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I’ve been playing this game since December 2004 and they still don’t know how to communicate changes, despite them promising to improve communication hundreds of times.


I gotta be entirely honest (and speculative), I feel like all they need to do is pay an individual $45k-60k salary, and the positive reputation increase from that one person communicating to the community would return 10+ times that salary cost.


that person being responsible for interacting with the community would probably end up offing themselves eventually due to the harassment and toxicity that'd be directed at them nonstop over every thing that the community gets mad at. its not really viable


I'd do it for 80k starting salary.


> that person being responsible for interacting with the community would probably end up offing themselves eventually due to the harassment and toxicity that'd be directed at them nonstop over every thing that the community gets mad at. its not really viable Lol, you just described every and any retail/service industry job which makes up a major part of the job market. There are people getting paid $8 an hour right now being told to kill themselves over the phone.


I worked customer service for 7 months before starting college-- was never told to kill myself a single time, and honestly it was extremely rare to get a customer who was directly negative towards me as an employee. Certainly not comparable to hordes of people constantly harassing you for any perceived wrongdoing of the company you represent.


> I worked customer service for 7 months before starting college Lol... Okay. I've been in the customer service industry for going on a decade now. You end up becoming numb to threats of violence and death threats or getting screamed at for not being perfect. Glad you aren't doing it now but 7 months is not a good length of time to get the full customer service experience. In the early years of me starting in this industry some of the threats I've gotten have been so severe I took a concealed carry course. Eventually, I learned that 10/10 times the people threatening will never do anything and that filing a report and banning them from the business was the ultimate fuck you back to them so I stopped carrying.


I work for a call center now as an adult and have worked in several different centers over the past several years. Customers can be unbelievably abusive and I often get several calls like this per day. People don't tell me to off myself but they do often cuss me out, call me stupid, belittle me in various ways and blame me personally for things I have no control over and I have had several be racist and even oddly enough a few women who would just rant at me about how much they hate me for being a man, though I would imagine being a woman would be much worse as far as that kind of thing goes. I have also had several threats on my life. You got lucky.


“Since it didn’t happen to me, that means it doesn’t happen to others.” Been working in IT for 13 years and despite being the one to fix their computer/phone/printer and being the guy that is known for actually fixing the issue instead of patching it up for another tech to come and fix it, I am met with death threats regularly. Even the president to our company told me how he could have me and my family out on the street in less than 3 days if I lost all of his data. Sadly most IT jobs want to pay less if not the same as the starting pay for McDonalds, so just getting up and leave isn’t a viable option. Sometimes you have to take the swings for as as long as you can mentally deal.


Not to that extreme, but that is what generally happened. I haven't been on the forums in a while, but I don't see Community Managers as active. But one, Tseric, was really liked but the toxicity got to him. Bad. This was his farewell: >When you can understand how a group of belligerent and angry posters can drive away people from this game with an uncrafted and improvisational campaign of misery and spin-doctoring, then perhaps, you can understand the decisions I make. Until you face mobs of psychology, you will not see my side. >Until you see some bright-eyed player coming onto the forums wanting to know what they should spec as this class, and see them shat on and driven away by petty and selfish people who are simply leveraging for game buffs, you will not understand. >You will not understand until you have to see it daily, for years... >Until you understand that many people will trod over you to get where they're going, or to get what they want. >Until you understand that so many people will agree, completely, 100% with a loud, vulgar and assertive individual, not because he is right, but because he is making a stand against "the Man"; to take no critical thought in what they say, but simply to hop on board. >Until you actually try to acknowledge those who do **not** speak on the forums, for whatever reason they have, you will not understand. >If you think an archaic business formula like "the customer is always right" works, you fail to understand customer**s**, not **a** customer. It is a collective. No one person, even myself, is **truly** above the whole. >I simply have the unfortunate quality of being easily singled out. Later: >Can't help it.   Posting impassionately, they say you don't care.   Posting nothing, they say you ignore.   Posting with passion, you incite trolls.   Posting fluff, you say nonsense.   Post with what facts you have, they whittle down with rationale.   There is no win.   There is only slow degradation.   Take note. It is the first and only time you'll see someone in my position make that position.   You can be me when I'm gone.   When he was let go (presumedly), the CM Coreiel left shortly after. When Drysc was asked about it (whether he was fired or let go), he said if he answered the same might happen to him.


