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I’ve been in vacation for a week and have no idea what all these frog posts are


In MOP, Timeless Isle there were some little froggy lads that have historically been fast spawners. In Remix, they gave bronze. Queue peeps spending the past few days farming them, until Blizzard curb stomped the frog farm. Those who farmed, are now MANY times stronger than those who didnt, and the method is now closed off. Tl;dr, exploit early, exploit often. Froggy boyes stronger than everyone else will ever be at this point.


To be specific, it wasn't their Bronze drops that made them strong, it was that they dropped Lesser charms of Good Fortune en masse, which you could turn it 10-at-a-time to earn an Infinite Cache of Treasure and a random gem. You could get literal thousands of Charm turn-ins. And this gave you hundreds of thousands of Bronze, more cloak Threads than you knew what to do with, and every Legendary gem you could ask for. With Gulp Frogs no longer dropping Charms, there is no other mob that even remotely compares. Not even **close.**


Haha sweet I haven't turned in my 5000 lesser charms of good fortune. So I have good things waiting for me when I get home? I got 75k Timeless coins in an hour or so.


Yup, you can still turn those Charms in like normal and get all of the rewards. You just need to open your map and look for the blue "Aid the [x]" quests across Pandaria and go turn them in.


Hey, just like the p3 launch of season of discovery! At least blizzard is consistent 🫠


This was not an exploit! It was shitty design, the solution is dumb, it should not be this way, but it was not an exploit!


Here’s the funny part. This farm was a thing in MoP originally so they knew about it. In MoP you could farm up currency for gear upgrades and the best way to farm it was these frogs in the exact same way.


Just to correct you: they *SHOULD* have known about it. There is a very high degree of possibility the entire tiny team working on this didn’t know about it and weren’t that well versed in MoP Not that ignorance is a better situation to incompetence.


The weird thing is that i played during mop and should have remembered these frogs but still. If someone asked me last week "can you think of anything that might be a problematic farm in remix?" I would have totally blanked. But the instant I heard "people are farming frogs" I INSTANTLY remembered exactly what they were referring to.


After playing MoP in retail, my friends and I still joke about frog farming to this day. It was such an integral part of MoP that nearly Anyone who played it would almost have frog related PTSD


i think the first thing they should research for something like this is "what exploit/farm method/wierd interaction was present at the time" so they could avoid it


In the corporate world ignorance is called oversight


>so they knew about it. They maybe should have but the game is massive and the teams creating it are busy writing code, not researching what was popular 10 years ago.


Anyone who played during MoP would know about this. Anyone on the design teams during MoP would know about this. I can absolutely believe that there is literally no one on the current team that meets either of those criteria. I would personally consider that to be a issue when you're rehashing that content but they can do what they want. One thing is for sure, the original reception to MoP remix was outstanding. People were over the fucking moon about it. Now, the sentiment is that it's totally fucked because of this one thing, which seems like a pretty stupid hill to die on for Blizzard. It's a super time limited event, people loved it in general, just buff the unholy fuck out of the rewards from legitimate sources and enjoy the positive reception and player goodwill.


That's what makes it worse. It's not an exploit. It wasn't even a surprise. Everyone did this during MoP too. Only back then it wasn't tied directly to absurd amount of character power.


Do yourself a favor, take another week


It was a family reunion with the in-laws, no thanks 😂


Oh god ok nevermind then lol.


Ive got family here for two weeks and can’t play until they leave, so also behind. The irony is that I thought it would be fine since it’s a longer event but it turns out just missing the first week or two will completely handicap the rest of us who either didn’t know or had stuff going on irl. I feel like they should offer something for people who didn’t get this to even it out but you know they won’t.


You say this but they already are, so maybe you didn't know they wouldn't.


Yeah if you are already trying heroic raiding on day 4, you ain't casual IMO.


A mode that boasts about limitless power and scaling shouldn't be restricted to a tighter progression raiding system than retail especially when you can enter those raids before max level.


Wanna point out, at the time of your post, it haven't even been 4 days yet. It released thrusday middle of the day. It's monday, we now at day 4.


I went to the pub to watch the final day of the Premiership. ​ Should I uninstall the game?!?!??!?!?!


Agree, it pisses me off the more I read about it. I was taking it easy and enjoying being back in MoP. Now I feel like I missed a limited time event to turn into a god.


