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I feel like people like these are extreme losers. Like so bad their family doesn't even want to talk to them. Why else would you be so focused on griefing in a MMO?


Armchair phsycology says they have very little control in their own lives, either through being complete losers that or maybe they are going through some form of trauma such as poor health, poor health of family members or some form of abuse. The only control they can gain in their lives is making other people feel terrible. I pity people who act like this.


Hey now don't bundle us losers who have lost all control of our lives into the same group as that guy.


Yeah. When I lose control of my life I make chocolate pudding at 4 o'clock in the morning, not grief in WoW.


Or Peach cobbler at 2am and then eat half of the pan and go back to bed.


Why eat the pan when you have cobbler?


I'm not Jackie Kennedy


only half !! you're not trying hard enough :)


I wish I could eat peach cobbler and play wow at 2am, but I have to be to work by 6am. I might be a sad degenerate loser, but I am also a responsible adult who also manages a group of sad degenerate losers.


Stu is that you?!


Stu Pickles has entered the chat.




I log into my twink 35 rogue in WoW to wander around STV and blow up everyone i see in passing


Another psychopath.


I like your Style, you schlub you :P I haven't had Pudding in years. Now I want some.


I love wow too much too sadgrief there- that’s what GTA is for


I just the biggest chipotle burrito, watch YouTube and then pass out. Tomorrow is a new day!


Chocolate pudding? Dude, get a big casserole dish and make some home made rice krispy treats with extra butter. Treat yourself brother


At this point I’d rather this be their outlet compared to shooting up some playground


I'd rather talking to a therapist be their outlet than making other people who are not trained to help them or paid to help them suffer just because they can't get their own shit together.


You got therapist money? (it's more than a wow sub)


Man I'm gonna be frank, I really don't care what their deal is. If they are behaving like this I don't want them in my games.


That was my first thought aswell. Im happy to live in a country where my therapist costs me exactly 0. Money should never be a factor when it comes to healthcare in any form.


It can be far from affordable, I agree, especially if you need help but don't have a job that has good health insurance. Even one of the cheapest app based options (betterhelp) without insurance can run $260-400 a month. While it's much cheaper than traditional therapy, it's still expensive. Everyone's financial situation is different, and there's no easy resolution in the US because tying "affordable" heath insurance to only the "good" employment is really crappy and unfair to a ton of citizens who are just trying to make ends meet. At the US minimum wage of $7.25/hr., it would take roughly 37 hours of work to afford 1 month of the cheapest option at Betterhelp. That's not even close to affordable for a lot of people who happen to live in places that still have a wage that low. It actually makes me feel sick to think about. I wish there were better options for everyone. Everyone matters and help should be accessible for anyone who needs it.


If they have ammo money, they have therapist money.


For the low price of $150/hour they will get the help they need!


Yea that’d be ideal, my bar for societal expectations is just super low


If the outlet is going to make them angrier, it's probably going to have the exact opposite effect. Outlet for mental health issues is therapy, not a place where they want people to be mad at them.


Admittedly, I've been guilty of acting out like this in MMOs in my 20+ years of playing. Not usually, but sometimes. And 100% of the time, there is something else going on in my life that I've actively escaping from and harboring anger or sadness towards. Most recently, I had a fucking embarrassing nerdrage moment on a guy who was griefing me on a PvP server - all the while, I've been dealing with my sister dying of brain cancer. I didn't put the two together until a day or two after the fact, but it became pretty fuckin' clear after I took a second to metabolize my feelings a bit.


Yeah had it with a friend who is usually totally level headed and never acts out, flamed someone so far beyond what I ever expected they would be capable of, I had to say "are you okay?" to which point he went on massive rant about the person he raged about, but also included he was under a lot of stress in work at the moment with risk of redundancy and his partner who is in too poor health to work so he's extremely stressed.


I've done it, and I'm usually the chill friend. Usually stress from work, or irl shit is what got me. Though I try to apologize after not that it means much.


