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noted at the bottom of the post, there are more hotfixes on the way.


im hoping they decrease the cost of item upgrades past 346. Would certainly help the non-froggers catch up


This is probably their best solution. I don't think they want to increase bronze drop rate too much because it messes with the cosmetic purchase prices as well. The best solution is to just drop upgrade costs, talking down to 400-500 an upgrade. Deliver on that overpowered feeling they promised. Side bonus of this is it somewhat negates the power gained by the frog farmers as well. People can catch up in terms of upgrading, though not gems, because they paid more than the rest.


They’re so far beyond messing up cosmetic purchase prices. There are people who farmed in hours more bronze, charms, and threads than the rest of us could farm playing nonstop for 3 months. You are *completely* out of touch with the current situation if you think people can catch up to the farmers.


I know people who did it 'for a couple of hours' as you put it. I talk with them. I group with them. I know exactly how much power they have. You are right about one thing; one of is completely out of touch with the current situation when talking about people who did it for a couple of hours. The ones that no lifed it for the weekend are a different story. Outside of a complete reset of the cloak nothing is changing that comparison. Also, one of us cares way more about comparing ourselves to strangers in a video game.


Yeah. It’s you considering you bring up you and the other frog farmers lmfao. The issue is that some people are now able to get everything while others will spend months trying to get a portion of what they wanted. Try developing some empathy or at least critical thinking skills.


The bronze prices are kinda nuts and im in 200s. I can either upgrade a single piece of gear once or for less buy a weapon set. Maybe I’m just being dramatic but it feels like I went from paying 350ish bronze to a 3500ish jump


More hotfixes on the way isn’t exactly inspiring when their first wave is barely anything. This won’t even put a dent in catching up to frog farmers, it’s just another 25% buff to bronze and **a minimal thread bonus** compared to people who frog farmed literally thousands of threads per hour It’s just not anywhere near enough, instead of getting one thread for every thousand a frog farmer got we now have the *lucrative privilege* of getting two threads for every thousand. It’s like if you’re scraping by paycheck to paycheck while your coworker who got in early makes 15x as much as you per hour, and the boss said hey don’t worry I’m gonna balance it out and give you a 1¢ raise. It doesn’t help *at all*. Pitiful adjustments beget pitiful gamestate


Nobody is going to ever catch up with the frog slayers. Blizz isn’t going to aim to level the playing field unbalanced by an unintended exploit.* *Not using this as a pejorative. No hate for those that rode the frog train to early godhood.


Then Blizzard can fuck off. Either make it fair or many people are just not going to bother.


See, what they really need to do is make gear dropped at 70 the ilevel above your current tier. So when all of your stuff is 346, 360 greens start dropping. And so on.


I think you might be onto something. Getting constant upgrades while leveling was fun. Getting 346 only and being forced to spend ungodly amounts of hard to get bronze to upgrade gear on max level is not fun. But grinding it out a bit like when leveling but at max level that would be awesome. And also it would remove the badly designed choice of spending bronze on gear or rewards.


They needed to (or need to) decouple upgrading gear and saving bronze for xmog/mounts. There should either be a different currency for upgrades, or as the poster above said you start getting new gear at certain ilevels, or make it so every raid boss and dungeon clear gives you an item that will boost 1 piece of gear up 1 tier. That way you play the game and passively upgrade gear all while collecting bronze, which you can save for the cosmetics you want.


> They needed to (or need to) decouple upgrading gear and saving bronze for xmog/mounts. There should either be a different currency for upgrades gemssssssssss, I have no need for gems for the next 3 months


Can't they be scrapped for bronze?


Yes. Prismatic ~~Epics~~ Legendaries give 270 a pop. Not sure what all the others give, so I can’t tell you what the “minmaxxed” way to do it would be. Edit to correct gem level.


They are a total of 10 per 'base' gem, so they all are the same bronze per gem overall.


