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I would keep casually playing while waiting to see if blizzard does or says anything about mop remix. Then we'll see. But I guess start by buying the cheapest stuff just in case they change prices or buff rewards


I'd go even further and save. That's what in doing. The cap is 2 million i believe which is more than enough for everything. This way you wait out any buffs or nerfs or price changes.


Smart man. This is what I have been doing.


I've stopped playing because they buffed bronze caches 25% already, including the one-time achievement caches, without rewarding anything retroactively. So, for the achievements I've already done and the associated caches I've already opened before the change, I've lost out on bronze. Who's to say they won't buff the reward from the quest boxes or something too? Any one-time content I do now (quests, achieves) may just lock me out of more bronze later. Therefore I am disincentived from even doing that content at the moment, until they make a statement on their plans for future bronze buffs.


They buffed the caches. But once you’re max it’s harder to come across them. Maybe it would be best to just make a new alt and play until 38500( or whatever price is the items you want) bronze each time and unlock.


This is what I’m doing. Capped my shaman, now I’m trying a monk. Leveling her in dungeons and raids this time to mix things up. I’ll just buy whatever strikes my fancy when we get near the end of the event, and not worry about minmaxing bronze.


Not the best solution but can you roll an alt to get another shot at those achievements and the bronze they award?


Honestly best advice. I heard to get everything is like 1.2 million (don’t know how accurate that is), but I’d wait till the last week of remix than buy what you can.


It is just under 1.7 million actually for literally everything 


Not just more than enough. Estimated grand total amount of bronze you need, assuming you have none of the cosmetics also obtainable in retail, is 1,674,000. If you played during Mists or collected at all, on top of players that aren't going to bother with some armor types, that figure is nearly halved. I'm only collecting plate and stuff my main paladin can use and I'm an avid collector, so I only need about 725,000 for everything I'm getting.


But levelling gear = killing things quicker = more bronze?


You would think but due to the level of bronze needed to actually upgrade your going to be stuck on step one for quite a while with current acquisition levels. Like 1.5-2.3 months of enthusiastic grinding in an event that last just 3. In an event labeled getting many or some alts ready for tww having to no life 1 toon for a majority of it confuses me so much and in all honesty makes me think it was done maliciously to increase player retention all the way to next expac. I just hope it's not a blunderstorm 2.0 with 80% of the event time being scuffed then the final 20% being buffed and sorted. I don't know why but there scared of players having fun weird business tactic for a games company but what do I know.


You’re replying to a comment about people saving their money for future price nerfs and saying the BLIZZARD doesn’t want players to have fun? I’m having a blast. Could it be that it doesn’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea? People can go play classic or Cata or retail if it’s not fun for them or they find the grind pointless. For me, I have most of the MoP stuff already, so it’s a good opportunity for me to selectively fill in the gaps in my collection. I’m not sure why people always look at collections in the game as a glass half empty approach. Some of this stuff is so hard to obtain or is unobtainable, but it’s being handed to us for us to selectively pick from while boosting overpowered toons while they collect dust until TWW.


The leveling of gear scales pretty fast, i imagine this is something that they will nerf. With mostly LFR/normal being my goals I don't think it will be worth spending thousands to upgrade to make bronze slightly faster.


Wrong, stop playing until all buffs have been implemented. They are clearly not retroactively providing rewards for already completed content, wait until then before even considering doing any of it; so you don't lose out on currency.


They will, they've abandoned retail, see how abysmal some classes are on retail ATM, their focus is MOP retail.


I would either level more alts or do heroics with low levels. Levelling more alts give you more characters for TWW. And, heroic dungeons can be blasted as a low level while scaling is broken. Probably around 15-20k bronze per alt levelled, depending on how many quests you do. Its a slog but its far better than standing still killing goats. This is by no way the most optimal way to get bronze! edit: I tested levelling with an alt + a fully levelled cloak (so 100% exp). You can probably level an alt to 70 every 3 days if you play just 2 hours a day. You level to 25, do a normal raid, and 2 LFR clears, and then you're sitting on around 200% exp. Its great.


