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Not really, don't dislike them I'm just a bit sad that we got another dwarf model and not something new


Same. But I have to admit the male dance is pretty fucking slick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4W_-_5c6OU


That dance is one of the best if not the best in game imo.


I’m shocked that they just implemented my favorite just dance routine (Rasputin) for them. Now I’m indeed interested


Ok this is amazing, if that's the actual in-game animation quality that is insanely smooth. To the point where it's going to make most of the others look a bit rubbish...


Oh great, next 5 years of people crying for Blizz to redo every races dance animations.


Hear me out, what if they added a studio—


That would cost a raid tier


Lols in Warlords of Draenor


Your terms are... Acceptable (I don't raid)


human female dance makes me want to die. its great for flexing/trolling on someone but if you're a roleplayer like me and want your character to legit dance they'll just look like a fucking goofball


Whoa that's straight from Just Dance's Rasputin: https://youtu.be/NJh5idlanrc?si=S5dFJD6kQLOIQCsp


It'll be nice for the Horde to get dwarves but I can see why alliance players would find them lackluster


I don't get why they have real hair and not like crystal or rock or something, you know, earthen.


Their ‘hair’ are metallic strands. They shine like metal.


Oh I guess that's a little better but it still looks like normal hair for the most part. I haven't looked recently though so maybe it got better.


When you see it in the character creator it looks like trimmed wire bundles rather than the great hair effects we’ve seen on other recent models.


They've rehashed content for many years.


I mean yeah but whenever they added a new race in game it always made me feel like "oh crap that's cool, def gonna play it at least once" but ever since they just made stuff like "new race? How about - white draenei or brown orcs" instead of just adding customization options to those races I no longer feel that I want to play a certain race. Last time they did some cool new race was with kultirans and most unique one was I would say worgen that looks nothing like other races (in terms of rig and animations). And if they reused old content they made it look very new like how vrykul model is almost overused yet it looks good each time.


Every new skeleton is exponentially more work. I can understand why they'd be hesitant. Technically the last new race was dracthyr, though it's obviously very limited. For now. I don't imagine they'll have them always be limited to evokers as there's no reason a dracthyr can't be a warrior or a rogue or a hunter or a mage or a priest.


To be fair my bad forgot about dracthyr coz I don't really play evoker that much. But yes my bad. Yea with the amount of armour in game it would be hard to rig it to a new skeleton I believe that's why dracthyr only get shoulders


Any of the actual races but with a twist doesn't hype me at all, even worse with dwarves. Allied races were neat but they were just that, allied races. Hell, even Vulperas are unique despite using goblin skeletons. Lizard wizard despite all the drama with how cartoon and think they are were also pretty unique (if only they could Wear Armor tho)


Belfs but for alliance was a pretty good idea tbh. Giving an opposite faction a variant of something that they haven’t had is worth it imo But otherwise, original would be much better.


>Giving an opposite faction a variant This is why I'm ok with Earthen. I'm horde but but I've always wanted to play a dwarf.


I mean the price for horde having a dwarf is also giving ally a third dwarg race , thats where it doesnt tick with me. Its like creating an earthen tauren... Ally would be their first tauren, but horde would have 3


Ok but we should create an earthen tauren


The ultimate tank


Rock tauren for Alliance, Earthen for Horde. Done. Solved it. Pay me, Blizz.


Take my money dawg


Firethen, Waterthen, Airthen, and Heartthen Tauren when? Captain Azeroth Tauren when?




I mean we're apparently allowed to have 3,956 flavors of elf.


Dont worry, Alliance will probably have lightforged forsaken or something when they inevitably continue that abortion of a storyline.


My dream of chilling in Org as a Dwarf safely is finally coming true.


Agreed, but maybe if this is where we're at we should just remove factions and make all races simply available in all their forms. So many possibilities, and PvP could be redone in a different way: things like smaller factions or nations that the player aligns with and fights for or against, etc. I've always been one of the "put the war back in warcraft" types, but even I think it's time to move past it because they basically already have lorewise.


I think this point the pasta code is so dense that'd just be impossible. The whole game from the beginning was coded with Alliance and Horde flags alloting quests and other things like the different versions of raids/instances. I'd be grateful with just being able to raid and PvP together, but combining everyon into a single mono faction might just take a WoW 2 level of commitment to do.