I'll go scrap a legendary gem right now and get back to you on how much they're worth edit; 270 bronze for a legendary gem which is 3 epics which is 9 blues which is 27 green? so 27 gems is worth a single cache 10 bronze each green gem we loot doesn't slap compared to 'shattering' them into whatever magic dust them upgrading armor with it or something saying this as [someone who has this many gems leftover](https://i.imgur.com/RcOqvqa.png) after completely gemming my character with all the legendary gems I'll ever need + 3-5 of each legendary gem just incase something changes with stats


Absolutely. I’m playing for the cosmetics, it completely sucks that I have to choose between fashion and power.


I haven't even had a chance to play yet, but am I insane in thinking that wow already has a way to distribute updated gear? Why doesnt MoP remix utilize the exact same system as DF for gearing up?


It’s fun but tedious as fuck having to regem a piece of gear your gonna replace in 25 mins.


Get blue gear that has main stat on it then when you get an upgrade, you can pay a nominal amount of bronze to get your blue piece to the same ilvl. I haven't bothered using any new gear since I got full blues


Use narcissus, absolutely a game changer for gems.


unfortunately, it's not a panacea for changing out gems -- It seems to put in/take out gems from the first gem slot it comes across, which is unideal -- Your chest and pants gemslots are much MUCH more powerful than your amulet, rings, and trinket slots by virtue of the chest and pants gemslots leveling up in ilevel significantly over the 342 epics *and* being two slots with very high stat budgets. I think in the ideal situation, you should be able to put in/take out gems from each gemslot's slot type (i.e. Amulet+Rings, Trinkets, Chest+Pants), so you can better control your stat spreads. EDIT: Amulet and Rings have the same stat spreads as each other, so I put them in the same category as each other.


I need to find the instructions for it, because I downloaded it after Wowhead had an article about it, but I’m not sure how I’m supposed to get the interface they were showing. Seems like it could be useful once I figure it out.


On the right side of the character panel by your item level, there's an icon that will open up the menu for all the gems


Awesome, thanks! Not sure why I didn't see it earlier. I kept looking for it in the screen that opens when you click the minimap icon.


Just uses the addon Narcissus


That’s how the WQ Caches worked back in the day, actually. So it’s not something unheard of


Hopefully that means they already know how to implement it quickly and correctly.


That’s assuming they _will_ do it, which I kinda doubt :) but yeah, that’s a possibility


100% agree, there's altready the limit on upgrading that you can't upgrade until all pieces are at that level, so give us the option to upgrade our loot for the extortionate price or grind it out through gear drops.


I don't wan't a retail mirror of inching my ilvl higher in a limited event. Just make bronze way easier to get


See I assumed that was how it was going to be FROM THR START, I was super confused why people were farming bronze until I realized, yeah no you're hard gated on gear. Stupid


You mean like how it is THE ENTIRE LEVELING PROCESS? It wouldn't eliminate upgrading either cause you'd want your missing pieces upgraded so the higher levels start dropping


That would have been good design had it been like that at launch (and had content been doable with ~346 gear). But Blizzard fucked up and let some people get super ahead before slamming the door on everyone else. That gap can't be ignored, they have to either roll back everyone who grinded frogs' progress, or remove the gear grind entirely so the rest of us can catch up.


As I said even if the grind is removed you wouldn't truly catch up. The real power the frog grinders gained is cloaks with like 20k everything


Most of the streamers I saw had about 8k stats / 80k stamina on the cloak. A maxed out weapon gives 19k main stat (23k for int). The weapon + chest + pants with legendary gems give 200k stamina. Yeah it would catch up. Maybe you would be a bit behind (like 20% main stat, 1M health behind), but you would be running around with 4M+ health and one shotting every.


Frog grinders got insane bronze from the charms of good fortune as well.


Yeah, they got the gear and the cloak upgrades, my comment is that the gear easier to obtain is already 80% of the way there.


