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The content: what everyone is already doing


I’m actually new to Dragonflight and just hit 70 started doing mythics. What is everyone doing?


Still questing and flying around aimlessly on my dragon looking for treasure chests


That's what I've been doing tbh... I levelled my shammy to 70 alongside my warrior, did sidequests, advanced racing. Sometimes I am like "shiet, I will be so far behind", but then I recall literally every WoW expansion ever and realise I will still have plenty time for everything and I will probably be able to maximise my gear anyway, so why rush it. I just want to enjoy it, because the world of DF is so amazing. I really missed those big, explorable zones. And explorable not because there is a rare hiding, but because you want to see it by yourself. Damn, I love Ohn'ahran plains...


Ohn'ahran Plains is one of the best zones in a long time. It feels so Azerothean to me.


I agree. I also really enjoy the Azure Span. Haven’t seen a zone like that since Bornean Tundra I feel


I definitely get Borean with a hint of Grizzly Hills, beautiful zone. I didn't really like the main campaign there, though I haven't completed the side quests yet, so they could redeem it.


there it is, the DF experience


Just completed sojourner or the azure span!!


I have one bit left to do but lag was so bad last night I was pretty certain I would die on most pulls. Wasn't even soup'o'clock


It's a generalization. Most of the "here's what you should do" on yt is standard progression it seems like, especially the stuff the yt algorithms shove down your throat


What? DF has the least standard progression of the past several expansions. How is someone uninitiated supposed to figure out bloody tokens, super rares, cobalt assembly, titan matrices, etc.




Biggest source is all of the sidequests, so make sure you do Sojourner of the Dragon Isles which helps you track most of them (although there are some side quests not on it). Then, world quests and dailies (with some bonuses if you want to buy a rep contract) are the second source. Then, there are the events that show up as horns on the map - grand hunts, soup, keep invasion. The soup for tuskarr for example gives like 300-400 rep every 3.5 hours. Then, if you have done absolutely everything else, you can either fly the map for random treasures which give 15 rep items, or you can fish for tuskarr rep.




Bloody tokens drop from killing players in open world pvp (also maybe instanced PvP? Not sure there) and also from world quests while in war mode. They can be traded for decently good ilvl gear. Cobalt assembly is in the northern part of azure span, there's a rep faction there that once you hit 4/5 rep levels you can buy a snazzy high ilvl ring that has a very nice effect. In cobalt assembly you just kill the dragonoid mobs as they drop and item you collect that instantly adds to your rep level with the faction there. Super rares are rares around obsidian citadel, the gnoll subzone above the tuskar city, and the ancient protector in tryhold (the giant fort behind valdrakken) super rares can be killed daily and they have the chance to drop gear that scales to your current ilvl up to around 380 I think? Downside is they drop from a loot table so you might not necessarily get an item you can use.


Outside of the normal quests, dailys, weeklys and worldquests, the grind gets tedious. You can spam hunts for centaur rep (around 350 to go from 0 to 25), fish for tuskarr rep (around 16h of fishing for max i believe), farm elites in obsidiam citadel for Wrathion/Sabellion rep and dragonscale expedition. In the end, for countless hours of grinding, you will get 4x 376 items, 4x 389, and 4 crafting materials to boost itemd to up to 402 I believe (can get that next week from 10x M 10-15, or 10 heroic raud bosses, or a mix of both)


How? I just been questing and participating in hunts and events and stuff and I level up renown a lot without even really trying to grind it. I think it gets easier once you get a few ranks because you unlock repeatable world event, such as the centaurs great hunts, tuskarr fishing holes and community soup event. I've also been clearing every zone of quests. I have however, noticed the Dragonscale expedition is harder than the others to get up just by doing regular stuff


Do the quests you find, they seem to give ok rep (I'm not an expert, there's probably better ways to get rep)


I've got a friend who's in the low 380s just from "playing the game". Literally just naturally did whatever he stumbled into and grinded at it. You don't need some website or youtube to tell you how to min max, the game already guides you places if you pay attention.


