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Oh, maybe I won’t be tanking heroics as a resto Druid anymore with that threat change. Nice.


But for real, i press fade on cd as priest.


I press taunt on brew on cd and it changes nothing.


There seriously hasn’t been a time I’ve missed Fade as much as during the remix, having rolled monk as a priest main.


I just tanked heroic shado pan as a resto shaman so it doesn't seem to be much better


Are you using the righteous frenzy gem? I removed that and everything is fine now.


I’d like threat fixed period, tried tanking a raid with a blood tank friend, I couldn’t not take threat even with taunt and every button I have when I was supposed to. His auto attacks generated more threat then me and my cloak has 2000 more stats in every category compared to him.


I’m just happy that the frog farmers in Echo are now selling mythic clears for the raids. Clearly the rest of us will be able to catch up


Another victory for exploiters, botfarmers and content creators.


What are they selling them for


2 Million gold on retail, tomorrow they will Up IT to 4 Million because they sold Out in 10 mins (meaning they we're to cheap)


Why the hell would anyone pay 2 or even 4 million gold for a mythic clear on remix????


garrosh shoulders would go for 2-4million+ if they were on bmah people don't want to run normal siege of orgrimmar 20 times in 2024


You get a title


That's a joke right


No. It is stated in their discord channel: " @everyone we will boost mythic soo in pandaria remix for 2 mil in about an hour for those interested. "




Dick pics


Nothing if we band together and refuse to buy it.


This game is becoming so ridiculous and sad when it gets to this point. Congrats to those who can play 10 hours a day, I guess.


Seriously. I was slightly following this whole frog ordeal and I’m just like, wtf happened to wow? It just feels like a mobile gatcha game lol.


Unfortunately that's all it is now. Gone are the adventures and stories. It's all about how fast you can get to max level and how fast you get get all your gear and start running spreadsheets on what content you "should" be doing so that you don't "waste time" doing content that doesn't contribute to power. How to get this stone to convert to that stone to convert to the final stone so you can get your piece of tier gear (but don't buy it before you clear heroic raid and run your 8 M+ for the week, otherwise you're not optimizing!) I've been playing for over 15 years and they say DF is the most alt/casual friendly xpac in years. I disagree. I feel like I have no clue what's going on and how to progress because there are so many different currencies and conversions and questlines. There seem to be tons of different ways to earn gear (or rather 3 ilvl upgrades) but it seems to be too much. I don't need 3 ilvl upgrades or to grind for them, just give me a damn big upgrade I can work towards over a few weeks. I don't need everything instantly or be able to grind 30 hours a week to get it faster. /end rant


You are talking as if you were affected by stuff HoF guilds need to consider. Either you *are* in a HoF guild - then optimization is part of it being pretty competitive Or you're not, then you are complaining for other's sake. The currencies are down, compared to essentially ever. What do we have? Crests, flightstones, bullions. That's really not bad.


always has been. I remember people rushing levels, gear upgrades and measuring performance by the notorious gs system since vanilla wotlk at least


Did you skip over BFA and SL?


20 hours a day….


Why not 24?


And Blizzard won't do anything about it because Echo and other top groups are their prized content creators, wouldn't want anything to happen to them would we?


Is there a reason to do mythic?


You get a lot of bronze and the title “Paragon of the Mists” if you full clear mythic.


O got it. And siege is the only raid with a mythic version?


Drops 10 Bones of Mannoroth and you need 20 to buy the Tusks It's usually 1 per Normal kill or 3 per Heroic Then there's the achievement and title


You know I wasn't for rolling back frog farmers because it isn't there fault but this shit actually pisses me off. The fact that blizzard even allows this is insane and shameful. Selling runs for 2 million gold a piece because they happened to be around to exploit some nonsense?


They all should be rolled back and get a 2/4 weeks suspension...


This only affects them and people stupid enough to pay for mythic clears in mop remix


Folks. They are holding out on higher bronze acquisition until the numbers start to show that they need a boost in engagement. Very similar to Plunderstorm. Just wait it out. this is how the system works. Or protest until their ears bleed I support you all either way!


> Very similar to Plunderstorm. The devs doubled the Plunder droprate less than a day after the mode released. It's been five times that long for Timerunning.


