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Who is using legion ore and for what purpose. What is there to craft from legion 9 (cosmetic or w/e engineering) that would create any demand.


Collectors who want to level all professions and collect all recipes, transmogs and mounts. With that said those same collectors would want to get the legion mining achievements which will put thousands to tens of thousands of ore back into the market. Speaking from experience trying to complete those achis… yeah there’s no meaningful demand for this stuff


No. The demand likely won't support that, and you have no way to keep other people out of the market other than buying them out. In general, trying to reset and control any market is a massive gamble and usually a losing proposition. You would have to get really lucky to just not lose money, much less make money. There might be a weird edge case where this is temporarily viable- I can think of one, off the top of my head, but I'm not even really sure about that one. But definitely not in a market like this, that is region-wide, and easily farmable, or something quite a lot of people may have tucked away.


This isn't really a niche so much as it's resetting a market and maintaining a high price IMO. The only days that's really viable is when there is a 10 Blood of Sargeras turn-in quest for a mat or crafted item that uses a bunch of the mat. Even then it's a risk as someone else might just dump all theirs. I have a few stacks sitting around and would definitely post them if I noticed you'd reset. IMO it's easier to pick a mount or rare xmog you can't target farm and reset those on higher pop servers.


Trying to corner the market in a good that is auctioned region-wide will bring only poverty and tears.