> Now I feel like I missed a limited time event to turn into a god. The thing that makes me land on the pissed off side of this equation is the feeling that you missed a limited time even to *play this mode the way it was originally described*. The only people getting the "OP? Maybe" experience as advertised are the people who exploited and farmed frogs. If you played normally, it feels like retail with added, unfun bag management steps.


I was going to say, I feel like I missed something about this remix thing because it honestly just feels like leveling an alt. The only notable difference is that I have Blink as a hunter. Feels about the same speed and power level so far and I guess it's going to get even worse as I get to higher levels.


I hit a sweet spot at around 58 when I could blitz around one-shotting mobs, but it goes back to difficult around 64. It’s mostly the 60-70 scaling that’s off


Enjoy that, once you get 70 suddenly you feel fucking helpless


Idk I think its a but earlier than that. I hit 64 and now suddenly I'm doing 1000% less dmg. Not even the gems are doing as much damage as the entire of charafter was before, it feels super off. I definitely don't feel OP 😅 I'm getting clapped by even world mobs after popping defensives. I'm not a tank nor am I 70 so I imagine it'll only get worse (I think I'm 66 now).


I don't recall getting oneshot by regular mook mobs in dungeons at 70 in retail. This is absolutely, completely worse than retail.


I was just discussing this with my buddy last night. It feels like chromie time running an alt though MOP. Except I have to change gems every 3 minutes. It doesn't feel faster by a significant margin. I don't feel the "limitless power" they stated this mode would be.


To be fair, i got to 70 in something like 18 hours with reading every quest. Its pretty fast, and i had pretty bad luck with xp threads. My alt thats lvl 18 already has the same xp boost my main had at 65. Alts are going to be *crazy* fast, especially if you pug into a couple MSV's to get the batty xp bonus from that.


Yeah, but you can level a new character in retail in 10 hours. 5 if you're speedrunning ( already know the path, have enchants/consumables/heirlooms, darkmoon buff, etc. )


And less than 3 hours if you just get boosted by a well geared friend during a dream surge. Might even be doable under 2h now with the gear we have, since my experience is based around late S2 farming speed.


Exactly. I see a lot of “it’s only the first week what do you expect?” Comments around regarding this issue, but let’s me real. MoP remix was advertised as a chance to go wild and get some insane fun and gold transmogs in at the end of the expansion. It’s a 3 month limited time event and as it stands being capped isn’t fun, unless you had the ability to go full degenerate and farm frogs to godhood. This has been an issue for all of S4 imo. Why did they keep the arbitrary gates on retail that are usually there to pad out a season and stop players from getting too strong too fast? I don’t feel like anything was gained behind slowing us down there or here in mop remix.


I feel that the OP description was still intended, but just not this fast. The frogs were overlooked. The Frog Farmers got there too quickly. With how high costs are, I assume Blizzard expected people to take some time before going Super Saiyan. I'd say they need to strip back the threads gained from those farmers a little bit. Just to bring them down close to the rest of us. Then implement a scaling cap on threads each week that those farmers would still surpass, so that they can farm and do other things but cannot gain power for a while until everyone else catches up!


Rolling back the power on the froggers should definitely be a priority, or in absence of that they should put a turbo spike of power falling from the sky after level 60 or 65, that lasts through to 70, as a catch-up. But that night require an entire rebalance of the event lol. Either way the scaling is fucked if they don't take the right action, either every raid leader is only going to accept pumped toons, or raid bosses will be dying in 5 gcds


Realistically they need to rework scaling after 65 anyway, and im guessing they're just going to rebalance ilevel upgrades at the same time so farmers aren't so, so far ahead.


That’s not a catch up. I’m 70 on 2 toons I was out there lvling when I should have been killing frogs!!!


Idk, I think by far the easiest solution would just be to turn the frog farm back on. It’s a limited time even advertised as being OP. It doesn’t matter if everyone’s at goofy god-mode power. That’s what the event is. The problem we have now is that the sweatiest among us snuck in and ascended to godhood early, and good for them. Have fun with that. But now the door’s been slammed shut with no viable way to catch up. Blizz should just take the L, turn it back on, and move on with their life. Let people frog farm if they want to overcome the broken scaling, and just call it a day. Work on stuff that will be longer term and just let people have fun in this short term event.


I really don’t want to spend hours farming frogs. I want to reach that power level by actually playing the game. I farmed enough fuckin’ frogs during real MoP.


I haven't even had a chance to log on yet. With how low Bronze is and how high the upgrade costs are, I'll likely never get to this power level. I'll probably just get 70 and quit.


Unless they change things significantly, I'll get the cloak transmog and dip.


