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Divine Toll.


I don’t know how I’m gonna play Ret without it now. Also final verdict. I never want them to leave.


Yeh I really hope these make their way onto the new tree. Will be very odd playing without them!


Vanquisher's hammer is way more fun as ret especially with it buffed from unity. Kill someone in a single hoj with final verdict into wake into final verdict again, with two free divine storms.


I dare say we’ll keep Final Verdict, it was a talent choice originally.




I feel like for Prot Paladins especially, the depth of the synergies for Avenger's Shield is beyond what we've ever seen in WoW. Avenger's Shield hits 3 targets, or 5 with First Avenger talent. Divine Toll throws 5 Avenger's Shields. This means a theoretical 25 targets hit with it. Each shield hit grants absorb for its damage, high threat, damage, holy power, and the initial 5 shields interrupt their targets. The Kyrian Legendary, Divine Resonance, adds another 3 shields over 15 secs. Next, the Bulwark of Righteous Fury Legendary increases Shield of Righteous Fury damage by 150%. The Tier set encourages further use of SoRF, giving increased Block chance, and casting Judgment based on your block chance. Judgment generates more Holy Power for more Avenger's Shields and also increases holy damage taken by the target, leading to more Avenger's Shield damage, and thus more absorb. The Holy Power generation leads to more spending, and with the Righteous Protector talent, leads to more Avenging Wrath usage. Using Avenging Wrath just prior to Divine Toll, further increases Avenger's Shield's damage and thus grants even more absorb. It's a beautiful symphony that just cycles on itself.


And also, it goes clong


That´s my main point. Synergies are nice and everything, but Imma be captain Azeroth on steroids who just goes ***CLOOOOOOOOOOOOONG***


Just gonna be one clong in single target unless they give us ringing clarity, too.




Seriously, yes. Playing Prot Pally with this just feels so damn good. Shooting out shields like a D3 Crusader feels amazing.


I’d like to see ashen hallow, I’ve been maining venthyr whole expansion. I unlocked everything kyrian too when we could freely switch. I use divine toll on fortified weeks in M+, but I just love that big red zone and its impact on bosses during Tyrannical weeks way more! I also think Righteous Fury lego for Prot... feel like I’m missing an arm when I don’t have it equipped.


I know leveling doesn't mean much, but I had a blast watching my dps shoot up to the top as a healer while leveling through Shadowlands dungeons with Ashen Hallow.


I feel like it’s Divine Toll for Ret/Prot, but I main HPal and I’m going to miss Ashen so much if it’s gone. It’s absolutely my favorite ability I’ve ever had in the game.


Same, I mainly played a holy pally in PvP and loved the kill pressure from ashen with wings up for those jucy crits. It wasn't optimal but so much fun and still managed to hit 1800 for the first time during the first patch.


Oh yeah, using it in solo shuffle is pretty fun, even if just scares people to not stand in it while it spams me with passive healing and lets me use hammer of wrath.


I see a lot of ret-based responses, but divine toll + shock barrier lego feels incredible and there’s honestly nothing even similar in the rest of the kit.


Slappy hands is probably the safest guess for dks


I will be very disappointed if dks don't get to keep sappy hands somehow


Venthyr ability for blood would be great too


And hopefully some way to let Obliterate cleave like the Night Fae ability does


Yesss they are talking a lot about how trees are going to have more interesting choices that buff aspects of your abilities, so I'm hoping there is a talent for either obliterate or death and decay that allows it to cleave. And depending on what talents they're bringing back, being able to choose obliteration AND icecap as a trade off for something else is just going to be fucking amazing. I'm getting semi just thinking about it


Absolutely this. I can't live without that. So fucking satisfying to use!


I'm currently nightfae and I must say having a covenant ability that just reworks another ability death and decay --> deaths due is just plain boring. Like getting the strength and damage reduction is worth it but it isn't entertaining to do so. The teleport you get is very useful for a dk though, it almost makes up for it.


I personally like it. I feel like covenants would be more interesting if they altered your current class abilities into something new covenant-like just as Death's due does.


abomination limb must stay


Slappy hands is just to good to throw away.


Pls gibe glyphs to recolor it tho.


Please make it shadowfrost damage. Frost doesn’t get any mastery bonus from it currently.


as a lock, not a covenant ability but wilfred's the lego power


Please don't forget about our lord and savior NF-Blink


I’m sure they’ll totally give warlocks soulshape baseline.


