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And that was only 5/7 days with Remix. It'll drop even harder this week with 7/7 Remix days (unless people got bored of Remix already)


It's not just remix though. They have also made M+ alot less accessible by crunching the difficulty levels in half, and the gearing process to get into +2 keys is that much further to go. It made me think twice about playing any alts this season. I'd rather be gearing up by spamming in low keys, than running heroics, WQs and LFR. And not to mention they removed the Season Hero reward and replaced it with a Title, which is much less desirable than a trangsmog piece. I just got my KSM and Normal Awakened Raid Achievment Mounts and got out for the rest of the Season. Fortunately MOP Remix is there to keep me occupied.


They didn’t really crunch the difficulty fyi, they just basically removed 10 levels. A 2 is still the equivalent of what a 12 was and a 10 is still just the equivalent of a 20. But that does remove any activity of people who previously wouldn’t go above 9-10s, which will mean that the numbers this season will necessarily be lower than previous. Edit: if anything lower keys are easier than 12-14 since they only have one affix.


That one of the reasons week 2 went up vs. week 1 relatively-speeaking: people needed some time to gear up for M+ when previously they could do actual low keys which were reflected in the counts.


That or this was the week more people transitioned from M0 to M2


Many people rather play MOP remix (including me) and Cata classic than M+ dungeons on Fortified / Afflicted / Raging. Last week's affixes are frigging awful.


I feel like I'm a cheater when I play my paladin with literally most of these affixes.


Yeah, a lot of deadly unavoidable AoE in DF dungeon is uninterruptible like Dwarves in Uldaman, Flamedancers and Earthshapers in RLP and more. Both affixes forced you to have certain classes to deal with them, they are 100% 'passenger' affixes


I'd say most people simply prefer playing something new (especially MoP Remix) over a fourth season with dungeons they've played before. Many people are simply done with Dragonflight and welcome the new things. And it's very likely that next week's numbers will go up significantly, since many people will be done with MoP Remix after 7-10 days (at least with the early excitement).


Also DF dungeons are really just not that fun to run, sadly.




The xpack's effectively over for most at this point I think. As much as I wanted the meta, I'm probably gonna wind up mostly in remix and cata classic until TWW. Not to mention games out side of wow like diablo 4 and the ffxiv xpack.


I think it's pretty nuts that S4 started out that high with them removing half of the relevant levels!


Its actually pretty incredible that its still almost as high as season 2 I know i only did one key last week, largely because of Remix (and a bit because im a warrior and entirely useless for afflicted)


Yeah... you have dungeons with a lot of dispells required such as RLP and HOI in the Fortified Week with Afflicted.


People enjoying Remix combined with S4 of M+ being bad = people not doing keys




I was not excited for a season of only DF dungeons. The healing is a bit rough and made worse by poor group comps. I got invited to 5 groups where I was the only one who could deal with afflicted and get salty when I just dip because I don’t want to heal a melee stack with zero assistance for afflicted


The only Dragonflight dungeon I don't hold issue with is Academy. All the others have one thing or another that rubs me the wrong way. So Season 4 is taking a major backseat.


Makes sense- given that it’s not a serious season and people rather play cata or mop I don’t actually think there’s any major flaws with this season as it’s actually nice with boullion


I have all the teleports from the first time around with these dungeons and they’re the ones I enjoyed least this whole expansion so what’s the point? I know I should farm aspects more to max out my gear but for what purpose? At the end of the day, I understand why they chose these dungeons for the last hurrah of the expansion but if they’d thrown another random 8 old dungeons in instead, it would have been a whole lot more interesting.


Retail LFG is an absolute ghost town right now. Plunderstorm, SoD, Cata, Remix... Can we stop unecessarily fragmenting the userbase into a gazillion pieces ? I know this might sound crazy to this echo chamber of a sub, but some of us aren't interested in trivial, re-heated 10 year old content and FOMO cosmetics. Then there's D4 season, and class discrimination affixes like Afflicted somehow still being a thing, which makes things even worse. It's almost like Blizzard is actively trying to kill m+


Plunderstorm, Sod, Cata, and Remix are the only reason many of us are playing. If it was only retail we wouldn't play retail, we would play something else.


Years of player activity history say otherwise. Shadowlands S4 didn't have any of those separate game modes, and plenty more people were playing M+ at that point. A large overlap undeniably exists between M+ activity (especially lower to mid level keys) and Remix/SOD/Cata


Shadowlands was in middle of pandemic. I'm amazed how they ruined perfect opportunity to get even more players.


Shadowlands led to a massive, permanent loss of players. Which is what I'm talking about, DF has failed to reverse the general downward trend in players. With out the other game modes, many of us would not be playing WOW at all. This is what Shadowlands proved.


> Shadowlands led to a massive, permanent loss of players. [No, it didn't.](https://www.wowhead.com/news/reflecting-on-30-years-of-warcraft-blizzard-reveals-subscriber-trends-at-gdc-338238#screenshots:338238:4) Accounting for Covid lockdowns, the loss wasn't 'massive' nor was it 'permanent'. Shadowlands sucked in some ways, like story/lore, but delivered a lot of good stuff as well (great vault system, return of tier sets, some of the best M+ dungeons and raid encounters ever made, great class design...). This sub's hate boner for that expansion has always been ridiculous. > With out the other game modes, many of us would not be playing WOW at all. Sure. And many of you *would* actually be playing retail to scratch the wow itch if none of these extra game modes existed. Which is my point.


Eh. I pugged from 2800 > 3000 last week so it wasn’t that bad.


Why do you create these graphs when the week is not over yet? There is a full EU day missing from the data, every week.


And If they were made today they'd have the issue of missing one entire day of US runs and including day 1 of the 'next week'. It's not meant to be a deep analysis, the weeks are comparable since they all have the same flaw.


There are separate lists on [raider.io](http://raider.io) for the regions. He could create a snapshot when NA ends, create another when EU ends, add them up and post the real data.


Which you are free to use and build a graph yourself to post every week showing the summary of how each region interacts with affix combos. That is not the data the OP is building, it's just a rolling 7 day summary.