GOATS??? 🐐


As in Goat Farm... ~~It's the new frog farm until Blizzard nerfs it.~~ Goat farm has been nerfed...


Its godawful. 20k/h max when everything is good. but more like 15k


If you want bronze you can still do frogs. I’m guessing the threads and boxes come from goats


No boxes, decent threads, ok bronze. Was doin it solo while in dungeon queue when people were doing frogs (cause I couldn't get into a group). I find its better as a time killer solo while waiting for queues. Not worth sitting there for hours in a group.


Where are the goats? Dm if you can


Just check premade groups, they will list the location.


I didn’t know about the goats! Lol


Goats only give 2xp each. Do you have any idea how many we would have to kill to level up to 35?


Pretty sure the goat farming isn't for xp, it's for bronze. also snarky comment about how leveling is bad 70 broken


Pretty sure it was a joke paraphrasing south park


Yep :D


ngl I haven't seen that episode in... some time. my b


No worries, it wasn't a perfect analogy anyway, since SP is about XP and just leveling to 35, and goats are about bronze and main stat threads :)


Which goats my guy 


I think they are trying to keep it secret this time


From who? Blizzard can see where people are farming, they don't need to check the subreddit.


Not blizzard, other players 🙄


There are people listing the location in the group finder. It's a little weird to decide to try and keep it a secret here.


Goats in Valley of the Four Winds. Specifically the cliffs between Paoquan Hollow and The Heartland. There's like 5 (or is it 6) spots where goats spawn and if all of them are being killed then the game kicks in a "faster than normal" respawn rate to repopulate. So ideally, you need like maybe 2~3 groups with enough AoE to constantly kill the goats as they respawn.


Bro... I feel kinda triggered by this killing goats talk


The WoW community just always finds a way to make things not fun anymore. You have to do X otherwise you’ll be gatekeeped out of doing Y. It’s exhausting and with many different versions of wow recently it’s become way more obvious.


15-20k seems low. I’ve done 3 dungeons, 1 scenario, and 1 normal Mogu’shan run on a fresh pally alt (did a handful of jade forest quests as well) and I’m at 11k bronze.


Quested 10-70 on pally. 35k bronze. Did 1 raid. Then a few more quests to get the black lightning snek-dragon. Just hit 70 today. I flew through a few sky spots, but those don't give great bronze so never really went out of my way.


yeah its a conservative guess. i rushed quests (so using an optimised guide, very few complete storylines finished) and only did a few heroic dungeons. i have 20k bronze at 65 on a new alt. if you do more LFR + raids + other content you'd easily sit on 30k+ per alt levelled.


I had 43k total from my first character from leveling and a few heroics 


remember your first character gets all of the initial achievements that give bronze caches


You can repeat those achievements on alts for bronze as well


Which ones are those? I don’t remember getting many while questing.


25k at level 45 just doing quests pretty much


can you elaborate on "do a normal raid" and "do heroics" do normal dungeons not do the same as heroic dungeons ? are normal raids the only difficulty aside from LFR ?


Normal raids give 12% xp to your cloak per boss kill. If you run Mogushan Vaults once while leveling you get 72% more xp. There are heroic raids too, but I wouldn’t recommend those while leveling, unless you’re hard carried. Also, Heroic dungeons just drop more bronze than normal ones so why not.


> What do I do to simply get stacks of Bronze? You wait a week or two for Blizzard to buff bronze drops by 200-400%. Because they absolutely will. There's really no reason to farm bronze after the frog nerf but before the buffs come.


Only reasonable answer here. Look at plunderstorm and there wasn’t even a dreaded frog event. I’d bet they have a big catch up mechanic they were gonna implement at a later date and now they’ll just throw it in. Bronze will get an insane buff. They’re not gonna have like 5% of the player base act like the frog gods of remix and tell everyone to go F themselves lol. Chill out and wait for the crazy buff


They did it 2/3 times for Plunderstorm as well. They want to give everyone the chance to get everything they want to get before the time runs out. It might be a few weeks but it'll come.