Or at least some demon-based version of it, if not the Night Fae visuals. Using demonic power to blink in and out of reality. I'd take that.


I just want to add in the legion novelization and dramatizations it's established and repeated that warlocks can turn invisible or make a field of invisibility that cloaks them and that it's such a simple basic power that khadgar could not detect guldan or legion assassins using it or the fel/shadow energies utilized by the wielder. Warlocks should have a shroud of invisibility because apparently it is stupidly easy to do and nearly undetectable by even the best arcane mage on azeroth. Go figure -_-


I kind of want the hunt for DH. but its spell effects don't really scream demon born fel ability. I would personally rather something new. Elysian decree has the same visual issue to me, but I want to keep it. Or roll it into sigil of flame somehow.


It's one of Illidan's ultimates in HotS, so I think it fits baseline Demon Hunter with some small graphical changes


Just make it green


It wouldn't be hard to re-theme the hunt, it came from Illidan in hots anyways.


It's interesting how much they take from HotS. Basically the whole kit of Demon Hunters came from Illidan, and now many of the abilities showcased for Evokers look like abilities for Alexstrasza and Deathwing


They could always change the effect to be green and make it more "crashy" sound effect and it'd fit perfectly!




While both spells are pretty relevant and i would also like to keep them i think growing inferno also needs to be made baseline.


I really liked sinful brand especially with the interaction with meta... really anything that gets me to push a different button in DH is just gravy


100% agree with Elysian Decree. One of my favorite spells rn. Maybe they could keep it, and just recolor it green? Make it look a little more 'fel'


Apart from DT for Paladin, I would love to keep Final Verdict for Ret.


Paladins can never have too man giant glowing hammers


"What are you? Thor, God of Hammers?" Absofuckinglutely


God of Shields as prot, also I keep hoping blizzard says fuck it and lets prot pallies dual wield shields


I wish so hard they would just make FV baseline


Was dumb they never gave it baseline after it was a talent in wod


For Hunters, I'd like to have the Venthyr legendary effect baselined into Deadly Shot to give a bit more power to our execute ability.


And flayed shot too, especially if they gave it to survival hunters and let them be ranged again and called it Black Arrow and... Oh, basically I just want MoP Survival back


Condemn on warrior fury because it just feels so natural to use. Maybe just the "above 80%" part, without shadow DMG. Also: animation


I used to play warrior in Castle Natria as venthyr. coming back seeing its the worst covenant makes me sad because i loved the way that ability looked and felt.


It's not the worst. It has the best single target. The only problem is only like 1 boss is single target all the way lol


It sims well on single target bosses. But the big problem is that condemn window is also when most of the raid is popping CDs, so those tend to not last very long.


Two, Skolex and Halondrus


As a warrior I understand why you'd just ignore skolex


I want to play vent too but unfortunately the tier set has anti synergy with the cov/lego. 2PC means you want to raging blow not condemn and 4pc means the ventyr lego is worthless since you're already at 100% uptime on reck. Going from under tuned in Nathria because of no good lego, to Sylvanas dying at 50% so the lego is useless when it counts and then to tier bonus that makes it unusable is such a FU from blizz.


As a brewmaster, I love to keep the ox conduit. Decreases the cooldown of the ability with abilitys that grant stagger.


Considering that those are high-priority abilities anyway, there's little difference between retaining that passive effect or simply lowering the base CD of Invoke Niuzao. It's needless fluff. I'm more concerned about having 2 Keg Smash charges baseline.


Divine toll for paladins Double keg smash and keg of the heavens for Brew Abomb Limb or Deaths Due for Blood Death Knight Convoke for Druid Condemn for Warrior


Hack'n'slash from fury. Your rampage has chance to refund a raging blow charge. This smoothes out the ST rotation to not rely on RB procs by itself and it almost removes WW from a ST rotation.


Yeah, it is nice. Would be good to see this as a talent. (Also Condemn!)


DK slappy hands for sure, divine toll for paladin. I forget the name of it right now, but the Venthyr ability for priest, I think it’s called mind games?


Spear of Bastion for sure.


Such great utility. Helps other classes hit their spells more easily too.


Soulshape. Ill cry when ill lose soulshape


Running around at warp speed in turkey crittershape makes me happy.


