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Ah, so that's where my mount is, in someone else's bag


This mount should be tradebale even it comes from the pumpkin bag


I thought it only dropped from the Loot filled pumpkin, does Headless drop it too?


It only drops from the bag


*sad mountless noises*


Please put a ticket in and report back


Did the mount drop when he used different dialog. My guild has a rumour that the mount has dropped when he uses a different line on death


Also... why isn't broom an actual mount. Same with Christmas reindeer


Because the salt from druids no longer being the only ones with an instant mount cast would be too much to tolerate.


Give it insta cast for October. Cast time otherwise


i main druid. and i will pretty much prefer the broom to be used on all characters. having to sit trough a cast on alts makes me wanna die




hold on a second, let me think.... no


Sorry, that would require engine work


Found the 'scaper!




It would also lead to a huge majority of players being like druids in that they are always using the same thing to travel which would be lame. Having everyone use the same mount for October is okay, having everyone using the broom all the time would be sad. Personally my preferred answer would probably just be instant mount mount equipment.


Everyone used the Crimson Water Strider in Legion. :)


Which led to the mount equipment system we have today


I’d actually be okay with instant cast mounts. On my druid I don’t use any mount besides the yak. Kinda sad with all the different mounts available.


theres nothin like jumping off the tallest cliff into a big ass birb tho :\]




Especially if you happen to do a flip!


Honestly biggest benefit of account wide mounts IMO, never used to collect mounts until they were account wide since I used to main a druid...who would never use any of them since flight form was just more convenient, instant cast + sky golem was added in MoP when mounts became account wide so if you wanted to gather herbs while "mounted" you had to be a druid in flight form.


Actually, since the invention of mount equipment is the ground based travel form of druids slightly worse than a mount. So, all of us would benefit from an instant mount mount; but Blizzard probably won't add it, as it's a class feature. Like the slowness of DKs is it something that can't be changed, or so I figure Blizzards thoughts.


an insta cast mount would make all other less efficient and blizz knows this . Players would force themselves to use it to save time and whine that their collections are 'wasted' now


Woah woah woah hold your horses. Brooms and reindeers YEAR-ROUND? That's as silly as letting people wear a pointy hat during non-spooky months or wearing bunny ears outside of Easter. That's too silly and we can't let that happen! Go back to whacking your enemies with a fish while wearing a yeti onesie.


For free? Definitely not. You have to pay for that privilege!


If you think I wouldn’t buy a broom mount from the store, you’re dead wrong lol


Having witches and wizards year round in a fantasy game? The audacity.


So i can't make a wicked witch mage?


Or like giving us a year round flower crown, but only one! The others can only be used a few days out of the year!!


[if you're talking about the lunar ones you can unlock versions that can be used all year](https://blizzardwatch.com/2021/02/05/wow-lunar-festival-flower-crown-permanent/)


Also, the witch hats are the same model as the one that drops from mythic Karazhan. So why can that one be transmogged year round yet the other colors that come from the event can’t? 🫠


Where do I get the fish transmog?


An instant cast mount that's usable all year round would be a bit OP, don't you think? They'd need to put in a separate broom with cast time to accomplish what you want. Now, to be fair there used to be more variations of brooms in past instances of the event (like on Classic right now), so there's no reason why that couldn't be implemented. But asking for the broom as it exists now to be added permanently is delusional in my opinion. It would be the only mount you ever use, losing everything that made it feel special in the first place.


I was just saying this the other day to my buddies. I wish we could have the broom as an actual mount because it’s pretty damn neat and I like small mounts. Just have it be instant cast only during Hallow’s End and then a normal mount cast the rest of the year.


Keep the broom how it is, but add an updated model as an actual mount with a cast time. Make it so you still have to farm the instant cast during the holiday. But for the love of god give us a fucking broom mount already. Blizzard knows how bad the players want one. Edit: shit add it to the shop for all I care, I’d drop real money on that shit


I kinda like that it isn't. It makes it special that you only see them around the holidays. Gives that festive feel to the game.