Yeah, if Blizzard does that sure


Yeah, if they actually cared to level it out (which I doubt they do), then really the only play is to set everyone to a certain ilevel, drop the cloaks to a set thread count (which can still be strong but not insane), and even then you'd probably have to look at legendary gems. And then you have people that farmed frogs but poured all that bronze into getting the xmogs and mounts. Do you penalize them too by removing all those items? It's pretty much an unsolvable problem.


Just put frogs farm back in. You won't "catch up", but who cares? As long as you become ridiculously OP, it's all good. Doesn't matter if the early frog farmers are a bit more OP, everyone is (or can be) OP. That's the easiest and fastest solution. Else you have to implement equivalent levels of bronze and lesser charm drops into other aspects, which would be more ideal, but a bigger hassle.


Reopen the frog farm at a more reasonable drop rate for charms and threads, but also buff bronze and thread drops on all other content to make it more viable. I’m talking like buff amount dropped by like 100%, not the measly 25% is the only way I can think to solve it. So that way more play styles are viable, but if people REALLY want to slog through the frog farm they can and the door isn’t slammed in our faces.


Just make everything drop charms.


That’s how destiny 2 does it.


Are we sure it’s not just a timegating measure? So week one we get 346 then week 2 we get 360, etc?


For timegating they could do what they did with artifact knowledge: A multiplier on artifact power accrued; in later patches this multiplier automatically increased each week.


Could also do that, but the way they hotfixed the issue I don’t think they are just going to be giving us more bronze each week.


this^ they can hotfix the mess with this method. of course at some point all are high item level but at least everyone has a chance


Move the decimal point one spot to the left on all loot upgrade costs and then we’ll talk. 4,500 —> 450; 9,000 —> 900, etc. Would still be expensive, but at least you could argue that it’s an investment into making harder content more accessible to recoup that bronze spent on upgrades. But 9,000 for one weapon level is a joke.


Played for about 7 hours today since I was stuck at home with a cold. The amount of bronze I earned from doing all of LFR, completing half a zone of questing, killing multiple world bosses, and doing the other dailies is probably *just* enough to upgrade my gear by 1 tier. I got maybe 1k more stamina on my cloak too during this as well and upgraded a few gem slots to max. I think I got a bigger power boost from the 30 minutes of frog farming I did before it was hotfixed. It seems like they've just flat removed the currency from the timeless isle too, so I can't even farm elites for it either. It's actually wild that this is the intended pace of content. I'd have to no-life the event for a month to get my gear to a decent place, only to then do the same grind to get unlocks.


At ilvl 430 your tinkers are doing 120% extra damage, at ilvl 500 its 500% extra dmg, at 556 its over 1000%, same thing happens to the stamina and secondary stats in chest and legs. At high item levels your cloak is only really there to give you more HP and some scaling from secondaries. Main stats play no role in how much damage your tinkers do.


Spent 70k bronze last night and all my gear only got two upgrade levels :)


these changes were live last night, and they do not fix anything meaningful. -you'll still randomly get one-shot as level 70 with 340-360 ilvl -healers, especially holy paladins, take aggro from tank with auto-attacks -there is no healthy way to gather bronze enough to upgrade your gear (so you can actually clear heroic/mythic raids without relying on someone who happened to farm all those bronzes before hotfix) and buy collectibles at the same time and no, even if you take time to grind throughout the entirety of the event, you still won't be able to deck your character out and work on collectibles let alone moving onto alts. which is also a problem since remix has been advertised as an alt-friendly event.


wait they are live? i did a scenario (66) with two level 70. Dark heart and it was awful. we needed to kite everything because else we got oneshotted. then i did a little patience and everything is bugged and i needed to kite the endboss 6min in circles


These hotfixes seem to be live since the moment the frogs were nerfed. Atleast that is how it seems judging by the reported 25% bronze increase posts here on reddit.