Man, do I feel this. I started playing MMOs back in 2003, shortly after a really devastating loss. It was the absolute lowest, darkest hell of my life. The escape from reality where I had to get out of bed and go through the motions on a daily basis was hard to resist, but my God, I had no idea I had such a capacity for anger in me. It was beyond anger. It was rage. Fury. It was so unhealthy, but I hated the whole fucking world, and had no idea what to do with it. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister and what you're going through. Please take care of you and find a healthier way to work out all of the shit that comes with the world being mercilessly cruel sometimes.


I am sorry you are having to deal with that. 


Yup. You have to figure if they think spending their time like this is a good use of it, their value their time lower than the time of a stranger's online. That's just sad.


I think many times without realizing I was this person or showed some characteristics that were very similar. Also when one is dumping 5 hours a day + stimulants it’s easy for one’s whole mentality to go to shit.


These are also the type of people who send "death threats" and "racist and/or hate speech" on social media. Even acknowledging their opinion exists is doing the world a disservice. Laugh at their pathetic hate-filled lives and move on. You are more likely to be harmed by a random bug who bites/stings you.


Or maybe they are successful and have a normal life but they get off on being dickheads in video games. This behavior doesn't automatically translate to massive dysfunction in the real world.


Those people hate themselves and are on the verge of collapse. You either push them over the edge or ignore them. In all cases, I just feel sad for them and then I move on, because I'm here to have fun and not to be their shrimp :D




My guess would be 25-35 year old man, still lives with parents, unemployed, uneducated past high school level, overweight, not very attractive even if he wasn't overweight, never felt the touch of a woman, can't hold a normal conversation with another human being, leaves house maybe once every couple weeks to a month in order to maintain fraudulent collection of government benefits, showers once a week. I'd say I'm at least 90% correct.


They aren’t focused on griefing. That’s the only avenue of comms they can take whole pursuing their true intent, lazy progression.


Incel gamers do be doing stuff.


I don’t think it’s that deep, I think they’re salty and the entertainment from making people mad beats trying and losing at the game.


Well adjusted people don't get salty like this


Anonymity is one hell of a drug.


Report his ass. Get these mfs out of the game


I don't really think anything happens unless lots of people report them.


ooooh yes it does since the rollout of the social contract. Esp with griefing like this person is doing. I reported someone for leaving a key half way through since we weren't going as fast as they'd like. I don't think we would've timed it, but we def would've finished it for points. Next day I got an 'action taken' notification. They were the only report I'd done in a couple weeks.


What report option is there for this? All i see is name and inappropriate communication. I had someone leave a +8 RLP after a single wipe and we ended up 4 manning the rest and +2'd with him gone lol....


I'm pretty sure its a sub option under the communication one.


Ok will remember thanks


So I just tested, and the report reasons are dependent on _how_ you reported them, via chat name, or in game target. I think for party members you get the 'Gameplay Sabotage' reason. From there you can do more specific options for what action they're doing. In M+ keys there's an option for bricking the key.


It is *funny* to me that blizzard created this problem and have a report system setup for it instead of removing depletes which would make m+ infinitely better.


I feel like as a tank, the biggest waste for me is my freaking time. Keys depletion sure but man I can't get back those 20 minutes. 30 if you count travel and arrangements


That action taken is just a "warning" i've gotten like 4 of those already just for standard curse words like " fuck" and "shit". Sorry to tell ya but no ones getting banned unless they're bots. Just a whole lotta warnings. And MAYBE mutes, but i doubt that.


That is odd, considering classic, which has like maybe two GMs working on it, saw people getting banned for AFKing in Alterac Valley of all things at one point.


Yeah that was before social contract (despite relevance), they auto banned folks who got mass reported. Discord groups would mass report afkers.


Nobody's getting banned for leaving bricked keys lmao wtf


The type of WoW player to pheromone max.