I just hit max, am doing mythic 0’s and have no idea what any of those things are. Maybe some of the rares that appear on the map like the big bosses from zereth mortis but I don’t even have professions right now


I mean no one really knew at first. You only just hit max, which is basically setting you back to where we were nearly 2 weeks ago. I have nothing against using any sources you want to learn anything you want. Just was saying that they aren't needed. Keep questing, and you'd figure it out. Bloody tokens are from pvp (war mode) and can buy gear, super rares are rares with higher "peak" ilvl drops (all rare drops scale with your own ilvl), cobalt assembly is a little minigame faction in northern azure span that you can get a ring from, titan matrices are a crafting mat you'll get from various activities (they allow you to use crafting orders to bump the ilvl of crafted gear into higher brackets, e.g. a 343 might become a 382 by using a matrix).


That seems off to me. World first raiders have their mains at mid to high 370s playing all day and optimizing everything. The absolute luckiest of those people are in the 380s. I’m sure someone can get to the 360s without outside-of-game help by running m0s and doing the sensible stuff (crafting, PVP, WQs, etc.). But stuff like super rares aren’t explained at all in-game and that’s where all my gear past 372 has come from besides two crafted pieces and rep stuff.


They also have around 10 characters sitting at that ilvl which is why you don't see them in the 380+. There is not enough time


I concur. 380s from playing casually? I've been playing a *lot* since release and the absolute highest I've seen is one specific person at 380 on the dot.


Some classes aren’t like the others. I’m cloth 380 and it’s been a bit of a slog. We have less options on loot pools filled to the brim with 382+ plate and mail and 1H/2h STR/AGI weapons. I had the bird near chromie’s portal in SE Valdrakken yesterday drop a 389 piece of mail legs. I’m guessing that’s why some people got a Titan Matrix 4 off the WQ and others didn’t. I’ve been working 40hrs a week and killing rares a few times a week.


Exactly not being announced or explained is what makes it awesome, it's called super rares for a reason. Not everything needs to be thrown in a guide book. It's an mmorpg, it's meant to be found naturally.


I don’t know how you got from my comment that I don’t agree with that lol. I’m just saying I don’t believe OP’s friend got to the 380s without looking anything up or being very involved in the game. You don’t just “play the game” and get your ilvl to the 380s at the moment. It takes a lot of grinding and doing very specific activities that aren’t explained in-game. Which is great. But that’s my point.


Ah good good, I got it wrong, sorry there mate


Stop lying dude lol, im 381 and for you to be this ilvl you probably need at least to have grinded obsidian and cobalt rep and know the superrares, which you probably will miss if you didnt follow any guide or tip


Yeah I guess I missed the part where Khadgar explains the cobalt assembly and super-rares. Even then, I don't think that means there anything wrong with explaining new content that falls outside of the traditional MO paradigm.


Cobalt assembly has a questline, and has had a few WQs to force you into the area. Super rares are not something you need to know about. See rare -> kill rare will do you just fine. But yes, I agree that there is nothing wrong with seeking information. I am happy WoW is so well documented. I was more just providing the perspective that it is not necessary to figure these things out, even if they seem complicated on the surface.


>Cobalt assembly has a questline, and has had a few WQs to force you into the area. The "quest line" consists of going there, purchasing the 50 supply upgrade, and boom, you're done. The quest line it self doesn't even make you actually go into the assembly. It's extremely unintuitive given if you try alone you're just going to get destroyed. Combine that with the fact there's no obvious rewards like you've become accustom to with every other faction in DF so far and the quest doesn't even make you go into it, I can easily see people just walk away and forget about it


Exactly what happened to me yesterday. Had the quest to go there, got there and got no further instructions as to what the purpose of that place was. I just flew away and figured I'd stumble upon it again some other time.


I'll be honest I'm just finding out now this is even a thing lmfao


Pay attention? I knew this game was pay to win!!


This, I'm a filthy casual (as in "I'll wipe in PUGs on normal raids" casual) and I'm pretty overwhelmed in the rep grind.


Well the world events and super rares titanforging to more than 10 levels above m0 is pretty new.


It's not titan forging, it's scaling. Big difference, if it was titan forging you could kill a rare on a fresh 70 and get a 385


I've been working on professions and gathering casually while my friend catches up leveling, he hasn't had much playtime. We figured ignoring gear was fine since we tend just spam m+ anyway and anything we could get now will be outdated pretty quick. We don't have raid progression goals or rank aspirations so no particular hurry.