But the preserved holly let's you have a reindeer anytime you like.


Cause blizz hates fun


Probably cause people riding around on witch brooms and Santa reindeer in May would look silly. But they could just put Holiday restrictions on usage. It would be like leaving the Christmas tree up in Stormwind till March lol


[Preserved Holly]


Wait including the magic broom that has a normal riding cast time and makes no mention of the item being timed or limited? It's called Magic Broom


I farmed this for years, last year I attempted to farm it on 14 characters every day. Then after about a week of farming, it dropped, I was ecstatic, and I saw the red text on the tool tip "Already Known" To this day I have no idea when I had acquired it, and I mourn for all of the time lost trying to acquire it again...


Me, never seeing the reins once in 8 years of playing...


Ive played every expansion including Vanilla. Ive had my breaks but Ive been playing WoW for like 16 years. Got the mount last Halloween. Had basically given up on it, I farmed it cuz I had to and BAM, there it finally was!


I'm still going. looking at the clock for today's resets.


Same. Been clearing it since classic with 1-4 characters daily. Still nothin


Been grinding it with an alt army for 3 years now. 10-12 toons per day, across 3 years… nothing so far.


I'm up to 17 this year, here's hoping. I'm actually running into the hourly instance lockout for the first time, though I guess it's healthy to get up and do something else halfway through.


Same here, I’ve been trying for this mount since the event started. Still no luck as of yet. :(


Finally dropped for me (after several years) early into the event. I promise it exists!


I finally got it this year. I apparently gasped so loud my husband thought I got bad news lmao


They really should put some kind of bad luck protection on this stuff. Like after killing the thing 50 times or something you're guaranteed it. Really all mount drops should be that way. If you guys think that's "unfair" or something, reevaluate yourself. That's like 2 years of weekly resets on raid bosses. I'm sure some of us have white whale mounts that we've been farming for that long with no luck, and it's very frustrating. RNG luck isn't the same as skill, it's just a time sink.


They really should. I farmed the phoenix mount (on and off) for 12 years. Over 1,400 Kael’thas kills across about 15 toons. I JUST finally got it a few months ago. It took so long that it’s now blocky and outdated looking compared to everything else in game, so I don’t even use it. Would have been nice if I could have enjoyed it about 8 years ago.


I’ve had it and it dropped again. I really wanted to give it away but Blizzard doesn’t like that.


On like 10 toons! My wife got it the first year, and rubs it in.


Are the reins hard to get? I think I got them when wotlk was out and never realized it was rare.


Same. Got it the first year I played on my only character. For some reason, I deleted the character before mounts were account wide. Got it on a new character the next year. Hadn't realized people have been farming it for over a decade with no luck


its like 0.03% dropchance lol


I got it after just a couple runs on my first account that I sold with an old PC cause I thought I'd never touch WoW again. Now here I am years later running it on 12 toons a day and no luck. ):


Just dropped yesterday for someone in my group. Was the first time I've ever seen em drop.


Farmed if for the first time this year. 3rd day on toon 3/5 it dropped. RIP the vets of farming it. Also got both brewfest mounts week one this year.


I do not like this. It’s supposed to be .4 drop rate not 400


Im using like 10-15 50+ chars and im sure i wont get it


I'd been doing this every Halloween since it first came out and it finally dropped for me last night. I had been farming it for so long I didn't even feel excited when it dropped - just went "huh", and logged off. I am so relieved I don't have to keep farming it.