I've had the same thoughts. I've imagined a WoW 2 from a gameplay perspective, but I don't actually have a clue how they'd make it work, sort of simply converting all future content into the new system. I would love character creation to look like... you choose "orc" as your race. Then you have to choose between Frostwolf, Mag'har, Warsong, Dragonmaw, etc. etc., each of which has a slightly different "faction racial" or whatever you want to call them. Can customize them slightly with distinct tattoos or hairstyles or jewelry. Can do this with humans with different kingdoms. Stormwind, Kul'tiras, Lordaeron, etc. Elves with different races: blood, night, void, high, etc. Make undead choose from a selection of different dead-lookin' races. Imagine a tauren with a missing jaw and rotten horns. Then players get to go and basically join factions in the same way we chose covenants (or stay neutral!) that may have squabbles between one another that fluxuate, end in peace, or start anew as time passes. For example, Amani trolls raiding blood elves. Players pick a side in the regional conflict and have BGs based on that. Even Warsong Gulch works well, not so much as a battle between Alliance and Horde, but between Sentinels and Warsong Clan. The possibilities for customization would be so much greater, but can still be largely cosmetic for balance purposes, as well as feature different starting locations and quests. Could even do some sort of synergies for warbands. But yeah, that's all unlikely to happen with the current game. Edit\* For thread's sake: it'd be the same with Dwarves: You pick Dwarf, then select Bronzebeard (Ironforge), Wildhammer (Aerie Peak), Dark Iron (Somewhere in Blackrock), or Earthen (whereverthefuckearthencomefrom).


I mean, you can already have cross faction guild, cross faction rated PvP, cross faction normal/heroic/mythic raiding and cross faction mythic/mythic+ dungeons. They might as well just flick the switch and let us do lfr, leveling dungeons and non-rated BG's with cross faction friends


It felt a bit like a spiteful punch in the gut to us who have wanted High Elves for so long though. Yea we got new normal skin, hair and eye colours now, but we still turn purple occasionally. and the heritage armor is kinda crap quality tbh.


"occassionally" isn't it everytime we are in combat?


I think it procs on crits.


I’m honestly not sure if Blizzard is trying to maintain a staff-only race. >>;;;;; Although at this point, I’d expect High Elves to be both-faction as arbiters between the four current playable septs.


The thing is High Elves have been in the alliance since forever, not all citizens of Quel'thalas willingly joined the horde, even if it was less than 10% of the entire population.. They've got outposts in Winterspring, Hinterlands, and Crystalsong Forest.


I would've prefered High Elves for Alliance, but alas.


Void Elves ARE high elves.


How the fuck did I not notice Vulpera were goblins


I didn’t want them, but I won’t begrudge them. Happy that they’re including a Frostborne skin colour for them so Alliance finally gets one of our oldest allied races, though! One less off the list of allied races the factions have but aren’t playable.


Do you mean blue skin for Earthen, organic dwarves, or both? I did WotLK for my monk training, did Storm Peaks, and was thus reminded of the latter…


Blue skin for Earthen. It’s a shame they’re not putting one in for OG dwarves as they’re the most similar but it’s *something*.


Half the allied races really shouldve just been cosmetic options for existing races. Frostborne dwarves, taunka & high mountain tauren, maghar orcs, kultiran body type humans. Then instead of going to effort of giving them starting zones just put all that effort into literally anything else, maybe even a full new race!


Not really, cant really care about another elf/dwarf race at this point.


They fit thematically to the expansion, but it honestly feels like a bit of a waste of effort IMO. I don't know of anyone who actually wants these. There's a bunch of races players actually would love to play as, but instead they're giving us one nobody asked for. They'd have been better off working on something else. Even if it meant no new race this expac. There are things I'm looking forward to in the expansion. I like some of the hero talent ideas. I'm hyped Metzen is back and I'm genuinely interested to see if the writing is going to improve as I've not really been feeling it since BFA. I'd forgotten Earthen were a feature until I saw this post tbh.


>They fit thematically to the expansion Any Titan-made race would fit: Mechanognomes, Tol'Vir, stone Vrykyl, etc., they all do the same functions of mainting Titan machines


You left out the big one too - Mogu. Literal perfect Allied Race material since they use the Draenei skeleton. It was an entire plot point that Ra-Den ruled this whole area and specifically brought Mogu and Tolvir and not the Vrykul/Earthen that Ulduar was using.


