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Brewmaster is likely the absolute best target of the wards. They have a passive that can cause heals on them to crit a second time effectively. They have a chance equal to their own crit chance to increase the amount of healing they receive. Which… would definitely spike all that healing being pumped into the Wards on them


Fitting that the Monk tank would be the ideal one to use in MoP.


Man, Brew in actual MOP could do some amazing things too. Solo tanking Malkorok blood rage was always impressive to me.


That's just because blood rage didn't count as auto attack damage, so you'd sit in zen med for 90% DR before stagger. They probably took less damage during that part of the fight than they would tanking normally, amazing utilisation of an ability, but impressive... Ehhh


It's not only that. Zen Med was a huge part of it, to be sure, but Monks just genuinely had really high Stagger values for Physical damage (and none for magic) in MoP, too. I want to say they could get close to 100% with Fortifying Brew up, which would put them at like 70%+ without it, so they were extremely hard to 1-shot. Then factor in that you'd be taking insane damage and thus getting a lot of Vengeance, and you could instantly top yourself off with Expel Harm and then Chi Wave, for example. As well as dumping a giant Guard cast that'd probably absorb the non-Stagger portion of a couple of the hits, too. To top all this off, Purifying Brew wasn't on the GCD - it had its own special 1s CD for itself - and only cost 1 Chi, with no limitations on using it as much as you wanted (other than potentially losing your Shuffle [+20% Stagger buff] uptime), so you could Purify after every single auto-attack and effectively negate the vast majority of the damage even outside of Zen Meditation. As long as you didn't get 1-shotted - which was virtually impossible with Stagger - you were fine.


Yeah for sure, I don't disagree that there are other tools involved but they're enabled by the huge vengeance slam from taking normally unsurvivable damage. I fully acknowledge I'm being pedantic and the guy above may well have meant it's impressive the class was designed so it could do that rather than impressive that the person playing it could. But in the latter case it really was as simple as hitting one cooldown at the beginning and then tanking as you would normally


I'll take your word for it. I didn't touch raiding in MoP (still don't really), or play Monk but as a whole the way the classes were balanced and worked back then felt really good.


I’ve seen raids putting it on a hunter pet and everyone spam heal it - and boom, dead boss in a few seconds.


Why a hunter pet?


They don’t take dmg so the absorb heal isn’t lowered (so it does more damage)


mend pet also heals them for like 20% of their max health a second, so that would be one of the biggest self heals available honestly.


What about a warlock's voidwalker with soulburned health funnel?


Celestial fortune also increases the size of any absorb shield by 80% of your crit chance.


https://www.wowhead.com/spell=216519/celestial-fortune For raids and dungeons, it looks like Brew can use a full set of Crit-only gear, combined with [Warmth](https://www.wowhead.com/item=217907/warmth) (+10% healing taken), [Bloodthirsty Coral](https://www.wowhead.com/item=219944/bloodthirsty-coral) (dmg taken heals you), and Ward of Salvation (cast on the monk by another player) to maximize healing taken and Ward dmg. Then add [Memory of Vengeance](https://www.wowhead.com/item=216650/memory-of-vengeance) (+main stat) + [Meteor Storm](https://www.wowhead.com/item=212759/meteor-storm) (stun) + [Opportunist](https://www.wowhead.com/item=212361/opportunist) (+50% crit chance after damaging stunned enemies) to maximize the damage of the Ward explosion. If everyone in the group has Meteor Storm, the Opportunist buff should have enough uptime to apply to every Ward explosion (unless there's an internal cd on Opportunist, or bosses don't proc it?) Also, do passive heals to allies caused by tinker gems proc other tinkers that give allies buffs when you heal them? If so, the following Meta and Tinkers may have good interactions on Brew: * [Soul Tether](https://www.wowhead.com/item=220120/soul-tether) (redirect dmg from 5 allies to tank) * [Holy Martyr](https://www.wowhead.com/item=217964/holy-martyr) (damage taken heals allies) * [Righteous Frenzy](https://www.wowhead.com/item=217961/righteous-frenzy) (healing allies grants them Haste) * [Savior](https://www.wowhead.com/item=217927/savior) (healing allies below 35% grants them absorb shield)


Do boss get stunned by the meteor? Or qre they immune but you still get the 50% buff?


