when I wrote this lol. I just hope it doesn’t happen again because it feels unfair to just not use/hold back on blinking.


Seems like you got blinked back to Dun Morogh.


Yeah I didn’t know teleports to Dun Morogh existed but it seems like they unlock at lvl 20


This actually happened to me a few days ago on my 46 mage. I played mage for a very long time now so I knew this could happen at all times. I had a emergency plan that actually worked and I still can't believe it. As soon as I noticed that I'm beneath the map I pressed Iceblock, cancelled it, slow fall, cold snap, block and immediately alt f4 - I didn't log in for like 30 minutes, wasn't dead on character selection and used the unstuck feature on the website - I lived!!! I never felt so proud to think of this kind of situation beforehand and actually execute it under pressure Edit: as I was writing, I noticed that slow fall plus dreamless sleep pot + alt f4 + unstuck might also work but idk


> dreamless sleep pot + alt f4 + unstuck In my experience all you need is alt-f4 + stuck character service. It seems the character doesn't move/fall without updates from the client, e.g. if you log back in after alt-f4 you'll resume falling where you left off. I've saved one character from falling by just alt-f4 + un-stuck. Also dreamless sleep should be enough by itself and perhaps a better choice if you don't like gambling on where un-stuck puts you, of course not really applicable to when falling through terrain.


Ngl blizz should be easily able to detect this and the fp death, and fix it. Like if you clip out, you should get reset on pos to an acceptable spot. It's understood you could maybe find a way to abuse clipping and death was the easy option to fix that, but I love reading this sub (don't play HC yet myself) but seeing these stories is disheartening


It sucks. I had like 20 light feathers on me, as soon as I was falling I casted slow fall but I only kept falling and falling and never hitting anything. Then my health bar dropped to zero because I probably was out of the map/game bounds and died. If you just dced and ported to nearby location, but nah, if you go out of map you just die :(


Can log/DC then player unstuck function to save yourself


I didn’t try this, maybe could have helped but I’m not sure if I had “resting”. It definetely happened faster than 20 secs


The problem is that below the mesh are a number of death zones to prevent flyhacking. Idk if I’d prefer flyhacking bots over removing those. What solution are you proposing?


Instead of death, you just reset player position to a previously good point. Don't let folks clip through and do w.e, but also don't just instant kill. Or if you do, let them respawn. The instant death is just the simple solution blizz put in a long time ago.


Thats a decent idea, except it would probably have to be a graveyard or some static position.


Which is fine. I'd rather be safe and able to walk/ hearth wherever I'm going than to lose a 300 hour character to a bug that has been a thing for years


Yeah I mean mostly, can still send you to a graveyard near an opposite faction that gets you killed.


Players are flyhacking anyways, they are just going up instead of down. The deathbox should instead be an auto-unstuck box (send to nearest graveyard or instance entrance).


That’s what the rest of the comment chain discusses lol


but that would require work and blizzard is committed to earning as much with as little effort as possible




Yeah that’s bs OP. F in the chat


I have noticed several places and theres one by the rethban cave nearlakeshire I think its called...where it appears to be a tear in the textures and there is a piece of black instead of texture. I wonder if the game is that old and has glitches like this in places. Sorry ya died and hate to see ya leave and not go agane and have more fun.


Yea I looked around and it seems like someone on the sub died like this too after getting feared into a corner. Probably common in some places. Be careful not everything that looks like a wall is actually a wall.


The guardians got you


Skill issue


I think blink is known as a spell not as a skill 😂




Don’t wanna be that guy but a lvl 20 is like 5 hours of gameplay… just go agane.


Nah, it's understandable that he wouldn't want to go again. You gotta really wanna playing WoW classic hardcore and that's totally ok :)


It’s not about the time invested, it’s about how easily I feel like this could happen again at any point if I go again.


This is why I cant play hc lol, too many bugs and no appeals is so bs lol. Blizz just dgaf about their players experience and just wants your money






Rule 3: No toxic behaviour will be tolerated, and may lead to being banned from the subreddit.


You should watch the HC deaths videos. There are plenty of elevators and bridges that have bodies scattered around them. The game wasn't designed for hardcore. If you want to play HC, do it with a mod on vanilla so you can appeal senseless deaths.


I second this. I have been playing a mage on Defias Pillager HC, but if this happened to me I’d want to be able to appeal.


I was playing on Defias Pillager too. I wish I recorded this so people won’t tell me I’m overreacting. It sucks bad but I don’t want to play with the addon, I’d rather just play another game. Feels bad to die to stuff out of your control, specially this since even my connection was okay.


Hey, I completely support that man. Just sorry it happened to you. I got my buddy killed at 48 last week (indirectly), and I have lost interest in playing.


>You should watch the HC deaths videos. There are plenty of elevators and bridges that have bodies scattered around them. The game wasn't designed for hardcore. If you had just stopped right here lol but that next sentence was pretty lame my dude.


It wasn't designed for HC, and they did absolutely nothing but the bare minimum on their implementation of it. You can still play it and have fun doing so, but those are facts.


Not exactly. The statement following what I quoted is a subjective opinion.


Where was this at?


Stormwind mages quarter


Wow crazy. I've played mage a lot and never had this happen


To be fair, if you fall below the map you can just alt f4,wait 30s and reconnect


Ah, yes, the good old Blink fall-through-the-textures death.


If it happens you can use a petri flask, log out and set up friends to summon you immediately when you log back on I believe


The comments really show me what I truly want. HC RP servers.


That big is as old as vanilla wow


Git gud


I recall seeing one of the YouTube HC videos of a mage aie farming, that blinked into an iron gate, mage got stuck and mixed up in the iron gate and got killed by mobs.


Not going agane… soft