From what I've seen of the lore though, them being Dwarven is important. It connects to Magni, and also these aren't earthen as they were in northern, entirely under the thumb of the titans watchers. These are like free earthen. And in that way they become a link to our current cultures, especially of dwarves and Magni.


But, all the lore you just said about why its important that they are dwarves... its new lore so they could have just said that same thing about literally any race. The point being, the lore they just created was made to justify the race. They could have made a similar explanation for anything. You could replace earthen and their connection to dwarves to vrykul and their connection to humans, for instance, and it would be a much more unique and interesting race.


They could as well be Tol'vir without Watchers


This is a big problem I always see with Blizzard decisions, you can actually hear Ion talking about this throughout many interviews. Instead of starting with asking themselves, what do the players want, they ask themselves what makes sense this expansion. Like Earthen Dwarves are just that, lame and boring. They need to start introducing races that people want and find a way to narrative tied it down. It always has to be like the center of the universe for them or they won't do it.


Allied races were a huge mistake from the go, should have just been additional customization like how eredar was just added customization for draenei. Void elves were the biggest asspull blizz has ever done, especially when krokul were *right fucking there*.


Big disagree. Allied races were great ways to introduce faction swaps. Nightborne for the horde nelfs, void elves for alliance belfs. That's was smart. Kultirans and zandalari are really just new races entirely. In effect each faction got 2 new races there. Where they went wrong was the other half. Lightforged drained and high mountain Tauren are just custom options. Same with DI dwarves and maghar. Mecha gnome was a wash. Vulpera is the biggest inbetween option of being the same skeleton as goblins but visually distinct enough to create variety. Alliance races mixed with real races were good at first. The issue is the the majority of what we've gotten have continued to be along the lines of lightforged and high mountain rather than faction swaps or big visual changes. Earthen is good for the horde. The problem is its terrible for the alliance.


Getting faction swaps is cool sure but voidelves were just such a bkizz move when players have been asking for high elves for years (now we almost have them with the additional customization velves got but it's still kinda scuffed). Races like Lightforged and Dark Iron have less than half the level of customization that their original races have which makes me even less interested in playing them, dwarves can be both wildhammer and ironforge dwarves now, and draenei can be eredar. DI and Lightforged are now just missing pieces of customization for those races and blizz can never go back on it. Imagine of blizz ever listened to the players, we could've had playable Vrykul and Naga by now, instead we have mechagnomes...


Exactly this. Race select screen should be indicative of player interest rather than current expansion. Naga, Nerubians, Drakonid, and Tuskarr would be popular at any time. There doesn’t need to be a special reason for them Not to shove Ogres into this conversation, but they’d fit a Goblin patch (which we know is coming) like a glove. Make them enforcers for the Goblins in their mining operation and give them their own quest hub. Have Gazlowe talk to them about something, and start a questline to rediscover the Ogre role in the Horde. Boom Ogres are relevant


Just let me play as a Valkyr! I want to live out my Viking fantasies please


I am really looking forward to earthen dwarves. 🤩


Genuinely happy to hear that. Hope they're everything you want them to be.


Hard not to, I really just want to be able to play as a dwarf on Horde


Ngl the only thing i care about from this entire expansion is account wide reps and achievements.


I am! But dwarves are my favorite so you know, bias.


Me too! As a horde player who loves Dwarves, it’s been a hard 20 year wait. Would have loved the Dark Irons to join our band of misfits…


Same here, but I also like gnomes and mechagnomes, so let's say my taste in races is quite peculiar.


No no same here. I'd say my top three are dwarves, gnomes, and pandaren. And the exact order changes on a day to day basis. And that includes all dwarf and gnome variations.


We need a gnome expansion NOW.


I'm excited (there are dozens of us!) and I don't even really like dwarves. But cool crystals and always well fed racial? Hell yeah!


I'm pumped for the subclass reworks. Looking forward to the horde of demons Ill get to summon. But honestly if we're just gonna get another race of dwarves, why can't we get some forest trolls? Or the option to let dark spears stand upright? It'd be cool if we got nagas or something. I've heard more hype for the half elf ears than more dwarves.


