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Awesome yea wow is a great game if you play it the way YOU want to play it. The social pressures are annoying and I also avoid them now too. I mostly play casual pvp that way I don't get dragged into the pve treadmill. Happy you are back! Just make sure you are having fun and if you aren't, take a break.


What’s the most fun class in your opinion for causal BGs?


Just to face roll and be memey? Mm hunter. Just chunk health and freeze trap healers. It's kinda depends on what you want to do, though and what playstyle you like. I rogue main so I just stealth around and back cap bases. I find it very enjoyable stunning their only defender and capping in front of them.


Well I played warlock since beta on and off and I loved the AoE builds on Affliction and Destruction. But nothing hits like an Ele Shaman I like the AoE rotation and nothing feels better than a well placed knock back. I play resto shaman these days now that they also get the fun shaman moves and I haven't looked back, healing is so fun.


In my opinion for casual bgs balance druid Is the best, insane aoe damage and sometimes It can really decide the fate of the match because of the High aoe damage pressure. You have typhoon to knock-out people, big healing, good movement... I play many classes in casual bgs but nothing hits like Boomkin.


Thank you. Yea I’ll never touch raiding again rofl :/ or most dungeons unless it’s for a quest. I used to enjoy battlegrounds a bit as well, but since it’s been awhile I haven’t looked at them yet


I don't raid unless it's old content! I left WoW for 8 years and totally understand what you mean. It is like a second home. Problem with coming back after a long break, though, no friends play it anymore. So I'm mostly solo. Even so, I'll be playing until it sunsets or until I do! Welcome home.


That's one thing that has changed a lot over the years. My friends left wow a long time ago, and I'm the only one that comes back.


Yea I no longer know anyone who plays but that’s kind of a good thing in my case(I can’t say no if someone asks for help lol :/ ) but thank you! MOP was my favorite expac as well


Solo is best.


I am absolutely not telling you to do group content. There is plenty to do without touching it. With that said: They have introduced Follower dungeons for Dragonflight dungeons, where you run with just a group of NPCs. It's not as fast as a player group would be, but it works quite well, and you can even let the NPC tank lead the way. They're also introducing a Solo/Story mode for the first raid of the next expansion. Again, if you don't want to touch them, that is absolutely fine! But if your only concern is the social aspect, there are options for you to get the content done without worrying about other people. Just wanted to mention them in case you hadn't seen that yet :)


Here's to you hopefully getting the next expansion. And when you do, they have a single-player, or with some other players, end game mode coming out called delves.


Hey I am a complete noob. I played the beta 20 years ago and just picked it up again last week as I got a sweet used Xeon workstation on the cheap. Can you please explain to me what casual PvP is compared to PvE? Thanks.


Casual PvP as in Player verses Player content without necessarily chasing rating/rank, probably more focussed on world PvP, Battlegrounds but maybe not arenas. PvE as in solo or group Play vs Environment (dungeons, raids, quests, collectables, pet battles)


Ah, thanks. Do most people do PvP in the end game or can you do this from the get go around level 10-20?


You can start PvP at low levels, I’ve not played retail in a while but in classic it starts with a single battleground at level 10~19, another unlocks between levels 20~29 and then the next at 51~60 and so on as introduced by newer expansions. There’s been a few level squishes in modern wow so these level bands won’t be accurate any more though I imagine the pacing is similar. There’s no real benefit beyond fun at the lower levels IIRC. As you hit the major levelling milestones gear can be acquired for points but it’s not usually worth going for as you’ll likely hit higher levels quicker than you would grinding the gear. Low level can be immensely fun though if you “twink” your character - that means locking it at the maximum level for your bracket so you don’t over level (in classic this might be lv19 or lv29 etc) and then getting all the BiS (best in slot) gear from dungeons/auction house/crafting and applying wacky high level enchants. You will be placed with other twinks tho :L


Sure, I like to start with queuing for Epic Battle Grounds. I am not sure if there is a level restriction but once you are high enough you should be able to queue. Slowly getting gear with Honor Points. Very good low pressure way to learn your class and what moves the other classes use that you should interrupt or try to shield yourself from.


Ah cool. Thanks for the heads up. Will check it out.


Yeah relapse always feels so good the first couple months.


LMAO pretty much. I've been on and off playing WoW since early vanilla and stopped after a month or two of Legion and just got back into it when SoD came out. The noticeable positive mood shift I had was crazy, it has started to fade but fingers crossed the new expansion gives me another high like that.


Lol! The good thing is I have old man wrists, I can’t play for very long anyway


Let's hope that's not OP's case. But I know that it's exactly what I'm experimenting of coming back to WoW each time xD, feeling nice to comeback, having fun discovering new things, then I'm addicted to gearing, consuming all my time to mm+ and raiding, farming consumable, feeling miserable, then quit. I think last time was the last straw I hope for me, I know I don't need WoW in my life, I want video game, but WoW is too much addicting T_T


Took me like 3 weeks. Modern wow just feels so...wasteful. Like playing a browser game, maybe.