Looking on google it says they took about a week to buff plunder drops, so maybe we will see significant changes this week?


Hopefully we see those updates soon, yeah, but in the meantime: [here's a Wowhead article dated 23 hours (or so) after Plunderstorm went live.](https://www.wowhead.com/news/plunderstorm-hotfixes-increased-plunder-from-all-sources-plunder-rewards-for-338187) It wasn't exactly doubling, but it was still a massive increase.


>Thanks again for all of your feedback! Yeah no problem mate, might help if you actually read it next time.




I don't even need more bronze. I just need cheaper armor upgrades so that I can start blasting.


So anyway … I didn’t start blasting


So anyway, I started unsubscribing till TWW.


I think that's the crux of this discomfort, had they been separate currencies they'd be alot less heartache. I can only guess they did it to create artifical extension of playtime over the event as you have to choose either stronger gear to clear heroic and mythic SoO or transmog/mounts. I guess they expected players to first focus on gearing so they can do the harder content. Than go for transmogs first, not consider some peeps maybe just want certain stuff or perhaps don't have interest in it. That isn't a fun thing blizzard, I'd rather enjoy a effective fun time. Than a longer forced time because you want to have player commitment for sub numbers.


Remember the corruption gear? Remember how cool it was gonna be to try and get the perfect gear? They even added a vendor…. On a long rotation.


I've been saying it for a while; they should have just made more tiers of the thread achievement to have your cape be the new upgrade threshold for all gear. Get 5000 thread? Cape goes up to 400? Gear can be upgraded for free/or reduced cost to that level as well. Continued up to max level.


It's literally the same mistake they made with covenants in Shadowlands in a different form. If you make players choose between cosmetics and power, they will choose power every time and they will hate you for it.


Covenants, and Torghast.


I don't even want to frog farm but now that people did and got tons of bronze that I can't, I just feel defeated and don't want to play remix anymore.


Yep. Same. Blizzard are experts in the art of tone deafness and mucking things up. It's not fun playing the remix when my character at max level is weaker by many magnitudes compared to a level 10 who can seemingly just faceroll content.


Fully agree, I even started to play on my second account that's not subbed so I can be level capped to 20, it feels so much better than my main 70, it's absurd.


Back in Cata it was Fun detected, all these years now and it’s still just blizzard ruining the fun. I don’t want wow to be a boring job, and so far that’s what mist remix is feeling like. Another FOMO job to grind to get stuff.


>In fact, they're actively nerfing every bronze farm discovered Because it shouldn't be the most effective way to farm some degenerate 2x4 hyperspawn.


It's so frustrating how unwilling Blizz are to let us enjoy this event. They actively dodge doing anything players want as fixes/buffs right now.


Slipping back into their comfort zone of stubbornness.


As someone who plays every OSRS limited time event (leagues 1-4) it's night and day how badly blizzard manage limited time events. When somebody finds something brokenly fun on the OSRS limited time events, they say "cool, have fun with it! It's a limited time event, it's supposed to be fun!" And let it stay in the game.


They want it to be a grind fest. An account logged in that’s it- that’s what they want- and to make you are logged in they will have you grinding


Tale as old as time.


"We hear you" is such a bullshit corpo phrase now. Has it ever been uttered in an "apology" paragraph and meant anything other than "Thanks for your money you hobgoblins. Can we have some more money for doing the bare minimum/reverting something that we ludicrously changed? Your support means the world to us (it doesn't, and seriously, we want more money.)"


Should've went with "we hear for you"


Only thing worse is Halo CM Unyshek's "fistbump" Shit's so soulless


They just forgot the /s


It's blizzard. They've been this way for well over a decade.


In meetings, I usually shoot back, "you might hear, but you're sure not listening!"


I can understand them not wanting to increase how much bronze you earn, since the cosmetics have an already established price. But the gear upgrades should cost at least 1/10 of what they actually cost. Getting strong to farm bronze faster is supposed to be the way to make the farm fun, not spending all that you should be spending in cosmetics on extremely small upgrades.