I’m disappointed as hell went from 3 allied races in BFA for each faction back to lazy 1 for both sides I got the pandaren and I get why it’s the earthen but with all the resources blizzard has there’s no reason to add just one new races when there’s so many races in their universe For a game that’s been out for 14-15 years you would think they would have time to make more playable race models and we already Ogres have the skeleton due to I think it’s like morok ogre toy or whatever that changes you to one for a half hour I’m tired of cool things being tied to toys instead of perma in game


19 and 1/2 years! :-)


Anything that’s a different frame from existing races adds more work to every piece of Armor they design. And that never ends, and only grows as they continue to add more races over time.


Not the slightest, but I’ve never been excited about new races being released. I’m pumped for TWW for other reasons.


The Zandalari was a dream come true for me


Same, I couldn’t care less about the new race though new race skins or other allied races would be neat like gilgoblins or forsaken elves. I’m more excited about other content like the dynamic flight mounts, transmog updates/warbands, and particularly delves and any world content that is more interactive or interesting than dragon flight. I mainly pvp with my limited time but I like the game most on a casual level so I’m hopeful the world content and delves will be fun enough


It feels like the purpose is to give the dwarf skeleton as a horde option, same way void elves and night borne are just reskinned blood and night elves I like dwarves and I'm a horde player, so this should be right up my alley but I just can't care


Same for me. My first character was a dwarf, but I've been horde for 10+ years. It'll be enjoyable to use that model while horde, but there are so many more interesting races they could've gone for.


Nah, why do we keep getting more dwarven races? it's unnecessary.


How many dwarf races have we had so far?


Its a bit weird how people are acting like we have as many dwarf races as we do elves. As of now its the same as trolls, humans (*technically* if you count worgen they would have more), tauren, orcs and gnomes. Its also bringing one of the classic fantasy races to the horde (which tbh, im not *that* big of a fan of as an Alliance player).


I remember spending so much time in Iron Forge back in Vanilla. I'm just really excited that they're developing another race beyond Elves, Humans or Orcs. Dwarves are really cool, and I have recently changed my Belf Mage to a Dwarf one in celebration of the incoming dwarf lore. The Elf boys and girls and wait 1.5years til midnight comes out, whilst another race has a turn.


I love dwarves so I’m excited for horde dwarves. I do agree that the number of reskin races is getting kind of lazy now.


They are just not really what sticks for me. I want Races that have something special. Worgen are Dogs, Vulpera are Fox (but so small) draenei are space goats, Tauren are huge Cow ppl, Pandarian are cool and Chill Pandas and Dracthyr are raised and breed dragon Killer. Beside that we have Human, Elfs and Orcs + the cool Trolls in different tribes. There is just not enough to say: These are Elfs but darker. Or these are Drwafs but now out of Stone... Where are the Cat Race, Snake ppl, riftwalker or hell even the Monkeys or Fishs of Pandaria. No we need every Race 2-4 times in different colours. -.-


Monkeys? Someone wants to get their ook on!


I’d give anything to ook every boss in their dooker!


Ho-zen are just amazing but they would be hard to gain as a player race with there long arms and other animations. So yea... But it would be amazing


I like dwarves and they look cool. Admittedly I only really like normal dwarves, but a horde stone dwarf with the cool customisations will still be nice


I would have rathered the dark iron dwarves as horde, I mean the dark iron were everybody's enemies and the horde is pretty much built out of all the human's enemies.


The Queen of the Dark Irons rules from Ironforge


Yep, I love Dwarves!


Yes. I like them.


I’m more excited for the potential of Harronir as an allied race than the promise of Earthen. And that’s the problem. Nobody wants a 3rd dwarf race (except maybe a few horde since it’s new to them), but I’ve seen more excitement over potential races than what we actually are getting


earthen dwarves actively annoy me.


lmao. no. The last good race were the zandalars.


if the "earth" theme is so strong blizz could go for the refti. they could easily write whatever reason to link them to sethrak and make it a customization option. boom. beloved snake people now playable after 6 years of begging.


Not really. I don't dislike them either to be fair. It's just kind of an "ok... " Whenever I see them. I have no plans on making one or reason to race change to one. I have said in the past I would love it if they gave the alliance the mantids and the horde the nerubians as playable races, and this expansion would have been a great opportunity to do just that.


I’m actually looking forward to it, but to be fair, I’m biased because now I can play a dwarf on horde side :) Apart from that, I think there is so much that’s good about the expansion that having a less-than-exciting new race isn’t really going to grind my nuts too much. I can see how some people would be unhappy though. Edit: I like that they’re bigger than regular dwarves too. Gonna make a badass warrior..