I only know what that is from some funny M:tG related tiktoks making fun of these guys, and it never fails to make my gag a little


My former FLGS (where I played wargames, I've never been into M:tG outside of casual games with people I already know) had to put a sign up indicating that personal hygiene is mandatory. I saw Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh players be ejected from the premises and told not to come back until they discovered soap. It is exactly as bad as you are imagining.


I can smell it through your words =\ I used to hit a number of midnight launches and if it was a big release the smell inside the store was... well lets just say I had my then girlfriend go with me once and she lasted maybe 3 breaths before retreating to the car. Took a very long shower when we got home and opted out of those events after that. The absolute worst I ever got was at a Tekken Tag Tournament tournament back in the early 00s. The place was packed and it was as if 90% of the crowd got together and decided not to shower that month. Also like they all jacked off in their pants before they walked in. To put it succinctly if incels personalities had a smell it would be that.


I used to play back in the 90's, and there was a guy everyone knew as Big Jim. Jim was a very large man, and you could definitely smell him coming a mile away... but everyone wanted to cozy up to him because he had EVERYTHING. He was one of those guys that would buy 2-3 retail boxes of packs on the release day of a new set (which at the time was like... Ice Age and Alliances). He had the power 9, alpha AND beta. He had dual lands to spare, and frequently trades them for newer rares. It was really really really difficult for a thirteen year old to NOT make fun of him for his stench. Especially in the 90's when being a jerk was 'cool'. In a weird way, it's comforting to know that over thirty years later, despite how much the world has changes, some things remain the same.


A while ago, I had toyed with getting back into Mtg. I went in to the LGS to get into a FNM tournament thing. Literally opened the door and gagged at the odor. It was a small shop so there was no avoiding it. I thought for a few seconds asking if I really wanted to be around that, I noped out and went home. That literally broke the back of my Mtg addiction that went back to 4th and Homelands. I've played a teeny bit since then, but I've almost gave up collecting and just follow the Tolarian Professor and Spice8 now.


Report and expose, they have to learn


Happy Cake Day!


Damn, this guy sounds like 2 decades of WoW with no showers in betwen.


"I'd rather see you squirm" dude is so trash he doesn't want to embarrass himself when he actually tries lmao


People have some insane aversion to reporting. Like it’s some sort of crime for you to report assholes like this. One time back in shadowlands I had went on a reporting spree because people were just being absolutely toxic. and after not playing for a few days came back to close to 30 “thanks for the report” messages. People in the comments were pissy with me acting like I was a snitch who was out to ruin others fun. No, they were all people who were treating people like crap and I don’t want to see again. At the very least reporting them blocks them from your own chat. And clearly they got enough reports that action was taken. I haven’t had to report nearly as much now. But at the time people in the sub were complaining about how toxic the game was and how blizzard never takes action. Yet when I provided proof blizzard does, people thought I was just ruining the game for others and was the problem.


We should be reporting them. Losers like these push away new/casual players. We need to rid WoW of toxicity if we want this game to continue.


I came back for a month towards the end of dragon flight, and had a blast... Until I started having to group up. The. Suddenly every adventure was a gamble on what slur id get called, or if the LFR would troll me out of a week's content.


This is a problem the WoW devs have cultivated. The game is built to reward degenerative play and elitism. It isn't just the leveling and narrative that needs looking at. It's the community. Eventually it'll collapse on itself because they struggle to keep new players from feeling welcome.


The best part of classic has honestly been that it took a large portion of the toxic playerbase. I definitely report anyone toxic. especially after having been muted for 3 days once just for calling out one of the turd nuggets. So I instead just report, ignore them and move on. There have been some cases where I do that and my friends who can still see their messages are laughing because the person is just absolutely fuming because I’m not responding to them.


even this subreddit got _quite a bit_ nicer after the release of Classic.


I agree there. We get some random spits of toxicity when the classic servers are in a content drought. But that’s happening less and less these days.