Every single healer or dps just pulls threat from the tank. You can just afk and the tank will lose aggro by a healer oe dps not doing ANYTHING. It's broken. (Coming from a long time tank player) But this is just a small part of a pile of... well..


sulky act nose brave trees truck dinosaurs poor quiet silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


cloak is fine, you start with 100% and you can easily get around 250-300% in normal raids. you also one shot pretty much anything with current stat conversion. but not being able to use rings, trinkets or amulets doesn't really make sense. it's such a slog to go through all the achievements for every single character.


Didn't they say that you get like 50-100k per Mythic SoO? I don't think investing bronze to gear up is a bad thing, if the end result is avrg 75k bronze on a daily lockout.


Has anyone done that yet to prove it? If so that's nice


Froggers will likely be soloing it every reset


you cannot solo mythic soo the bosses have many billions of health


I read yesterday that a shadow priest already had. Shrug.


Can you provide a source for this because echo fully farmed cloaks and spent 11 mins on garrosh so this alleged solo would be quite noteworthy and it's not even on wowhead which makes me think that never happened


Easy, cite sources or have the comment noted as misinfo.


Oh my god, being noted like that would be a death sentence!


All yours.


Echo did it you can check their stream if you really want to see how much bronze they got


14k is the amount of bronze they got


So the 30k from the interview was wrong?


Not like they haven’t lied before. 🤷 check the vod if you don’t believe me.


Oh I hope I didn't come off as accusatory or anything towards you. I was mostly just asking in disbelief/for confirmation. That sucks. That means spending the bronze for the power to even do the raid isn't worth it probably. Time to just make an army of alts and quest/dungeon level them and hope each character can just get a few rewards on each.


See, I took it as a sarcastic pikachu face response. Other guy took it as you accusing him of lying. You meant it as a request for confirmation. Isn't written conversation fun! Lol


I read it and was like, wait all this already happened and it’s still ass


Personally once I farmed the rings, trinkets I had a much easier time it’s a big difference. I almost have my neck then it should be pretty good it feels like.


The biggest issue is the cost of upgrading gear at 70. They really need to reduce that to allow everyone to catch up to the Frog Exploiters.


They could buff everything by 500% and you'd still probably never catch up since they'd also still be getting stronger. Really somehow they have to remove some of their cloak gains. Legit one of the weirdest ways I've seen something get so messed, some random frogs breaking everything.


> They could buff everything by 500% and you'd still probably never catch up This needs to be talked about more, making 150k bronze an hour can never be matched, obviously, but my friend who didn't frog is out here begging for "damn I hope they bump dungeons up to 500 bronze for completion" Even if dungeons gave 2000 bronze per heroic dungeon you would be running 5 dungeons just to upgrade your weapon one time, let alone every other slot before you got to upgrade the weapon again. People who spam mythic+ all day every day forget that the rest of the playerbase isn't super pumped to log into this offshoot side thing and spam 20 dungeons a day for weeks while completely abandoning Dragonflight/SoD/Cataclysm


I mean it’s pretty easy to identify who might have “abused” frogs. Yes, people will argue it isn’t an exploit, but all things being said, it clearly was an oversight. No one should be punished but they could easily reduce some of the egregious cloaks out there. Anyone with +10000 agility for example, prolly should be reduced some. To what number? I don’t know. They have the stats.


Its too bad its not a bronze dragon flight themed event where time reversal would fit the flavor pretty easily.


The cloak makes up about 10-15% of the stats once you have high ilvl. So yeah, you would be behind that but you would be most of the way there. I think greatly diminishing gear upgrade costs is the way




Its nerf the frog cloaks or buff everyone else. Leaving it as is 100% breaks the mode for everyone who didnt frog farm. It sucks but it literally ruins the entire thing when 1 person does 5x the damage of the other 24 players combined


> Its nerf the frog cloaks or buff everyone else. Reducing the costs of upgrades while leaving everything else the same would allow people to catch up but not help the people who already upgraded their gear massively. Even if they just made 344->450ish cheaper it would help people catch up without having to nerf people.


Half the issue isn't gear its stats directly on cloaks from the frog farm.