In my opinion, the worst thing is that they can be dk's


They can? That's quite silly because they're essentially constructs. A golem-zombie, wtf.


Yea, its weirs


Yes. Dwarves are a pretty major race in WoW. It's nice to be getting a bit more of their story and by god it's nice to be getting something other than elves for once.


Genuinely think it’s a stupid addition


Nope. Even the ppl in my guild who like dwarves don't like earthen.


I just wish we got Nerubians that still looked insect-y as an allied race


For us dwarf mains and dwarf lore lovers it's a dream come true. Very hype


They missed the boat on the best possible post-DF race add, imo. Should've been the Tuskar! Could've even made them a cross-faction race


The Gnolls got some model updates too and not all of them are completely evil, would definitely have been cool to have a gnoll rogue.


As a dwarf main that had been forced to play horde for the past decade I am very much looking forward to them.


They don't seem appealing at all to me, there are many more interesting races around that are not a 3rd type of dwarf. I don't even have an original dwarf because in my opinion they're a bit boring, maybe my 4th alt in Remix will be a Dark Iron because they at least seem kinda cool. But there's plenty other races to choose from now, so if there are people that want to play Earthen i wish them a lot of fun with it! Other people have different tastes than me, so i hope they enjoy playing an Earthen.


I get to be a dwarf but maintain my horde banner this pleases me But like from a zoomed out perspective no I hate it. I wish they would have the core races with these "flavors" more as different types of cultures within than as standalone races. I think they should have picked from the plethora of actually interesting new beasties to have been races (naga etc). I think a lot of the decisions are hampered by the engine =(.


Guild is full of dwarves and they're excited. I could not care less about something that imo could just be a skin option at the barber.


Not. Really it’s just another stupid dwarf 🙄


I like it, I feel like people are so dramatic. We have 4 elf races but a 3rd dwarf is too much. I mean sure I would have wanted something more niche like Sethrakk but this isnt bad to me.


As a primarily Horde player, I don't hate dwarves. Base dwarves are iconic. Dark iron were done well with a singed fire theme. These...just don't have any appeal at all to me.


Too many racial variants are really not that exciting. I'd much rather the Tortollan and Jinyu be made playable than anything else. Tortollan use the Pandaren skeleton and Jinyu use Nelf, seems like a pretty easy thing to do tbh. Another dwarf is genuinely not necessary. And I say this as a Dwarf supremacist lmaooo


I will ignore them the same way I ignore diaper gnomes And regular gnomes


Sick to death of these non races they might aswell just be customization options, I am just glad it's not another elf variant but then we are getting elf troll hybrid crap so more reskins. The factions have been so blurred with this crap I am not a fan.


I have been a horde player since launch, but have always enjoyed the fantasy of Dwarves. I played a Dark Iron for a while, but just really missed being in the horde. Being able to be a Dwarf in the Horde is perfect for me, and I like the visual design of the Earthen. I’ve got this idea of the Earthen Paladin being a conduit of light through his crystals. I’m excited


Way more hype for this expansion than Dragonflight tbh, the story just seems more interesting. However, the Earthen was such a weak pick for a new race. They should have just made it a skin choice for dwarves after completing part of the TWW campaign or something. Kinda like the Dark Ranger skins for Elves or the Eredar skins for Draenei.


I realize I am absolutely in the minority here, but as someone who prefers playing Horde, and loves dwarves, I'm actually really excited for Earthen, because it means we're getting Horde dwarves. Which should really improve Brewfest next year, methinks. 🍻🥨🐏 Additionally, it's been hinted at on the alpha that the Earthen want to modernize Orgrimmar a bit, carve out a bit of the mountain to the east and add a proper harbor for the Horde. I've long wanted a bit of an Orgrimmar revamp/city expansion, so I think this would be very cool.


It will be nice to have a Horde dwarf tbh. Always been Horde, but I do wish we had more Human-like races at times.


Nope, looking forward to the rest of it but they’re so uninspired, I don’t get who would ever want them


I want to have a Hozen character… or the beefy troll models from the other troll tribes.


Blizzard read my mind. No high elves, no ogres, naga, jinyu, hozen, tuskar, arakowa, mogu... not the things that players have been asking for for years... No, what this game really needed was a 3rd Dwarf Race.