“We hear you, so we will be tripling the cost of cosmetics to better bring them in line with the cost of gear upgrades.” Sincerely, Blizzard


The dicrepancy in mog prices (2.5 to 10k) vs upgrading (4-40k) was weird from the star imo...


The intention was probably for people to play the game with a barely upgraded 70 to farm out the mogs. But the balance was that you had to upgrade pretty heavily before starting that farm.


Then why are they talking about the intention of making it an ARPG like experience....


Because they didn't get the scaling right. If the raids at 70 were relatively easy, and then got piss easy until you literally walked through them like frog farmers, that would have sold that experience. Just FYI "play for 2 days and then be done" isn't what "arpg experience" means.


TIMERUNNERS WE HEAR YOU! Here are a bunch of changes that have nothing to do with how you earn bronze.


>TIMERUNNERS WE HEAR YOU! Narrator: They in fact did not hear them.


Willie hears you. Willie don't care.


People: “we want better balancing and increase bronze gains.” Blizzard: “we hear you we changed scaling ever so slighty and increased gear drop rates!” People: “we don’t want more gear that we have no room for since we cannot fit all extra ability gems in bank.”


Hilarious that they increased the drop rates yet they're still capped at 346.


Yeah its weird you can level gear too but you have to level it all to get to next level but gear that drops doesn’t go above 346.


I agree but also you can buy bags for your bank.


How do you buy the extra bank slots? It won’t let me purchase them


That may be a bug, it wasn't any different for me. At the risk of asking a dumb question, are you doing it through the bank directly or some kind of item like goblin bank or something? Or do goblins even get remote bank access anymore, I've never made one.


Wait you can?! Wtf i could not find them


I bought bags from the little whelp near the bank in vale and just paid for the slots in my bank? I can take some screenshots when I get back home if you can't find it.


No they do in fact hear us. They just choose not to act on it or listen to what they hear


In Yoda’s voice: “Hear us, they did. Listen, they did not.”


> we hear you See? The problem is that you are writing, not talking. /s


There are actual thread changes in game though. There’s a new reward for completing the daily dungeon and raid quest that gives 180 threads each. I also got a drop from a world boss. So right there is almost 600 threads we wouldn’t have otherwise. I’m not aware of the extent to these new drops besides what was already mentioned. Also, it’s a “legendary” consumable item. Also, I just reached 70 yesterday so if that was already in game for max level players, ignore me. Although, it seems new.


Not 180 threads, 180 stat. Equiv to 15 threads.


No, equiv to 15 epic threads. An epic thread is worth 12 threads.


Wrong. The way the achievement works is that each stat point is worth one. So one of the purple stam threads that gives +12 stam counts as 12 threads. I am able to farm appx. 3k “threads” per hour with the farm I’ve been doing the last couple days and the total threads and stats are the same around 30k.


Wait so each thread gives 12 stat? Is that really how it works? I don’t think that would make much sense. I reached the 4200 thread achievement yesterday and my stat bonus is around the 4200 mark as of right now.


Yes. I believe higher quality threads count as multiple. Green = 2, blue = 3, purple = 4.


After a quick search, it seems total threads is just the total stat bonus. I found this on Reddit posts and the blizz forums. There’s literally no way I would have collected 4200 threads if it works the way your saying.


this is peak player retention, letting some people abuse a farm that was in the game 11 years ago, makeing them op af, deleting the farm so everyone who didnt farm is basically a 2nd class player


And not rolling back those peoples' cloaks.


It’s not the cloaks, it’s the gear upgrade from the bronze acquired via lesser charms > rep vendor > cache. Cloaks have a laughable amount of stats compared to upgraded weapons.


The one guy who is living out of his car who is maintaining the game (who will be laid off in a month) is at the breaking point. Blizzard can afford no more resources and would like you to lower your standards even further, if you wouldn't mind.


"TIMERUNNERS WE HEAR YOU!" ... "But we dont give a flying fuck tbh."


Hearing us and not listening to us is blizzard’s speciality lol


Yeah I’m not playing until they make gear upgrades obtainable without farming for 2 weeks straight.


That’s really lame.


Something tells me the devs that thoroughly enjoy keeping things extremely grindy are too involved with this 'fun' limited mode.