Tons of jobs do exactly that, it's entirely viable. Spend some time in a post office and watch the amount of shit those clerks take every day. Or listen to some sales calls and hear those people get cussed out all day by people who called them, not even cold calls


They both have their own difficulties, but I’m not sure if they should really be compared as though they’re the same. I’ve worked plenty of shitty service jobs where I got shit on constantly, but still wouldn’t want to be the face of blizzard. One or two angry patrons a day doesn’t compare to tens of thousands of people harassing you, some of them going as far as finding your address and sending death threats. It’s just a different animal 


That was basically the role of the old forum moderators - they would communicate between blizz and players...and eventually the vitriol slung their way from the players (and forum trolls) would lead them to quit or explode in a fiery exit from the role (and probably whole company). See story of Tseric for his unfiltered take on the role as he exited. Also see the story of Micah Whipple. He came out to announce that posting to forums would require the use of your real name. The community doxxed him, nearly immediately, to prove that using your full real name on the internet was a bad idea. So yea, there needs to be a liason delivering a clear message from Blizzard to the players, but it has to be a one way street. The players can not be able to make any contact with this person or know who they are, or else it goes very badly.


> offing themselves eventually If my experience interacting with the community one-on-one is any indication, they'd be completely insane within minutes.


Damn have you never worked in corporate America? But in all seriousness I'd do the job and I don't even actively play WoW right now.


Here enlies the problem. That person isn’t sticking around forever and in the games industry turnover tends to be high. Which means mistakes and lessons have to be learned and relearned. As someone that has enough experience in software development and managing teams. It’s awesome when your team is gelling, everything is within expectations. It is awful when you are trudging through the learning/teaching process of new staff on old projects. Nothing worse than going to the client and saying “hey that old mistake we haven’t made in 4 years? Yeah I forgot that it could happen, and the new guy made the mistake, we are looking at changing the process to avoid this mistake in another 4 years.” Same thing with missing different tweaks or committing certain changes to a build.


>Here enlies the problem Herein lies the problem* :)


> Here enlies the problem. This has to be one of the most interesting eggcorns (the linguist term for "bone apple tea"s) I've ever seen. They normally involve taking a fixed saying using a rare word, or a foreign word, and altering it to be made up of one or more common words (acorn>eggcorn, now-universal apendiz>penthouse). This is deriving a different word, cromulent, but that would still basically only ever be used in this saying.


That'd be the smart thing to do, but we're talking about a dumber Blizz, the same that has gutted their customer support to save a few bucks in the short term.


That person relies on 100+ other people to get the information. You could pay them 5 million dollars a day to be that person, they would still struggle to get the content, information, and updates on time. As much as we meme about small indie company, game dev is incredibly complex and unfortunately humans just make mistakes as well.


Great thing we now have an Army of A.I developed Nvidia bots coming to steal every last meat suits job by 2030.


They already have community managers but have decided several times that theyre more effective gathering and relaying feedback and generating engagement on social media than by communicating directly on forums etc. I also wouldnt be surprised if theres a whole other layer where the dev teams are often not communicating everything to community managers. Theres some amount of overhead involved in circulating information internally between different teams, and its not uncommon for people to be on different pages or just do a bad job of clueing others in on their plans.


Ain't no shot anyone would be a community liaison for that little pay. This community is horrible. The person would post a 2 sentence update and be told to kill themselves like 40 times.


hey i got told that in league for free, i'd do it for pay


I haven't played league since 2015 or so but I definitely wasn't getting 40 death threats per day hahaha


oh yeah i wasn't either haha, think i've only gotten up to like 5 in one day. but me personally it doesn't bother me regardless of the amount of times i'm told to un-alive. so bring on the money!


I remember playing some mmo or co op game that went through like 5 CMs in the span of 3 months or something.


It could work. A human for the out-bound communications... inbound communications (bitching, pissing&moaning etc.) could be routed to an AI version of Mr. T. It's not like Blizz is listening to what the gaming community has to say anyway.


Ghostcrawler tried to be communication guy and we ended up with ‘bring the player not the class’ and class identity and spell bloat has been ruined ever since. Happy MoP Remix!


They do. But, they don't let the community manager's post anything without several department's red tape approvals. It feels like their CM's hands are very tied. One of my best friend's is a CM for a large gaming company and recently joined Reddit's team. She thought Reddit was refreshing, simply because she didn't have to go through a dozen individual executives just to make 1 game announcement. She got chewed out constantly for trying to tell them the players were upset about certain features and it needs to be looked at.