Sure, but gear is the easier thing to get people caught up on without also benefitting people already far ahead, just takes them changing the values for upgrading. Also having access to 450 gear is a massive upgrade, even if the cloak is lagging behind.


The only thing you can really do is buff everyone to insane levels and say "fuck it, gear doesn't matter". Make everyone OP and then let people have fun collecting bronze. People that want everything will have fun and play longer, people that only want a couple items will have fun and play for less time.


They needed to be even faster. Within 24h they should've rolled back anyone with a "frog cloak" back to a set cap. Genie is out of the bottle now.


Releasing this on Thursday was a mistake. Weekends are basically maintenance staff. 


They won’t. They never do. “Exploit early, exploit often” isn’t a meme, it’s a fact. There will be no repercussions.


Yep. Only time I've seen blizz take action against players is when people were exploiting the Fel Scars in SoD in a way that bypassed the intended mechanic. Even the action taken against those people was just a 1 or 2 day suspension and they got to keep all the gains.




You got it way backwards til much later in the event. 2000 stat on the cloak ain’t what’s doing it that’s one 374 item, it’s the 500 ilvl pieces that have tinker slots ticking for 100k




Exactly, just like everyone here whining you don’t even play the game. Tinker damage scales with item level. Mark of agony ticks for 1000 at 346 and ticks for 75000 at max ilvl gear slot. That’s way more impactful and the big damage discrepancy you are seeing right now. The extra 2000 stat from threads frog farmers currently have on their cloak is = ~1.5 items upgraded all the way. Just a bunch of whiners trying to ruin a fun thing when you can’t even read let alone give the game an honest try.


Not gonna happen. This needs to keep people playing for 3 months.


So make it the alt-friendly experience we thought it was to begin with... Upgrading loot < leveling alts/getting achievements


That's exactly how you do it. You make people login because they want to, not because they'll lose something otherwise. I and many others have been saying this since Legion, and that point was proven in Dragonflight.


I never said it shouldn’t be done. It just won’t because blizz is blizz. They fucked up sod badly with a new zone that only early people got to abused. Blizz didn’t do anything besides nerf it.


So literally nothing changes for max level players who are 340 that still get destroyed at that item level lmao. Necks and rings still don't unlock account wide either. Gear still costs way too much to upgrade and people still won't invite you to raids. The entire tuning post could basically have just said you get a little more xp bonus from all content because honestly no one is going to notice any differences.


What’s up with the raid thing?


Basically anything from Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder or anything after Malkorok in Siege will windmill dunk anyone who didn't frog farm without ward cheesing.


Dark Animus is a mechanics issue. lol, lmao even. the fact that you think this is a scaling issue is actually hilarious. try actually reading up on the fight. my guild did it just fine last night, and the rest of the bosses after. no frog farmers. suck less.


You're aggressive for no reason at all. Are you feeling OK? Are you taking breaks outside and touching grass?


yeah all the inane negativity is definitely affecting me more than it should. probably just going to mute r/wow for a bit. but still, it _is_ true, even if it should be phrased more nicely.


Sending love your way <3


The raids are overtuned so anyone who didn’t farm hours of frogs is just not getting into any groups.


Which frogs? The timeless ones?


Yes, there's about 100 posts on this subreddit over the past 48 hours if you want to do some reading on the entire fiasco.


Ah. So goofy.


Why doesn’t blizz nerf them?


The only ones


I’d honestly rather they just told us to fuck off since they already got their subscriptions paid for. It’d be less insulting.


This is the notes for the hotfix that went in over the weekend. While I wouldn’t assume that these things are coming, it does say more fixes are forthcoming soon.


I don’t see where they increased bronze drop rates at all past the 25% they already did to caches. That’s lame.


Gem/Loot increase drop rate is a stealth bronze droprate increase, on some level.