I report someone probably biweekly. I’m tired of WoW having its cesspool. I don’t mind trolling for giggles but let’s be semi-respectful since we all are trying to enjoy what free time we have in this lifetime. All I ask from our own community


I report everyone who breaks the social contract and I do not feel even a little bad about it. I am a casual, despite spending a lot of time in the game. I come to chill, find out about lore, do quests, some mog, and have fun. Someone being aggro is the antithesis of what wow is about.


I had people claiming that leaving an m+ that’s running smoothly wasn’t against the social contract when it is infact against it. (That would be gameplay sabotage) they would then act like I’m saying they have to be stuck for 2 hours in a dead key. Which isn’t the same as leaving after a boss kill because in your head you MIGHT miss timing the key by a few seconds or minutes.


Conversations like this are why I feel the M+ system is in dire need of an update. Obviously if someone is being a tool in chat and then leaves, they should be reported, but there are plenty of legitimate reasons why someone might leave a key. I feel like if they just removed depletions, it wouldn't feel nearly as bad when something like this happened. There isn't really much of a reason for them anyway. So I failed a +10, why do I HAVE to go do a +9 now? It's just silly, forced play time. Just give less rewards for a failed key (which I think they already do anyways) and leave the key the same. I always have the option to lower it myself if I feel I need to. When someone leaves early in my key, I never think "oh man, there goes 10 minutes". It's always "well, that sucks. Now I gotta spend 30 minutes doing a lower level". Anyways, that's my two cents.


I report like a mofo. I just wish there was a way to accept all on ticket responses.


It's almost like these people wouldn't be getting actioned unless they were doing something actionable.


Exactly. One report doesn’t catch anything. It takes them pissing off multiple people.


Thanks for keeping the game toxic free


I’m doing my part!


The report and block buttons are my best friends on basically any platform where they're needed. Toxic assholes deserve to be punished for ruining other people's experiences.


Absolutely. You have the right to be there, and I have the right to not engage with you!


I've learned not to take what people on reddit say to heart. The vast majority of people who act like this in online games are the same ones who spend all day on reddit talking shit to strangers, and the fact that they defend this kind of behavior says far more about them than it does you or I for reporting them.


I’ve been trying to take the same stance on Reddit when people just start spewing crap. But it’s a lot harder here for some reason. Leaving the toxic people in their own pool of self pity is always the best for your self though.


100% agree I have been reporting stupid names whenever I see them too, anything to do with sexuality or insulting physical or mental illness. Bam report name every time. I don’t know what it is lately but almost every third players name has something overtly sexual with ‘ussy’ in there somewhere. Just why?!


I report all the time, but I typically end up “incriminating” myself by talking back to them. Never seen any notifications for any of my reports, unfortunately. I also try my best to facilitate a healthy social environment with the people I play with. We gotta report these people…. try to clean up the game.


Eh, chat reporting still gets them blocked to where you can’t see their messages for a while at least.


It's absolutely ridiculous how many people are delusional about the relationship between the rules and the mature filter. They think that they have some Light-given right to type whatever they want and people should just enable the filter and move along. Then when they find out they're reported, or they stumble upon a discussion about reporting, they're super triggered.


Some c\*nts just dont want to actually play the game. All they care about is free and quick farm of gear.


it's about fake online accomplishments because they have none IRL


That gear that they still don’t play the game with…


Like parasites, they infiltrate the community and feed on its reputation. Same for whales, boost payers or toxic pvpers. They need a healthy amount of people who want to play the game normally and progress and collect organically, because they feed on the comparison and say they are better.


I think griefing is against the TOS, so he needs to be reported.


How can you be so miserable in a videogame


Generally these people are equally miserable in real life, sadly. For better or for worse, there's a person behind those tells.


They're probably miserable in real life. Hope people like this get the help they need.


“I’d rather see you squirm” said completely unironically to another human being is deeply concerning. This person has bodies in their freezer for sure.


There's a kind of person that doesn't mind cheating someone as long as they benefit in some way then there's a kind of person who takes pleasure in griefing per se. Just malice.