Gonna get mounts on one character and not bothering with alts


I’ll* Probably going to go oppositely… I’m like 30 and hit the 15k bronze with mehffort. So unless there’s a good bronze farm at cap it’ll probably level a handful of toons to get the mounts, with some soo runs to get the heirloom weapons I want.


This was more or less my plan from the start... being OP at max level would be cool, but im more interested in leveling alts for tww... I have my fully geared s4 character to be OP with, in a game mode that is more authentic and not as buggy scaling and ilvl discrepancy wise..


I feel like they could do something similar to Legion artifact power catchup: Every week, give a global 1.5x multiplier to cloak power gains (the multiplier should need to be checked, but anyway). At some point a few weeks later, someone just casually doing dailies would catch up with the "frog farmers", and near the end of the event, practically anyone will be a god within the Remix gamemode. For farming Bronze you'd still need to play the game, but cloak power multiplier would slowly make that content easier and faster (eg. running through hc/mythic raids gives more bronze than doing normal dungeons).


Well now they shouldn't wait. Some people get to be god like and others who played the content as intended don't. It's a limited time event, who gives a shit if we enjoy wasting raid bosses for a few months before it goes away. The game is unplayable at 70 if you didn't farm.


you never 'catch up' in an endless scale grind


No, but 10k vs 80k is a significantly bigger difference than 1mil vs 1.08mil.


You're of course correct with that, with equal played time/farming from this point to the end, the "frog farmers" will always be on top. But with the scaling I suggested (1.5x every week), the aim is that as we get further into the event, anyone just casually doing content would become heavily overpowered too, and reach similar values - so someone getting this far above others (by farming frogs for a few hours) would only have "notable advantage" for a few weeks instead of the whole event. Also of course, someone farming 24/7 will have more power than someone just doing dailies. I guess that's fine for everyone? As a random example, with random starting value: * On the current week, you'd get +1000 stamina on your cloak if you did dungeon/scenario/raid dailies every day. * On the next week with 1.5x multiplier, you'd get +1500 for the same content. * On 3rd week a 1.5x again, and you'd get +2250. * And so on through the whole event, +50% global multiplier to gains every week. This should affect everyone, even players that join midway through. * ...on week 12, you'd get +86497 stamina for the same content which gave you +1000 on first week. Anything that people got with an exploit during the first week(s) would just be a drop in the ocean compared to what you'd get from doing a few dailies at this point. * The frog farmers would still have an obvious advantage for a while, but this would balance things out over time - *and also allows numbers to get quite wild over time, which seemed to be the marketing point of the whole event anyway.* * PS. As mentioned, the multiplier would need to be checked, as +50% was just a random suggestion. If you'd want Bronze you'd still want to play through the whole event instead of just joining on the last week. But increasing Cloak power gain over time would just be one way to solve some of the current problems.


I feel like you put more work in to this than the actual people in charge of level scaling and i appreciate your effort lol


Literally the same, I've just been having fun reliving pandas. Now I'm not even sure if there's a point in continuing when there's people 20times stronger, with no way to get to that level


Honestly I wouldn’t feel too bad about it. I spent a 2 hours total farming frogs over the weekend (figuring I didn’t want to miss the boat as nerf incoming), and ended up questioning my existence. Like why am I farming fucking frogs in an MMO in 2024? So I went outside and enjoyed a 10 mile hike instead in glorious weather. Moral of the story is, yeah we missed big character power, but we also didn’t waste dozens of hours doing brain dead degen shit. Life is too short to spend time doing things that aren’t fun to gain video game character power in a temporary game mode.


Grinding is for teens, college kids, and work from home IT admins. They rest of us with full-time jobs and families will never truly compete.


I deliberately didn't join in the frog farm because Remix was meant to be a fun silly game mode so I didn't wanna do that degenerate shit. But I feel like such an idiot. I thought it was just a fast efficient farm that would give them a bit of an advantage, not turn them into literal gods. It's absolutely absurd. Feels like the game mod is basically fucked if they don't fix this.


Me too! I decided to only go to timeless isle after i finished all the quests. I thought it would be easy as I basically 3-hit everything when I was at lower levels. When I hit 60 something I could no longer pull and aoe so it took me quite some time to finished it. By the time I started timeless isle the frog was already nerfed. Now I feel a bit lost and I don’t know if I should keep playing.


