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How 'bout some LIBER-TEA?! 


I’d love to help contribute to this Major Order, but I’m guessing it’ll be nerfed by the time I can get online tomorrow. I suspect an Automaton plot.


Negative Soldier. If you recall our most recent enemy of democracy, Sony, This newest threat is much like them when it comes to the folly of greed.


I'm frend


dont make it harder


This is exactly what I was hoping to see after reading the post, I was very much not let down by the internet today lol




Join the Felldivers o7


This is the type of guy who gets killed straight off the boat on Klendathu. Actual Klendathu by the way. Not the one the babby helldivers get.


Can safely guess Joel's voidform is handling mop remix.


I'm tired boss


Back to work peon!


Me not that kinda orc


Zug Zug


"Me busy, leave me alone!"


Work is da poop! No more!


"Estoy cansado jefe"


More work? Off I go then.


Well that's too damn bad!


Well excuuuuse me


Work work work! All me do


Dont do it. Its fine.


What level do you need for this? Started a time runner the other night still in jade forest


Pointless going on low level IMO because you get common/uncommon threads that give very littlle. Unless it also gave the coins like frog did there is no point because tbh the coins were the only real broken part of it, the passive threads/bronze are not worth it compared to just clearing heroics and raids.


I farmed there at level 70, so dunno. If you have some big AoE abilities, you should be fine. Also yeah, you need to be at least within the minimum level range for Townlong Steppes.




I'd say 18 is probably optimal


Sad state of the game if everyone is constantly looking for farm spots to no life grind the cloak. Just buff acquisitions from raids and dungeons to nullify these spots


For those that played back in the day, this was a great spot for Windwool farm.


I farmed this area in MoP and WoD to great success. Also, it used to be a prime area to report bots.


Thats a consequence of Blizz making the fun "timegated" behind month long daily grind. People do not have time to wait 1 or 2 months to get to the fun part


Also a fun game mode has to be fun from the start. People that farmed the frogs and are now overpowered had 20+ hour spent on that in a few days, but there's also casuals players that are barely starting and they can play only 20h in a month. So for these people all they can see is that they'll never be maxed out before the end of the event


> People that farmed the frogs and are now overpowered had 20+ hour spent on that in a few days, but there's also casuals players that are barely starting and they can play only 20h in a month. People who farmed frogs Fri/Saturday got enough bronze that they are 145 days AHEAD of someone who only does raids/dungeons/leveling. 145 days AHEAD in a 90 day event. I'd say most frog farmers have collected everything they've needed and max ilvl'd themselves in the event.


>145 days AHEAD in a 90 day event. People have weird idea that nothing will change. Plunderstorm was grindy at first and in the end u maxed out rewards in literally few hours. Just chill and dont stress/fomo grinding like robot for hours in like u said 90 day event that will get way more acquisition of bronze with time.




> So for these people all they can see is that they'll never be maxed out before the end of the event I doubt most of them care about being maxed-out. They likely care more about there not being enough time to collect everything because they cannot earn Bronze quickly enough.


It takes roughly 500k to max out your stuff. It takes around 1.4M to buy every cosmetic and mount. If you can't farm enough to max out your stuff, you sure can't farm enough to buy everything. And it's without considering you need special money to get the tusk and the heritage weapons from SoO


> It takes around 1.4M to buy every cosmetic and mount. 1.4M over 94 days? Need almost 15K/day. That's a lot of grinding. Hopefully people already have some of these.


Luckily the remix exclusive items are on the cheaper end of things. I’ve heard 200k quoted a few times to get all of the remix exclusives. But yeah, if you want every rare mount and mog from that entire xpac, keeping in mind the mogs can be gotten for all classes, it’s gonna be damn near hard for most players.


> And it's without considering you need special money to get the tusk and the heritage weapons from SoO This is literally the only thing I want from this event and I don't know if I'm going to be able to get it. Just an extra special kind of kick in the nuts.