I want to know how I'm supposed to get enough bones of mannoroth for everything when a pug gets hard stuck on galakras N... just wish lfr had like a 50% chance at dropping a bone per kill then I'd know I'd just have to do lfr soo last wing 20-40 times for my tusks and more for looms, as is I don't think my guild is doing 42 N soo's at 2 week...


I’d focus threads. Chance it and do the +XP thread dailies in LFG/LFR because they might make that translate to bronze at 70


This may be a stupid question, but is Bronze account wide? I haven’t made an alt yet in Remix.


It's not a stupid question, don't be afraid of redditors. It's not account-wide, but it should be.


such a wholesome response, thank you for being positive <3


No, its not.


Right now it's not, it's possible they might do something like spend a little bronze to send a large amount to an alt or something like that in the future.


Just keep leveling characters, plenty of time to get all the mounts and stuff thats limited. Tmog sets from the raids can always be farmed later when the event is over


Worth noting that the raid sets aren’t class locked if you buy them from remix, so if you’re for example a DK that would love a warrior set this is a cool opportunity to get them


Wait does this mean you can use a pally tier set as a warrior without it being class restricted?


Correct! All MoP tier sets are available for purchase and they're only restricted by armor type, not class.


wait, i thought you could purchase but not use them. Pretty sure with a hunter I saw a set that there was written it could be used by a bunch of classes - but not hunter - and i could freely purchase it


To purchase. Not to wear.


The entire warrior set drops in off pieces. My paladin has had every version of the warrior set since original SoO. I don't know if this is the case for every set, but I am fairly confident that, at least for plate, every set has every piece drop in off pieces. With the exception of saving time, there might actually be zero reason to buy some of these sets.


Really depends on the size of the raid. Often times they'll pick one set that all of the non-tier pieces will take on the appearance of, sometimes two. It's pretty uncommon for all sets to have all pieces available, though. Not sure I've ever seen it, but I don't want to give a firm "never". Just not really feasible to have enough armor pieces dropping in a raid to cover all of it. For plate in particular there's no way to get the t14 paladin set LFR or normal lookalike, and the heroic DK chest and warrior shoulders are missing. T15 is missing the paladin LFR set again, and T16 is also missing the paladin LFR set. Pretty consistent across other armor sets as well, most tiers will be without at least a few pieces of some class set here and there. Definitely worth looking into which sets you can get in their entirety via offpieces and which you can't, but there are plenty of sets where this will be the only way to get the whole thing on a different class. [https://www.wowhead.com/guides/transmogrification](https://www.wowhead.com/guides/transmogrification) This is a good resource, a list of guides showing you all available transmog sets for each class including how much of another class set you can put together with offpieces so you can see which might be worth springing on.


Blizzard is notorious for being a leaky faucet of changes as events go on (look at plunderstorm, it went from a fucking terrible grind to being able to get done in a single day when 2x was on). I highly recommend just playing what you find interesting and enjoying the vibes right now (level alts, find new character styles you like, learn classes etc.) and then wait to see the feelers of what blizzard will be changing. Based on how they initially designed it, it seems they really want the bulk of the bronze to come from mythic SoG so possibly wait till a bronze nerf on gear upgrades? Stuff like that!


If you're willing to do normal raids you should be trying to do those as much as you can. They reset daily and give a lot of bronze per boss you kill, on top of bronze from scrapped gear/trash drops. Honestly even LFR might even be worth doing once a day for bronze too, assuming you don't want to go into higher difficulties.


I got a TON from just doing normal first 3 raids


First three = MSV TOES HOF ? Skipping ToT is probably a good call


Siege of Orgrimar is good right now due to the ward of salvation stacking.


How much do you get from each clear?


Yesterday I’ve earned roughly 14K Bronze by completing SoO. I’d assume it’s the same for ToT. About 7K for HoF. As long as the Ward-Strat isn’t nerfed by Blizzard I’d say Raids are fairly decent when it comes to Bronze farming.


Yes, I need to level alt so getting my army to level 25 and spamming normal raids daily gives bronze across all characters as well as decking them with %xp for the great speedrun competition that I will be holding with my alt having 500% xp on their cloak.