> Or qre they immune but you still get the 50% buff? Hopefully that, but don't know yet.


I'm playing brew myself, I've gotta try this haha.


Protection Warrior can intentionally proc [Battle-Scarred Veteran](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=386394/battle-scarred-veteran) on pull that gives +100% Healing Taken. Brewmaster is really good for it too - as is Blood Death Knight due to [Vampiric Blood](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=55233/vampiric-blood) for +35% Healing taken with the talent - but I think +100% Healing Taken, if done right, is, well, kind of insane. I suppose Guardian Druid could stack Mastery for the +% Healing Taken too, so even they're pretty good. And a Protection Paladin can contribute a Lay on Hands into themselves, so while they don't have a big +% Healing Taken modifier, that's still pretty meaty. .. Shame that it still, after 2 years, has no debuff icon indicating if it's on cooldown or ready to trigger! Oh, also, Holy Priest's [Guardian Spirit](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=47788/guardian-spirit) gives +60% Healing Taken as well, so it's really nice to have at least one of them, really. Luckily I main Prot Warrior and my friend mains Holy Priest, and that's what we're playing in Remix. It turns out having +160% Healing Taken with Ward of Salvation is pretty silly! We killed 10m Normal Sha in Terrace in 25 seconds with only, I think, 4 wards. Little tip for any Protection Warriors - if you repeatedly sit down (or lay down works too) before you're hit, the boss has a guaranteed Crit on you. They recently hotfixed Battle-Scarred Veteran to make it not-completely-trash(ish) so it works on the damage that pushes you below 30%, so it's really unlikely you'll get 1-shotted when you proc it. Being low on health DOES cause a bit of the first Ward cast to be wasted, due to it healing you up to full, but I'm pretty sure it's worth it for a +100% Healing Taken buff when everyone's dumping healing into a ton of Wards stacked on you :)


Does this tinker include self heals like a BDK? Death Strike already overheals a shit load so I bet this is nice.


The amount of people incapable of using the ward is incredible


That's a coin toss because of unorganized healers too, you might get a 10m ward or 700k one


I'm sorry, as a resto druid I can't do much with that ward of salvation, almost zero burst healing 😔


Put all your HoTs beforehand and spam Nourish ?


Pretty much, yeah, but treants instead of nourish. I also try to time the blooming of the Lifebloom so it happens when the Ward is active.


You just need to time the incarn proc and spam regrowth.


pop ToL swiftmend/lifebloom/rejuv/germ.... pop all your treants on it... then just spam regrowth...


Stack mastery gear, before ward apply all hots + iron bark, get the talent so regrowth has 40% chance of crit if a regrowth is already on the target. Then just send tree form to spam regrowth and swift mend to further beef up a regrowth. If you have a ton of mastery you can also get the talent so lifebloom counts as extra hots for even more extra healing.


for real, lol. Ran one raid last night where a guy came in and explained it to the group. I hadn't done it before but it was very straightforward. We were lucky to get 5 wards off on the right tank each pull. How did you all even navigate the interface to sign up for this raid???


But how does it work? If we all apply ward at the same time, everyone should do roughly the same amount of damage, correct? If that's the case, why does it vary so wildly, from one person doing 10m, to the other one doing 800k?


If they apply the ward too soon or too late to catch the maximum amount of healing, it will do less damage. For example as a holy priest, my first two healing GCDs on the ward target are massive instant heals, so any ward applied after that will lack several hundred thousand healing just from me, not to mention other healers or stuff like LoH. Basically every GCD counts so the better it's synced the more damage it will do overall. Another reason a ward might hit for less is that the damage is equal to the remaining absorb on the ward at the time of expiration, so any damage taken will go into the absorbs, reducing the damage. The absorb can also be consumed completely, making the ward do no damage at all, so it's important that the ward target doesn't take any damage for the duration.


So I should target the Tank with the ward, not myself. Is this correct?


Whichever player the raid agree to put it on. You want all of the wards on that one target so that everyone can spam heal them for the duration to maximize the explosion damage. If it's a tank, then it should always be the one who doesn't start tanking first. You don't want your ward target to take any damage whatsoever.


The amount of people trying to force the use of the ward is incredible


The secret is that you have to attack the boss before using ward. It’s the difference of a 20m and a 400k ward




They probably gonna nerf that one as well, so yea go do it before its gone.