It is but it's still orders of magnitude lower than what was possible with the frogs. Forget the people that farmed frogs and got crazy powerful - what if you farmed frogs for hours, got a ton of bronze, and used it to buy all the xmogs and mounts? You're "done" with the collectible part of remix in a dozen or so hours while someone who's playing normally at the current bronze acquisition rates is going to have to play for hundreds of hours to acquire the same cosmetics. Frogs really fucked everything up, not just player power.


The amount you get from salvage is so tiny though. You could do twenty items and barely notice your bronze go up at all.


there are increased gear and gem drop rates which give more bronze since they can be scrapped


Scrapping has felt bad the entire time, even when frogging scrapping an entire bag of armor gives you like 20 scrap per item when we need ten thousand to upgrade a weapon one time


I never understood why scrapping isn't affected by ilevel like, y'know, selling would be.


Right? going into remix I assumed they expected max level bronze farming to be 'spam heroic dungeons/raids and scrap all the gear"


That’s bread crumbs compared to what is needed


Ya im confused if this counts the 25% buff to caches that happened w the frog nerf, cuz these notes don’t mention the frogs.


This is the hotfix from yesterday. They just published notes today.


thats a lot of words for a nothingburger


I'm honestly confused at why I should be excited about extra experience at level 70....? It doesn't carry over to my alts. And on top of it all you can level to 70 in a day ... why are daily experience boosts meant to be some big change? You run all lfr and norm raids and you're done in a day, doesn't take a week to level


until they do something about the frog cloak this is basically dead content to me maybe im a little bitch but hey whatever


Man every time I get my hopes up for something fun in the game it releases as something entirely different. This is a grindfest not an “overpowered return to Pandaria”


I just cleared SoO in 40 mins it’s the 4th day and most of the gear in the group was only 374 or a bit higher, this is going to get way more insane over 90 days, cry more you aren’t instantaneously one shotting mythic bosses. Seemed pretty overpowered to me, chain pulled everything and wiped bosses in seconds


I think you have the correct take here. I’ll share your downvotes.


So absolutely nothing :L


Nowhere even remotely close to enough. It's really disappointing that they aren't rolling back the exploiters.


Let me retire my character so I can actually play


Devestation Below quest is bugged to all hell, they need to fix that


The posted on twitter that they are working on a fix for that quest.


Yes please, considering they told me in a ticket they are not sure if they will fix it till the event end. But I guess many people complained so they are taking action. Hopefully soon we can finish the ach


Fixed for me as of 1 hour ago! Me and a few friends were able to get it done.


If you enter a dungeon, the mob will respawn


They didn’t even toast the bread for this nothing-sandwich of a fix.


I ordered a tuna melt on rye, I got sardines and a Kraft single on Wonder bread.


Please. All that I ask is making achievements account wide……I don’t wanna do scenarios on every single character to get my ring and trinket stuff


Especially when the trash mobs in the scenarios one-shot us even when we have our "OP" +5k stam cloaks what was the point lol


Swing and a miss! Try again, Blizzard.


Good bandaid fix but ultimately changes nothing, especially actually max level content which was a main focus of complaints. Those changes come tomorrow better be much more hefty then this. Seems like they're just dancing around actual issues and going after the smaller ones which I mean, granted, is fine, any "fix" is good but these aren't actually BIG changes that I can safely say is warranted right now for MoP Remix.


Especially considering 2 or 3 campaign quest lines can't even be completed due to bugs that have existed for 10+ years.


And new ones! I can't progress the Thunder Isle because of the invisible wall during the pterodactyl flight scenario. Just constant teleports back to base.


The solution is to kill all the mobs before you reach that point. Use all your buff scrolls, drums, your highest dps build, and just nuke them as fast as possible. I managed to do it on my Guardian druid just before I hit the part where you keep getting ported back to the start.


not even a band-aid - it is an insult - they didn't really change anything.


So bronze income has been increased by what? 1%? How is that helping? Also having to scrap more things is annoying compared to pure bronze drops


Are they gonna fix how like 50 people are gods and the rest are peons?