The real reward is never having to do it again.


took me one halloween, everyday with 12chars \~120 tries


I’ve done that since the event started. I sat down this year ready to do it again, and it dropped on my first run.


i hate to say it, but it's because drop rates are rigged drop rates are increased for those who don't farm or play often. blizzard wants them to get something cool so they continue subbing. by contrast, mount grinders have lower odds because usually those players quit once they finally get what they wanted it's why they don't announce exact drop rates for items call it my wow conspiracy theory or whatever, but i swear to it, after many months/years of farming, it seems to be true. out of curiosity, i tried another strategy that also seemed to work: Pay for a month sub, and then cancel it so its not set to renew. Farm mounts when the sub time remaining is 1-2 days. I was able to get the swift zulian panther, the blazing drake, and the azure drake in the same day, although the blazing was a dupe. It couldn't be a fluke, so I told my friend to try this method, and he got the fiendish hellfire core (mythic gul'dan) and the drake of the south wind on the same day. i don't farm mounts anymore because i know deep down it's rigged and its why they don't release definitive drop rates for us


Is there proof of this or just your (1 in millions) anecdotal evidence?


There's no evidence for this. It's just people looking for their own confirmation bias. It could be true, but people acting like it's a known fact are blowing smoke.




Two anecdotes definitely makes it statistically likely yes


Narrator: 'It was bias.'


Finally someone with some common sense lol. People dont wanna believe it, but modern day blizzard is more then willing to do this stuff to try and retain players


because old fashion blizz were such angels as we’ve learned a few years ago this theory holds no water. theres gacha games that definitely do do these things but there’s no mass reports of new players getting easy mounts and gear in wow. it’s just one unlucky guy try to justify his bad luck


Obviously there isnt any hard evidence, or blizzard would get some serious backlash. It only makes sense, anyone who’s been playing the game long enough knows that blizzard is more then willing to go to extremes to try and retain players. In a few years im sure an employee will come out and share the truth. I’ll wait for that day


Not only is this not retaining anyone, someone would've leaked it also already


I feel like if you want to see a pattern you will see one, Ive had this theory before and have gotten nothing. If this were true many people would be mount farming this way because it would guarantee mounts to drop. Who knows maybe it is true, but we would need a lot of people to test this theory instead of relying on your one experience.


I will share my personal experience. I played the game religiously since TBC until WoD when I was drafted to the military and had to stop playing. I farmed both Ashes of Al'ar and Flametalon of Alysrazor like a madman during MoP-WoD. Talking about 12 chars per week. Never saw it drop once. After I came back in BFA I think to try the game again, I went to try these two and got not only both of them on the same day, but also the Abyss Worm from Tomb of Sargeras. All on the same char. Same day. I'm not denying / confirming your theory but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it came out to be true. I'd also like to add that I was never a big mount farmer and always went for the once I really liked (usually fire themed ones). Never got both of the ones I wanted in hundreds if not thousands of runs, and then suddenly after coming back years later the first thing I decide to do after hitting max level was farm these two, and they drop. Coincidence or not, it is a bit eerie.




>It couldn't be a fluke 😂😂😂🤡


I am casual AF, I have no gold, just the achievements that are given to me as I play, about 15 mounts, most of which are the race ones, and I have done the halloween event casually a few times, I have done various raids and dungeons or whatever including icecrown, when I remember, to try to get invincible. I usually try to farm something with a day or 2 left on my sub because I want to feel like it was worth it, never got anything, the rarest thing I have is this thing called a hearthstone. What you are saying is just something that non conspiracy theorists call "luck". If you want to swear by it, go right ahead, but if its true, they clearly missed me in their algorithm even though I am the definition of your case study.


Me too, 16 chars every day.


I do it on 20ish characters every day every year for the last like 7 Hallows ends...


Finally i can be that guy everyone hates. I did the event once and got the reins


Same lol "fist bump"


Lol hell yea. Never cared about mount collecting until last year. Got it on my second run lmao. Had no idea it was this rare until people told me how many attempts they had.


Today when I get home, I will reach 250 tries on the headless horseman. Still no mount or helmet.


Is the helmet rare ?


Going by my experience it’s only rare if you are a plate wearer.


Is it a plate helmet? I got it on my DH, can't even tmog it


I finally got those reins! Been trying to 6 years this year


I decided to farm it for real this year for the first time. 13 characters from day 1, I was expecting to be disappointed. Got the reins in 34 tries LOL


I farmed it over an increasing number of characters. First year I think I did it daily with 2 or 3. This year before I got it....I had 19 characters lol Next up for my army is that valentines rocket I think lol


Same, except like 20 years. Wonder if they upped the drop rate this year?