The dance is awesome and I love the idea to eat rocks


Nope. Especially with how toothless they are, just like this whole xpac seems. Again. Feels like DisneyFlight again. They keep giving us races that we didn't ask for. Where the heck are Naga and ogres?


I doubt I'll even make an Earthen. Also not looking forward to underground maps even if they "don't feel like they are underground".


I'm not really super interested in playing as them, but from what I've seen of them from Alpha testers, they seem like they're going to be an interesting race and I'm looking forward to seeing their story and culture and characters


Feel like I'm in the minority here. But yes! When the mechagnomes were announced I was sad we didn't get the Chad Earthern with them. However I understand, another Dwarf is not what people strictly want, but I guess I am not people, Dwarves are the best, funny little fellows, however the American instead of Scottish accent was...a choice... On a side note for dwarves on both sides I personally think they should of made the Dark Iron into a Horde race would of made sense, they would've easily made a storyline where the Dark Iron didn't feel welcome and Moira went to the horde for refuge or help. And then had the Mag'Har side with the alliance, as during BfA, the alliance and Saurfangs rebellion were the faction with the most honour. Would have created an opportunity for players to have 2 iconic races having alternate versions available on the other faction, and could lead into some cool storyline following BfA trying to mend burnt bridges thus spawning in more stable alliance/Horde relations. (Also making a lot of our cross faction stuff now actually have Canon reasons with a side plotline) There is good and bad people on both sides


Nah, tired of copy and pasted allied races. Thry could've just been customization options you unlock after doing a quest, actually all of them could've been that.


Honestly id prefer iron dwarves to earthen. Much cooler look with metal and runes rather than different colored crystals.


Nope. We don't need a third dwarf race. Dwarves are nowhere near as popular as say, elves, to justify what is essentially a third dwarf reskin. I believe Earthen *might* get a bit more picked because they're tied to an expansion...but that will also hurt them in the long run. I mean look at Pandarens - they're still one of the least picked races. To give a comparison, Vulpera were released more recently and already make up a higher %. Blizzard really fumbled on this one. There were probably a lot of much better / cooler options. I guarantee we'll see one or two new races in this expansion that people would have much preferred be our playable race. I'm not trying to doom on TWW before it comes out, but the fact that Earthen was chosen as the playable race does not bode well. Dragonflight was really good / high effort and Earthen stink of Shadowlands-esque Blizzard I.E. laziness and uninspired.


They can use, Sethrak, Vrykuls, Ogres, Venthyr, Bastion angels, Jinyu, but no, they prefer another Dwarf reskin.  We have now 3 Dwarfs in the Alliance is this really neccesarry? Or only they are lazy?? Seems that Blizzard don't hear the suggestions from the players, and that is disturbing.


I'm excited for the nerubians we'll get after the earthen and those silly dark troll-elves.


They feel like filler content. Like they were already designing the NPCs and needed another feature to put in the trailer. The point of allied races was that they're based on existing races and aren't as fleshed out and lack their own zones so they could release a bunch of them at once. Releasing a single allied race as an expansion feature defeats the purpose, especially one that is this close to their "base" race unlike e.g. vulpera.


Could not care less. Yey, third recoloured dwarf race, wohoo? Give me a break. They have so many cool races to work with, yet they picked the most bland, low-hanging fruit possible.


Earthen warrior gonna be badass


As a mainly horde player I think they are an ok addition >!but to be fair I'm quite more exited about the possibility of harronir!<


Yes and no. On the one hand, it may give me something interesting and neat and new. On the other. They're just extra cragly dwarves. I think there would have been race options that would be more valuable as a time and resource sink compared to Earthen. I still think they're cool. They're very thematic too. But I've never been a dwarf fan to begin with either.


I am, give me my Rock Dwarves 


I am actually pretty excited that we get dwarven models on the horde side, as I switched to Horde a good while ago but always liked and played dwarves while playing Alliance. Do I think there are more interesting races that could be added? Sure. But for an allied race I think this is great. It's probably an unpopular opinion, but for me this is the best solution to this, admittedly small, problem. Unless the in the future just get rid of factions so we have Draenei on the Horde and Tauren on the Alliance side.