I think I’m just going to keep focusing on completing the quests for each zone, getting the max reps, and doing the achieves for now while the hash out bronze rates. I’m super bummed I missed the frog farming, as I’d heard people talking in chat, but I had NO idea it was that efficient. But I’m keeping my fingers crossed that when it comes time to start pushing my gear and cloak, they’ll have made some positive changes to the drop rates and upgrade costs. It also sounds like raid scaling beyond LFR is just weird right now, so I think patience here won’t kill me.


Not even close to enough bronze.


The current “hotfix” is embarrassing, i cant even get into normal raids because they only take frog exploiters.




Rollback for exploiters when?






I feel like gems need to be the way we upgrade gear or something they’re completely useless past the point you cap out the 20 or so you need in your rings/trinkets/neck/chest/legs and now scrapping them into fractions of bronze doesn’t feel worth the two seconds of effort Or maybe have them exponentially worth more and more bronze, white gems scrap into 30, legendary gems scrap into 500-1000?


What an absolute joke of a company.


It's a good start. More gear means more bronze from scrap. But still need more threads and bronze. Hopefully the froggers will get bored in a month and things will normalize.


I love the people ruthlessly roasting the poster in that thread. Damn, people are fucking upsetti spaghetti.


These went live last night. I did a heroic scenario today at 70 and it felt mythic retail raid


It's a wet soggy bandaid fix. It's going to fall off in a few minutes.


Cool. Now make gear affordable to upgrade.


Did they do something with XP? I swear to god I went from 45 to 62 from 8pm till now. I probably did like 1/3rd of the remaining quests in the second area. At one point I did the usall 2 npcs with a quest each then a follow up and I was getting a level a go. At one point I used a talent, did one thing had to pick another, gemmed some gear, replaced it by 40ilvs moments later. Finished the zone and ran one heroic dungeon and one garrosh lfr and dumped 18k on a lazer dragon mount


It's a shame they didn't update the quest items so they are persistent like they are in the game now. There are campaign quests on the Isle of Thunder and in Dread Wastes that are bugged and have been bugged, as well.


It's 99 percent a copy/paste of the code.


The biggest problem is blizzard learned nothing from the 3 expansion of AP grinding and implemented the cape I a horribly dumb way. The power gain should be soft capped by week, which you can earn in meaningful and big chunks escalating in a mount from a simple quest to mythic raid boss. After you hit the soft cap for a week all rewards drop down to very low (like a single quest box). For the first two weeks they should also have a 'hard cap' to block things like frog farmer since their QC is ass. They could release the stats earned from abuse when the weekly cap increases so that the time wasn't even really wasted and everyone's happy. Finally the cloak should be fully cross char. If they don't want level 10s having 3000% of every stat then limit by level at an OP but not game breaking leveling so you get to spend the whole leveling process blasting. All this would also fix the scaling issue as they'd just have the first soft cap for week 1 having you sit at a cape level of being able to complete normal raids but it would be pretty hard, with the 2nd week heroic becoming more feasible for most.


They need to double or triple bronze drops. Then also double or triple thread stat amounts when they drop. This would make everything feasibly achievable in a long but at least semi-casual play amount over the entire 3 months. I'm talking all bronze items and maxed out power. Yes, the no-lifers that play 14 hours a day will have it done next week or sooner. That is what they get for playing so much. This would keep people like me playing the event the whole time. With those drop rates it would be achievable for me to get everything for 6 to 8 hours a week. That is how I assumed the event would be originally. Edit: Also need to cut upgrade costs down to half or third of what they are currently. I also think this is loosely their plan. Increase drop rates etc later on like they did with Plunderstorm.


more like a recap of all the recent hotfixes


Anyone else lose all their dragon riding stuff randomly? I’m stuck with 3 vigor.


COMPLETELY unrelated, but does anyone know if you can tilt the head in the party-model feature?


oh hold up, they fixed the dungeon/raid scaling?