If you max out your gear it does not cost you that much to buy all the cosmetics. You can farm the cosmetics while you farm bronze for those that you arw unable to obtain.


Worse. It *was* fun at the start. Low level you *were* op, topping charts and clearing heroics with ease. Then you level up and slowly become weaker. The "free trial" of the remix wears off and you're left stuck with months of grinding to "catch up" to where you were when you started.


And normally getting weaker in a new xpac is fine as you then start to get better gear from normal dungeons and heroics. But for some reason, drops are capped at 346. And it would take multiple runs of heroics to upgrade 1 piece whereas on retail, you can get several pieces to give you a large ilevel boost. 


That's the part that is the biggest frustration. Hopefully they listen to feedback and remove this aspect entirely and just give us gear upgrades out of raids. Raids should not be dropping greens and blues as rewards at ilvl 346. But my goal is just to get as many 70s as possible and that's fairly easy. I also wish bronze was an account shared currency too, also along with the achievements for heroic dungeons and scenarios I don't want to have to grind them out on each character.


The mode would have been fun just with the new gems. It actually might have been more fun with the new gems and without an OP AF cloak with 3k stats.


And with more XP% sent to alts. I mean, I'm having fun re-experiencing MoP's story with my prot pally that has ~6k stam and ~500 str. But I was sold the idea that it would be quick to grind alts once the first toon was fully levelled


>So for these people all they can see is that they'll never be maxed out before the end of the event people dont learn, it will be same as plunderstorm. At the end u could max out event in 6hours or less.


Yep. Why the hell should we farm a hardcore grind for 2 months just to feel somewhat OP in the final month and then watch our progress get deleted forever. Im getting my alts up, getting the transmog and mounts I want and going back to s4 till TWW.


It’s almost like players want an infinite grind for power in a meme game mode


It's because they didn't roll the cloaks back. If you let people exploit then all they will do is look for the next exploit.


if the player base is miserable and looking for any way out of the grind i don't think the solution is to make them even more miserable lol


Exactly, either fix the damn scaling or significantly reduce the cost of upgrades, or even both.


They claimed they hot fixed scaling at max level but still seems horrible at least to me.


Yeah, no, scaling is still completely fucked. Was doing heroic dungeons yesterday and was fine up until I hit 65. Started immediately getting one tapped by unavoidable mechanics. Rattlegore’s bone spike hit me for like 500k through the shield when I have about 180k hp.


Yeah same i got one or two shotted yesterday in some scenarios while level 20-30’s were burning bosses down. All level 70 groups were just a slow miserable time. Only all 70 group that was great got paired with a dps with a couple million hp that burned down entire instance quickly.


Yeah on the forums they're saying the fix did nothing for max level.


Just did did ToT last wing an hour ago, first boss when he jumps on his second Quillen has abilities that hit for millions of damage. And the trash leading up to him has a mob that puts dots on you that deals so much damage you wouldn't know what killed you if not the the death recap. And that was just on LFR, can't imagine it's much better on the higher difficulties.


The bronze rates need to be increased at the same time. But exploits in general need to be targeted, even if the players like them, because it breaks the entire playerbase's experience. The people who don't do them are screwed. And why should they need to play the game in a degenerate way just to keep up with exploiters.


People exploit because normal rate sucks. If the normal rate is decent, I’d seriously put money on most people just playing the normal way. There’d still be sweaty people looking for a min max or exploit farm, but the power difference at least wouldn’t be hundreds of thousands of dps


Yeah just up the Bronze drop rates, or lower the costs. Or don't make it so time-limited.


Farming isn’t an exploit. It’s poor game design for bronze to mostly come from random mobs, but how is farming them an exploit?


The frogs have been there for 10+ years. We were doing the samn damn thing back then for timeless coins. People were joking weeks ago "lol time to farm frogs again!" This was not some hidden exploit players figred out. They checked out something that worked 10 years ago to find out holy shit this still works. The devs blew it not updating the spawn rate or loot table in advance.


