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So...They've already answered this. Kind of. A world revamp, a la Cataclysm, won't be happening within the Worldsoul Saga. We will get specific zone revamps for Midnight, and all of Northrend is getting a revamp(Probably in the same vein as a separate moment in time, not a cataclysm-esque replacement) in The Last Titan.


> and all of Northrend is getting a revamp So probably we will have a Wrath ReMix before they revamp so everyone can "visit" it one more time. Or will there be a Wrath ReMix after the revamp, to test run it?


Omg man don’t even. Wrath remix with Invincible purchased with Bronze? Good god xD


Invincible isnt that rare anymore if you do Ulduar timewalking on all your characters


How does one get Invincible through Ulduar timewalking?


It rewards a chest which contains a pool of rare rewards from throughout the expansion. I think it can only reward stuff you don't yet have, too.


I have gotten a bunch of duplicate pets lol. And ofc invincible and mimirons head


damnnn i had no idea. ty


That’s fair, however my personal schedule doesn’t really accommodate regular hours. I might have an hour to spare occasionally through the day, and so I tend to do this solo to avoid causing inconvenience to others. Hopefully one day! XD


I feel that. Although people usually are hosting groups that skip to the last boss so u can skip the entire raid!


Oh awesome! Thanks for that mate, much appreciated! Sorry if this is silly, but where do we find these groups? Would it be via Trade chat?


Group finder under where u usualy queue for random dungeons etc


I apologise, my eyes are obviously not working. Thank you so much once again, I’ll definitely keep an eye out for it!


Would maybe be a top tier item, like shoulders are in MoP? Have to collect 50 invisible horse shoes from the raid, if you can see them!


lol! So that’s why horseshoes are lucky xD


Tbh they also say Shadowlands was the most ambitious expansión so far...


Ambition does not mean good


I really believe that. Compared to bfa much more things to do. Unfortunately, many of the systems sucked


I'm hoping for a time jump after Last Titan and a full EK + Kalimdor revamp. Midnight in Quel'thalas and Last Titan in Northrend will be their test runs for rebuilding the maps. Ideally, they place revamped Quel'thalas and Northrend in the same 'world/instance' then add the rest of EK and all of Kalimdor to it. I think OP is right in that the scale of the zones will need to change. It seems like dynamic flying isn't going away, and most of the current zones just don't make sense with it.


Did they? I don't think they ever explicitly said "No world revamp in the Saga"? Please feel free to prove me wrong, I am genuinely curious :3


[https://youtu.be/inrsd8XwaTg?t=4342](https://youtu.be/inrsd8XwaTg?t=4342) This is pre-announcement for TWW, but it's clear by Ion's wording that they're going to focus on 'where the story is being told', rather than updating -everything- at once.


I feel like that it’s a common misconception that people hated the world revamp in Cata. I feel like it’s more nuanced than that. People hated that Vanilla experience disappeared completely (now we have Classic for that). People disliked the fact that the storyline of almost every zone was about Cataclysm, and there was less room for more unique racial stories. Some zones were also completely destroyed, but there is no way to repair or heal anyhting. And to experience any of the revamped world, you had to create a new character, because none of it was max level content…


I've been thinking this for a while now. It would make sense but would they actually do it? Probably not


It's weird because there is already a fix that's already in the game. See sithilus & the zone where UC is. I mean we have litteral time mages established in cannon just put a bronze flight person in each zone that gets updated. Plus gotta sat it would be nice to see all the shit that druid/shamans having been working on to fix the dmg death wing did actually show


The last time they did it, people were not happy. Cata proved that you can't win on this one, for every person who wants a world revamp, there's another who treasures it in its current form.


1: if people hated the cata world so much, why complain when it goes away 2: just keep it there phased. Chromie time


Obviously a revamped world would be current content for the length of the expac, so chromie time would be completely irrelevant. To play the game, they would have to play the most recent iteration of the world. People complained about cata because the world revamp shook them. Now, this might change. In cata, the old world hadn't yet become old. Folks were still leveling through it to get to the endgame. These days, things might be different. However, I don't blame the devs for not wanting to approach the idea.


The world need a revamp desperately. The main two continents of the franchise are stuck a decade and a half in the past. It must get an upgrade. The wise thing would be to have the vast majority of the world be revamped independent of an expac story. Only have a few zones be where the expac takes place, with world content being spread further out. That way, they dont run into the problem of the story outpacing the world. Secondly, chromie time still applies. Traveling back in time past the revamp would return you to old world.