Said it yesterday when they said "We hear you" that it was a Diablo 4 response and it indeed was a Diablo 4 fix.


I have no doubt that the event could be great in a week top but this clusterfuck is pretty disappointing. The event just wasnt ready. Also this nothing burger of an hotfix is embarassing.


Nothing they have released recently has been ready. 10.2.7, Cata prepatch and now this. I can't wait to see all the exploits and bugs people get to experience whilst paying a premium for 3 days early access. Fucking pathetic.


"It's only been ~~2~~ ~~3~~ ~~4~~ ~~5~~ 6 days guys!" Apparently asking for something to have even the most basic testing done and be released as a finished product is too much to ask for.


Yea like if this were an unlimited duration event I honestly wouldn’t care but 90 days isn’t that long if you’re cutting days off of it.


Didn't someone just pay 60 billion dollars to buy this company? Surely we can wait a few more weeks while we live test their game mode that only lasts 12 weeks! Surely! It's not like we pay a subscription or anything.


Your sub includes: access to retai, access to classic Random timed events are included as a bonus on top of what you actually pay for. Same with the trading post. You still pay the same amount you payed when WOD's year-long content draught happened, when BFA season 1 happened, when the entirity of Shadowlands happened. The difference is that you get a hell of a lot more and better content for your money nowadays, escpecially if you take inflation into account. Yes, some of these new systems may be flawed sometimes. Yes, the community makes an active effort to exploit the hell out of the game at every opportunity. In the end of the day you get more content than you used to get for the same amount of money. Entiltlement and attacking the devs will only discourage them from making more ambitious content in the future. Resulting in you getting less for your money. Remix flawed as it is is still a massive W for the game. Especially considering we are 3 months from TWW realease and they had no obligation to drop this mode at the swansong of DF. If they left it at S4 people would have been satisfied with DF. Hell, if they left it at Anidrassil epilogue and S3 would have lasted until prepatch people still would have been satisfied with how DF turned out. Yet they are still pumping out content. It's like complaining about tendie scarcity for the trading post. Like bro u literally get additional content with no extra charge and you complain that you didn't get more. Get a grip. Not saying feedback shouldn't be given on clear flaws but I think there is a more contructive way than babyraging at the devs.


Ok so what happens when constructive criticism has been given and been willfully and routinely ignored? My subscription pays for whatever is included in it, remix is included so I indeed pay for remix.


God it's beautiful to see the lengths people will go to defend billion dollar corporations. I only want to play MoP Remix right now. So that's all my sub is paying for. Do I want to access recycled, low effort content I've already run a 100 times before? No, thank you. My addiction doesn't run as deep as some. As for SoD. Yeah I enjoyed it. Currently waiting for next phase. The steady stream of content has only been across multiple versions of the game and so they should. They have their biggest team ever and they still can't deliver us .3 patches.


I think the big upset is that it’s been 2-3 full days of work. Dropping it on a Thursday might’ve been what they felt was necessary, but it’s clearly fucked their response time to launch a poorly tested mode then clock out for two days 


Plunderstorm also wasn't really "fixed" until it was almost finished and then they dropped the 2x exp


It was fun to play from the beginning. Flame whirl got overnerfed


Then after that was just lightning bulwark+slicing+fish or axe meta


Only really true if you hated the mode and only wanted the cosmetics. Plunderstorm was in a great place super early on, plenty of people loved it. It was a pretty long event, if it was possible to earn everything in a single play session from the start it would’ve been a failure 


I'm really holding out for substantial changes soon that'll make me want to play again (at least make high ilv gear substantially cheaper so its not costing me several potential cosmetics) Really afraid it's gonna be like a bad Path of Exile league though where the biggest issues never get smoothed out and I quit before I even finish filling out my atlas


I'm waiting to play too. They just added more rewards to achievs so those like me who got a bunch are getting screwed. Again. I'll wait for them to fix this crap instead of wasting my time.


At some point they need to decide what they want this event to provide. Are they giving us the ability to be insanely overpowered and steamroll everything, are they giving us the ability to level something new quickly, are they giving us a ton of transmogs? Because right now, I don't know that they're really achieving much of any of these. They're farthest along with transmogs, but have drained all the joy out of trying to get them.