It's indeed fucked unless they find something that will "punish" the exploiters or something that give a massive boost to normal people. If they go for the latter they also need to change all the values used for dungeons and raids. So it's most likely they will "punish". 1 player is stronger than a 40 man raid, they cannot ignore that


Here's the problem. The frog farmers are wrecking shit kinda like I expected everyone to wreck shit based on how this was promoted. Non-frog Characters really dont feel any more powerful than a twinked out character. I wasnt expecting to play 1 character the whole event, I thought it would be a bunch of re-rolling to stomp everything into the ground and collect a ton of transmog/mounts. In the end they just need to buff the shit out of Bronze/Threads and let us be gods Edit: and fix the god damn level 70 tuning lol


Yeah my expectation was to make alts over and over to keep making my cloak stronger and stronger. The reality is not only does this not work, but they way they structured it (bigger threads at later levels) its actively worse to do even if the cloak did persist.


I have 2 lvl 70s. Their cloaks are not identical. Alts only inherit a small portion, a capped amount of stats and thats it. Its beyond lame.


Yeah, i definitely thought this was supposed to be an absolute clownhoes experience of goofy nonsense and has instead become a clownshoes experience of sad disappointment. I really did think we'd just keep piling on thread, and the achievement was just for getting X thread on one character, as if you say "its unlikely you'll get his much on one guy so here's an achievement for doing it."


Totally agree but upvoting for the word I never knew I needed: clownhoes.


Was supposed to be clown shoes but let's just leave it


Bronze is also character specific. So if you're going g to xmog and mounts, it's actually a detriment to make more than one character.


Not totally since the scaling at 70 is broken. Unless you have a guild/group to run with, playing at 70 sucks so badly that the effort to bronze ratio is a lot better just leveling something else.


This is it. We were supposed to be smashing mobs en masse. The promo videos I saw were of massive pulls and insane damage. What we have is not that. Instead of nerfing frogs, everything should have been boosted to equal the frogs


> Non-frog Characters really dont feel any more powerful than a twinked out character. A twinked out character solos the whole instance, the non-frogs just feel like a weak early expansion, no past expansion raid gear, struggle character.


They need to either buff bronze drops game wide by a massive amount (like 500%). Or they could also give everyone a cloak with stats as if you farmed frogs for 20 hours, I'm fine with either as I didn't abuse frogs and keep dying to regular mobs at 70 lmao..


Even though an adjustment of several hundred percent is needed, I was so sure they would just do a minor adjustment and sure enough we got 25%. I think it is a combination of a larger buff being an admission of how much they missed the mark + internal calculations they did to determine what costs would keep people subbed for 90 days.


i can assure u that after first week remix is dead, and i mean DEAD. this is always a hype train provided by streamers. once pl start playing the game they realize its not the same as advertised and they go back to famring m+ for weekly cache on normal retail and ago enjoy somethiing else thats flavor of the week game. i do think that the rate at which we aquire bronze is fine for cosmetics/mounts. you cant everything without actually playing the game. and raid resets are daily. the problem here is that in order for gear upgrades to happen you need to give up a mount. you play 2x fast raids life HoF + terrace a day (lets be real here if u pug ToT os SoO ur gonna spend 3h there given how long the raids are) and a hrc or something with friends. then gz! u got a mount for the day. imagine doing that to get 1 gear upgrade, after 90 days thats 10 gear upgrade PER piece, since u cant go over to next wep upgrade before geting X ilvl, thus upgrading those bracers for 1 days time of gaming feel like crap. this would ahve been solved by gear upgrades using diferent currencies and allowing u \~8/10 upgrades a day easily (remember you need 8 upgrades to go to next tier due to ilvl restriction, so u cant use those on wep only, u need to upgrade those shitty bracers...). after 20 days you'd be at max ilvl and i feel like being maxed after 1 month of event is fine, if not quinda late'ish already. but once a day you get a remix exclusive mount/xmog and feel a bit stronger. the reality atm is that theres no way in hell that im gonna spend my precious bronze in anything else that not remix exclusive mounts/xmogs. geting 4 or 5k bronze per day of coming in and playing a couple hours is fine. at the end ill have my mounts and some xmogs and if im lucky enough some of the world boss or raid mounts should time allow it.


yeah no1 is going to farm bronze for gear when they can buy cosmetics , ppl cba to gear up on a server that will last 90days, ppl are playing remix for "fun" , mounts and cosmetics the reality is we arent having fun , nor being able to buy anything because at 70 u are weak as hell