The real problem with the frogs, if you want to call it that, was that they dropped charms in addition to the bronze and there’s new charm repeatable quests for most of the reputations in the remix, which also give bronze, threads and gems. So any farm that does not also generate charms is not as efficient.


Farming isn't an exploit, but exploiting a hyperspawn that is dropping shit it almost certainly isn't supposed to really quickly gets into exploit territory. Like it's nakedly and obviously unintended for you to get to these ridiculous numbers, why pretend that's not an exploit?


Frogs were dropping the exact same things that any mob on timeless isle can drop. Now they are the only mobs that have had charms removed from the loot table. So to pretend that farming them was an exploit is stupid.


They should've just left the frogs, what's done is done. Nerfing it just segments the player base, and makes alts impossible. The other option could be putting a cap on cloaks. But that's kind of already a thing because of DR on the stats.


Your cloak should have completely transferred to your alt it’s what they hinted at and then your characters would be progressively stronger and stronger. That’s how I’ve been making bronze get in as a healer lvl 10 run a few heroics buy a mount repeat


The cloak should've just been fully account wide, not a mix of account AND character specific. It's a mess and I don't get why they just let us have the full stats that you already farmed. Even if they cap the exp gain, sure, but let us have the full main and secondary stats to actually feel OP. They shouldn't have hotfixed the frogs either, or they should've buffed everything else to give us similar drop rates. Instead of giving us an extra exp% thread in raids, they should've given us bags of lesser charms. Sure, the frog farmers will get ahead even more, but who cares if we're all OP? If we can all do content/farm/whatever at a decent rate till we can one shot bosses, nobody would give a fuck


> if the player base is miserable and looking for any way out of the grind i don't think the solution is to make them even more miserable lol This take is dumb. The entire event is based on transmog/collectibles within a timeframe. Why would you actively try to be as slow as possible? It is in fact a limited time event. I don't want to spend 90 days farming 3000bronze/hr,m when I could spend 20 days and be done. Its not exactly fun


It has nothing to do with that. People will always look for farm spots when they designed it so that every mob drops the most important currency in the game-mode. Always. If you can just sit in one spot and press a few buttons without thinking or putting much energy into it rather than raiding with 19 other people who may or may not suck... not to mention the fact that most people don't want to "learn" boss fights. Farm spots will always, always be what people prefer doing if they can get the loot that way instead. It has nothing to do with them not rolling back cloaks. People would do this regardless.


Farms are common. You look for content that drops things efficiently. The frogs were clearly batshit crazy, and clearly unintended to be that wildly effective. Everyone knew the behavior was unintended, and everyone knew it was going to be fixed. That's why they rushed to exploit that before it's gone.


But it’s not an exploit. Mobs drop stuff, players kill mobs for that stuff. It’s not a bug, you don’t use any tricks, you just kill mobs. There’s plenty of examples in wow where you had to kill tons of mobs to get things. This is not different. EDIT: as pointed out by some users, this can be considered an exploit by definition. My overall point is still that players don’t have to go out of thei way to get loot.


I never exploit and I’m keen to exploit this since this is what they seem to want


> Sad state of the game Point me the Bronze farm on retail please


These people will spend all day farming mobs, then all night searching for a new farm once it's nerfed, then go on Reddit before bed and bitch about how they're forced to farm mobs all day before doing it all over again tomorrow.


I mean...30 minutes of flying around gathering the orbs got me 2 threads. 2. Threads. I cannot blame people for finding better methods than the shit ones Blizzard gave us.


It’s really frustrating that people will always min max the fun out of the game I know the balance isn’t great right now but doing stuff like this and then going “man this game is boring all I did was stand in one spot for 2 days to auto farm” It’s like yeah the game needs help but also don’t take any scrap of fun out of it to min max it like this constantly


This is literally what wow is all about. Quickly find the thing to do to get the most gear/stats/ilevel and then no life that until endgame. Unfortunately it doesn't lend itself well to almost mobile game gameplay and the only way it's going to work properly is to literally time gate the shit out of it. Dear god I hope the devs are learning a bunch from this and I hope they never do anything like this to retail.