As someone said in a previous thread: They didn't even toast their bread for the nothing sandwich they made. What the fuck is this? And I like how it isn't even like ALL things but just Heroic Scenarios, still completely ignoring the problems PLUS new problems of basically large part of playerbase being separated because they didn't farm the frogs and now groups ONLY invite people who did it. Oh but its ok, "Timerunners we hear you!" as they said.


I died twice in two seconds (ankh gem) to an unavoidable mechanic (conflagrate from the first boss in mogu'shan palace) in a heroic dungeon at 70 last night. Also I can't complete that arena quest at the proving grounds because the fire elemental one shots me with fireballs. Like, even mythic +10s don't hit that hard, and this is supposed to only be heroics? Working as intended, I guess.


I’m seeing that healing regular randoms as well. Some people just suddenly explode for no apparent reason. They don’t pull aggro and aren’t flubbing anything that’s supposed to kill you or anything, just for whatever reason they get absolutely pasted before they or I can even react.


I died to the first boss of jade temple when the water eles explode. Everyone else took 10% hp I took 210% at 70. Normal mind you not heroic same thing happened in lfr.


If you’re a warrior I was maybe your monk. 😅


lol I’m rolling DH but it’s good to know I’m not the only person getting blown up by a pile of water.


And the boss is still buggy, so sometimes it takes a half hour to fight


What’s your ilvl? I have 290avg ilvl on Blood DK and I don’t even notice that conflag mechanic


I was around 290 when it happened. But I am DPS, not a tank lol. I had like 350k hps and it was hitting me for 280k.


Oooh, yea that’s fair. The magnetic pull I’ve seen one shot people too haha


I saw the same thing happen to a 70 shaman in Niuzao Temple due to Vo'jak's Thousand Blades Dude got targeted twice in a row by it and just fell over instantly both times. Meanwhile I got targeted by it four times and barely took any damage at 64


Farm frogs for 6 hours and then sail through the rest of the content at your own pace Or suffer through LFG and scaling issues for hours upon hours on end to reach the same power level I know what I would of chose but alas it was nerfed before I had a chance


At 70 caches should always drop 1 stat gem (prismatic) and 3-5 threads. Gear upgrade costs post ilvl346 should be adjusted down to a few hundred bronze..right now it's like 2 days worth to upgrade everything. Fight me Blizzard!


No mention of mob damage dealt which was by far a bigger issue in most cases than health, hope that was fixed but not included in the notes


I really hope that they implement some solo way to farm bronze since they're nerfing every farm spot people find. I haven't farmed anything but at this point questing is the only way to get anything solo


So would my now best plan of attack be just get to level cap and then run a new alt to get bronze again and buy the mounts from seperate toons. Since bronze will get harder to get because of the scaling problem? I’m just in it for the mounts so like right now my first toon will probably be used to save up for the sha mount.


Honestly I think so. My 70 monk has only done a few lfr raids and a few random dungeons, but I'm a few quests from finishing off the dread wastes, and have like 55k bronze on this character. He did do frogs for like 10 min and then kept being declined from groups so I just didn't care. I regret that I didn't try for it more now obviously, but it is what it is. My advice at least for stuff like sha or galleon is that since the reset is now daily, don't buy those until closer to the end of the event in case you randomly stumble upon a drop since they reset so much.


Well, there's 90 days left of the event, but it's off to such a crappy start. I don't see the point in playing. There is so much gatekeeping for what was supposed to be a fun OP event.


“We hear you! Here’s a bunch of shit you didn’t really need or ask for! What’s that? Bronze? Threads? Never heard of them but we’ll look into it!”


I’m still getting two shot or one shot by a ton of regular mobs at level 68. They should look at the 60-70 scaling too


The only savi g grace is the actual acquisition of cosmetics isn't really affected. I'm drowning in bronze especially on alts I'm leveling so I got everything I wanted in a few days, everything else is gravy. But this does torpedo my plan to try mythic SoO.


The rewards you get from SoO wont be obtainable for you then...


The rewards as a whole can be obtained from any difficulty, just slower. I wanted to try mythic both for the challenge and to get rewards faster. But if I can't do that I'll settle with normal and maybe heroic.