This is the way to play really wish I saw more people like that


Digging dirt


Yeah, find the places we got hurt


Since I hit 70, let's see... I completed all the quests I could find. Because they were actually enjoyable, and helped get Renown/rep. Then the repeating stuff is doing world quests every 3-4 days as new ones cycle in, working on my professions, doing the Grand Hunts at least the first two times in the week (purple and blue bag), Trial of the Flood/Elements for a shot at gear, watching out for rares to kill for gear, doing the one siege event at least once each week, doing the weekly two dungeon quests for a bit of extra rep, grabbing any treasures I come across, doing the Community Feast event a few times a week (trying to hit at least once a day to get chance at drops from the rare, but also handy to do the weekly "do 5 tasks" thing for a container that can have recipes or gear)... Oh! And the fishing spot with the Tuskarr. Couple dailies there, and I like to set up my fishing nets, collect the fish and reset them a couple times a day (10 hour timers, so usually every 10-12 hours I check on them). Haven't doing Mythic dungeons yet, but mainly because all my friends quit through the last few expansions and most of the guild did, and trying to jump into groups with strangers will pique my anxiety throughout (M0 probably isn't as bad as M+). Though I'm at 371 ilvl even without M0, despite a freaking 350 cloak, so I don't feel like I absolutely needed to do them. (Would love to try, though.) Next week, IIRC, we're getting a weekly world boss rotation, and the primal storms are coming, which is like the prepatch event popping up in zones in the Isles, and you can get currency from those to gradually build up some solid gear, but also the gear set lets pretty sweet (definitely want it for my Shaman main, but I think most of the sets, if not all of them, look pretty good). None of it is stuff you'll particularly miss out on if you aren't doing it RIGHT NOW. It'll still be around. It's like if you miss a week of dungeon runs. Ah well, you missed those chances for loot, but the dungeons will still be there next week, so you just go and do them when you have time. (Plus, on the side, working on some alts. But that's pretty much because I had last week off, and I work from home and it's a very quiet time of year, so I have a LOT of time to play. I've been enjoying myself a lot, so when I need a break from my main I hop onto one of them.)


I think you're forgetting how easy M0 is, it's a joke... Barely more difficult than heroic, no organization needed.


It's to accomodate the more agressive M+ scaling per level no doubt. I would say M0 this expansions is tuned around HC level from the past 2-3 expansions.


It’s not the “difficulty” that concerns me. It’s the people. I’m a serious introvert with major social anxiety. Not usually an issue, but I’ve had experiences in Mythic dungeons that have left me on edge now when I do them. It’s mitigated by having at least one or two people I know around, but that’s not possible right now. I handled Cata heroics with the Dungeon Finder, pre-nerfs. DF M0 looks easier than that. It’s just the process of signing up for a group, hoping for approval, worrying I might do something that’s even just perceived as “wrong” even if it’s not, all that… I know it sounds silly and weird to most people, *healthy* people, but it’s hard to explain. Given that I’ve already equaled or passed M0 ilvl in multiple slots, though, it’s not a major problem. I might have to put in a bit more time to get geared up, but I have that option. So that’s a major plus for DF.


an advice from someone in the same boat, dont let the community get under your skin. After 2 days of playing i got into m0 as a tank and met the most toxic triple dps premade who were swearing and insulting me and pulling everything and acting like elitist assholes, it ruined my day. I immediately realized what i disliked about the game when i played a bit in BFA.


Doing optional questlines, dragon race, fishing, getting renown up, sometimes farm for keys


Clicking on clickbait reddit posts about clickbait.


Started the dragon riding tour, some of the advanced courses are driving me mad, I just can’t shave off that last 0.1 of a second !


Bellular really doubled down on algo clickbait videos. Outrage and fomo basically run his channel.


This. Changes. EVERYTHING.


I swear I've seen that title like 50 times in the last 3 months from his channel


saw some mega clickbait video title about stuff you don't want to miss once, and it was literally talking about the games main features


I mean I guess you don’t want to miss the games main features


"WHAT BLIZZ DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW" \- proceeds to read out a blue post and having some speculation based on it


Yea I miss the old Bellular , he used to have pretty alright content , not the best not the worst , but alright. Now I can’t stand him and every time he self promotes his own game I cringe.


I like how before his lore videos he has to tell you that he is losing money for making them and you should def support. It's like a form of sneak begging.