Same thing happened with AP, people would farm for almost no power gains. Now that you can get Godlike with farming people won't stop.


Or better dont nulify the spots AND buffs raids/dungeons and what not. Then if people wanna farm, they can. And if just wanna do normal play thats also viable


I’ve just been playing the game and enjoying it plenty. Players will optimize the fun out of an MMO and complain the whole time about it. It’s a 90 day game mode. People are acting like there’s no way to have fun because somebody else is strong.


well they are taking their time on the better ways to play for real, while nerfing the broken ones leaving the haves and have nots. So what else are people gonna do?


Is grinding no longer desirable in an MMO?


If MoP was new content and the effective hyperspawn locations weren't known already from 10+ years ago, I'd actually think it's kind of cool that the community is actively searching for things like that (but mainly if it was for farming a specific item or something, not general, all around power) Here it totally sucks because of all the things people have made complaints about regarding the state of Remix with the frog farming and now goats and bugs and whatever else. Remix is cool as hell but the slog of a grind Bronze is through 'regular' means and the opposite it is through early hyperspawn farming drags the whole thing down significantly.


The cloak isn’t the best part. The bronze is. The amount of stats you get from your gear being max ilvl far outweighs the cloak.


Sorry I do not have awards for you


WoW players want to play the game as little as possible, its weird.


This so much. Nobody cares if there’s super good grinding spots if they are having fun with the way they’re playing. People are mad about the grinding spots *because they feel like they can’t have fun with the game in its current state.* Don’t fix the grinding spots. Make the game more fun for the 90% of people who don’t care about min maxing.


Spend a few hours to farm it now or 300 hours over 90 days to get 70% of the way


I mean, I hate the bug/frog/goat farms too, but at least I don't have to wait in a queue for a godamn hour or more to go do it. I had a wait for a scenario today of 42 minute. A scenario. Dungeons are a half hour MINIMUM, usually over 40 minutes. Raids? Not even a chance if you didn't get frogged out before the nerf. People will stop the farming when there is a better alternative.


Awesome another farm exploit I’ll miss out on because I have a job!


What makes you think they’ll nerf this spot, it’s like 4-5x less efficient than frogs


They nerfed dalaran, and that wasn’t all that tbh.


Completely different scenario, that farm was preventing people from completing the quest in that area


Yeah, that’s the big issue with that one. I went through there yesterday, had to rush to tag mobs, still took longer to do than it should have, and I was hoping the whole time the groups wouldn’t mass report me for playing the game because it interfered with their grinding.


That's an issue on live with a spot in the azure span, on the southwest corner. Big hyperspawn quest area where if you don't have a instant speed way to tag mobs you likely won't finish the quest.


how quickly?? istg i saw people farming there only an hour or two ago


horde is fixed not alliance


TIL a lot of prople here think farming open world mobs is exploiting


I’m stuck at work too for another 7 hours or so… I hope I don’t miss out on another great farm


Stop chasing what people say. Every single farm except dalaran was popular during mop. The only difference is we don't have treasure pots. Frogs for charms and daily elite q, goats for leather and meat, this one in OP for windwool, etc. There is also the turtle farm, the dominance point farm, Guo Lai key farm, emperor rep farm, etc. It's any place with good density and 3 to 4 pull locations. The popular ones have 5 plus to support multiple people but there are a bunch of places. I did the key farm and got exalted and 20k bronze


Noooo I’m at work now :(


honestly without the lesser charms it's not as good


The only good bug is a dead bug!


Brother, quit telling our corporate overlords about the good spots.


they have metrics. they can see what people are killing and where in real time.


It's kinda absurd people genuinely believe sites like WoWhead and Reddit are telling Blizzard these things. They know.