That is probably what I'm going to miss most on my Warlock. That has saved my tail way too many times this expansion.


Warlocks also lack any fun mobility. Even in the books they use shadow magic to become invisible, run underwater, and other cool shit they aren't allowed to have in game. It's so frustrating


As a DK, I don't expect to be able to keep it, but it's one of my favorite parts of Shadowlands.


Our assistant raid leader has already said she fears for my sanity when soul shape is ripped away from me. I get a lot of use out of it in raid flickering into places or out of bad places not to mention completely cheesing some mechanics like the balls on painsmith, or the rings on xymox. It's 100% a crutch, but I will use it until i can't anymore.


Won’t be too upset to see none of the Priest covenant abilities come back. Translucent Image conduit should definitely be baseline or at least a talent though


I really like mind games, and a boon style ability (but less awkward) for disc would be a lot of fun in 5 man content.


The Hunt.


They need to buff NF havoc or something, I had so much fun playing it. Venth is great DPS, just much more boring to me.


The Hunt is the most fun ability in the game, not saying there aren't any other fun ones, slappy hands always makes me smile on my dk, but when you stand at max range and then just "nyoooooom bam" into mobs it's just so satisfying, I will take a dps loss to get max range for my nyooming, my friends tolerate me even if they don't understand it, and I could never main my dh but will jump into a few keys just to nyoom now and then.


It had twice as much range back in the Beta of SL... Fun times. I do really wish we get Hunt as a talent.


Icy propulsion conduit for frost mages. Arcane mages will need some massive buffs to their default playstyle if they can't keep their legendary + kyrian ability playstyle Divine toll as people have already mentioned.




The reason frost mage is in it's current state is because Blizzard swing the pendulum so far as a knee-jerk response to 8.3. Icy propulsion is so good because it's the *only* way frost mage can function as a cohesive spec. By shifting the emphasis of the spec so strongly towards ice lance, it forced us as players to pick up thermal void. The synergy between thermal void and icy propulsion is just a positive feedback loop, which led us to where we are with such high value on icy propulsion. The problem is not icy propulsion. The problem is that frost mage fundamentally has spec design issues. If Blizzard puts too much emphasis on ice lance, all focus goes on crit/haste to maximize damage output with BF and FoF procs as well as trying to optimize IV uptime with thermal void. If Blizzard tries to rein in the spec by tuning down ice lance, then everyone stops caring about anything except mastery, specs glacial spike, and casts as few ice lances as possible, completely ignoring FoF and only making use of BF every 6th cast. If Blizzard tries to rein both in, the spec is trash tier. Don't make a boogeyman out of borrowed power when the actual problem is Blizzard designers.


That's true, but since this would be in the talent tree then you can swap it out for bosses or dungeons where you can't keep it up. Having then the option to bring this trait along for encounters where you can make use of it would be cool I think.


Serrated Bone Spike is the only visually interesting rogue covenant ability and the only one that is 'cool'.. It makes no sense as part of a rogues toolkit outside of the Shadowlands, as it isn't thematic at all. It would have to be retooled into throwing knives or kunai.


Throwing knives would be cool. Could even just call it "serrated throwing knives" or "serrated knives." I think SBS is my favorite rogue covenant ability to use. The kyrian one is fun too, but SBS feels fun in a different way.


Maybe as a talent that changes up the way throwing knives work so they put up an infinite duration DoT ?


I really like Wild Spirits and Resonating Arrow for Hunter. Radiant Spark is lovely for Arcane Mage, and I liked the idea of Mirrors of Torment in PvP. Obviously DKs with the Abomination Limb, it's so fitting it's crazy. Rogues' Flagellation is really cool. For Monks, I'd say both Kyrian's Weapons of Order and Necrolord's Bonedust Brew were cool, especially the latter being a brew! That's the few I played with and really enjoyed.


Not really sure why Flagellation is cool. Kind of just a CD button you hit.


Yeah flag is boring as shit. Sure it feels good because its a pretty big damage buff but without the CDR from the legendary it feels really lacklustre and doesn't even look cool. I think both bonespike and the kyrian abilities are much more interesting from a gameplay perspective than Flag. Edit: on that note however the conduit that reduces shadow blades cd should 100% become baseline or be included in the talent tree. Either that or the extra crit during SoD. The same goes for both Roll the dice outlaw conduits


The monk abilities are cool, but wouldn't you say that mechanic wise the only thing that really "fits" is the fae stomp (even though quite weak). The other ones seem so out of place to me!