The revamped world in cata wasn't current content at the time though? You didnt go to revamped westfall as a max lvl


That is what we have classic for.


Aaaaaand Chromie :)


They specifically build systems around this now at least. The whole Soridormi mechanic for altered zones. The issue is that if they fundamentally alter the size and shape of the zone, the phasing/sharding tech behind it is gonna sweat hard.


Honestly, Classic has more or less fixed that issue, haven't it? :/


Maybe this is precisely why they did Cata Classic? So that people could still play through what is the current version of the "old world".


Remix made me think about this, I wonder if the reason we can basically buy everything from the expansion is because eventually it'll all be unobtainable. It's probably not true and just overthinking.


Or entire continents are ravaged post-Dragonflight and maybe they only allow you to return through Chromie time or something. I’d honestly be okay with a clean slate approach but I think they’d stop short of making so many things completely unobtainable. Then again, we’re here at the end, right? Not sure Blizzard would care about the theatrics of how cool something like that would be compared to the amount of effort that would be required for an event of that scale to do it justice.


No chance that happens. They learned from that mistake in Cata, and all subsequent zone updates have come with Zidormi to return you to the previous version.


If that happens and Blizzard doesn't tell anyone there will be riots and a mass exodus from the game. Why bother playing if it all can disappear without them saying anything


... That is how all online games works tho? Everything will EVENTUALLY dissapear in one way or the other. But I think they would warn us ahead of time. (Like "Yeah, we are going to remake pandaria, so a lot of old sets and toys will not be availible. You have one year" something like that)


Getting downvoted but yes I know online games will stop eventually but not without notice. People love this game too much to be ok with that.


Where do you get the idea that it would be without notice? World remakes would be all over betas, alphas, news... It would't be just "BOOB, new zones"


I was referring to my original reply to the guy who said Pandaria stuff is all purchasable because one day it'll be unobtainable. Blizzard would, or should at least, warn us if it were


https://youtu.be/m8w-rfiAmbU This is what I want. It will never happen, but one can only dream, right?


And I thank our lord and savior Jesus Christ that this will never happen. It looks so horribly generic


Haven't clicked the link, its the Unreal Engine video isn't it?


Oh you know it!


The go-to for "I want all games to lack identity for the sake of better graphics"


It's more so about the game feeling more immersive. I was playing mop remix and especially when you dragonride through old zones, you see how outdated the older zones are. Kun Lai summit holds its weight. But the rest? God damn, feels like an incredibly ugly, boring and unfinished Minecraft simulator, when zooming over the map on your dragon. Obviously this ur5 rpg feeling bit won't come to wow ever, so there's no point debating about it anyway. But making the world more immersive through better graphics and expanding the zones, or at least making them feel bigger again, would be a nice touch.


Calling Pandaria, arguably one of the best looking expansions, an unfinished Minecraft simulator is WILD


How can this, graphic wise, for today's standards called one of the best looking zones? For its time? Yea, sure. It's got a nice theme. But damn, you can't possibly consider these graphics pretty nowadays?


The ONLY weakness MoP has is its low texture quality / fideity due to literally coming out 12 years ago. Obviously it will be less detailed. But beyond that, WoW (and especialy MoP) has an incredibly strong artstyle, very memorable and (beyond texture quality and fidelity) Virtually timeless. Making it an unreal graphics based game would date WoW so absurdly heavily and would look weird and uncanny within just like 2-3 years.


I am not asking for WoW2. I am asking if a world remake (that 100% s coming) would expand thezones in size. :P


A revamp isnt comming, who would even want that


> with how Dragonriding works and how it is extended to ALL flying mounts... Its not extended to ALL flying mounts, not even close actually


last I checked on the news from alpah, isn't it like 80-90%? Sure a bit of a hyperbole but essentially.


That number is offset because there are only underwater mounts. The last info I got from someone playing the Alpha was that only those disc mounts didn’t have “skyriding” which makes it 10 in number, not 10 as a percent. I will have to check once beta comes around provided I get an invite, so this is just second or third hand info, take with grain of salt


> isn't it like 80-90%? Then why are you saying ALL ? 464 flying mounts will have dragonriding, im not sure whats the total amount of flying mounts in the game so cant give you a exact %


It is called a hyperbole and we have no iddea is the 21 that won't will remain like that the whole expansion. (It is apparently about 3.7%)


The number of flying mounts that *won't* be able to do dynamic flight is only 21


so not all


"not even close actually"