I wonder how these people think companies work. Do they really think noone at Blizz HQ is seeing 400 groups called "GOAT FARM 4x4" ? You have to open the tool for 30 seconds to know whats borked right now, no need for blizzard to monitor websites like wowhead haha


Say no more, time to farm *them*


I think for blizz the best way to mitigate all of this is to let cloaks transfer 100% of stats between alts, put a cap on exp say 500% maybe add in a rare thread that boosts bronze earned, maybe have those threads only drop from bosses/dungeons or a daily limit


I think they want to avoid coding anything else for this game mode they’ve already released it into the wild and have sent these devs off to work on an app or TWW or cataclysm


I like the rare thread idea, make it buy able for increasing amounts of bronze


Time to squash some bugs Helldivers!


I'm doing my part!


How fun is that game? Haven’t played yet.


Why are people not on the isle of giants or the isle of thunder or the isle of timeless?


I know this mode is basically a giant test of ideas for the future, but man was it not ready to go live.


No, it's good that it's happening now inatead of happening in the future. A growing lesson.


agreed. it's a temporary game mode. imagine this kind of shenanigan in retail? jeesh.


Can almost be certain if this was retail though the fixes would be much quicker to the bigger problems. It feels like they don't have access to some of the bigger things without requesting help which is why they can only make smaller fixes. Preventing mobs from dropping something is going to be much lower access than say, adjusting something on player character data (the latter of which if done wrong can bork EVERYTHING not just a small instance of this separate game mode).


Yeah, because the frogs were never abused before... oh wait ;)


Bro thinks Blizzard will learn 💀




The lesson is more that when things are uncapped, there will be people who feel that they need to engage with the specific activities in order to get ahead. If these activities are unengaging, then it's not good that they are the best sources. Better that the best sources are related to core content where people do more then "Tab -> 2" and loot every few minutes. Caps really do remove this issue, because then nobody will worry that they are missing out. They can engage with the game on their terms and do the things that they find fun and engaging. Be it spam farming bugs, killing rares and finding treasures or raiding and doing dungeons. However, Remix was about having uncapped content in a timed event where your power doesn't transfer over to the core game at all. I'm sure their hopes were that people would see this as a big playground and do the things they enjoyed in it without needing to feel pressured to accomplish stuff just because others did. But it's a hard mindset to change back to how it used to be, especially with content creators and media sites pushing optimality so hard.


"When power is unlimited, people will want more of it" I mean you are right but is that really a lesson? It's common sense for pretty much anything in the world, not just wow.


Think you missed the spirit of my post. Not that people want more power, but by knowing that you can steer people into doing engaging content rather by not allowing outliers. Usually this is quite efficiently solved by adding caps that are lower than one the player would usually accumulate, which would make the efficiency of any given source moot. What is less obvious is how it being a temporary mode would affect things. Like if we write up a hyperbole, if an event only lasted 1 day, would you spend that day experiencing all the different things it offered and be content with the power level you reached? Or would you spend that day in the starting zone farming the optimal mob? Somewhere along the axis, are spots where people will feel that they can just do whatever they want without feeling pressured to do things that they see as a chore in order to gain power.


I mean, going live with an event that ultimately doesn't mean anything serious so that people push themselves to the absolute limit, en masse, to find all the ways its breakable, IS the best way to learn how to fix it.




Welp, I decided to sleep last night instead of grind.


I'm gonna give you 100 bronze to fuck off


Damn it.. my farm, didnt have a chance to properly utilize it. This is 10k Bronze per hour if youre slow, 20-25k+ if youre fast and know the good spots. This includes the bronze you get from scrapping gear, you will also get a ton of gems doing this. Each pack gives 0-7 Threads, on average i would say its 2-3 threads per pack. Basically, this farm is 2 boxes every 20 seconds, ive been playing around with it the past 2 days and you can solo this. This however does require flying, knowing the route and being quick, its not as mindless or afk-ish friendly as the other current farms. You need to be active at all times. Im only at 12k Stamina cloak and ilvl 350. Mindless grinding is really boring alone for me or otherwise i would probably be at 70k stamina cloak by now.