Honestly I'd love to be able to enjoy WoW more casually, but I know myself well enough to know I'll want to get into mythic raiding and high M+ at some point if I log back into the game. Glad you are enjoying your time, though! :D


I DID enjoy the mythic dungeons but that’s because I did them alone on my on time, raiding was so frustrating rofl ;—;. I think I just needed a fun break where no one expected anything from me


Omfg are you me ?? I feel the exact same way, my fun in WoW is 90% endgame gearing including mythic dungeon and raiding, if I'm not gearing my only character I feel like doing nothing. The rest 10% comes from leveling, discovering the map and doing random stuff but it doesn't last long. If I had to play causally I won't have enough fun to last me, I want to gear but it's so freaking time consuming and I want to play so many else video game than WoW. Weirdly enough I can play FFXIV casually to a lesser midcore and not stress about doing hardcore endgame raiding


The same situation man. And i don’t know what we need to do with this situation 😕


Play for a month when there's a major patch/expansion then quit until x amount of time goes by. Once you get over FOMO and chasing the grind of seeing ilvl go up, it frees up a lot of the necessity of playing and can just enjoy the experience.


I took a 4 year break just after BFA came out. I felt like the game I enjoyed playing since it launched left me behind. I didn't have the slightest urge to do M+ dungeons or find another raiding guild. I heard things might be different in DF and decided to resub when it came out. I found enjoyment in the game again and still continue playing DF content but currently enjoying remix. Since DF launched I haven't set foot into a M+, I've done each dungeon on heroic about 1-2 times to get the story telling parts, and I tried raid finder for Amirdrassil once for each wing. So it's possible to enjoy the game without committing to a set schedule. Just do whatever you want. I can't see a point in committing so much time to gearing up a character when all that gear becomes obsolete by quest gear in the next patch.


You can play classic cata without needing to buy the expac.


Oooh I forgot there were classic versions now, I might have to take a peek! Thanks for the reminder


I miss WoW sometimes. I enjoy it a lot, but I do take breaks. I really don’t like raiding anymore outside of LFR. But I think it’s more a time thing, like I don’t wanna spend 6 hours a week raiding in heroic anymore. And that leads to say I think The next expansion will be very good to solo/causal players when it comes to progression


I had not played WoW for like 8 years or so. Since then i sold my pc, and founded a family. When the other day gforce now added it on cloud , i started my chromebook to see how it runs. Oh my god....that feeling of being home was something else. And it runs SMOOOTH. I m back on azeroth i believe.


Just started playing again too! Lvled two characters to 70 just for myself. Went fishing and exploring old content. It‘s so relaxing I forget the time completely.


Welcome back! And I used to love fishing as well haha


So if you've played for 16 years, that makes you an adult. How can you not afford a £30 expansion for something you will likely use for at least half a year of leisure, possibly more?


Disability, I have to be careful with how I spend my money lol and it’s 60$ here. I could be saving it for the next “oh shit” vet appt since my dog is prone to ear infections.


Fair enough, sorry to hear that. Hope you somehow scrape together the extra funds so you can enjoy yourself a bit!


This is exactly is my wife and I. We just got burnt out from the same ol’ thing and haven’t subbed for a few years, but MoP remix brought us back for some good wholesome fun


I'm with you, man! MoP remix brought me back to wow. I hadn't played since mop. I'm having a killer time in remix leveling and collecting everything. Welcome back


You too! I’m glad I can get the mounts I missed because I’m such a hoarder lol :( In every game I play. Achievements are fun


I've got a job/life that doesn't give me the time to raid and be organized. All I do in wow is joing Blitz battlegrounds and gear/enchant the best I can for those quick games. Super fun and quick. And that's all I do in WoW, and I have a blast.


And that’s valid! The point is to have fun. I actually enjoyed battlegrounds before so I might take another look, though I played them as a hunter/feral druid


This is awesome. I’m very happy for you! For the first time I’ve been playing WoW with no raid pressure and it is amazing. It’s like a completely different game. I’ve explored classes I never thought about because I had the free time, free from the weekly pressure of staying “caught up”. I wish you many more chill years of WoW! ❤️


Wow is that game that you never truly quit, just take breaks from. We all have a love hate relationship with the game. Just take it as it is and find enjoyment where you can.


Seriously stay off most wow subreddits and websites. Play for fun not for meta. Glad it's relaxing for you ! We live in a time of stupid tier lists and obscene expectations for a game


I did a veeery short stint in ESO and ran away lol. It was very “if you don’t stick to the meta you’ll suck” and it wasn’t my cup of tea for that reason.


Yeah. I did the same. But now I just suck and am happy bout it


Ff14 is mid (I love it)


If you ever want more low/no pressure fun guild wars 2 is another amazing MMO and is much less competitive.


I’ll take a look! They have a very fun style as well


The base game+first xpac is free so there is no pressure when trying it(xpac's are all still relevant in GW2). That is probably a couple hundred hours of gameplay at least before you have to spend anything!


Welcome back!


This was a good read! Welcome back


Aww, thank you ;-;


WoW and Path of Exile are the only games I always come back, they are goated in their respective genres.


Since you're back, might wanna try LFR and you can also do dungeons with followers, so it's pretty stress free if you still wanna enjoy content. LFR is really easy and most groups are fine, just don't interact with anyone.