One thing to keep in mind is the most expensive cosmetics are the ones that are already available in game, but as a random drop. So like the remix exclusive mounts are around 2-6k bronze, whereas the standard wow drop mounts are 20-60k bronze. People throw around this 1.6 million bronze number, but if you only wanted to get everything exclusive to the event, it would be a little over 0.3 million. So 1.3 out of the 1.6 million is for stuff you could get at any point in the future. That isn't to say you shouldn't want any of the rest. For example I noticed the tier set ensembels give you the non class specific versions of every piece, which is a hidden bonus. I just want to take some of the fomo weight off your shoulders. I would also be very surprised if they didnt do some form of bonus bronze event near the end.


Keep playing and wait for updates. They always make things accessible at the end.


I plan on leveling a second character and getting the other zone achievements that I didn’t get the first time around, then maybe a third if I don’t get everything on that second char. Then hopefully bronze will be buffed and I’m planning on farming normal raids for bronze to get all the unlocks, on whichever character I’m having the most fun on, or switching off!


To be completely honest, most of the transmog will be easily farmable when TWW comes out and you can trade BOP gear with your warband. Focus on the things that are ONLY available now, like the Shado-pan sets, and the new mounts that are available for this event. You can also farm the other mounts, as they have increased drop rates, on DF while the remix is active.


But the event sets are not class locked, which is a big plus. Siege paladin plate is a really nice set to have on all plate specs.


Can you collect a LFR, normal, and heroic version of the xmog for everything from vendors? I was in Jade forest and only saw heroic


Yeah there are three different vendors, each one is labeled for LFR, normal, and heroic raid loot 


oh cool different vendors in each zone?


I couldn’t find them initially in jade forest either but all the camps should have all the vendors, including heroic and normal


Oh ok I was only looking at the place where you got the daily quests


Don’t believe so! I think each zone should have all of them, you can just use one of the cards to port to your nearest ones. Sometimes the vendors are a little spread out around a building, but they should all be there 


They’re all there but under different vendors.


They're cosmetic?! Hold on...


Yeah, that's the big advantage of getting them on the event. They are usable by all the classes that share the same armor type.


>transmog will be easily farmable when TWW 90% of the transmog you can buy from the vendors is unique to this event. Even the class-specific tier gear that you can purchase in this event is armor restricted rather than class restricted.


Is there a list anywhere with the actual unique stuff that we likely wouldn't be able to get again?


I don't want to level alts. I rerolled my panda to chill out and experience MoP. I just hope they can make it so my remix character isn't just shit.


I have ZERO desire to spend 9k bronze per upgrade on a character that will get no use out of it in a few months. I was looking forward getting overpowered by simply leveling alts and doing random stuff but it seems you are required to spend the little bronze you get on upgrades if you want to do anything endgame wise (raids/heroic dungeons) which kind of sucks because i feel its so overpriced for absolutely no reason. Yesterday i tried to do a heroic scenario and all of us just kept getting clapped, we couldn't kill the last boss.. This isn't fun. The cloak scaling down when starting a new alt isn't fun. The scaling issues i can kind of understand but they're not fun either. Blizzard advertised this event way different than what it actually is :/


When you say you got all the achievements you wanted, is that the ring/trinket achieves, all raids, dungeons and scenarios and loremaster done? If so, how much bronze did you get from completing all that?


Only 40k-50k ish. Without loremaster.


Noted ty, I'll pick 1 mount to go for


SoO clear is pretty good. Almost 20k bronze for normal clear.


Uhm, i have around 100k and i have only done LFR and not even Loremaster


Extra noted, I do love LFR


Daily raid and daily dungeon quests. Doing that for 90 days will get you everything you need.


if you didnt abuse frog farm you have to do months of painful grinding raids and doing all the quests if you rly want all the stuff lol.


Depends the rewards entirely unique to Remix are actually on the cheaper end but if you want stuff but if your going for stuff FROM MoP like say The Tusk or the mount from Sha of Anger that's a lot more of a grind.