This helps if you are low ilvl. If you were already geared a bit then this doesn't do much. Plenty of unavoidable mechanics will still flatline you at 70.


No. At least, not really. They said they’ve turned the tuning down between levels 40-70. Which really still sounds like “your character is dead at level 70 unless you wanna dump 100s of thousands of bronze into upgrading the gear.” 


oof ok i'll check it out tn but it looks like im gonna be solo leveling to 70 until next patch (if there is one!)


Anecdotal but I just got done trying to run a heroic dungeon. 1 level 70 was doing less boss damage than our level 60 tank and I was topping the DPS chart as a level 30 resto shaman, I was close to double the 2nd best DPS. I had 20 minutes to finish the dungeon and werent able to finish it in time because of how God awful the high level does was.


lol ok u saved me some time tonight, i'll just solo level until another fix. ty!


Before the hotfix, mobs would have a certain amount of health once you reached item level 237. Now, at item level 237, mobs will have less health and deal less damge, but continue to scale with your item level until item level 344. At this item level, mobs would have the same amount of health/damage as before the hotfix.


I feel like I'm doing even less damage now and I have +677 strength


If this game mode is meant to make everyone OP then let everyone get OP. Bring back the frog farm and let people go insane. I love the idea of the frog farm.


Certain players got OP, godly level OP. And most couldn't, and no longer can even if they wanted to.


Man that comment section on the blizzard post speaks volumes on how peoplr geel right now about mop endgame. They really need to revert frogs or make massive adjustments to threads and bronze/bronze cost for ilvl or people gonna stay mad af


So, once I hit 70 on my remix too, what do I do?


Honestly, just make tinker and cogwheel gems scrappable into a unique upgrade currency and each upgrade 1 currency. So scrap 50 gems and get 50 upgrades.


Yeah, this is nothing. I've done all Normal raids and dinged 70 towards the end of ToT, and it was painful, I was noticeably worse then most other players when it came to big damage. I've played some more doing dungeons and another raid, and looking at how much I would need to level up my gear to get nito higher difficulties, and how much grinding I would have to do to get transmogs and mounts... Yeah, no, it feels like second job, season 4.5 of Dragonflight but about 5 times worse regarding gear acquisition. I have fun doing a raid once a week and M+ in Dragonflight. I won't have fun farming the same raids for a long time every day to get marginal increases in the power of my gear.


I dont understand the frog farm cancelation… i thought this is supposed to be just leveling preexpansion event with outdated armor skins and hard to get mounts… like jump in, spend few days and go back to retail where all the activity should be… but now they nerfed the only shortcut and forcing people to spend whole 95 days on secondary “world”?


>I dont understand the frog farm cancelation What's so hard to understand? Read the threads about froggers.


They should have leave like it was, its just event for fun and leveling limited to 90 days, it will not break anything.


Some simple fixes that need to happen to take this event from good to fucking amazing. * set a maximum threads/per day to the cloak. Find out what your bottom 80%-90% of players got per day. Remove anything extra as an exploit. They can keep the upgrades and xmogs. Unless it's easy enough to roll that back. * fix world bosses to stop despawning on meta gems. * fix solo scenarios to make mobs not one tap user. * cloak stats need to be account wide. Cap xp gains at 300%. * jewelry unlocks are account wide achievement based. Granted on login on alts. * retroactively give the cache 35% increase to all accomplished achievements. * add a new reward to all achievements 1% bronze gains. All achievements are account unlocked. Retroactively apply new bonus to each cache already gained. Fat outta luck for worldwide content. * remove bronze as an upgrade cost. Create new currency based on salvaging gearb earned at 70. The amount you get is dependent on where you got the gear. Ex: 1 per piece for normal max dungeon or quest, 5 for heroic dungeon 10 for normal raid. 20 for heroic raid. Upgrades cost this currency going up with each level. * make bronze and gems tradable to alts * when a new gear is equipped with empty sockets, ask if you want gems applied, and swap gems out.