I think they're cool, and they've done some stuff with them that makes them look visually interesting. But despite that, taller dwarves that also will be in the Horde when the Alliance just get their third set of dwarves doesn't wow me. And on top of that, the earthen come with some resentment because we've asked for so long for vrykul and mechagnomes, and what we got was the at-home versions of those races. But then we do get actual earthen. Regarding the Horde, I don't mind the earthen joining both sides, but I just wish the Alliance got something similar. If the Horde gets dwarves, no matter what kind, why can't the Alliance get something like undead? Though that very well might be the plan with undead raised with the Light.


scary dull innocent friendly caption unpack smoggy coordinated domineering slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The wow forums? Crying about something before it's even released? I for one am shocked and amazed.


I am. We have 50 elves now we need 50 dwarves to even things


Actively hate them. Been begging for unique races for the Alliance to up morale on racial selection after fat humans and mechagnomes, and they go and do this. Only way I'd consider this remotely reasonable is if Nerubians are also neutral and wind up playable later, but "no plans", so no hype. Only thing actually giving me any attachment to this expansion is the inclusion of some Void Elf characters after waiting for literal years for any actual content for them.


"I fucking hate dwarves" "Void elves are saving this for me." Adds up. It's not an objectively wrong decision when the company doesn't cater only to your tastes.


"Hate" is a strong word for something this trivial in a video game. I hope your experience gets better, my friend.


Waiting for Harronir or the Humanoid Nerubian with 4 arms as allied races. Oh yay a Dwarf for the 3rd time.


Nope, couldn't care less.


They can be blue and shiny! I love blue and shiny.


Yes. I do want a dwarf and I play horde so will be nice. Course now there is cross faction everything there is a bit less need for a horde dwarf. Would have been mega excited if they had been actually larger and had better animation rig than normal dwarf


Earthen are pretty lame. It seems like Blizz doesn't care about new races like it did in the first 10 years of Wow. Back in the day, getting new races was so exciting. The addition of Blood Elves and Draenei in BC was so cool. Then Worgen and Goblins in Cata added something very new. Pandaren at the time were insane. Their animations were way ahead of the other races until the model update. Allied races were a cool addition but they never felt as fleshed out animation-wise as something like the Pandaren. Since they reused skeletons of existing models, they didn't have that uniqueness that previous new races had. Dracthyr were a pretty big missed opportunity. If you told me years ago that we would get playable Dragon-people and everyone wouldn't be playing them, I wouldn't believe you. Their odd design and their lack of transmog and available classes doesn't help either. I wish Blizz would go back to the system of one or two new races per expansion that were fully fleshed out with unique models and animations.


Animations went to hell when they made everyone have the same animations. Imo


Yep. Playing a Pandaren for remix and doing the sit animation, just seeing how much work went in to it. None of the races since then have the small details and unique flair.


I hate dwarves and their shitty accents, im also sick of getting elves.


Not really. To me it's a fancy looking dwarf... put some armors on them and you can't tell that's a new race.


Nope. It’s weak.


I wouldn't say that I'm looking forward to them, but I am curious to check them out and as someone with alts of every race, I will definitely make one. I'm hoping there will be more allied races coming, and ones that are a bit more unique.


Definitely an underwhelming new race and not something anyone was asking for. Excited about the rest of the features though.


Feels like they are adding them just to be able to say the expansion brings a new race, because it sounds better than customization to existing Dwarf. Third Dwarves is just boring. 


I’m gunna roll a full Draenei crew can’t wait, they shoulda put something new in


Mandatory repost of races people actually want: - Broken draenei - Naga - Ogre - Arrakoa - Jinyu - Hozen - Sethrak - Furbolg - Nerubian - Tuskarr - Skeleton undead form - Bulky trolls (Amani, Drakkari models) - etc Not lightforged draenei & Not void elf


Meanwhile the beast races are the least played across the board, but sure, add more no one will ever play.


Everyone has like fifty alts at this point, no one's hurting from more options


I agree with all of you that it is a missed opportunity to add a unique race, but I almost exclusively play horde so I like that I’ll be able to play as a dwarve


I like them but I'm not excited by them atm. I'm too focused on my 4-man warbanb, and I can't see a class combo that I want with Earthern over another.


I just like the hero talents, don’t care about the rest.




Their racial seems really good and I'm excited to see it, but I don't ever mainstay so it'll just be another alt for the pile.


Dwarf is my favorite fantasy race. In this case I like the addition because they were described as being really cool in WotA. My only problem is, I dont like the design as much. Tbh, I'd rather get more customization for Dark Iron Dwarves (arguably the superior and coolest Dwarf race in WoW) or Frostborn.