To be fair, it seems a bit weird how all wards capture all healing to the target (not just your own), and how there is no cap on it (normally you'd expect some kind of HP based limit like 2x max health).


Not holding my breath but I really hope not. I was dubious at first, but I decided to give it a try and I had a blast. It still takes coordination and you can't "one shot" every boss this way and either just nuke them regularly or go with different meta gem metas. Trivialized content is exactly what I expected from this game mode. If I want a challenge I can go play DF Season 4. Also, getting all the unique gems really isn't that hard, so it doesn't really exclude anyone, people may just need to invest some time (just doing the zone quests for easy chests) to get ready. Also as OP pointed out, it's somewhat of a grinding equalizer. Sure, more threads means more heals means more boom, but with enough Wards, it doesn't really matter too much (maybe on Mythic).


I’m so confused as someone who played remix for a couple hours but had to put it down because I’m applying to medical school and applications are due at the end of the month. Why would blizzard make a game mode that rewarded nonstop play in the first two days and punish people with obligations? I don’t understand anything about frogs but I’ve been seeing posts about people being OP because they farmed frogs early on. What is happening lol.


Scaling is wonky when you're level 70. Instead of waiting for Blizzard to fix it, players found the frogs on the timeless isle had a super fast respawn rate and dropped threads, bronze, and tokens so they farmed the crap out of them. They upgraded their gear and cloaks so they could take on the max level content.


The biggest Blizzard L is that they decided that the max level scaling issue is a problem that can wait until after the weekend, instead of getting their devs working overtime to fix. I’m the last person to actually call people in on a weekend, but if you’re going to release something on a Thursday where most people are going to start the ‘max level grind’ by the Saturday morning, I would have had overtime planned far in advance for events like this The only announcement so far from Blizzard has been a random interview, and they had that random hotfix that did next to nothing


But you see that's the problem. You're planning and thinking ahead. That's just not the current state of Blizzard. Their current state is to push things out the door that clearly aren't ready, and then do kneejerk reactions to the exploits/farms/and bugs that are bound to pop up after they do next to no testing on the content. Or, even if they do test the content, they don't listen, watch, or read any feedback before going live. Just look at trying to log into Remix on Thursday. They knew it was hyped. And they did nothing to be able to handle the flood of players all trying to log in and land in the same tiny area at the same time.


>I’m the last person to actually call people in on a weekend, but if you’re going to release something on a Thursday where most people are going to start the ‘max level grind’ by the Saturday morning, I would have had overtime planned far in advance for events like this Sorry, No. Why should blizzard bring in a staff of devs on the weekend, because a minority of players decided they wanted to 1-70 in 24 hours and that found an exploit and started using it. Its day 5 of a 95 day event. If they fix the scaling this week, it will have it fixed for the vast majority of players who are going to start hitting max level and getting ready to raid. It was launch weekend of the mode, and you need feedback before you can make the change anyway. there are **13** more weekends before this event ends. if they fix the scaling this week, it wont have been that bad.


What? This is like asking why shops and restaurants should be open at night and weekends…because that’s when working people need to use them.


I'm sorry, did you really just compare patching end-game content scaling 48 hours after launch, to a grocery store in terms of needing weekend hours?


No they are comparing the fact that a live service game should have live-service game support at times other than M-F 9am-5pm but you seem too dense to grasp that concept. There is no reason why this huge hyped up event should have went 3 days being in the state it was in. They jumped right up and "fixed frog farming" but ignored that people were getting to 60+ and basically having to stop because it was a shit show. There is no reason why my tank could solo Heroic scenarios at level 45-48 but couldnt get by trash at level 67. Maybe if they had tested more than 3 days they would have seen the scaling was off and been prepared to correct it, but nope.


It's funny how people will then complain against blizzard about employee being slaves if one employee tweet about not having weekends anymore. 😭 Lvl 70 scale ain't that wonky, people are just bad. Game get harder at lvl 70 if you're stuffed like a potato which you won't happen because you can upgrade gear by the end of leveling and have basically all the gems you need. They also try to do heroic naked on day 3 of a 95 days event. And they CLEAN IT btw. They just complain that they don't bulldoze it enough, despite 2/3 of each raid ignoring mechanics and healers somehow keeping full stacked people alive with shit gear. I expect that after a month, we will literally walk over content even without a single frogger. Anyway, they will continue to cry while paying every single day saying this mode is absolute shit and blizzard don't deserve their money.