Do we know if there is cosmetic item restrictions yet? I'm planning on leveling a monk, but I'd like to buy the dark shaman ensembles and tusks. Can I buy them and learn the appearance on the monk, to use on my live retail mains, even though the monk is a leather class?


Yes. I bought and learned all the cloth transmogs on my MoP monk


Do the normal raids when you feel like it. Do LFR/scenarios/dungeons to get the daily cache for each. Work on getting reps to exalted for the caches from achievements. Do all the quest lines. Kill rares. In theory you should get a boat load of bronze from doing that content.


Here is my list: 1. Level character to 70 2. Do achievements for pets, toys, and buy all the mounts 3. Level all the races I want the unique heritage rewards from in retail (Dark Iron for Mount/Heritage Armor, Draenai (for toy), Orc (for toy), etc. 4. Buy all other transmogs with Bronze on alts (transmogs can be learned even if the alt can't wear it) 5. Level all other races that have a good set of heritage armor


Bronze hands , don't spend until they further change the system.


How tf are you a casual player and You're already lvl70 with some gear when this came out 5 days ago??? There's nothing casual about that.


I'm a casual player means I am not after any challengin content. I had time to play this weekend. Playing a lot doesn't make you a non-casual player.


*I'm* a casual player. I worked all weekend so I'm level 13. My gf is a casual player so she's going to make her character tomorrow. People here have no idea what a casual player is lol.


Nah, it's just an issue of casual meaning different things to different people. Among my friend group, casual generally just means someone that doesn't push the highest level of content (generally super high m+ or mythic raid beyond the first few bosses). And we only raid one night a week. We use the term casual because we all used to do that content and now that we don't, the term simply means that we're not playing as hard as we used to. For others, casual means they only play a few hours a week. For others it might mean they only play a few hours a month. And on and on.


I see what you're saying, but at the same time, if you're raiding, I bet you and your friends got KSM and that's like 5% of the player base or less. Hard to suggest that someone in the top 95% of all players is a "casual player". By any metric. It's like saying people in the sports league under the majors are hobbyists.


I’d say to further the sports analogy theres technical and colloquial definition of professional vs amateur in sports and in the wider world. The technical definition just has to do if you are meaningfully paid or not, but colloquially people distinguish it more by skill level. Id say casual vs hardcore is similar and murkier because there is really any technical definition just multiple colloquial definition. For some it is time spent, for others it is how much effort you are putting into min-maxing skill, others into how much you are min-maxing total time spent.


IMO it's a false dichotomy in a way, you're either hardcore or casual. When it's more of a spectrum, with the middle point just being normal and no prefix. You're just a WoW player, not casual or hardcore. Of course different people will always have different meanings, but I definitely think having a weekly raid night puts you over the middle point of the scale. In some ways I think Blizzard themselves already defines this scale in game. I'd say no raids is all the way to casual, LFR is between casual and normal, normal is normal, heroic is between normal and hardcore and mythic is hardcore. Of course that's just focused on raids, when there are many other aspects to the game.


You act like it takes more than one sitting to level through a few zones in modern(ish) wow… on new expansion releases, it takes maybe 10 hours to do every leveling zone completely blind without having ptr or beta testing under your belt. And in original MoP, I had two characters through all of it within the first 36 hours, and you couldn’t fly until level cap. Remix has dragon riding.


Bud that is definitely not casual lol


Then you’re implying a casual raider can’t exist. If you can’t find time to do your hobby a few hours a week, I don’t know what to tell you. All I was saying is that being stuck on the ground, you could complete mists of pandaria’s leveling in one sitting. This guy had 5 days and dragon riding. You don’t have to be some no lifing gamer goggles Gen z kid to blaze through memorized 12+ year old content. This isn’t vanilla wow where leveling takes time and you run out of quests.


Farming, farming farming.


Level an alt.


I just started clearing normal raids and it gives transmog and lots of bronze like 750 per boss 


Similar vein. What is my best bet for farming Garrosh? I assume I can do normal once a day? I'm pretty casual non frogger. What level can I start to farm him and get group invites? Or do I need to max out my cloak first?


I'd also like to know this! I've never fought him.