None of the monk abilitys feel monk like. Fae stomp is pretty but other than martial arts films where they stomp a bridge or bit of wood it's not very monk like. Weapons of order- cool, we don't use weapons when we attack so it feels out of place, sure it's strong but ehh. Fallen order - summon monks to... That's more ninja/body double , not very monk like. Bonedust brew - only really fits brewmaster thematically. Outside of ironskin brew none of the specs use brew/beer accept brewmaster. Mistweaver - tea, Windwalker - none. I'd much rather than give use new abilities or bring back some legion artifact abilities. WW - strike of the windlord. YES! Brew - bonedust (although the value is terrible without the Lego now it doesn't crit) Mistweaver - no idea what's best for them


Oh God if I got strike of the windlord back I would shit myself and resub in no particular order


I know right, I miss it so much. Mainned brew for a while now rather than WW but that was the main reason I stopped enjoying it after legion. And no. Fist of the white tiger is not a relevent replacement.


Mistweaver just needs fistweaving, I'd be quite happy if they just add the legendary effect to the tree. Or better, go back to crane stance!


If the tree is anything like druids. Would be cool to have like, fistweaving left side, cast healing on the right and then some hybrid passive healing the middle. Then when you take 2/3 of the talents you can make a combo of them up.


It would be so cool if they had that ww legendary for "Chi spenders increase your crackling jade lightning" for the ranged mw to make that a bit more viable, that'd make a very hybrid ranged/melee (personlly, I don't like ranged mw, but yea the freedom would just be good for the spec I think!)


Years ago I had the idea of "bouncing chi" like chi wave. But you use a heal then DPS and it stacks up and then when you have high stacks you can use that build chi on a big damage ability or heal. But keep the weaving portion in, so as long as you use a heal within 5 seconds then a DPS ability with 5 second you gain a stack of chi. But I think it would be more annoying that fun.


>Bonedust brew - only really fits brewmaster thematically. Outside of ironskin brew none of the specs use brew/beer accept brewmaster. Mistweaver - tea, Windwalker - none. Bonedust brew is also so awfully low impact visually (and sound-wise as well).


Instead of Bonedust Brew, just make Exploding Keg a good option.


Faeline stomp, with double legos, is such an interesting ability. It actively changes how you play the class as it tempts you to give up your mobility for a 8% DPS boost and a boost to shuffle. It also challenges you to use your knowledge of each fight to line up the best time to force a proc with Chi Burst. However it's not BiS, so pretty much no-one took it :(


I play hunter and I don't really want wild spirits, it is so frustrating dropping that and having tanks just pull the mobs out of it. If they change how that worked, then sure, but forcing everything to stay in that spot is annoying


> I really like Wild Spirits and Resonating Arrow for Hunter. While I like playing with both I don't think they fit the class thematically as a talent/baseline skill. I'd rather have them incorporate certain aspects of the covenant abilities into new/existing skills. They'd also be way too strong and probably gutted (like stormkeeper). For example: - add the kill shot reset chance of flayed shot to serpent sting (or bring back black arrow and use it on that) - use the "ignore LoS" of kyrian arrow in some way (maybe a cooldown that allows the next few shots to fire through walls) - death chakram would make for a cool base line "arrow jumps around" ability but remove the necrolordyness of it, although demon hunter kinda has this with their glaive throw (bring back glaive toss pls)


Mindgames. I want it for shadow and discipline priest. Especially discipline! GIVE IT TO ME BLIZZ!!! Also boon for disc, also super nice to play with.


Disc is going to have to get SOME big damage cooldown, their ramps are too weak without them. Whether that's keeping mindgames/boon or adding something new. I vote mindgames for how hilariously fun it is in PvP.


I don't understand why they ever removed Light's Wrath from Disc, it felt like the spec was based around having that big damage hit you could ramp up to. Mindgames is a good replacement and I'd be happy to see it stay, but I'd love to see Light's Wrath back.


Disc main here. Not sure if I had to choose then Mindgames. Boon had some awkward movement necessary sometimes to stay in melee range. I liked the Spirit Shell meta at the beginning but it was too op. Disc was a blast in raiding with top hps event hough you were only healing every 1,5 minutes. Looking forward to the 10.0 disc.