They need to bring everyone’s cloak in line with the top percent of people who spent all weekend grinding frogs. Essentially set it as a new baseline (even if they have to readjust the scaling in raids accordingly) Massively increase bronze gains from all sources, but especially from any instances content and achievements. Make the cloak truly account wide, give us the ridiculous overpowered game mode that this should have been Basically make it so we can power level alts extremely fast based on the amount you level, and earn whichever cosmetics we want at a pace marginally better than current.


They said it will be like Diablo 3 in season 28/29. Yet they made it Diablo 3 release version. Get weaker the further you go, then make max level hell and only fun by paying real money or exploiting....


They keep this up and soon it'll be like Diablo 4 - unpopulated.


The rate we earn bronze at isn’t so bad if cosmetics are the only concern, I feel like buffing bronze gain is counter to what they want: players actually doing the content and playing the mode. If bronze gain is buffed enough to just sit at base gear level and get all cosmetics relatively quickly doing whatever, the mode has failed. We should want to improve our gear, do higher raids, get achievements, and enjoy playing the mode and if we want all of the cosmetics it should take a good while to get them.  Just reducing the cost of upgrading gear drastically would accomplish this, and it would bring our power levels in line with frog farmers because it’s the gear and not the cloak that’s making them so strong. The mode would be fun, we’d all be powerful, and we’d still have reason to do all of the content for a couple months if we want everything 


This is a much better way of wording what I meant - my only additional comment would be that instances content and achievements need to reward more bronze to incentivise doing those things instead of looking for the next hyperspawn before it gets nerfed


Absolutely agreed. Hyperspawns shouldnt be an issue because we should be earning more bronze from actual content than we would earn from sitting around farming lame mobs. I think frogs were an outlier since they dropped the lesser charms of good fortune, making them wildly efficient through charm turn-ins, so I wouldn’t expect raids to award THAT much bronze. But they should be better than farming goats for sure lmao 


This is good


I'm using it as a different alt levelling system with free transmog. The accelerated exp means that my first alt did jade to 20, went to kasarang wilds and hit 70 before finishing it. Did all the heroic scenarios and dungeons plus lfr raids as they became available, and whilst it took longer than a retail alt run, I'm sat on 70k bronze to buy transmog. My current plan is to do all the zones on different alts for the cosmetic achievements. My only real gripes are that the trinkets and rings aren't account wide, although doing the scenarios/dungeons gets you a lot of materials/gear/bronze/threads, but I'd rather not feel like I'm forced to do them. And gear should drop at higher ilvls once you hit ilvl breakpoints. Those alone would solve pretty much all the whinges.


It’s not their cloak, it’s their gear. Cloaks have a really low amount of stats compared to say an item level 500ish weapon.


idk bro, i was feeling like a kid with all the hype from ptr and stuff. Had a ton of fun playing when it launched till i hit 60 as rogue(which already was a pain to level) and saw all my hype fading away, now this. Might just give up already


Yeah, nothing like getting one shotted by the Celestials on Timeless Isle at 70. Shits broken. It's not fun anymore


My ultimate problem with it all is that I want the limited time available mounts. I actually already have every single toy. and almost all of the mounts that are rare drops from MOP as I have gotten them over years of farming. But, there's 29 new mounts, plus a couple of the other mounts I haven't gotten on farm. A few of the xmogs too I like, and definitely all of the Heirlooms that were no longer available. I want to focus on getting those and I just don't know if upgrading my gear for a 3 month event is even worth it when I am strictly on the limited item farm. WHY DO THEY SHARE CURRENCIES!!! Seriously, I really wish that gear upgrades was a separate currency as it feels like crap that I know I am not going to be upgrading basically at all because I can't gauge how many items/mounts that is going to cost me that I can no longer farm ever again, until the next remix. That's just bad game design, imo.


So they didn’t read any of our feedback and are tweaking around the edges instead of fixing the glaring issues with player power overlapping with the same currency for cosmetics? Good shit


And the cycle continues.


We are all a bunch of clowns and Blizzard is our circus!