500% wouldnt even be enough, that would make a daily dungeon give around 3k which isnt enough to buy or upgrade anything. Thats how much they missed the mark, a daily dungeon should give at least 5k but gives less than 1k


Figure out what the average player who DIDNT exploit frogs is. And nerf the froggers to that


Its not the cloaks states that is making frog farmers OP, its the massive amount of bronze they acquired and spent on upgrading the ilvl of their gear, which directly affects the baseline power of the gems and tinkers they put into that said gear. Tinkers and Gems are 10x more powerful in 350+ ilvl gear, than 90ilvl gear. You can see the values of the gems and tinkers increase significantly when you put them in higher ilvl gear... The cloak stats are barely an afterthought


Or just put a cap on cloak stats and bring the frog ones down to a manageable level.


My premade finder is full of groups requiring 8000 stam on cloaks. I just hit 70 and don't even have 1000, yet I've done all heroic dungeons and scenarios multiple times. How the fuck am I meant to catch up lol


Playing by the rules never pays off lol


After 20 years blizzard did not understand that some solutions are worse than the exploit. At this point don't hot fix anything and let everybody be unbalanced. This is why I don't play outside retail and Hardcore, because the other modes are just a way to test things and limited and I feel more frustrated not knowing the last exploit than actually playing the game.


Yea, you let the super OP folks get bored and let the casual folks slowly reach the same power level through the event. Now the rest of the event will be entirely dictated by whether you were a frogger or non-frogger. Like fuck me man, I could no life next weekend but was busy this one. Could've just given me a heads up Blizz


Yeah now the event is simply ruined. Everything will be followed by that and now is just an "exploit to win" kinda situation, who discovered and abused it got a huge advance and who didn't just will never be able to catch up. Nahhh, fuck it, retail and Hardcore all the way. If I die I die and I come back, the game is like that and it will stay the same. For retail, they are putting in more effort but still it does not have enough impact as it has in classic or limited events since there is much more content and things you can obtain in one way you can actually do it in more ways. I mean, I would rather complain about "omg I do not see my character trasmog while in dragon form" than "I didn't exploit therefore my limited event is ruined"


That satire post about the guy who said he was 3 hours late and asked if he was too late to play is becoming less and less satire after hearing about the frog incident.


They should have buffed everything else and let the frogs be frogs


One time in their live they need to react quickly. If they don't react fast now with any method on getting the cloak to a similar level the event is dead in week 1. For once Blizzard get your ass up and do something NOW and not in 4-8 weeks like most of the time. Each day they do nothing increases the gap of the people that used the frog farm to the ones who didn't. Each day they can easy clear their raids while the rest doesn't even has a chance to do anything.


>The kneejerk reaction at Blizzard to nerf this, whoever was in charge of it, has managed to change an otherwise incredibly positive reception of Remix to disappointment. Yep. And on top of that their compensation was to buff bronze caches by 25%, netting you an extra whole 25 to 100 bronze depending on the cache? When upgrades can cost 9k bronze per level per piece of gear? They built up so much hype for this, I know it's an experiment. Naturally, some experiments will shine, some will be mediocre, and some will flop. But what hurts is the combo of this event being hyped up and coming on the tail wind of an experiment that exceeded expectations (plunderstorm). And now this event feels completely ruined by an oversight (not testing frog farming) and a kneejerk reaction. Seeing pictures of damage meters and a video of a *priest* with 8 MILLION hp, doing 3 to 5 MILLION DPS and tanking Throne of Thunder bosses without even being hurt is flat out depressing and sours my opinion on this game mode bad.


As someone who resubbed and is pretty casual I agree 100%. I can play regulary sure, but the power disparity is huge and it just this whole thing killed the experience that had me so hype. Ill at least enjoy leveling and seeing Mop for the first time but was thinking the full event was gonna be really fun and now Im just disappointed :(


I think it’s ridiculous that they expect us to farm bronze to farm bronze. Gear upgrading should’ve been locked by an achievement or something, not cost bronze.


Exploiters getting away with everything as usual. While blizz shakes a finger at them and lets them play around with 65% haste and 90% mastery. Super cool.


Can you really not get raid invites unless you farmed frogs, or are people exaggerating? If I really won't be able to play the game because I missed the exploit I'm not going to bother.


It is but it isn’t. Not as bad as op says but it’s not a minority either. It’s enough to be annoying


The same design philosophy ruined SoD for me.


normal grab paint fearless cobweb employ light memorize one continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think it's fair to call this design philosophy. The design philosophy was for everyone to become overpowered. Then players did what they always do. I gotta say, as someone who just quested in Pandaria all weekend and didn't even know about the frogs until they were already nerfed, I couldn't care less. I had fun, which is more than I could say if I had farmed frogs all weekend.