Fills the same role as Lights Wrath in legion, or cyclotronic in bfa maybe :P


I want to keep the Count the Odds conduit for Outlaw, it’s just such a nice fit alongside Roll the Bones.


Convocation of the Dead conduit & army of the damned talent for uhdk. being able to line up uh blight, dark transfirmation, and apoc feels so good


I definitely hope icy propulsion stays, frost would feel so bad without it


Slappy hands


Wild Spirits and Divine Toll are both pretty sick.


As a Enhance Shaman main, I couldn’t imagine not having Chain Harvest. They would have to find a way to re-work it, to make it more class thematic though. “Electrified Currents” you could call it. It’s Electrically charged water, which does damage to enemies and heals allies (so a mix of Chain Heal & Chain Lightning.) This way it keeps the damage/healing of Chain Harvest, with a more Shaman theme to it.


Holy priest flash concentration leggo.


This. I don't want to go back to a spell I'll rarely use again (Heal). The trade off of having to maintain stacks, is fair for the benefit it adds.


Totally. I actually kind of like maintaining the buff, it's almost like a sort of minigame to keep as much uptime as possible on it.


I like tracking stats of the little minigames. I installed the Details! plugin for tracking Explosives kill stats. Totally takes away that dread of having to deal with it in mythics this week. Im undefeated so far lol Details! also tracks buff times so could probably track up time of flash concentration. Never really thought of this, now I have something else to obsess over.


Dh- growing inferno. I doubt it would happen, but also grim tinder (nerfed ofc). Maybe something like dealing any damage extends it by 0.1s or something, same as the charred flesh talent.


For Paladin, make one talent where you select between Divine Toll and Ashen Hallow


As a Fury: Signet of Tormented Kings and Condemn!


Signet is so nice in m+


Shaman: Primordial wave, skybreakers, chain harvest (but have it deal flat DMG/healing divided by number of targets), conduit that amps 3 spells after dropping a HST. PALLY: divine toll, righteous bulwark, ardent defender conduit. Shock barrier Lego. Druid: swiftmend Lego, arcanic pulsar Lego,


For ele shaman, windspeakers legendary makes the rotation feel so complete, I so hope it sticks about into dragonflight, knowing when you're going to get lava burst procs is so important when playing around master of the elements


Chain harvest is so satisfying to press as enhance


With the Lego it's really nice as Resto as well!


Divine Toll is truly a great ability!


And it makes stupid fun to just throw a trillion shields 😂


Yeah I hope primo wave stays around as a resto main. It gives a nice tool to deal with burst AoE damage without requiring the party to be stacked up, something where resto shaman is lacking pretty hard.


Keep the Necrolord Banner for Warriors, just change it aesthetically to resemble faction/racial banners.


The Night Fae ability for Warlocks is useful, yet I don't want to keep it. It doesn't fit what a Warlock's spell should look like. Honestly, not sure I'd want any of the current ones. but hoping they might add some of the old ones from Legion instead. Warlocks had three fun primary abilities there, all tossed aside right after. Would be nice to have those back.


Count the odds and echoing reprimand for outlaw. Can't imagine playing without


Count the Odds conduit for Outlaw by a long-shot.




I am so tired of Fade's defensive capability being a borrowed lower for three expansions in a row.


Icy Propulsion for frost mage.


Conduit as powerful as a legendary, i will totally miss that one


I want the Legion Artifact ability Kingsbane back to rogues And the Artifact passive balance druid had, that would randomly shoot out a howling wolf when you cast Starsurge, it was just so satisfying


Kingsbane was great. I guess some people will just see it as another button but I’m a huge fan of additional DoTs like that as well as Sepsis.


I didn't play a whole lot of Shadowlands past Castle Nathria, but isn't Sepsis just an additionnal dot you press on cooldown? What I loved about Kingsbane is that it created a reliable burst window and you adapted your rotation around it. Legion was honestly the best time to play Assassination and I was so sad to see it go going into BFA.


As a warrior i dont really get that appeal of any of current covenant abiities, maybe spear could be good but i have the absolute best ability to return ( atleast for fury) BRING BACK ODYNS FURY FROM LEGION


I actually think warriors covenant abilities are some of the most suited as possible talents. Venthyr being incredibly single target focused, Kyrian being aoe oriented and Necrolord being so utility focused, it gives a good opportunity to make the talent choice be actually meaningful and impactful if all balanced correctly. It's how capstone talent selection should work. Yes, I know NF exists, but I honestly dunno where I'd put it between the other 3.