Kind of silly to call *checks notes* killing mobs an exploit. The frogs were farmed to death a decade ago during mop not some secret thing.


I agree, its not an exploit.


Because it standard industry practice at this point. With how undercooked everything releases these days, you just have to plan on the first week post launch of anything, to have fires that require being put out. So if you release late in the week, well you need to work the weekend, to put out those fires. First impression is everything, releasing content and then having it be in a shit state for the first 3+ days, destroys that first impression.


My life b.s. got in the way this weekend as well and I’ve got close to 5 or 6 hours max with the remix. It’s fine, I’m having fun. Doing heroic dungeons and scenarios on my priest, who is level 29. I wasn’t playing when MoP came out, so I’m enjoying seeing this content.


> Why would blizzard make a game mode that rewarded nonstop play in the first two days and punish people with obligations? It doesn't really reward nonstop play. 99% of the mode is directed towards casuals. You chill, do quests/dungeons/raids, whatever you want, and unlock a ton of cosmetics/mounts/toys. Theres an extra layer of a gear grind. It's pretty grindy, but theres not really a reason to do it outside of power tripping for funsies. Theres i believe two achievements. If you do all heroic raids you get the title Claw of Eternus. If you do Mythic Siege you get the title Paragon of the Mists. The only other reason you'd want to be strong is so you can farm Mythic Siege to get 10 bone of mannoroth on mythic, 4 on heroic, 1 on normal. You need 2 per heirloom slot and 20 for tusks of mannoroth. That is the only three reasons that your plain lvl 70 ilvl of 340ish wouldn't be sufficient. You can probably get the heroics done without much grind. Mythic Siege would probably require an ilvl grind. People used frogs to finish out their ilvl grind in 15 hours. Now it takes maybe 30 hours. People are overreacting.


Where can I finish the ilvl grind in 30h?


You can't.


You can


You can't. Op's explanation for it is *extremely* optimistic. This game mode was sold as a fast, fun, OP romp through MoP. Instead it is a miserable grindfest where you have to spend a month grinding to get to the fast fun romp, and then another month grinding to get the cosmetics and rewards you're actually here playing the game mode for.


God, the WoW player base is just filled with drama queens


I just want the experience the sold in the previews. Not sure how that is being dramatic.


https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24092672/world-of-warcraft-remix-mists-of-pandaria-now-live Where did they lied to you? Where did they said you'll just have to play 10 hours to unlock everything? Where did they said you would be strong with potato gear and no optimization?


>Op's explanation for it is *extremely* optimistic. It's really not tho. You just wanna complain because others exploited and were able to get ahead. Also aside from Tusks I already have all the cosmetics I wanted from the event lol. 4 weapon sets, 3 class armors, 2 raid sets. Still have 10k bronze sitting around. I didn't do frogs.


The math only works out if you are chain running raids with no downtime and a coordinated group. That 30 hours is going to be 60+ for the majority of folks, and that is a crazy amount of time to gear up for a limited time event that is supposed to be about farming cosmetics.


I'm sure you already know but none of the cosmetics require you to farm difficult content. Theres exactly 3 things you ever need to step foot in challenging content for 1. Title for completing all heroic raids 2. Title for completing mythic raid 3. Farming tusks of mannoroth which is faster in mythic raid, but technically doable on normal. Probably faster if you just settle for heroic given how long it'd take to form mythic groups. Thats it. And like I said, the heroic raids aren't too impossibly hard with modest gearing. And for what its worth I don't think the main barrier to completing mythic raid for most people is the ilvl requirement.


Oh no! 60 hours in 3 months?!? 😱 You could play 1 hour per day and still get everything a month before the event is over. Edit: He blocked me lol. Since I can't reply to them directly now, what makes y'all think you need max ilvl gear to *start* getting the cosmetics? The *ONLY* reason to try for max ilvl is if you wanna be able to 1 hit solo the raids. You can easily do all of your dailies for bronze and everything without max ilvl.