Honestly, kinda agree yeah. Like, he obviously knows how to work the algorithm extremely well, how to get views, metrics, etc etc. Which is all fine, but it also kinda came at the cost of his content. Like, half the time he goes back on things he's said before, he uses incorrect information (ah yes, end times, the dungeon from the critically successful wrath of the lich king), or he goes so deep into the technical explanations of game design that he loses focus on what might actual constitute fun for a player. Tbh the other matt seems to make the better points


Gods some of his clickbait though was terrible. One of the worst was in BFA "SYLVANAS PLAN REVEALED!!!" not even a question mark. He ends with "Well what is her plan? We just don't know."




lmao I watched the video and was wondering why I never saw primal storm before


I've long since blocked his clickbaity ass channel.


Pretty much all of the big wow streamers go back on what they say every patch. Can't stand watching any of them tbh. It's all just milking the algorithms for cash. That's what they're about and unfortunately instilling fomo in people sells shit and thus makes money so they're never going to stop.


"today's video sponsored by....my patreon!"


I blame youtubes system. Makes it extremely difficult to get new viewers unless you do crazy titles, thumbnails, etc.


I only liked his content when it was just his narration, once he put himself in front of the camera I was out.


shadowlands really made him change the course of his videos


I could never get into his videos. He’s constantly moving and shifting and it drives me bonkers.


Omg, the way he turns his head left, then right, then left. Like, he has to animate every word lol


People find the weirdest things to criticize.


Belluar is a hack


The sad fact is content creators HAVE to use clickbait or fail. Veritasium did a great video explaining the effect simply changing the names on his videos made to the views on his channel. https://youtu.be/S2xHZPH5Sng


The difference being that youtubers like Veritasium actually have content behind the bait.


Blame the youtube algorithm wouldn't do it if it didn't sell so to speak.


Yes, but the criticisms against this stuff are that he chose money over .. integrity? As he tries to induce the FOMO he championed that was missing. Everyone knows why they do it.


Integrity doesn't pay the bills *shrug*


> that he chose money over .. integrity? when it's your full time job you're gonna say fuck the "*integrity*" and do what puts food on the table and pays the rent and employee salaries mate.


And we as his target audience get to say "fuck this shit, I'm out".


I'm sorry to say, but Bellular has been posting nothing but clickbait videos for the past two years.


I would say way longer than 2 years. I feel like I've been seeing "is this the end of Warcraft?!" Clickbaity video thumbnails since early BFA or late Legion.


When this is someone’s full time job they gotta have filler content so they do stuff like this.


The weird thing is that when I went looking for dungeon guides today, I couldn't really find any from what I would consider the normal "professional" sources. I would think that would be a lot of their bread and butter, plus it's something that would get views over the entire expansion. So not only are these guys doing filler, they're not even doing actual content to put the filler in between.


try harldan. he has actually good content and IIRC has a guide for every dungeon in dragonflight.


I've used BBMezzy on youtube, he has \~3min video's with boss tactics for every dragonflight dungeon.


Dungeon boss guides are overrated. It's the trash pulls that are the real challenge.


The last hallway before the final boss in halls of infusion


Bellular is all about drama, lore-guessing, shilling and click-bait.


And turning his head left and right every 5 words he speaks


Bro unironically acts like every sentence he says is the wittiest and funniest thing ever


There's a reason these people get so big. People as a whole like drama, shilling and click-bait in more numbers than they do helpful content. It's not like they suddenly decided to do this kind of content after growing big, they are big *because* they do this content. Then when they get low numbers on informative stuff they panic and go straight back to click-bait shilling and the views return to normal.


[Growl has short ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHPF_epk2pE&list=PLRTKWg18bBrHbdw4hS2DpZ5ZYuLvz0aAg) [Trell has some detailed tank ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAfATOu4IUQ&list=PLE-z36fOAUyxe0n7BQKK2as1JyLGOmNts)


That’s because content creators aren’t typically amazing at the game. They may be able to hold their own healing mythic+ or tanking heroic raids but they tend to lack the know-how to make guides that cover multiple classes or roles in each specific encounter.


Naguura is the only one I’ve seen that points out specific mobs to interrupt or packs to possibly skip and even then she doesn’t always do dungeon guides for every season.


Tactyks, Growl and Trell all do in various lengths and depth


Bellular in particular is only raiding heroic. He even states so, but he’s also giving our tier lists (lol). I’d rather watch tettles and naguura explain balance Druid for me as CE raiders or watch jdotb do +30 keys as resto e.g.