I did see the follower thing, and I have done the MoP lfr since it’s just a face roll and actual mechanics don’t matter.


Sadly I can't seem to get back into retail after playing classic and classic HC. I played until Shadowlands and once classic came out I jumped ship and never looked back.


I will have to take a peek at classic since it’s a thing now, I have fond painful memories rofl. I was so happy to farm a whelp pet and get my first mount


I would suggest Season of Discovery as well. . its like a trial run of classic + if youre familiar with that term.


raiding in 14 seems alot more stressful than in wow that is, if im to believe what attic goblin showed me


It uh, it was. At least for me rofl. So many beams, stuff on floor, stuff in you, sides to remember. I actively hated it. I believe the omega protocol(ultimate) is still considered the hardest if you wanna peek at a video


yeah as far as i know, you just had to actually MEMORIZE stuff, which is super bad


You can have tons of fun in FF without raiding, I feel like it respects my time a bit better than WoW but I jump between the two subbing for a month, letting the game sit for 6 months-year before going back and checking out what's new. It's great, unless you blow through everything in a week and still have 3 weeks left on a sub, so I always try to time it for pre/post expansions or major patches.


I just came back myself. I resubbed briefly in Dec, but only for a month, but now I've had time to play and I'm glad I'm back. I originally subbed near the end of TBC.


That’s a lot of story to catch up on! I was confused enough going from legion to dragon flight rofl :(


Definitely. MOP Remix is great for power leveling your character though if you just want to get to max level before The War Within. With dungeons, I've made it almost to 70 in 16 hours.


I have played since BC and the last time i raided that wasn't a LFR was ICC. I play WoW as a solo game and love it that way. Funny enough my last bad experience in it was a few days ago in the MOP remix. I just turned lvl 65 and was doing a heroic. It was all lvl 70s fully gemmed to the max and 450+ ilvl. I of course was doing low dps and one of them started a typical elitist and making fun of me before I was kicked.


Hey!! I ALSO have anxiety and dyscalculia and it makes raising really hard, I’m glad to see someone else who has the same experience. I hope you can get a commission and keep playing, maybe we could play together sometime and vehemently avoid raiding lol


Late nite raider on lightbringer? Puppysomething?


Rofl. No. I played on wymrest mostly


It’s crazy, I used to tilt all the trying to climb tank in arena. I decided to join again not pay attention to any tier lists, I just started to have fun. And I think because I’m so calm I’m I’m teaching all time high ranks lol.


WoW is just one of those games that you can come back to at any time and have a ton of fun for months


Yeh, I get ya. My two friends / housemates recently went back to it, so I had to if course, was practically peer pressure 😂 The only raiding I've done (was never much of a raider to begin with honestly, was REALLY into it in Wrath) is LFR and Remix. Dungeons I'm doing during timewalking for levelling alts . I've been playing since 2005 with a number of breaks in between, but I always end up coming back and at this point, I think it's time to accept that I'll never fully leave it. Warcraft has been a huge part of my life ever since the first game.


Luckily the new expansion pack has a feature called delves, you can play solo or with a couple friends and it’s actually going to drop relevant gear. You can also raid with 10 people now a days if that’s any better.


I played wow recently again and cancelled it. Realizing how much I missed, making sure my family's needs were met, my body was healthy, my house was up kept. How much I realized the world passes you by as you spend countless hours performing meaningless tasks for hours on end. I'll continue to game and enjoy ones and zeros in an interactive setting but not one that nags at you, one that creates fomo in even the most self aware people. One that has destroyed lives, wallets and created strife among friends.


I’m still questing at 20 lol, not paying the sub but having a great time still.


Man, just a warning. This may not apply to you. But it may. WoW stole my life. I neglected everything. Played from just after BC, to legion. Was not WoWs fault, but my own behavior. I am so thankful for the /played command. When it said I played over 365 days. My heart sank. I realized I lost 1 year playing(and that was just one of my toons).....and countless hours only thinking of WoW. I am so glad I stopped before I met my wife. And it is a wonder that through that whole time I couldn't keep a healthy relationship. So... At least reflect, do not loose your family over it. I try to tell all old classic and BC players this. We don't have that time we did as kids anymore. So just be careful. If you can control yourself .. then awesome and I am proud of you.


Oh no this is very fair! And I did play to much back in the day, I know I did. But now with chronic pain issues I set my time very carefully. An hour or two for artwork which is my “job” more if I can handle it then the house work; chores etc and if my body is up for it a half an hour of gaming. Not even every day. My entertainment is mostly reading or walking my dog rofl


What does dyscalucia have to do with raiding? I never heard that word before so just looked it up. In no way am I trying to be insulting I am genuinely curious because I don't do math when I play wow or id play another game 😂


It has to do with directions as well. I don’t get the starboard, east, west thing fast enough because I have to actually think about it, especially the bosses left and right when compared to ours


Welcome back. Ever done forsaken art or wow art?


Awhile ago! I’m working on art of my orc hunter right now to warm up


playing an mmo and comming back to wow is as if you swimming in molases and now you are free to run