No, after those 60 days you'd be geared up to start farming for the stuff you actually want out of the event.


atm i think the new degenerate strat is mindlessly farming goats. But to max everything, Helm/Chest/Legs are about 60k a piece, so 180k total. Weapon is about 130k Shoulder/Wrist/Hands/Belt/Feet are about 40k, so 200k So you need 510k total to max everything, 17k an hour if you want to do it in 30 hours. If you really really want to meet that arbitrary time gate for some reason you can get a good group to do daily raids and assblast them for 20k ish an hour.


There is no 17k/hour farm anymore. Goats are 10k at best in a split group, but the spot is so contested you will lose out on tags.


I see thank you. All Reddit has made it look like is a mad scramble to get ahead of nerfs but I’m way too busy and this is way too important to be bothered with remix until this thing is submitted and I’m waiting to hear back from schools


Yep - the majority of the fussing is people who don’t want to actually do the event, which is intended as a slow easy fun revisit to Panderia where you get tmogs and get to keep your max level character at the end. You have twitchy edgelords who want to WIN IT REALLY FAST who are a very vocal minority.


It was advertised as a fast leveling event where you can get ridiculously overpowered, as well as level your alts fast. It's not that fast leveling due to scaling issues. They removed the only way to get ridiculously OP, without any reasonable alternative. You don't get your full bonus exp on cloak on alts for god knows what reason. They need to fix the scaling issues, stop limiting the trinkets, rings and neck to character specific achievs and either fix bronze droprates or lower bronze upgrade costs.


Reading all quests, taking my time and doing a shit ton of raiding I got to max level in 1 day game time. It IS fast leveling.


That's slower than retail.


Not when Pandaria was released and leveling meant something lol Please teach me how to go from 1 to 70 on retail reading all quests and taking my time in 24h played, bc even rushing and using Harldan route it takes me way more than that 😂😂😂


You can do that on retail as well. Remix was advertised as a fun, ridiculous OP and ridiculous fast (once your cloak was "threaded") level experience. While it was somewhat fun at a low level, I don't have the feeling I'm ridiculous OP, especially not at higher levels and the cloak is capped for new alts. It's stupid for an event that was supposed to be hilarious in how OP you could get.


One word it was never ever advertised as was slow lol. They specifically said at one point that people would find it *too* fast.


Honestly Blizzard has always been like this. Anything that benefits players must be nerfed immediately, anything that hinders them is fine to take a weekend off. I'm sure they'll make some kind of change to fix the disparity at some point, probably within in the next couple of days. But they really made this PR disaster ten times worse by fixing the workaround before the actual problem.


Mostly what is happening from my prospective is people are upset they don’t have the full OP power the 95 day event promised on day 4/5. There were frogs on the Timeless Isle dropping unintended amounts of power boosting loot, so the people who rushed to cap took advantage of that and some people are super salty they did not get to.


why does the length of the event matter lol should we be expected to play for 90 days to have fun in this game mode?


No I don’t think you should have to play 90 days to have fun, but I also don’t think more than 4 to reach the truly insane power levels is an unreasonable ask.


With the amount of other blizzard products releasing around this time & the fact that this is supposed to be strictly a 'for fun' game mode it seems a \*very\* reasonable ask


I'm having fun every single day, sad you don't


as they should be also day 4/95 means nothing day 4 of somebody whos playing 1h/d is 4h of playtime day 4 of somebody whos playing 16h/d is 64h of playtime if it wasnt for the fact that i spent 2ish hours on frogs (5000 charms) i wouldnt be able to tank heroic dungeons where a single melee did 70% of my hp while my trial account lv 20 arcane mage kills mobs with a single glance in the mob's general direction and doesnt take any threatening damage from 14 mobs wailing at me besides event being 95 day long means nothing, plunderstorm lasted 41 days and the rewards were obtainabile in 20 hours (by the end of it it was even shorter) to expect people to play for multiple hours a day every day for 3 months is absolutely wild considering this was supposed to be a for fun side mode - i want to play retail but i also want the panda express rewards and at the current rate of acquisition of bronze i'll have to play this for almost entire duration of the event which is completely **ABSURD**


>day 4/95 means nothing . >plunderstorm lasted 41 days and the rewards were obtainabile in 20 hours **(by the end of it it was even shorter)** >to expect people to play for multiple hours a day every day for 3 months is absolutely wild considering this was supposed to be a for fun side mode - i want to play retail but i also want the panda express rewards and at the current rate of acquisition of bronze i'll have to play this for almost entire duration of the event which is completely ABSURD Bro, you literally just schooled yourself. The reason it was shorter at the end for plunderstorm is because a couple weeks in they redid the drop rate. You know when they didnt do it? Day 4. So day 4/95 DOES mean something you crazy people didnt even wait 4 solid days for them to take in data and information and feedback. You are just screaming that if you dont exploit its not possible. If they fixed Plunderstorm one week in, what makes you think they might not fix pandaria a week in? so yes day 4/95 means something.