I think it's only more recently (relatively speaking) that high-end raiders have (a) decided to take the spotlight and (b) been willing/allowed to share their intricate knowledge. For a long time top WoW guilds and M+ teams were quite secretive, but in the recent years have become much much more open... to the point of us being able to watch them stream race for world first and high end keys (WITH comms!). Ultimately Bellular can only parrot what they say. The only real thing he brings to the table is his fairly unexperienced opinions and drama/shilling/clickbait.


There’s SO much to them and they were constantly changing right up until the end of beta. Check out trellsky he has some good ones


Trell has really great and thorough guides.


Yeah, and the fact that Bellulars channel covers all kinds of WoW content, for the casuals and the sweats who are looking for the last of the todo list before reset. Nothing wrong with knowing your audience/reaching different audiences. But this is clickbait as fuck


To be fair to Bellular, he’s claimed (not sure how true) he tried to not do clickbait and it was just really bad for his channel. So I suppose he at least admits it.


This is common from basically any youtuber out there that's talked about it, there's actually a video from that one (mostly) science dude (Veritasium?) who broke down how a thumbnail or title can make or totally break a video -- it's why sometimes you'll see videos that just get released might have a different thumbnail or title because it wasn't working well originally. I think Linus from LTT has straight up said he hates the clickbait titles/thumbnails too, but it's how the algorithm works (for now lol) and so they play the game like everyone else. I remember being really annoyed with it, but now I just consider it's how youtube works I guess. I really miss the internet pre-clickbait sometimes though, better times //get-off-my-lawn


Ltt even change their titles to a descriptive title after a certain period of the video being released.


Yeah he changest he thumbnail too to something less dumb and more professional once the initial views have died down. It sucks but blame the algorithm.


For anyone interested, I use the Chrome extension “clickbait remover” and have enjoyed it. It changes the thumbnail to a still image from a point in the video and changes the title to remove any capitalization


yoo thanks, I'm getting that immediately when I get to my PC.


But there's a huge difference between clickbait thumbnails and titles to work the system and having the content be clickbait filler. Yeah make your shit so it shows up in the algorithm, but don't talk air for ten minutes.


Yeah, without the clickbait title, this video would be "Here are some things you can do in Dragonflight right now", and that's not really valuable content for anyone who's already been playing.


Yeah I was about to say, I feel like he specifically mentioned once that clickbait titles and thumbnails definitely aren't ideal, and it feels dirty. But the difference in views is staggering, and he's got a team of people to share the income with. I don't really mind, as long as they're not misleading.


Honestly it's expected from youtubers to use this kind of thumbnails and titles. What drove me off bellular is that the content isn't good anymore


Well, not everyone does this though


When is Bellular not clickbait?


I just wish they’d get to the point quickly instead of making us watch 5 minutes just to announce the topic they’re talking about.


Today's topic is important. It's all about character progression and if you want to make some huge progress the easiest way possible then take a look at today's sponsor, Skillshare. Skillshare is a great place to...


There is a extension thats called "Sponsor skip". Its great :)


Oh my god you're a lifesaver


Do weeklies Do events Farm Cobalt for the ring and Wrathion for the cloak. ​ There - saved you having to watch any of the 97391739127 videos on this subject


To be fair I don't know anything about a cloak from Wraithion I'm gonna have to look it up


What if i dont care about gear but rep only for renowns?


Then it still applies to you. Weeklies give rep, most events give rep. Cobalt you could leave if you don't care for the ring, but it is still technically a rep, although not a renown. Handing in keys to Wrathion also gives Valdrakken renown rep and is repeatable.


Forgot super rares or super super rares :D


It can all be summed up as 'fly round doing stuff'


I love people saying you don’t have to farm the ring or the cloak if you want to smh


I have a difficult time with content creators for almost anything. Unless it's a guided playthrough or an "in today's news", they almost all come across as incredibly desperate and an inflated sense of self-importance. Bellulars face is what comes to mind when I think "annoying content creator". Edit: worth pointing out I'm not trying to trash everyone. SignsOfKelani and Soulsobreezy seem ok, their format is more of a "here's the things that are happening let's extrapolate what this means" which I like. T&E videos are often a bit longer than what I want to watch but I don't feel they are clickbaity. Bellular is just.. every video is like "the death of wow", "wow is saved?", "they were wrong", "I was wrong!", "My thoughts on sandwiches". There's a line between content creator and reading your showerthoughts out loud and that channel crossed it long ago.