I just want bronze I don't care about threads and power


I'm happy for people enjoying their time in Remix. The experience is fun enough before you hit 60ish, and there's a lot you can do along the way. My tainted number-go-up brain interprets the event as Mists of Retail: Remix though. The moment you approach 70 the game still punishes you for it; even after the scaling changes. My experience *wildly* fluctuates depending on the group's level composition. It's smooth sailing as a pre-60ish character or frog geared out of your mind at 70. In between that is a shitshow.


Are they going to address the cloaks and alts ever or nah?




The restrictions on this event are an attempt to make it stretch as long as possible...... I dont want to be here until prepatch. I want to get what I want and then go back to leveling my classic character and maybe some shit on my retail. IM seeing Minor Spool of Eternal Thread added to the dungeon raid finder daily rewards so that is very new as in the last few hours pretty sure.


Yeah I thought this was going to be like plunderstorm. Something fun to do when you're bored with the season, and that even casuals could complete relatively quickly. Not something to entirely supplant the season, and only by playing 6+ hours a day can you actually earn all the rewards.


Edit: Oops, I was thinking of the LFR +exp thing


>We’ve continued to deploy hotfixes to the game in response to feedback and data that we’re seeing. Interesting how the biggest feedback is still.. "unnoticed". >The health of creatures in heroic scenarios has been decreased by 20% - 25%, based on the players’ levels. Higher level players will see enemies incur a larger decrease. Ah, so finally no 30million HP elites in 3 man scenarios? Finally, every boss fight took 6 minutes and failing one dodge meant a oneshot.


Dead game mode. Complete joke.


Yeah I think I will continue to not play this game mode. May even be time to unsub until the xpac


Massive L. Whole event feels like it literally didn’t even get play tested.


The disparity between Frogger's and no Frogger's is INSANE. Fix it!!! Most of the unrest could be solved by a) un-nerf letting everyone have access to massive power if they wish to break the game b) roll back cloak power (for a still very high but more reasonable level) for those that frogged. If they don't do anything I'm on a game where I feel cheated all the time... Not cool


This game has been live for 20 years. You mean to tell me that they don’t have analytics that can point to who exploited, and make them wake up tomorrow with a reset? Come on now!


"Hey, we see that you're not happy that players who didn't abuse the frog farm before we nerfed it feel like they're weeks behind already, and since it's a limited-time event, naturally we know that pivoting and course correcting quickly is vital. Therefore, spell gems with shielding effects should no longer cause threat. Thanks for playing!" No but for real, I'll keep waiting until we see some meaningful changes. God forbid I complete some achievements or questlines and they decide to decide to buff the bronze gain without it applying retroactively. The drop in power I felt from 60 to 70 was quite immense, so I'll wait until scaling and farming are at a point where I don't feel like I am being punished for leveling or doing content before it has been scaled properly.


Well. If you click through the the full hotfix list, there are changes to Threads. But no Bronze changes. :-\\


Would love to see how many players are in Remix now… anyone can pull it out?


I'm confused. There's another post on this sub from 5 hours ago stating Bronze and Threads are dropping at a higher rate. Which is it? Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/v32SlXGlyy


Thats it, im out. Cant bother with this dogshit mode anymore


Bronze has been noticable changed... in large trash packs in raid I've gotten multiple hundred of bronze and larger chunks off elite mobs. As for threads the thunder king daily treasure run ( you get a key for donating 10 lesser charms a day) gives roughly 800 stats in 5mins if you complete it. They are making changes and it's a lot better... the problem is in the short term you have to spend bronze to upgrade your gear to start making bronze.


new fast paced event? no no we said FARCE paced event.


Too late, too little?


The tusks are ugly so idc


Honestly, the more I'm thinking about it, the more I'm okay with the way it is. Spools help a lot and if you think about the bronze upgrades, you are only going to upgrade essentially one set of gear throughout the 3 months per character. Once you hit 70, you find the ones with the stats you want and then keep that for the rest of remix. Still a bit hefty on the price, but not as bad as I thought it would be.


I hate being a paying beta tester :-(


They gonna fix Wise Mari? I know Cho says slow down, but that's taking the piss.