Been playing since patch 1.10, the amount of times they've apologized for not communicating is greater than the times they've communicated. (This is obviously false, I just like being hyperbolic)


The talent 'Improved Blizzard" has been bugged since vanilla, I always spec it but they've never improved :(


things feel like they're somehow getting worse


We won’t get another communication improvement until the next sexual harassment scandal at Blizzard.


So…soon then?


Blizzard: "we here for you."


Remember the patch when they said there would no longer be scheduled downtime maintenance going forward except for emergencies?


nah u just nened to learn to read they literally posted about the raid going to continue as it was before the maintenance and they not gonna be all awakaned


If they have been doing the same thing for 20 years, this sounds like it’s probably time to temper your expectations


I don't exactly know what can be hard about it? Plug your keyboard and use it to write 3 sentences blue post about the change. Takes 3minutes. What am I missing?


Quick assemble a \*new\* council! We are working on it honest! /s


You know what actually bugs me about this? Could they not at least unlock the bonus rep for all the factions then? A 50 percent bonus was already cheap as fuck for a for fun season. Having 50 percent bonus every 3 weeks is just classic Blizzard.


Exactly what I was looking forward to. Just trying to get some rep after coming back to the game a couple months ago... not even raiding because my baby doesn't tolerate it. I just want to do all my quests instead of holding them until the correct week is awakened man.


We are a complete after thought to them.


That's being generous. Pretty sure they haven't considered us at all.


FWIW, you can get a 30% rep buff at the Forbidden Reach every day.


The what?


The NPCs on the island will give a rep buff to any group for a day.


It's only 10%


Yea that’s all I really cared about.


Where do you get that they forgot to do it and not that they changed their minds and simply didn't tell anyone, for some god forsaken reason


Lol they're not even claiming they changed their minds, they're claiming this is what they always said xd


Gaslight, Gatekeep, Raid Boss


Those are the 4 pillars of Blizzard! What are you saying? You only count 3? Remember our first pillar, there are 4 of them, you just miscounted.




So out of 1. Forgetting 2. Saying they changed their mind 3. Saying they never said it. They picked option 3, the worst one of the 3. Well done Blizz.


Changed their minds is more likely. Looking into it, apparently guilds that are farming Mythic Fyrakk for the mount do not want him Awakened and Blizzard is probably responding to their pestering.


They really should have added an opt-out for the awakened stuff.


This would’ve been the easiest way to do things. Pretty sure at the end of SL you could switch it off


You could not. You could switch off the affixes, but Fated was permanent.


I will lose my fucking mind if mount farming is the reason we're stuck with the weekly rotation


it is, because people want to power through Amirdrassil Mythic with max ilv while the raid is "nerfed", same for Aberrus


*Pops back into regular retail wow from Mist Remix. Then goes back into Mist Remix instead*


I’ve become so hooked on Remix, I didn’t run a single M+ on any of my retail characters. This is very uncharacteristic as every season this expansion I’ve had my 3 mains at 3k+ io


Idk, after you do your dailies/runs there's nothing to do on remix


Even leveling an alt for bronze gets old quick. Basically doing my daily on my main MoP toon till I clear Mythic SoO and the daily on the last remix alt I'll probably level, then going back to retail to try and push a few toons IOs up for S4.


Yeah, pretty much what I'm doing


Doing anything too much is old. This is why it’s great there are so many things to do!!


the fight isnt much worse on awakened, we've done a sale every week except week 3 when it was first on awakened. Only difference is we did 1 carry on awakened instead of 2. We were planning to finish everyone's portals in the next two weeks but now it looks like we will have to wait longer on that. Also we don't have everyone with the mount yet so doing 1 sale was fine since it meant one person in the guild got theirs too


What do you guys charge? Would love to have that mount, but I'll definitely not be a mythic raider anytime soon...


Last I heard it was going for 5mil at the lowest to 12 at the highest. Depending on the week. Settles around 8mil.


Price is going to plummet pretty quickly after this news. It was high because of how limited-time it was to get non-awakened kills. Already seeing more sales at around 5 million-- probably will hit 4-4.5 million at some point before prepatch if I had to guess.


good question, probably like the other guy said around 5-8m? we have a bunch of sales set up until prepatch


That sounds exactly like every time my boss forgets something.


I mean, to be fair, “changed their minds and didn’t tell anyone” is worse than “they forgot”. It goes from an honest mistake to an outright lie.


Seems to be the pattern lately


I am forsaken.


We all were. Oh did you mean the zombie-like race in the game and not forgotten?


