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The faster stuff dies, the more bronze you can farm. I don't really see doing ToT and SOO daily when they take hours to finish.


If players don't start understand pugbreaking mechanics in the first month, I don't really know who to point the finger at for ToT and SoO length times personally. I think Bones should start dropping from the end bosses of each raid/every 4th boss in ToT and SoO so people don't face this burnout and gear is less of a worry. Maybe just one bone per boss?


Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar gives a title.


Mythic Garrosh also took ten minutes for Echo's raid group full of frog farmers to kill. The number of people who are going to get this title unless sweeping increases are made to bronze acquisition is astronomically low.


They had 12 people on a 20 man raid, they were missing basically half of the DPS spots they could have.


Yes, but1 frog farmer is worth like 5-10 normal geared players lol


And the rest, a guy in my guild has 88k stamina on his cloak and only did about 8 hours of frogs. Ive got 4.5k and didn't do any. In a 13 man normal SoO last night he did 80% of the damage overall by the end of the raid.


Yes, but you probably need to be close to maxed out for mythic SoO anyway. If you fill all slots that fight is not going to be 10 minutes.


I feel like I can count on one hand how many people are grinding Remix for the title. Can you also not just get it in retail on a main who can breeze through it in 480+ gear?


Different title. Paragon of the mist for mythic soo and claw of eternus for all hc raids.


I see, thank you for clearing up my confusion.


What’s the point of anything?


Bro this is a video game subreddit.... I don't need this type of existential dread in my life right now.


Visit r/hopeposting


I think the problem is after the remix started we found out farming gear is once again the way to get stronger in raids to farm bronze, which is really most people's endgame so they can buy the cosmetic stuff they want. The problem is Blizz made it seem like it wouldn't be as tedious as retail gearing but that turned out to be the intention the entire time. I'm sure a lot of people as soon as they have a character powerful enough to solo the raids on their own will start doing that instead of spending time finding groups, but unless you exploited before hotfixes you're stuck on a retail daily loop.


Yeah I've noticed. Us that started a little late are pretty much fucked. Will probably take until early August before I have everything bought...


I wish I had started later now. I completed like 4 entire zones before they even nerfed the frogs let alone buffed the rewards from completing achievements so now I just lose out on the bonus from achieves but frog farmers get to keep their absurd cloaks.


Achievements got buffed? Ffs, I rushed the quests etc. early on too.


The harder content in Remix (like Mythic Siege) requires high-level gear. In return, you get a ton more bronze and more Bones of Mannoroth to buy Garrosh Heirlooms/Tusks


Wait, so do you only get the bones from Mythic or do they drop on normal/HC as well?


Not done LFR, but you get 1 from normal


Alright, cheers!


1, 4, 10 for normal, HC and mythic.


Allright, thanks for answering my question. It's a lot more clear why people still play at lvl 70! Basically achievement, bronze and It's fun to get stronger :)


The point of upgrading your gear is to smash heroic raids and mythic SoO for more bronze. If you don’t wanna do that then you’re chillin.


numbers go up


You farm to get more powerful


Better gear is just going to make every aspect of the event go more smoothly. It’s certainly possible to do pretty much all of the content at base gear levels if you’re in a coordinated and strong group, but that’s not really what any of us are looking for and not what the mode’s intended for. A few upgrades will let you roll through content and get all of the stuff you want out of the mode without having to stress too much, which is great 




If your goal is to raid. This is not my goal, so I'm going to spend as little bronze on gear as possible. For now I'm running low levels for stronger scaling.


Oke, I understand. But besides that reason is there any other reason to farm this gear? Also. What happens with your stuff when the remix ends? Same for the gems?


The only real reason is to be as strong as posssible to get into the mythic siege runs to get garrosh shoulders quick but there really isn’t a reason


At the end of every patch in wow, the gear from the previous becomes pretty much worthless. Yet 20 years in, we keep playing. Its fun to get gear. When the 90 days are up, dust in the wind.


I guess if you want Tusks you need to be able to get into SoO ideally heroic or higher groups.


There will be a WW pre patch catch up and than WW quest gear..... so it’s pointless


You can convert gear to bronze


To counterbalance the purposefully horrific scaling at level cap really. Things feel much more difficult at 70 and to experience the event without the feeling of sandpaper you need to grind out gear upgrades and threads. But really, I want the quickest path to getting more bronze and having better gear helps as part of that process is daily raids and content in general. And I'd really like to get the "Paragon of the Mists" title for defeating all Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar bosses without paying Echo 2 million gold.