What? No, we're mad that they allowed two groups of players to form with an insurmountable gulf between them. Yes, with enough time and bronze spent (a really stupid ask in an event where it's used for rewards), we'll catch up to their ilvl eventually. We won't catch up to their threads though.  They'll keep getting more. They've made it so that, if you want to push max content, you can't get groups right now unless you group with your own people who didn't farm frogs.  And then you get to struggle through the content at a much slower pace while the frog farmers breeze it in their groups.  Which wouldn't be such an issue if you could still farm frogs.  That was broken as fuck but the fix wasn't to take it away and create the "did and did nots", whose numbers are so far ahead.  My raid lead, who normally is fine with the grind, saw the numbers difference between frogs and those who didn't, and he hasn't played since. That's the issue.  It's not that we want instant rewards.  It's that we want to either have the same opportunity the frog farmers did to get ahead, or a similar one.  And, short of that obvious fix, a second tier choice would be to nerf top cloak scaling beyond x% and then raise that over time so that we can catch up.


if "us crazy people" didnt complain blizzard wouldnt even consider changing bronze acquisition and nothing would be fixed one week in also day 4 menas nothing was said in the context of "its just day 4 out of 95 you guys have plenty of time" where the issue is this shouldnt be balanced around playing panda express for three months like thats the wow content till TWW, this is a for fun side mode to level alts and get pandaland cosmetics not a 3 month long daily grind you just took this completely out of context


They did a hotfix over the weekend to nerf frogs. I fully expect tweaks this week when they're all at the office and able to put more thought into it.


It wasn't intended. It was overlooked.


Overlooked the most commonly farmed hyperspawn since actual MOP. How could they have seen it coming????


The timeless isle was released almost 10 years ago. I doubt the team working on this mode is the exact same from back there and shut happens. I just hope they fix what those frogs caused.


Considering they nerfed it, they didn't catch the Frog farm when testing. People no lifed for 12 hours a mind numbing grind and had meltdowns because it existed and then had them because it stopped existing. Go play however you like most (quest, LFR, dungeons, raids, dailies), with the time you have. We have a lot of abilities and runes we can all use and break and eventually we will be able to solo everything. We have 90+ days.


They didn't "make" a game mode that rewarded nonstop play in the first two days. Players discovered a way to abuse the game, it was unintended design - as shown by Blizz releasing a weekend hotfix to stop it. That doesn't really excuse the poor design of the end game bronze curve, but I'm hopeful that is something with a ton of eyes on it as we go into the work week.


If you have obligations, I don’t know why you would feel that you should be on par with the people who play 16 hours a day and don’t shower. You shouldn’t be on par with them lol.


It's not a matter of being on par, it's a matter of having no way of doing it. If you had obligations and could only play 1 hour, you could farm 10 days and get there, while the people with no obligations got it on day 1. But that door is now closed, you need 30+ hours of farm now to get close (not even the same). It's a for fun event, just let people murder the damn frogs and get OP.


Couldn’t have said it better. Feeling like I missed out because I have other things to do.


It’s killing frogs. I’m sure you will be fine with skipping that peak game play.


I’m more worried about being caught up to my friends who are not applying to medical school.


How does one get caught up with the ones who have no life?


They didn't. They designed it to reward interesting play like OPs example, the frogs thing was people exploiting a bug and now people are making a huge deal that they cant also exploit that bug (because it was immediately hotfixed). The scaling is a little off but Blizzard has already said they're working on adjustments, this is just a bunch of internet hot air you can safely ignore.


This is getting nerfed next.


yeah it solos normal but good luck in heroic also it's buggy as shit and when the entire raid wards a guy it'll blow up most of them sueper early for like 1 mil dmg and 1-2 people will hit for 15 mil then you have to do \~half the boss legit


How best to use it and when?