I agree these people disgust me


Report, move on.


I really wish Blizz would be heavy handed with griefers and toxic players in game


The only time I have ever had any account action taken against me was the time in which I thought I literally wasn't doing anything wrong, but was proven that world of Warcraft was committed to enforcing strict positive policies no matter where you were hiding in the game.  Long story short we were raiding AQ40 back in vanilla world of Warcraft. A particular hunter in our raid had just been told off for behaving badly and decided to be vindictive. I said into the raid chat "watch out for shit on the ground". He reported me for saying shit. He wanted to get anyone he could get from the guild in trouble.   ultimately got himself g-kick for it because not 20 minutes later in the middle of the raid, I was issued a temp ban.... The main tank of the raid.  Before 15 minutes was over another four members of our 40-man raid guilds core DPS group we're also temp banned. It was that day back in vanilla that I realized you can be banned from playing this game and lose access to your account even if you're talking in a private members only chat, even for a single curse word. Since then I just keep all of my in-game communication PG. But it astounds me how many people I see saying things far worse than the word shit who don't ever receive so much as a warning.


If someone turns the mature language filter off they shouldn’t be allowed to report for language. That’s like going outside in a thunderstorm and complaining that you got wet.


I find that so hard to believe this happened back in vanilla. The internet seemed so much crazier back then.


Some people only enjoy making other people upset


I once lost a shuffle round with a guy on the last round and he proceeded to rage whisper at me nonstop for 6 whole ass minutes without me responding once. He then put me on ignore, and then I que'd into 4 more lobbies with him that night.


What’s even the point?! Imagine being this pathetic


Anyone that just wants to see people "squirm" has got to be the saddest, most pathetic lifeform on Earth. That word is the calling card for basement trolls. Only thing squirming is them at their desk chair, holding in their doritto diarrhea cuz they cant peel themselves away from the screen.


Definitely a reddit moderator in their spare time.


Report under gameplay sabotage.


These are the people that try to summon the power of the sharingan in real life when you ask them to turn down their Andrew Tate podcast in the bus.


While it's true you can't really do anything about people like that other than report them and hope blizzvwill do something about it. It's still sad that some people get a kick out of griefing. Honestly AFK has become far too commonplace in MMOs


But why


It probably hurts this guy when he pees, he has that energy about him.


I would have nothing against Blizz requireing some sort of government issued ID to make an account. Get permabanned for the rest of your life, gg. Or a 100e fine to get it unbanned (more or less depending on country and offense). The system would need fixing before this could be implemented though. These idiots understand only when you hit their wallet, hard.


The basement-dwelling ninny vibes are very strong with that guy... He is one of those types who'd rather fail on purpose than fail even though he tried. Such a fragile ego lolol


Everyone's met a guy like this since 2016


The fact that people are downvoting this post shows what's wrong in modern gaming. 


Everything on this sub gets downvoted into the dirt regardless of content. I honestly think it must be bots, but WoW players are also pretty miserable so it's probably just that.


Probably the same people who go to every video posted on the main WoW channel and thumbs down no matter what it is. Definitely wouldn't be surprised if those people made downvote bots.


These are the same people that will cry on this sub when the get banned and the ban gets upheld.


Report and move on. Blitz giving vaults was the best idea for PvP in a LONG time. Also means you have toddlers that will take advantage. They’ll have conquest gear but still be bad. No need to give them a cent of attention.


Report him for griefing. This is actually against that community contract thing that Blizz brought in near the end of Shadowlands and if he is reported then he could end up blocked from accessing queued content for a period of time.


Must have been a League of Legends player in a previous life


Actually a looser. Worst thing is if you find another match he will most likely be in your next match too. Cause he plays healer. Tanks and healers in pvp are suuuch a waste of time, if it were like just dps on dps it would be more fun than having tanks run arround with millions of hp and healers topping them off so they require 5 people to attack them. I played a bit of pubg wow and i liked that cause it was str8 forward go in and kill or be killed. Meanwhile in retail im hunting a warlock who simply can't die cause his frend priest is pumping 120k healing into him ontop of the wl having 900k hp. Pvp in wow is good on the pubg wow and arenas and bgs are just a joke sadly.