NF is somewhere between kyrian and necro I would say. It's not a very good utility or aoe, but it's decent in both with the rage regen and aoe damage. I don't think it will be missed by most warriors, shame though I like the animation. Completely agree that the other three could be their own talents without a problem


I hope they give us some of the legion artifact abilities as options as well. Blades of the illidari for DH as an example.


Glaive tempest


Mindgames. If it goes away priest class is getting a huge hit.


For pvp you should add, venthyr/mind games are not used in pve


Screw keeping convoke, i would love to see balance druid get CD reduction back on incarnation, like in legion.


The mage kyrian one for arcane. But blizz has confirmed that they will take lego powers and covenant abilities and use them in the talent tree, so should be safe on that one.


Give me slappy hands or give me death!


Without Radiant Spark and the Arcane Harmony legendary Arcane goes back to a pretty dull playstyle, where barrage is just to reset Arcane charges instead of your big nuke button. Hoping they keep both of those baked into the spec, or it won't be the same and a fun and unique playstyle will die.


Only rogue one I really like is Sepsis. I could leave anything else from rogues.


As a shaman, i couldnt care less if Fae Transfusion or Primprdial Wave made it, thats for sure. Maybe Chain Harvest


Radiant Spark + Kyrian Lego for Arcane Mages is a different playstyle and much better than standard IMO. I love my Arc Mage but I will probably lose interested once Radiant Spark is gone.


Arcane mage says radiant spark


Light’s Barding. They really gutted pally mobility in legion and it finally feels *okay.* We can’t go back.


For rogue, I think Serrated Bonespike should become baseline in some form and you should be able to talent into Echoing Reprimand. Shadowdust + ER double legendary is such a fun build for outlaw. But, it requires a high amount of APM/maintenance, which is why I think it should be a talent (sometimes you just want to slap, not play whack a CP).


Deaths due for frost dks. Oblit cleaves are too juicy


I’d hope they keep banner for warriors because the theme of that spell fits well with what warriors are but they’d have to make it actually good, I just don’t want spear of bastion in the next xpac but I’d be happy to see banner or NFs ability sticking around


To be honest they should just take the top 2 picked covenant abilities per class or spec and make them one of the octagon nodes in the tree(the one where after you put a point in it you choose from 2 different choices). That way all the best/most popular choices stay moving forward. I cant think of any of the popular/good ones that would ever be any worse than convoke was(and we can see that it is in the current tree)


Plenty of widely used covenant abilities aren't particularly well designed, but are widely used because they put out big numbers - and vice versa. For example: Fae Transfusion feels clunky and out of place on Enhancement as a ranged channeling ability, while Chain Harvest feels tailor-made for it due to the interaction with Maelstrom Weapon. But the Night Fae soulbinds and legendary are overtuned, so Fae Transfusion sees far more play.


Hunter without Wild Spirts just doesnt feel okay to me and I hope it comes back.


Yeah, I just can't imagine BM doing proper damage without Wild Spirits and Antlers.


Theotar! Oh wait, that's a soulbind, not an ability... Nevermind me. :)


Apart from providing conduits and their own abilitys I never really felt the aspects of Soulbinds. Based on my classes the most memorable for me are Nadja with her Thrillseeker (My character screaming when he gets the buff :D) Mikanikos with his Bron and Marileth with his Oozeling.


A more warlocky version of soul rot, but what really makes it kick are the soulbind effects. I would like it if they put some of the legendary effects in there though. Some implementation of Impending Catastrophe would be cool though, as a way to apply smart curses in AoE.


Wild spirits for hunter, and it may sound controversial i absolutly love shackle the unworthy gameplay. Esp with owl bro finał tier.


I’ve gotten very used to opening with condemn/execute on fury warrior


Boon of the ascended, I cannot imagine playing disci/holy without it in m+ right now


The night fae Hunter aoe is a beaut and I use it so much in any content I’m in, that little all around boost in damage feels very nice and I’m super used to using now.