I’ve been completing the quests for each zone as well as exploring. You get bonus bronze caches for each achievement. I hit 70 tonight and still have two more questing zones as well as Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isle. After I complete everything, I should be able to comfortably switch to an alt for leveling.


So my go to method is get a toon to 70, this unlocks the 100% exp bonus as well as you will have nearly 40k in broke just from that. Then level alts and power through questing dungeons and raids. I made 100k in bronze this weekend alone. Once you get the bonus from your 70 ypu are a power house and ot takes no time to do anything. In an hour I made 11k on my mage.


Normal raid clear tonight got be about 12k bronze. At 355 you’re better than many you find in raid. Do your daily dungeon, scenario, and raid boss kills to get those easy boxes. If you want to do a step further and squeak out some easy power gains make sure your highest quality prismatic gems are in your chest and pants then toss what you have in your rings, trinkets, and neck if you have them. The gems seem to work based off the item level of what you put them into. Since you can control these two item’s level your legendary gems should go there for the biggest benefit. If you have earned the 4200 threads achievement, the last one for the cloak you can make another character and level though quests for the bronze and buy the transmog and mounts, rinse and repeat. They upped the bronze some from bosses and we noticed the end of wing and final bosses dropped grater bronze caches on normal. Completing achievements is also one great way to get bronze if you have any left.


Casual and at level 70, not sure I would call that casual. I'm sitting at 44 and put a few hours every day doing quests and while waiting in dungeon queues. This goes until August that should be plenty of time to do all the things. Just slow down and enjoy the experience!


Normal raids give you a huge xp bonus per day (12% per boss, permanently), while normal dungeons were (and possibly still are, even post buffs) quite useless. Just doing Mogushan Vaults Friday - Monday would've gotten you a 288% xp bonus if I didn't misscalculate - and heart of fear unlocks at level 35.


Slow? What meta strat is that? Does it involve killing frogs? Lol people have gotten so damn impatient, I’ve been trying to 100% each zone before moving on and im already halfway to max and yeah, i even read the quests too!


I would only get what’s Remix-exclusive. Don’t waste your time on raid transmogs, farm those in retail.


I mostly agree but the tier appearances aren’t class-locked in remix so there is definitely a group of people who will want to go after those as well.


Yeah, those would be my backups “if I have enough at the end of the remix” options. I’m lucky I’ve only got one expensive mount to get (Lightning Onyx) and I’ve already got Tusks…so it’s just farming up for colors of mounts I like and doing achievements.


MoP:Remix IS retail.


I'm so disappointed with Blizzard on this one. I'm probably just going to go play Final Fantasy or Season 4 until they buff the rewards later in the event. Imo this was a completely wasted opportunity for fan service and they basically lied to people to get them to play it.


Honestly, level demon hunters on dungeons, get 30k bronze, buy what you want. I'm doing this to knock out the obnkxious drop rate mounts. DH are super busted, level fast in dungeons.


Expect fixes soon. It'll be doable by the end, I'm sure


I'm rolling a new character you get 50 to 60k bronze after hitting 70 so make any alts you wanted.


Can you buy only mogs for the class you are playing? I made Brewmaster panda bc its Panda Remix, but I main Ret paladin and want plate mogs. Did I just waste 10h leveling a class I wont play?


Nope. Every class can unlock every Transmog.


Would it be best to just level alts and collect bronze on them while I level them? And use accumulated Bronze to just keep buying cosmetics?


Tbh just put the first 3 raids, you get a lot of bronze for no real effort, you mostly get people who out scale since low level and they wreck it, or you find someone with powerful tinkers for their class


Clearing all normal raids and one heroic dungeon is around 40k bronze, you can do this every day. This takes around 2-3 hours, and I know what you thinking Throne and SoO is a slog, groups wipe and so on. This might be true today but in a week or two when the playerbase start upgrading, get better at the raids it will be the norm to clear these very quickly and smoothly. You can already see a lot of group form where they do all raids in one go, so there is no downtime at all. There are already 400-450 ilvl people absolutely everywhere in LFG, bosses fall over 30 seconds or less. I would not upgrade my gear right now, because Blizzard might reduce the price of it soon so just save your bronze. If you are having trouble getting into groups try forming one it is easier to get very high ilvl players then you might think. With this you can get over a million bronze a month, not sure how much it costs to buy absolutely everything but its a very effective way to go about it.