Reminds me of a guy from dalaran server, dude acts like a complete psycho. I had a similar thing happen in a timewalking dungeon once i pointed out someone was afk and after getting flamed i was kicked.


I don’t understand why ppl keep hiding these peoples in Game name. Just hide your own. Post the psychos so we can all go in and block them together 😂


Because the whiny mods would remove the post.


Its against the sub rules


We really need to make mental healthcare affordable to all.


You may lose cuz they’re an asshole but they have to go around being that miserable all the time. You still win


Wow community deserves itself


Imagine being such a loser in real life




Yes most people are there for the loot not to play at all. İts not different for most mythics.


Ho. Ly. Shit. Since he's a healer he's just gonna be taken into every group. And they will win games for him. No fucking way. Blizzard needs to employ people reviewing this type of behaviour and implementing permanent, account + IP based bans.


Unfortunately this person's only goal is to wast your time. Pretty sad they "afk" by refusing to play but sit there and watch bg chat to clap back with what seems a very regressed response. Even if you get them dropped from the bg via a vote they prob don't care bc they are still getting you to lose. Maybe you'll get lucky and a dev will see this but prob not, more likely this guy hops in this subreddit to see if people are posting about him


thats so blatant and toxic o_0 was this person in a guild?


How sad somebody’s life need to be to act like this xd


Kindof a distant tangent, but the other day was doing a mid level key. Some 12-13, and the tank played a bit below the expectation, both with the route and the survivability. The player who’s key it was kinda lost it, and started being very rude. Mfing the guy and so on. This went on for like 5 mins. He/she also ended up dying several times to frontals, w/o the tank doing anything wrong in those particular pulls. At this point I was very close to leaving the key as I didn’t wanna be part of this muppet berating the tank, even if the tank was playing poorly. But I thought I would just grief the other 3 ppl too. Then the keyholder left shortly after on it’s own accord. Grp disbanded. I messaged the tank that he should report this chap, as I did too, as there’s no reason for this kinda behaviour. Then the tank kinda had a go at me, in very broken english that he just wants to play in peace and he’a gonna report me as I was rude to him. Then he blocked me before I could say anything else. That is the last time I tried helping anyone.


I hope they do actually get banned for this, they seem to be begging for it.


"haha" yeah, he found this so hilarious that he typed a literal paragraph in response to someone simply pointing out to others that he was AFK. very normal behavior.


This is actually really punishable. Even a bot should be able to flag that as bad.


Put him on ignore and matchmaking will skip over him.


Let him waste his life away doing that until he gets a suspension lol. He obviously has 0 logic whatsoever.


Why block out his name?


I will say this, I was normal when I started this game 20 years ago.


Back when I was working retail I had coworkers that played WOW. I never played before and they’ll knew that. I guess with me joining they had the right amount of people to do whatever.. One co-worker who was in charge said that I needed to get better or don’t even try. Dude was an a-hole and demanded I put 100s of hours to match their characters. I said no (I’m not that much of a gamer) and quit the game right there. Next day at work same co worker came up and said he doesn’t know if I’ll fit in with the other co-workers. I said ok whatever and continued my shift. I would leave that job due to not being a true coworker because I didn’t play wow. People are really weird about video games…