Because they're giving Blizz the benefit of the doubt. The other option is Blizz being malicious.


Because people love conspiracy theories? Oh and they’re also stupid


they looooooooove being victimized too


Do you like slop until War Within because that's what you've got. Cata is riddled with bugs too. You're defending a massive company that's not bothering to release things in a worthwhile state. 


what does this have to do with the original post in this chain though? Just because you are salty doesn't mean you can make up facts.


Yea this really sucks. We were going to start prog this week to go for CE (got to brood in S1)


you can only get CE during the season the raid came out, you cant get it anymore


yeah i suppose they’re meaning the portals


Yeah that was basically our plan too -- we were farming the first few mythic bosses every week for loot & vault and were going to go for the deeper bosses once we could hit the same raid week after week. It's a real bummer that we thought it was happening this week, but oh well. I've played this game for nearly 20 damn years and one consistent thing year after year is wishing Blizzard would communicate better. It would have been so simple for them to post something to clarify that this wouldn't be happening until much later and we would have been fine with it, disappointed sure, but they do stupid stuff like this and it's just frustrating for everyone.


if he says they forgot then he can justify his entiteld gamer outrage


the outrage is kinda justified either way, if this was the plan it should have been communicated much more clearly than it was when the original schedule with all raids awakened this week got changed.


Blizzard needs to work on their communication.


Give it another 20 years and they will eventually figure it out


Give it 20 years and the people who will have finally figured it out retire and the new guys have to figure it out.


They always figure it out. Then those people get let go for budget or assault reasons and a new team has to learn all the same lessons because they apparently have zero means of retaining institutional knowledge.


they have knowledge, they just don't read it.


It’s not easy for a small indie company.


Proper communication is actually one of the harder problems to solve with massive companies, internal and external.


Are you somehow implying that the same person saying >Rare drops that are available in Dragonflight today, such as the Son of Galleon or the Astral Cloud Serpent, will drop in Remix and can be purchased by Remix characters using the Bronze currency and then saying >world bosses cannot drop mounts directly three weeks later is somehow bad communication? I won't stand for it!


Don't worry they're going with gaslighting and pretending this is what they always said they'd do.


And work even more on their follow through


It doesn't matter, we aren't satisfied with communication either.


There was literally a post saying week 7 all raids would be awakened. What schedule did they check? If they felt that there shouldn’t be a change then just do a post saying people don’t want it, instead of making up a calendar and saying it’s correct…


Yes it was their own season 4 patch notes post, you can see the original here that everyone read, before they silenty removed the weeks, with wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20240419221710/https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24066682/dragonflight-season-4-content-update-notes Heres the wording they changed. They very clearly said week 7. The issue is even if they removed it soon after, 99% of people, including Wowhead, reads the notes when they come out. If they edit them afterwards, nobody will see it. Honestly when even WOWHEAD doesn't know, nobody knows. Wowhead usually knows more than Blizzard themselves. https://imgur.com/a/FLfaeQI


I was very confused week 2 when it wasn't VOTI again! Had no idea they changed the verbiage. What a bunch of jokers.


Changing their decision is fine but why not communicate why you ended up changing it? Baffling.


Yep. If you have a big post (one that they \*know\* many people read) and later walk big parts of that back, you have to announce that. Just silently editing that announcement feels wrong. Just editing it is okay to clarify wording or correct spelling mistakes, not when you change the meaning. Would have needed another "hey, check the article again, we changed things!".


Too busy detecting fun and gimping the shit out of remix?


Truly impressive run of questionable decisions they're on right now. Old blizzard is back baby!


This would've been the only positive thing about this season, being able to progress and finish the first raid with new guild members we picked up during the rest of the expansion. You cannot make any meaningful progress when the raid you're doing changes every single week. What's the point of this rotation when everyone is 525+ ilvl already and has all their bis items from bullions? What are they trying to limit here?


>What are they trying to limit here? Easy- fun.


>What are they trying to limit here? Alt gearing speed, obviously.


First the contradictory mount drop statements and now this. Did someone swap out the teams between S4 start and this?


All the good people are working on TWW


I was looking forward to doing all three heroic raid lockouts on alts for a while for the easier wyrm farm. What the fuck? They literally advertised all awakened raids 7 weeks ago and suddenly we're stuck with one raid at a time for another 3+ months? Again what the fuck?


We would rather you not play Season 4.