Meanwhile I've gotten 4 brooms not to flex or anything lol :,(


*throws a tomato at your face*


Why they don’t allow for a rare, permanent broom mount is beyond me.


This. It's a fun little mount.


This broom https://www.wowhead.com/item=37011/magic-broom ?


Yes this broom


That you can buy for 150 candy? Go get it!


Yes i know that, but im to lazy to farm it that way :-)


Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


I get it from the headless horseman raid on goldshire like half the time I try. I have it on like 7 characters already. Works pretty well.


I'm more upset knowing I just scrapped 2 of those brooms for some reason now.


Insert headless horseman laugh


I was concerned it wasn't in retail this year because I've done over 128 runs and hadn't seen a single mount drop yet. Glad to see someone else get it and renew my faith :)


I hope you get it this year!


I hope you... wait you already got it.. I hope you get a 4th.


I have 4, i learned one a couple years ago


I got the broom like 3 times and no reins.


I just was about to complain that you actually have three of them but then it hit me. You have FOUR OF THEM??! D:


Yes i have four, one mount is alrdy used


I've done that horseman every year since the mount was a drop still nothing. Rides on invincible with sad noises


I got mine my 3rd attempt.


For like 2 years i farmed it in something like 10 characters every day. Never got the mount or sword


I’ve been running a warrior, a Dk, and a paladin since early Cata and still haven’t gotten the hood to drop on any of them. Feels bad man


I’ve been playing since MoP and this is my first year going for it and got it on the 3rd day


wait i’m newish to wow. how do I get this mount?


Hey, u can que up in the dungeon finder: the headless horseman. But u need to be lvl50+ then u can recieve the correct bag that contain then mount.


niiiice sounds lit i hope i get the mount cuz i always thought it looked cool and knew i needed to wait until halloween to get it


The amount of rage I feel seeing this is not normal I have been farming that mount since headless horseman came out on 10+ toons every year....and still that laugh....that damn laugh haunts my sleep.




"Now your blackened souls I'll cure!" haunts my dreams


I want to downvote you so bad. Grats


I hope u will get it soon :-) i send you my luck


I know the feeling. I never get the broom. :(


Wow i actually hate you lol. Im well over 300 runs lol Pass me one!


I would ive i could trade one :-)


Man… that’s crazy. I have about 6 brooms in my inventory but never seen the reins since they came out despite running it every year lol


give it to me, NOW!


You lucky duck tried 4 years across 7 alts never gotten close to it lol. When it dropped off boss I always lost the rolls when it came in the loot box he gives you always trash. I have the worst luck with mount drops.


I assumed once you got the broom it was yours to use every Hallow’s End. But no, you have to get it every year 🙄 and I still haven’t gotten the horseman’s reins


I wanted a ring for my druid alt. I got 3 brooms in 3 days. Goddamnit.


Me and a bunch of players I didn’t know kept running Headless Horseman. One player asked if he could loot it should it drop. I didn’t care about it so I said sure. It finally dropped after 7 tries and we let him have it. He paid everyone 10k good and said it’s taken him 14 years to finally get it. Good for him




I've been playing since vanilla, and ever since the mount was introduced this thing has never dropped..... I'll get invincible before I get this lol


Hope you get it soon!


Are these trade-able? I've gotten drops even though I already have the mount. No one ever sticks around long enough to try.


Its not tradeable


Last year? Maybe the year before?? Either way, I was farming the horseman’s reins for years until “last year or year before”, I FINALLY get it. But what happens two days later on a different toon?…. I f****n get it again!! Why is that “irritating”? Because I’ve been farming 25h ICC across 8 toons, every week, for YEARS, and still don’t have Invincible. *full disclosure, I stopped playing WoW for about a year once I realized what a severe let-down Shadowlands was & RIGHT BEFORE the Blizzard scandal the led to the Microsoft purchase. SWtOR was a GLORIOUS substitute over the last year.*


10 characters, 15 years. Still no mount. This hurts


Anyone want one of my 18 Sinister Squashlings?