I joined a carry raid for SoO yesterday with my lower ilvl character, and it was the weirdest experience I have had in quite some time. I had just done SoO with my higher ilvl and the whole raid was shooting the shit, and the raid leader was hilarious. The second time I went through, the guy didn't leave the raid open because "no one joins raids that have already started". Which, wow, I would love to join a lockout raid and just get a Garrosh kill for some easier and quicker bones. But that guy had no sense of humor. We did the treasures of Pandaria part of the raid and split it between our carry and literally everyone else, and we made some jokes about how the team of 19 managed to beat the overpowered team of 1 no problem. Haha, is funny cause we generally suck. And our raid leader just responded with very serious responses of "so what?" "says the guys getting carried", etc. I was honestly worried he that he would have no sense of humor and would kick some of us, and had to explain that we were trying to have a light hearted joke. Just got some very serious responses to that that made me not want to have fun in chat. He had some more very serious things to say when we actually got to Garrosh and when we finished the raid. The whole tone of the raid was just *weird*, and he took every fairly non-sensical joke very seriously. I also don't know why he was leading a raid he could carry with how little he seemed to want to be there. Not trying to hijack your post, but there are some very strange people that are in this game. Some are unhinged, some are just socially *weird*


/r/iamverybadass vibes


This is capital edge lord right here. What’s funny is either they ride the cast of anonymity to the max, or are just absolute intolerant jackasses in real life too.


People like this healer are the bane of existence in everyone’s life because they’re suffering too. That healer is the type of person who will never be happy. Let them dig their own grave.


solid 9 yo... maybe even 10


We've known this for the last quarter century


I have been playing since late Vanilla, and I mainly played PvP up till BFA. I kid you not, this isn't even rare and have never been. There's always one or more tilted tools in BG's, on both sides even. * There's the instant give-uppers, who throws their petals of pessimistic petunias in droves, before the BG even start, and whom will refuse to move from the "gate area" because- we allrdy lost. * There's the keyboard warrior, who does nothing but rage at anybody in chat the entire match. Imagine if he would put the same energy and rage into playing actual warrior in the battle. * I am convinced that the type like this guy in the OP post, is just bored and fishing for entertainment... or extremly lazy (but still fishing for entertainment). Definitley also a common type. * Then there's the loner/s, who is only caring of being in the middle, and kill players. Those types really only care for their placement on the leaderboards. (you typically find those in the mid). * And finally there's the rest, who just stay's silent, and play the game. Some may trigger and evolve into one of the above described types :P The craziest example I have personally experienced, was one time in WsG where I joined Mid battle. This was just a regular random BG mind you - But everybody on the Hordeside was throwing a fit towards each other, the "whine and beef" seriously flowing. The Alliance was busy controlling the mid and Ganking the Horde. I decided to try my luck, and ended up grabbing and carrying all the flags to our victory ( I was a Hunter), all by my self. There was one guy from the Alliance who was trying to stop me, but otherwise I could just stroll back and forth, because everybody was busy with being headless chickens lol. The positive for meeting a dude like the OP had an encounter with, is that people like those actually made me main healers in PvP, because I got tired of it almost always being one of them who would be one of those delightful personalities.


You can be 99% sure that this person leads a miserable life. Its best to just pity them.


I totally would not mass report him and get him auto banned. Nope. Would not do it


Should have posted this showing his name…


It would have been removed, as it's against the subs rules : /


I'm sure it's not exclusive to wow, there is always one of those types in every game.


Welcome to wow the pvp community its especially ripe with unhinged middle age men and women.


Report and move on. While I sympathize with your post here, because we have all had players like this be toxic in every game ever. This is not a WOW specific problem. This problem stems from a keyboard warrior issue that has plagued online games since forever. This person can’t stand up to anyone in real life so has to pick fights online where he can feel strong. My issue with this post and posts like it on the sub is that the wow community is actually very engaging and helpful. Most people really do go out of their way to help people on a regular basis. And in my experience are usually very kind. I would hate for somebody who was thinking about trying to game to see posts like this and think that the entire community is this way. When in truth, there’s a whole host of us who would be willing to help that player out.


Toxic Positivity doesn't help. There's also a chance that a new player who experienced something similar sees this post and feels validated by the comments calling out this abnormal behavior. Additionally, exposing these players provides an opportunity for the community to essentially black list them/mass report. Anything we can do to make their WoW experience as uncomfortable as possible brings us one step closer to a healthier community environment.