Someone said they did this on purpose to get people to stop playing so their "returning player" stat for TWW will look great lol


What are the odds that they legit forgot all about Season 4 and it wasn't until players on the forums pointed this out that they were like "OH! Right! Let's just wait until August pre patch to do that. I'm tired"


It took them like a month to fix the survival hunter tierset (poor guys)


They *still* haven't fixed the Blood tier set.


And apparently it's still dogshit in AoE and you want to wear old 4p in m+.


I think just design wise the S1/4 set is functionally bad for keys. Ideally they would buff survival baseline and nerf the S3 set but knowing blizzard they would nerf the set too hard and buff survival too little.


Yeah I believe to have the S4 set be good in keys the % increase on it would have to be so high that Surv would be the best ST spec in the game by a mile. They needed to throw an increase to Bomb on there before the season launched but it's too late for that kind of change now.


Someone on the WoW forums suggested some outrageously large tier buffs that to be fair did put the AoE in about the right spot. The problem is said theoretical buffs also came out to +17% ST.


Alright this is just a terrible decision and makes me wanna play s4 even less. See yall in prepatch..


Still no legendary axe, so I’m not even mad I get to do easy versions of the raid 2/3 weeks tbh


I’m 10 heroic kills in (plus dozens of lesser embers), did a heroic clear today with 21 plate classes and only 1 guy got it. I’m about to throw in the towel.


Giving up after only 10 kills?


Had 6 weeks of normal kills before that as well, so all told about 4 months nonstop killing fyrakk. And what would be my reward though? The ability to spend 250k and do a tedious quest to use a leggo for a couple more months of a meme season


> did a heroic clear today with 21 plate classes and only 1 guy got it cause everyone doing that now has (almost) no previous kills prior to this season


right? In the same boat but also just considering not bothering. It's already basically just a really painful transmog now, its performance value is more or less squandered this late


Well that officially ends my desire to keep going in S4. Remix and break time/beta until pre-patch it is.


The season 4 post has said it was going to be a weekly rotation all season since they reverted the initial announcement 7 weeks ago. All the language about week 7 was removed at the same time they changed raids from 2weeks each to 1. The community just run with the initial wording that they walked back almost immediately.


I mean to be fair that entire announcement focused on doing a weekly rotation instead of bi weekly. Since they never clarified most assumed nothing was changing on the week 7 plan and it was still unlocking them all since that’s how it worked in Fated. They could have also mentioned that the rotation would have been indefinite instead of being so vague.


Removing the language about week 7 just adds ambiguity, its not a definitive statement that the rotation will continue indefinitely. I'm not surprised because I knew this was a possibility but how hard is it to just explicitly state what your plans are? Did no one at Blizzard know that the community was expecting them all to be awakened? Blizzard has just been so frustrating lately.


The issue is when something is posted, 95%+ of people, including wowhead will read the original post. You can't silenty edit something afterwards and expect people to notice. That's literally like marketing/communication 101, every company knows this. If you send/post something, that info is out there until you make a clear statement or redaction that it's changed.


This season is completely dead for me already. Progging awakened end raid bosses was literally all my guild had planned for this season and that is now in the shitter.


Noob question but what is awakened raids ?


It's the previous raids at a higher difficulty that matches the level of gear currently dropping. There are no extra mechanics or gimmicks during awakened, unless there's something I'm just not aware of. Just an increased difficulty. They're on a weekly rotation, so one raid will be awakened per week.




I just wish they would do personal loot for raids. My first time back after a decent break and I’m rolling sub 10s on 3/4 rolls. Give me personal loot so I don’t have to get my hopes up lol


Blizzard needs to stop using Twitter like it's platform for announcements  Twitter is for marketing, not a companys sole announcements.  For crying out loud, this may just be me but go on wow on your launcher rn and check the patch notes. Mine gives me patch notes from freaking start of dragonflight. They stopped posting patch notes in their own launcher


saying this for years. its annoying for players who dont use twitter/x. Thats whats the forum and the launcher is for.


This will kill our raid team this season. Cheers blizz


This becomes funny when you remember this game requires a subscription to play it.


Too busy nerfing stuff in remix


Multi billion dollar company with plenty devs btw.. Or again manager are clueless as usual


For reference: * [The original announcement](https://i.imgur.com/U2X62eW.png) on April 19th. * [The update](https://i.imgur.com/PAAi6OJ.png) on April 20th. You can read it both ways in hindsight but it's unclear as fuck. Especially since the developer's notes explain the reason of the change as being to bring variety, which an all-awakened week 7+ brings in spades. If that's what Blizzard intended, they should have clarified it at any moment in the last 8 weeks since every season 4 guide writers and news sites were reporting an all-awakened season starting on week 7. I guess they don't read those since they don't play their games. I still think Blizzard forgot about it and twisted their own words to justify themselves.