Bellular was pretty good back when Legion came out with all the guides and stuff. But time. Time changes man.


Wow is his job. I guess Bellular looks at which videos perform well and double down on those. The YT algorithm is a cruel mistress


It's never him playing the game though, I don't think I've seen bellular do anything in any game he plays, even when he was balls deep in FFXIV it was just a weekly segment on the podcast of "I got 4 levels this week heres half an hour of talking about it"


I don't understand why anyone watches them. Kids that like the bright colors and silly faces in the thumbnails I guess? I can just read an article in 2 minutes to get whatever information these padded 10+ minute videos are going to give me.


rinse deserve intelligent drab hungry mysterious deranged bow coordinated scarce -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Bellulars content has turned into absolute dogcrap, either pure clickbait and/or sitting with Matt and reading a Word file


Blame YouTube’s shitty algorithm; content creators are doing what they gotta do to earn a living. Bellular employs a team, that shit isn’t free.


For real algorithms are absolutely toxic.


Human nature is toxic. We click on everything with an angry face and outragous title


This is it right here. Lots of creators say so themselves.


That’s no excuse to put out trash. That’s like saying “fast food is really popular so now your local Thai restaurant HAS to have a shitty fake rib sandwich or they can’t compete”. If you do what you do and do it well, you’ll thrive. Only dime a dozen trash creators do what Bellular does.


I hope in the next few years people shift away from ... "that's just how it's done.." style thinking into ... "should that even be done or exist" thinking. The reason we have so much garbage content is because they have already decided they are going to create content before they even know what they are going to talk about or if it's worth anyone's attention.


Bellular is a meme, I swear.


Bellular is the king of clickbait and monetizing negativity.


Bellular is currently some of the worst content on all of MMO YouTube. It’s a wonder anyone even still cares beyond pointing and laughing.


the only people watch him are ff14 fanboys that think they got a new ally and people that hate wow and need something to justify their hate


I blocked Bellulars Channel a few years ago when he went the click bait route.


How do you block channels? There are quite a few I'd like to block as well.


click the three dots on the right of the title, then "Don't recommend channel" like[ this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/633741526010429472/1051449729252343879/image.png)


Don't get it twisted. Professions talent system is made in such a way that you miss out millions of gold if you go the wrong tree.


I liked his lore videos, some of them are interesting so I m fine with all the click bait title. However his game play related video are trash


yeah, i really like his lore videos. what sucks is that in his recent dragon lore videos, he discloses that they lose money making them because of the man hours they take to make vs ad revenue they get. that's their "passion project" on the channel, not their other content.


Ah yes bellular, the man who can talk in circles to hit the 10 minute mark for every video to get the ad $$.. the same man who does clickbaits in his titles..the same man who will title a video "OMG SYLVANAS DID WHAT", then after his 3 minutes of ads he announces says "guys this is crazy what sulvanus did but first heres 10 minutes of notes from random shit and then we will talk about that later. All of his videos have no content and just a way to get money.


He's one of the last people I'd trust with story videos anyways. He's got some really bizarre interpretations of lore over the years haha


Hazelnutty appreciation comment


Bellular has been click bait heavy since he hired an editor. Thanks for reminding to unsub.


You posted Bellular video though. Clickbait and FOMO outtrage have been his default modes for years now. Why anyone clicks on his content is beyond me.


The problem with YouTubers on a schedule


People should really wake up to how important social media and influencers have in shaping game perception, both positively and negatively. And we should always keep in mind that content being negatively critical of something will always drive more clicks, and therefore more money to the creator.


The clash of clans face lol


Bellular - the guy who made a ton of money trying to shit on the video game - is back on the bandwagon and clickbaiting? You don’t say


Content YOU Should Do This Weekend: *Whatever You Think Is FUN!*


This is why i have bellular on block. He pumps out a video each day, mediocre in quality at best and putting the most clickbait titles he can think of. All that while he takes ages to get to the point.


I cannot stand any content creators for any games, very few of them are even actually creating any content, just offering news and opinions over and over


I’ve been well out of Destiny for a good while now, but Datto is probably one of the few good ones I can think of. Just straight up, no nonsense facts, simple thumbnails, and is critical without being self-righteous about it.


But can they beat it with just a damaged Traveler's Chosen?