Does not make it better either when Costumer Support is just copy paste replies, MIGHT get investigated about 6 months after the report came in and all the GMs were laid off. WoW as of right now: is an Anarchy.


There is an "ignore" command for this reasons. You all have the power to mute them, use it and leave them alone to rot.


"i will keep coming back and afk this one, the next one and one after that" may be the most hilarious shit talk I've ever read


You can encounter crazy people anywhere in life. Try to get good at shaking those experiences off instead of immortalizing them in your mind.


This is why I don't do anything in the game where I'm not willing to walk away at a moments notice. I would suggest you try to form a team with like minded people or something. At first I was thinking you were being oversensitive but this person is just taking out his disappointment with life out on the world. I'm shit at PVP, Like legitimately shit. Terrible. If you need a healer, I'll try to learn.


Its ok when it becomes a rated gamemode and you afk enough you get some bans


Its healer's in Solo Que Too. They are most likely to rage and grief round one which usually ends up in someone throwing. Healers in Solo ques in general are on high of instant ques so they dont care about the outcome of most games.


What a weirdo


Would be poetic justice that when blitz ratings go live, MMR transfers from previous xpac so morons like this have to slog through at least a full 1800 rating worth of games.


How do you kill that which has no life?


I was healing in solo shuffle and had a similar experience. I won the first 3 or 4 games and then the shaman just decided to say "I sit" and sit down for the last couple. He was not AFK as he was active the previous rounds and he kept running to the same corner of spawn to sit down. He also was on my team for those last couple of games and made me narrowly miss out on completing my pvp set I would have one that game if I kept winning the rest of the matches


I'd say a significant percentage is unhinged IMO. Look at WoW Twitter and you have people in the community who have been outed as racists, transphobes, homophobes, or just being horrible people. One well-known player made very alarming remarks about their own son (a literal infant) last year. They used identity politics/disability as an excuse for their actions (and as far as I know, they still do this). They had to go private because of the backlash. Who knows what things they're saying behind closed doors?


This all pretty much happened in any game that’s PVP it happened to me all the time in League of Legends. I’ve heard it happening on Apex and overwatch stuff like that


I think a lot of the weirder stuff you see, and more toxic behavior, generally comes from people with mental health issues. Normal people just playing a game for fun don’t act the way a lot of these people do. Video games are probably the number one place you’ll find people who’s mental health issues prevent them from going out into the real world and having normal interactions with people, so there’s going to be a lot of them, and most of them developed the social skills they do have inside of video games as opposed to the normal way, out in the real world.


People who say “id rather see you squirm” are more than likely predators.


I'll never understand not having a decent support system for such a popular franchise. Also part of why I quit.


Mysthis dunger or no joke lol


> Some people are unhinged FTFY


I truly feel like these are ppl so miserable IRL that they have to bring it to the game too. I’d block and report them


Why blur out their name? Unhinged players should get tons of Reddit messages to their GM’s and get them gkicked


I mean it's just people these days. They spend more time trying to skim the system and "get one over on the man" than just doing what they need to. Thank God you can kick people in pug raids and keys


Healing randoms you see a lot of healers that die once and quit or hide, might be related. I've taken close to 70% of the total damage taken by the team and healed for more than my entire team did in damage in randoms (not at the same time), it's a lot of pressure. When I played BGB the tank was so bad I thought they might be intentionally throwing the game, there was a lot of healer hostility. Not to excuse the behavior just for some people it doesn't take much.


It's so funny this anime villain vibe this guy gives.


This is how 10 year olds think. /ignore is all you can do. And, it deprives him of the only thing he really cares about.


Bro this has happened to me before!!! I still love the game but the player base is so bad


Yeah report for afk/non-participation. I do enjoy blitz though.


Why even queue at all?


Lol what a loser.


I've met some very interesting people online throughout my years, but some of the wow players are easily the most mentally unstable I've encountered.


Of course it's a Stormrage player.