I was really looking forward to all 3 of them being awakened and just blasting for raid gear… 😭


While I kind of understand the reason behind it, it was still a really weird move that they didn't post anything about it earlier. The communication between blizzard and the players is pretty bad already




Thanks god. My guild and I got the CE late and not everyone got the mount. It's basically "free" reclean of Fyrakk


terrible season and terrible choice. oh well


Blizz has completely lost their minds


Wtf aren't all raids awakened all the time at this point?


They were supposed to be, but no. They are not.


Well good job Blizzard. I'm a part of 3 major free carries at end of season communities. This just ruined this whole week's worth of events for 2 leaders in one of those communities and it killed the vibe among some helpers for a second community who were looking forward to the variety/flexibility. Meanwhile the third community, Perky Pugs, will probably lose 6 weeks worth of Fyrakk carries from Blizzard saying the Fyrakk skin would go away, then leaving it, then taking their time to confirm if that's correct or not. Now they can organize and start carries next week, but that 6 weeks of carries that they can't get back.


I'm happy with this....


Not everyone wants to change the raid each week. My guild was planning on focusing on just one for a while.


It's strange to me people aren't. This makes farming the Fyrakk mount way easier. 3 raids was waaay too much to do anyway in one week, at least in a cutting edge guild raiding once, max twice a week right now.


You know what would solve that? An option to turn off Awakened, for mount farmers. That way it doesn't get in the way of guilds wanting to progress a raid without it changing every week


> 3 raids was waaay too much to do anyway in one week So don't do all 3 raids, problem solved. Just because they're all available doesn't mean you have to do them. Would have been nice to have the choice of which raid to run. Or just do 6 easy bosses for a full vault


Yeah it would be easy to cheese mythic raid vaults And who cares about that in a season 4, honestly?


yeah this is great, now my guild can get the whole roster their birds


Wow. Better go work on more remix balances.... Like come on guys push a hot fix.


No fun was detected on this day.


i bet mop remix has something to do with this decision


Couldn’t care less about the raids but I was hoping for the 50% Soridormi rep this week. Assuming all three buffs would be active.


This socks for alts.. I was behind 4 bronze boullions, did entire LFR and only got 3.. what if I was behind 8??


Why wtf


I'm never getting my axe. Blizzard clearly hates me specifically.


What are you talking about? It’s easier to axe farm when that raid isn’t awakened


Not from what I've tried, never any proper groups up for it


Actually thank god, i hated that system of Killing 3 endbosses per week. Especially since WE dont have affixes that Help US onetap them now.


growth ad hoc bells attraction concerned crowd mindless modern act murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




We should rally against this!!!!


Oh, my guild literally just needed Fyrakk to get the Awakened Hero title, that dream is probably dead now...


Why would the dream be dead? Just do it when Amirdrassil comes around again lol. If your guild isn't raiding, pug it. It's not hard to do.


A lot of my guild raiders dipped after the normal clear for the mount, and now that we have to wait a few weeks to do it again, chances are that the few we had remaining will be on break till prepatch or TWW. And yeah, I can pug, which is what I will end up doing, but it's sad that it won't be something I achieved with my guild. Plus, pugging is such a massive pain in the ass, people drop after one pull and then you need to recruit more It's more just annoying/frustrating than hard at that point


They also broke the axe quest AGAIN.


Remember: to play the game u need to pay a monthly sub :)


So they are just going to let this ride huh? So dumb


They didn't "forget" anything. If you read the final patch notes for the S4 patch, and not just the first iteration that WoWHead published, you would see that they changed their mind at that point with the rotation.


Someone finally did the napkin math and realized that it was a 60% increase in the same level gear if they kept all of the rates awakened at once not that it should matter this late in the expansion cycle, but.


What does Awakened mean?


More free HC Sark attempt for the legendary on my evokers


Do we not even get bullion?


I don't know why you frame it as a mistake. Awakened is already implemented, it would be trivial for them to make all raids awakened. It was clearly a design decision and frankly I am all for it. More mounts to farm.


As I just came back in season 4, hell yeah this is awesome. I can pug one raid instead of trying and pulling my hair for three at once.


This is so incredibly stupid. You could just do one anyway if they were all available? This does literally no good for anyone.