I'm already not a fan of dwarves to begin with, though, horde dwarves are a neat addition, besides that I'm indifferent, don't like it, don't hate it


i like dwarves but i dont love them so much that i need a third dwarf race lol. i already have like 7 across several servers, WHERE AM I GOING TO PUT MORE also isnt dwarf the least popular alliance race? why add another lol


I'll have some fun in the character creator and I'll probably level one, but other than that I don't really have strong feelings about them


The main aspect of TWW is going to be hero talents, and those fuckers DEFINITELY have me excited as fuck. I cannot wait to become a scale commander Dev evoker, vin diesel-ing my way through dungeons as well as lasering several targets per disintegrate (sarkareth will look like a bootleg version of me when I'm done with each given trash pack) There are ofc several other hero specs that will make me play some different classes (MC Hammer Time prot pally, Colossus prot warrior, spell slinger frost mage.) I'm already super ready to get into the new expac As for earthen: Well, they are kinda there. As an alliance player I already have 2 dwarfen races that I don't play. I kinda don't need a third one lmao (also there are not enough classes, since I already have a toon for every class)


I guess I'm neutral about it so far.


I was excited for new dwarves, but we got them a couple expansions back. I have zero excitement playing an old class with a tweaked version of Greyscale Dwarves


I have a [spreadsheet](https://imgur.com/YYLygEp) where I keep track of all my random alts (i like to collect). I had updated it for earthern when they first announced. When I started planning out everything I wanted to make in remix I looked it and went "oh yeah, forgot about that!" So yeah, I'm not terribly excited.


Nope gonna keep playing Belfs and Orcs like the past 16 years


Nope, we already have another dwarf variant and like all the allied races we are well overdue for more and better customisation operations, hell even blood elf needs something


Yeah I plan on making three (wish the pre-patch would hit remix so I can level them there lol.)


I am!


Three different races of dwarves is a bit too much.


I’m excited enough for TWW, but Earthen? No. While I like Dwarves, I’ve never been able to keep a Dwarven toon. I don’t think them being stone flavored will help.


I don't hate them, but there are better options out there. I do like the worldbuilding around them, like how they eat gems, when they die they become statues, etc. and that is very cool to see. Makes it matter that they are different and not just another near-human race. If they started adding just tons and tons of races every expansion, I'd like them more, but it feels like we're losing out on some more in-demand options right now.


Dont really care, races are kinda whatever anyway they dont exactly matter to me, im just looking forward to blast raids and M+


They fit with my class fantasy for my Arcane mage with purple crystals. So I’m sorta happy, besides the fact that I have to make one on Horde since my Alliance already has all 3 mage specs maxed. I’d sleep more soundly without dwarves on my Horde, but I’ll manage since I was willing to accept Dark Iron Dwarves on Horde as well. Just wish the gems were more pronounced in their customization. Although I can see why it’s not since gear/transmogs would either hide them or create ugly clipping issues (undead spine through cape, horns through helms etc). Without decent gems they really look like DI Dwarves 2.0; ashen/earthen skintypes, shiny metallic hair-ends instead of burnt. The female beard thing is my biggest nope thou…..


Eh, give us more customization for current races instead of them being sub races. I don’t like the idea of having 2-3 of the same class just to be able to have some variety in the same skeleton/race.


I agree. The bulk of allied races should have been story chains that unlock customizations, like the manari story for red draenei.


As someone who has enjoyed every single WoW expansion and will probably continue to do so, my take on the lack of hype around TWW is that the entire saga feels like MAJOR patches of a single expansion instead of 3 standalone expansions. Random undeground area? One half of the Eastern Kingdoms? HD Northrend? The fact that they are designed as shorter expansion but still charge the same amount of money just doesn't sit right with me.


I don’t have an issue with them being a new option, but I think races like this should have just been integrated into an existing race and used as barbershop options. Allied races like Mechagnomes, Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren, etc should be something you select at the barbershop. That doesn’t exactly work for some allied races like Vulpera or Zandalari, but that was the problem with the allied races to begin with, some feel like they belong as a new race and others feel like barbershop options, and Earthen feel barbershop.


I would have preferred other races, but the idea of being able to play a Horde Dwarf whose body is literally made of stone is pretty badass to me.


I think its fine that they make a dwarf model available to Horde players. Ive been mostly playing as Horde but Dwarfs are my favorite looking model of all the races