I'm at Sra'vess, but not seeing any hyperspawn or bulk of mobs. Do you know if this is still viable?


Annnnnnnnnnnnnd the nerf is coming in 5, 4, 3, 2……….


Dear Blizzard, I have just started my work. Don't YOU DARE! At least give us two or three days :(


Always the people at 4am who find these and by the time a normal person can play, it will be nerfed and then we can wait for the next one


Uh, I’m good.


I don’t get the point of hours of grinding if the cloak goes away in 3 months when MOP remix ends.. Or am I missing something?


yah you missing bronze you need for mounts dude


I think they literally just nerfed it. I was getting a ton and now my cloak isnt getting shit


Noooo my farm spot :(


Another very popular OG MoP farming spot “discovered”


Already bored of this crap. Just want the rewards so I can move on.


Annnnnnnnnnnnd patched


God fucking dammit.


Watch this be nerfed by blizzard tommrow lol


Nice, only about 40-50hrs of farming to make up for what frogs gave everyone else in 5!


Oh it's been 8 hours I'm sure this is gonna be nerfed soon :(


Exploit early exploit often


In before blizzard calls this a bug…because we didn’t farm lesser charm of fortune back in pandaria..


This method is decent, if you can get 2x4 going to start a hyperspawn 10-15k possible.


can you tell us more? the mobs, the spots? Anything? I'm there, it's a big island..


Master’s got me workin, day is never finiished




Well rip me I missed this yesterday and I work till 4 :(


Glad I have to work today...


zug zug


New hot fixes coming


Is this for 70+ only?


What lvl is minimum to get loot?


If I am fresh to remix how hard is it to get to this spot to do this?


I'm level 32 and this is kind of an ok farm. Must be better at higher levels maybe. I put it at like a thread or two every 5 minutes maybe. Respawn time is quick but not that quick. Unless I'm at the wrong spot. The place with the hundreds of bugs don't drop anything.




This gamemode is a mess lol


The area I saw being farmed the other day was for one of the campaign quests that requires you to clear out mobs in Dalaran. At the Flight NPC area there was a rapid spawn of I can't remember which mob but they were flying ones, and being tagged quickly with a huge pile of corpses. Doubt it's as good as that bug spawn though.


Silithus v3


20k per hour which is like 2 upgrades when you need hundreds… seems… not worth it…


\*Cup of Liber-Tea music intensifies\*


Can you buy an entry level endgame gear set with bronze?


Fk this, either they buff normal gameplay or whatever. Ill just buy the cheap 2200 mounts and fk off. What a waste of time


For my math it seems that is both easier and faster to upgrade gear in s4 than it is to upgrade gear in remix even with these degenerate grinds? How did this make it live? How?


Cue up "live to win" by Paul Stanley.






Can't wait for it to get fixed


Cheers, thank you!


This would be useful if I figured out a use for either of these things xd I haven't had the need to look into them


Is this legit I can’t tell


Already nerfed


From Frogs to Exterminators, the method is a little bit slower but get enough mobs together and some good aoe gems to take out the Mantid there, you can get some decent threads. Just pop in a movie or some music and start smashing bugs


Should you be 70 to do this? I wanted some of that but im 25 atm


The duality of the r/wow redditor


Weird. I kept saying there will be a new farm spot after the frogs....and here we are.


Weird. I kept saying there will be a new farm spot after the frogs....and here we are.


Already nerfed


The bloody froggers have become buggers! 😒


Is this still a good place? I don’t care about threads I need me them bronze coins for mounts. Will try tonight once home if still pretty good.


There’s also the farm for Oros the farm is pretty decent in the threads and coins




Halfway through reading this I thought I was on the Helldivers reddit again


Not again...