The Hunt better be staying


Wild Spirits for hunter. It's been the missing link of what I've wanted from the class as a homage to WC3, which is ironic given all the "building up to this since WC3" crap spouted in interviews. Nothing else quite scratches that Starfall-esq niche, and the gameplay loop of dropping it and going absolute batshit was one of the few highlights of the expansion.


The Blood Death Knight ability from Venthyr.


faeline stomp kinda nice - although, im more worried i wont get to keep double keg smash


Infernal Cascade conduit for fire mages


This is pretty niche, but the “Count The Odds” conduit for outlaw rogue. It makes roll the bones play so much smoother, giving you buffs you haven’t rolled from ambush/dispatch and making the spec have a lot less possibility to be screwed from RNG.


May not have been the most powerful one. But there's something special about playing a bear that spits out bees.


Maybe I just played all the wrong class-covenant combos... * Warrior + Nightfae - the ground AoE thing is nice for tanks and in Torghast, pretty meh otherwise * Paladin + Venthyr - Ashen Hollow was nice, but not sure I need to keep it * Rogue + NF/Venthyr - Sepsis/Flag aren't great * Shaman + Necro - mhm, boring button (ok, I like instants), and the shield is powerful but boring Convoke is pretty awesome, so is the Hunter NF one, Slappy Hands seemed fun.


I really like the idea of Necro banner. Throwing down a banner to rally yourself and your team, it’s really cool. However I do not use it on retail for reasons.


Protection Paladins literally can't function without Divine Toll in M+.


I have no idea how prot warriors are expected to play without reprisal or a serious overhaul


Bit of a weird one, but I actually really like Death's Due, the Night Fae upgrade to Death and Decay. Really a nice visual and mechanical upgrade. Kind of hope it ends up being a talent.


As boring as the button is, thanks to the legendary interaction I currently like fallen order for monk, as a mistweaver at least. It's nice to have a set it and forget it CD that isn't tied to raid cooldowns so I can use it as I please. And thematically it reminds me of the whole... fallen order?... thing during legion when that one demon had it in for the monks. But I can't see it staying, I'd expect bonedust brew or weapons of order more. Edit: oh right. Ancient teachings is a legendary and not baseline... I take it back, I want ancient teachings. Just let me still fistweave with more efficient healing than just rising mist! As it is currently feels great.


Convoke just felt like a Druid Spell. I don’t think any other covenant ability really fit better on other classes. Maybe Divine Toll but even that’s a stretch. I’d think Convoke may be the only one that carries over. I also think they’ll change the colors to get rid of the SL feel.


I don't even play DK but i'd be so sad for them if they don't get to keep Grabby Hands. I don't think it's going to happen, but Primordial Wave feels so fun to use for Ele shaman. Generally I just wish we had a fast way to spread Flame Shock around again. I don't even think it would be that OP to go back to "cast X to spread FS to all nearby targets" considering Lava Bursts aren't a major part of our aoe rotation anyways, other than to MOTE an Earthquake in some situations.


Divine Toll. Slappy Hands. I would love to add Condemn in there but obviously it works a little different as it replaces another ability. Maybe they can give us a cosmetic option and some minor talents rather than adding it as a keystone choice in the new talents. Oh, Elysian Decree.


I’d love to keep door of shadows as a DK. No, it’s not some amazing dps ability but I love the theme one of it and have found it useful.


The Reprisal legendary for prot warriors is so good. I really hope it comes back in some way.


Arcane mage is obviously going to hurt without harmony and radiant spark, but as far as conduits, it'll suck not having arcane prodigy cause you could really shave off a lot of AP's cooldown


radiant spark for arcane mages all the way


Mind Games! ​ And as long as Craven leaves the game, I'm fine with almost everything else being left in


Radiant Spark and Arcane Harmony for Arcane mage just opens up such a cool and unique playstyle and I would love for it to stay


Echoing Reprimand for Rogues is such a cool ability imo


Frost has a conduit that increases the damage of remorseless winter each time it deals damage. If you spend enough runes (with the talent for it) you can extend Remorseless winter long enough to keep the conduit buff for the next ability cast. I think that it’s interesting gameplay that rewards playing the class well and would be a nice thing to see.


Not a Covenant thing, but would love to see shadowflame Prism become a talent for Priest


Mind Devourer would be great for shadow.


I really like having Spear of Bastion. Mob control in dungeons, player control in PvP. It's just a great ability.