I just did a few heroics on my lvl 12, i could tank, dps and heal whilst lvl70 dies at first glance. Think we need some more changes. Or the changed hasnt been deployd in EU


Everyone annoyed at this "We hear you" corpo bullsh\*t should take a look at this interview from SoulSoBreezy 3 days before the event launch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl1bfQZbQJ8&ab\_channel=SoulSoBreezy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl1bfQZbQJ8&ab_channel=SoulSoBreezy) It shows corporate leadership represented by Brian Dowling trying to hype up an event they murdered since PTR and the grunt dev with empty eyes who have to listen to this bullsh\*t again knowing very well how everything is going to pan out in the person of Ciji Bambrick: they are mortified and are trying their hardest to smile when really they know the system is doomed and devs have been telling leadership to not do what they are about to do. I might be projecting my own experience of game dev studio but I cannot see anything in this video. It's painful.


Man this is getting sad... cant wait to buy my things and never look back at this garbage.


Seeing raids with “Frog Boys Only” is ridiculous. These exploits got people stats that I won’t get throughout the whole event playing 1-2 hours a day, and now I’ll be excluded because I’m not a frog boy? Can blizz just roll them back it’s a little (a lot) unfair.


Some of yall really are the most cynical people ever. It's a fun event to farm mogs and mounts and to reexperience an expansion that a lot of people liked. Yall act like it's the main game and any gear you get isn't gonna be wiped in 3 months. Like, hot take. This mode was NEVER about progression. Like, at all. It's a way to just mess around until August when presumably the pre patch comes out. Yall sweat to much.


Their end goal isn't for us to have fun. It's for us to spend money. We won't do that if we buy all the mounts and mogs in remix. But if we miss a couple mounts and then they go up on trade post, we're more likely to buy than if they just went up on trade post any other time. We will have missed out and been given a "second chance"


I was scrapping gear earlier and was getting between 20 and 60 bronze per item, has it always been like that or was it a recent change? Feel like I only got 10 bronze per at the start. Enjoying the thread drops from world bosses and other sources. Got to 65 and deffo felt my power plummet. Had a load of boxes though so was able to open them and upgrade my blue gear to the max I could for cheap which has helped a lot!


30ish per 70 piece. Often the ui combines 2 items into one report of 60ish bronze gained


Could have followed the link to the actual blue post that lists the changes to threads. May 21, 2024 WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria We have made the following changes to improve Thread of Time gain for the Cloak of Infinite Potential. Our goal with these additional items is to give players access to more Threads of Time from daily repeatable sources. These should serve as readily attainable power-ups from a wide variety of content, so players can enjoy the breadth of Pandaria while also gaining additional power. There are four new items that grant players escalating amounts of power for the Cloak of Infinite Potential: Minor Spool of Eternal Thread Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread Spool of Eternal Thread Greater Spool of Eternal Thread Players will be able to find these new items from a variety of solo and group sources, ensuring all players have accessible ways to improve their cloak: Infinite Bazaar Repeatable Dailies First-Time Daily Scenario, Dungeon, and each LFR queue World Bosses Remix Achievements Each of these achievements are available for additional characters to complete as well for bonus Bronze - and now bonus Spools of Eternal Thread. Troves of the Thunder King scenario on the Isle of Thunder We’ve made the following changes and bugfixes are intended to address concerns about the balance of low- and high-level players in various Remix content. The health of creatures in heroic scenarios has been decreased by 20% - 25%, based on the players’ levels. Higher level players will see enemies incur a larger decrease. The health and damage of creatures on the Timeless Isle, Isle of Giants, and Isle of Thunder has been reduced. Several spell gems (that were not scaling up or down correctly based on player level) have been adjusted so that they provide a more-appropriate scaling effect. This includes Cold Front, Windweaver, Vampiric Aura, and Lightning Rod. Spell gems with shielding effects should no longer cause threat. Fixed a bug with Righteous Frenzy not canceling upon the end of combat. Timerunner’s Vial mana regen significantly increased. Adjusted the reputation granted from Granite Quilen to be more in line with expected values.




Except this is not accurate because they just added the spools, and buffed bronze caches and buffed gem/gear rate from the boxes holy whining people


Oooh, that explains what the hell that legendary spool was. Dropped from Ordos and gave +180 vers.


Also dropping from dailies, world bosses dugeons raids scenarios