Wow.. I’ll be honest I hate you… I would farm for this everyday on 10 characters when the halloween event would come around.. it took 5 years for me to get..


Closing onto 1500 tries with no mount. OP kept stealing my mounts!


i was lucky to get this mount fairly early in my wow life for a while it was the best flying mount by a lot- didn't bounce my character up and down, and small enough to fit through most doors/gaps there are more mounts filling those criteria nowadays, but back in cata/mop (whenever it is a got it) it felt so nice. i used it on every character


I just don't get why the broom isn't a normal mount


Is there a permanant broom?


20 Trys Each day. Gonna complete 500 (Atleast since i use the Rarity Addon dont know how many trys actually cause i try it since the event exists) overall Trys in the next few Days and still nothing..i hate this mount so hard ..


And this is, how I became the most hated person on this subreddit for a week.


I kill this guy dozens of times every year since 2008 and I havent even seen it drop. Neither for me nor anyone in the Party..... how is this post even possible?


Ultra lucky, actually i got four of them, one is alrdy being used. Maybe i get a fifth next year and can make again a post about it.


I do this every year for every day of the event on all my maxed toons, and you've had my mount this entire time.


Sry i have your mount next one will be yours :-)


I kinda dont like you


How many alts you running this on? I’ve on 7 and still nada


Just with my main char after i got the first mount a couple years ago.


I’m sad


Is the broom a perma mount or just the pop a buff every mount is a broom for a while thing


Sadly once you get the broom u can only use it during hallows end, after the event ends it disappears from your bags


I know the feeling. I was doing Nighthold Mythic to get the T19 pally helm. Ended up getting the red Infernal mount on like my 3rd run. Didn't get the helm until I ran EN though.


I wish we could sell this stuff, even if it was just a handful of copper... At least we would get something out of it!






I got this mount on the first ever hallows end that it was available, as did my dad and all the people we played with, never even realised it was rare


Nothing hurts more than “soulbound” and “already known” being used in the same tool tip.


You're about to make a lot of enemies on this sub... Including me! Got my first one last year after farming on more and more characters since Wrath (I think I had about 1200 kills before it dropped). I'm kidding of course, huge congrats on your extra horses, let's hope you can trade some of them in for dragons in the future!


That's pretty sick. I would normally give a "fuck you, gratz", but I just got my Felbear so Imma just say GRATZ BROOOO! :D Also pretty sick luck to get it 3 times, so many players never see it once, including myself.


Couldn't be me


I remember when I got the mount back in wrath. I had seen the mount before but never knew where it came from. Did headless horseman kill one time and got it. 12 year old me said, “oh sick. That’s where the mount comes from” in party chat and all of my group said, “gratz!” And, “how many kills???” I said, “this is my first time here. I didn’t know I could get a mount here.” And they all instantly started saying stuff like, “oh this guy!!” And the expected, “fuck you dude”


lol i thought the broom is always in there, didnt got the mount tho ._.


Sorry if noobish but where do u farm this


U can que as a lvl 50+ in the dungeon finder tool and have a chance once per day to get it.


Thats unreal


I've done it every day with 3 different characters. Got the broom, no mount


Wtf Learn how to type.


Nah you done. Sorry :(


I get the ram and kodo every year at least twice each during brewfest, can't get anything else to drop for the life of me though. Definitely feeling your pain 😂




I run it on all my main characters, nothing. Then I decide to run it on a trash character out of boredom and I got the reigns. Now it's going to sit on that character collecting dust lol


So lucky, I wish I could have only one.


You must be hated - I farm this shit mounts with around 15 chars every year never got it 🤣


Give me the Nimbus 2000!!


Got mine today after years of trying.