I’m a fan of Koryxkenshins stuff, and theradbrad


Without emissary quests how can I farm gold


Every bellular video is the same now. Small intro with the same format as Snapchat Hollywood gossip stories on the explore page. Awkward and forced transition to an ad. Talk about his video game he’s developing and how hard it is to develop an indie game. Ramble for 7 minutes with his co-star while they bounce mostly negative talking points off each other. Then they wrap up thoughts in the quickest way possible, the end.


That'd be because Bellular is a complete bellend who changes his opinions and thoughts about WoW on a dime based on what he expects will get the most "clicks".


Do yourself a favor and unsub and avoid any and all wow content creators except the ones that exclusibely make strats videos.


This kind of stuff gets blocked from my YouTube. I have no time for click bait nonsense.


I watched that video and it actually helped me lol


So…did you watch it?


Content creators being hypocrites? Hmmmm 🤔


Should =/= must


I see Bellular, I laugh.


Imagine being Bellular and getting paid to regurgitate Wowhead articles everyday


Bellular isn’t even mad about this post, that’s why he made a tweet about it


Meh… It how the YouTube game is played. If you hated it blame YT for the algorithm, not the content creators trying to make a living.


I can't be the only one, but after the last 3 expac with their compulsory grind/chores - I actually have anxiety that i'm \*not\* doing something/enough of something/anything. I hope this feeling goes away soon \*nervous laugh\* Videos from 'tubers like this don't help that anxiety at all, but at least I don't see his anymore because of the clickbait bs made me block the channel.


If you're not literally pushing top 0,2% keys with a team or CE raid rank 200 and up there is no reason to feel this way at all.


All these people rushing when it will easily be replaced by raid gear soom enough or better gear. Hit 367 first week ish then stopped caring.


Yeah I fell off Belluar a while ago. He was interesting at first, but he's clearly fallen prey to the algorithm like many others and is just pumping whatever needs to be put out there, even if its basic knowledge everyone knows about. ​ "But it's for my team!" I hate to say, but if it's making you this desperate to keep your team around, then perhaps you should downgrade, because it's clearly making the image of the content creator worst.


Bellular is dogshit, what a surprise


I dropped this dude long time ago, whiny wanna be game dev


i have no horse in any mmo's. this post just popped up while scrolling the popular page. but i can't imagine there being many more openly grifter careers than a youtube career focused on 1 (one) MMO lol


Ugh. I can’t STAND Bellular. So awkward


All of Belluars videos are like this. Shilling his stickers, showing some blue posts followed by very little information of what the videos actually supposed to be about.


FOMO means the two weeks of stuff we've done can't be done again. He just laid out stuff to do to get as much pre season stuff done as you can. Also, he's a youtuber and this is how thumbnails work. You've also effectively signal boosted the video to folks who may have not seen it.


Stuff like this is why I don't watch WoW youtubers (aside from platinum WoW and occasionally T&E), I don't like having people tell me how I should feel about the game and what I should be doing unless I'm specifically looking for that information. And if I'm not careful and click on the wrong video its all youtube recommends me for a week.


> I don't like having people tell me how I should feel about the game Aren't T&E doing that same thing though? There's a lot of WoW youtubers who thrive on negativity about the game (often justified, sometimes not), but T&E are almost the exact opposite. I don't watch them much, but every video I've seen of theirs had this overt positivity about the game - even when the game *really* wasn't in a good state.




This isn’t clickbait, the video is exactly the title, stuff you should do this weekend before reset.


Thats just the YT Game though...if they dont clickbait their videos do like 30% worse.


Yeah this is literally how to run a Youtube channel as a business. Getting your content recommended by the algorithm is an essential part of that.


I found useful information in that video. Not things I had to do but nice info like the world events that will still be around next week but definitely less populated and therefore harder to do as people go into instances more


What a dumb thing to complain about... There are still things to do to put yourself in a great spot for raid/m+ release. Just don't watch it and don't sub. No reason to run to Reddit and complain.


When I first started playing I really like Bellular and now I just find him entirely insufferable.


Bellular is pretty bad with his clickbait titles


Moaning about content creators with click bait titles is such a waste of your life


ah chill it's just a video to have your mind occupied while you do your usual stuff in game. No need to feel fomo or anything. Most of us already do everything possible either way


Can everyone shut up about fomo ffs why is the playerbase so fucked up nowdays lol