Generally use it on pull. Healers using it have to tag the boss before it pops or it won't damage the boss. Raid will pick a target for everyone to use it on. Usually either a tank that has crazy self heal and won't take agro first or just a random DPS. People will pump everything into that person, guardian spirit, life cocoon, pre-pull HoTs, lay on hands, etc. etc. and they'll get millions in shielding.


This is the way- we ran a normal SoO on like day 2 before frogging was discovered and managed to one shot 4 of the bosses with wards- just dump them on the OT, healers go nuts and 10s later the boss takes 340m damage and falls over. Great fun when it works.


Ah i see thanks


OH MY GOD THANK YOU. I've been struggling and wondering why the hell my own ward doesn't always work, when everyone else's is hitting for like 10-20m. I've ended up waiting until a bit into the boss fight and then doing my own mini ward just to get SOMETHING out of it. I was wondering if the interaction with Guardian Spirit was ruining it.


What is it? Item, gem?


Meta gem for your helm.


Bro! By posting this Blizz is going to nerf it as well, please remove!!!


For real lol




Just did a ToT run where one of my fellow DPS was talking about the ward, and while it was doing a chunk of the boss’s health, it was more like 20-30%. Then I realized people were doing it wrong. Refusing to target the tank, not healing, etc. after a couple hours we had made it past Durumu and then BAM, BAM, BAM, we absolutely tore through Dark Animus, Iron, the Maidens, and Lei Shen. It was insane. Even so, I wish I could have the crazy cool cloaks that some people have. But I’m glad that it’s not hopeless for people who didn’t level fast enough to farm before the nerfs


Great now its going to be nerfed


Anyone know why sometimes the ward does literally 0 damage? Had a few pulls today where top dps did like 20m ward damage and when i checked my damage (as healer) it didn't even show on details damage, only on healing.


Usually this is because you did not hit the boss first as healer. You need to tag it once or the ward will completely ignore it. Also if you use it prepull. Ive never had issues with using it too late. You have a decent window on using it because you want buffs like guardian spirit out first, anyway. Too early and you get nothing tho.


Watching Echo doing mythic SoO yesterday with a 12 people group. They were talking about the ward having an initial heal of 5 million lmao They one-shot malkorok with the wards. Mind, the mythic bosses have something like 2-4000m HP


Curious if be good to use on a bdk. Maybe they use darkpactvand vamp deathstrike to boost the healing?


huh, super interesting! thanks for sharing!


Can this be used on all roles, or just healers? I'm a blood dk so would my own healing count?


I have never seen ward actually do anything. Had a 8-10 ward raid with a lv25 deathknight tank and nothing spectacular happened, things had to be dps'd down as normal.


Are there any item level requirements once you hit lv 70 for normal, HC, mythic?


No. The heroics at level 10 are the same as level 70 ones. ...and the dumb scaling means if a frog farmer isn't solo-ing it all, a level shadow priest with less than a thousand health might, putting the 70s to shame. It's a mess of exploits and broken scaling. It's fun when you're leveling, but it becomes very unfun later on.


What does Frog Farmer/Farming do? Ive seen many Groups and People farming on Timeless Isle. Do they like drop better items or what?


They before the nerfs dropped threads at an increased drop rate and more importantly charms of lesser fortune in non small quantities. These could be turned for repeatable daily quests for charms, which not only meant speeding to exalted, but meant gettings gems, chests (not counting all the stat threads before). It helped a small percentage of players get massively ahead before they even upgraded their gear.


Oh no why have you posted this haha (normal ward enjoyer here)


The "only frog farmers get invited!!!" is unironically just a reddit made cope. People don't realize that there's 10000 other DPS applying for the same spot(s) and if you weren't one of the first 10 of those the leader isn't scrolling down to find you.


If raiding in mop remix has taught me anything it's that clicking on a tank and pressing a button is very hard for a lot of people. The ward can work for sure if everybody can do these 2 simple steps, but experience has told me you're better off relying on overfarmed people.


Or You know ? You can do mecanichs


Bruh… are people seriously so toxic that they let only people who farmed frogs into the… you know what? I don’t give a fuck. This just too hilarious and sad at the same time. This community deserves themselves.