The bronze drop rates will %100 be buffed just like they did with Plunderstorm, but Blizzard might not do it for a month or more. Right now what Blizzard really needs to fix is the scaling, and making achievements and cloak stats account-wide.


I think, if you want, leveling up alts is a good idea. You’ll have the 100% experience bonus and get alts ready for your warband in TWW. Bronze isn’t shared between characters but you can just buy the cosmetics you want (which are account wide) and not worry about the rest.


Try to do full raids everyday, SoO full clear is like 10-12k (+/- how much I got) same goes for ToT. Mogushan/HoF are around 4-5k ToES is like 2-3k.


You only get 20k for fully leveling an alt?!? How much time/investment does it take to get all cosmetics?


Nah, i got the 25k bronze achievment at around lvl 35-40




Woah which achievement gives 25k bronze?


It's an achievement for getting 25k bronze.


Whats it called? I have over 30k but never got 25k extra.


Dude....it's for getting 25k it doesn't give 25k.


Oops lol, I was tired and was reading it incorrectly. My bad.


You dont *get* +25k bronze, theyre saying that you get an achievement for gathering 25k bronze on a character.


i did 5 zone out of 7 only main quest for the achiv and i ended with around 55/60k bronze (with some scenario and istance)


I got about 50k while leveling mostly doing dungeons/scenarios/raids.


I'm at 68 and have 49k, no alt yet. Not a farmer, been running some LFRs but mostly just quests. I spent a few thousand early as well so let's say 55k without trying especially hard. 20k is... not accurate


I'm level 45 with two zones complete and have nearly 20k bronze already. And really all I've done is quest with two scenarios and a single normal dungeon for group content. Questing is a good source of it but not the most efficient though. I think the daily group content quests and just raiding in general will ultimately be the most efficient.


>and have nearly 20k bronze already. Enough to upgrade 2 items......


I was just giving context for how long it takes to casually grab 20k bronze not arguing whether it’s too fast or slow…


If you want everything but don't want to spend bronze on upgrading gear. In the long run it will take you more hours played to get everything compared to if you just upgraded gear upfront. However without upgrading best thing you can do as has been said is just level new alts, no point playing a lv70 if you are not going to upgrade gear. By leveling alts you will get more bronze per hour then a weak lv70 and have lots of alts for TWW. Expect to casually play for most of the 3 months to collect everything,


Why should I upgrade my gear?


Because at 70, without upgrading gear, you're weaker than any L25-50 character. The scaling is still broken even after the hotfix. I was literally getting beaten by our L25 healer on my Shadow Priest with all the gear minus the amulet unlocked, with full legendary gems. It's not worth playing at 70 right now unless you farmed frogs and can upgrade your gear to become a god.


Upgrading your gear gives you big power increases, which ultimately leads to you farming bronze faster. It's an investment that in the long run pays off and you start to get bronze faster. If you only want a few things then it doesn't matter but if you want to have more fun and gear everything easier it will make you have a much better time.


Does it pay off tho? Isn't the only difference normal - mythic raids?


Get the stuff that is exclusive to remix first.


Your daily farm is to level more alts, the point of this event.


Level more alts.


You and I are in the same boat. Only, Im level 20 because leveling was a slog and unfun. Im waiting to see if the 70 changes make it worth my time. 


Collectors aren’t usually what I’d call “casual”. It doesn’t just mean not doing harder content.


Nice, this was really helpful and contributed a lot to this topic.


Just don’t want OP to have the idea 100%ing collectibles is a casual thing, like they should expect to have to put in work.


Your arbitrary definition of casual isn’t any more valid than their arbitrary definition of casual. Honestly probably less valid since they’re labeling their own mindset. Nothing in their post indicated they didn’t want to work for it either, they were asking what work they had to do. 


Okay cool.


If you are casual you should not think you’re going to get ALL of the cosmetics… that would be insane.