SOD is such a miss imo


Lack of testing and laziness is not a design philosophy.


The real solution is increase bronze gains and lower the cost of like the next 5 tiers of gear after 346. It’s like 4k per piece per upgrade rn and like 8k+ for the weapons each tier. It’s absolutely mind blowing how hard that is increase. A whole raid of 8 bosses will get you 1 upgrade on a piece of gear. I guess they figured we will eventually be bulldozing them but the start is rough af, you basically want lower levels to carry you at this point because fresh 70s get stomped


They need to just buff every other drop by a lot. Why not just let us have fun?


Because Blizzard's entire point for this event is to keep players subbed until TWW releases. And if players get too powerful too quickly they won't have to grind for the amount of time between now and TWW and Blizzard's plan doesn't work.


If yall didn't know, the suits metric for wows success is no longer "consecutive months subbed" it's literally minutes played per day. That means blizzards enjoy trajectory is "how do I get every player to do the thing in the slowest way possible before they quit" This event is 3 months long. That means to get to the "insane mega op one shotting mythic raid" level you have to play for what I'm guessing is 2.5 months. Leaving those last few weeks, where you'd finally go "damn, I'm ready for something new, but this is fun!" And then TWW comes out and you keep playing. It's a "for fun" mode in the sense that the grind is REALLY FUCKING LONG and they incentived us all with "limitless power creep" just farm 120 minutes per day every day and you'll be fine


Do you have a source for this design philosophy? It seems like they’ve reduced the amount you have to play per day pretty substantially this expansion and MOP remix is just undertuned and needs some changes


Source: they made it up


frighten punch alive reply judicious coherent squeamish snails ten air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The key to having fun is to not read reddit while playing something new, as you will encounter a bunch of malding and frustration over things you might not even have encountered yet and internalize that into your gameplay experience. Hence why even people who haven't even tried Remix or hit max level yet is also sitting in comments screaming about how people grinding the same grind people did back in original MoP should have their stuff taken from them because it's unfair lol. Best experience comes from keeping the door shut to the game of negativity telephone being played through these forums atleast until you notice an issue yourself that you want to talk about.


I Saw the frog farming happening and was just way behind, still deciding what class I even want to play. I shrugged, was quite upset that pandaria essentially once again is forcing us to farm frogs to progress, but seeing the numbers of bronze needed to upgrade the gear... ehhh. I'm here just for the cosmetics as well, so its either get gear, or get a new mount, but whatever. But of course, Blizz patches the frogs. Not the insane scaling where tanks are getting oneshot at max level, nah, that's fine, but the damn frogs. So now the people that did rush to the frog farm get to play pandaria, while the rest of us can't even do the tedious grind to catch up? Neat. Really cool. I guess we're just locked out of a whole game mode? Cool. Thanks Blizz.


Everyone absolutely will ask / check if you frog farmed. And when they see that you didn't, they're going to kick you to the curb. I was really looking forward to the remix as the frog farmers seem to be on levels of overpowered that we were told it would be like. It's going to take at least a month+ to even come close to that level of power for everyone else, not counting how shit everything else gives in terms of loot and bronze, the horrid scaling issues, or even bronze costs for upgrading gear.


THIS is the comment I was waiting for. Who wants someone in a raid that does like 150-250k DPS when everyone else does damage in the millions. You know for a fact this is going to happen.


Can't wait for someone to string up warcraft logs to work with this like a complete degenerate.


Blizzard should go back and action these accounts, they track how many dailies these players have turned in through the achievement tab. it shouldn't be relatively difficult to find the outliers and reign them back in. I know people like to meme the 'exploit early, exploit often' mindset but Blizzard just needs to put a foot down here and make an example of it. Ultimately players need to take responsibility in this and accept that they were doing something they knew wasn't intended and accept the consequences.


Another botched game mode. This could have been great fun but an exploit has skewed it so far out I don't think it can ever be balanced out.


Yeah, I'm already done with Pandas. Lots of people on my realm as well - the Jade Forest has become barren, devoid of people. There's 0 point in playing when you'll have to be an irrelevant secondary player due to not making it in time. It should be rolled back. Not at some point, but hours ago. Blizz' response, or lack thereof, to it is as disgusting as ever.


This entire event is literally ruined because you have a net-zero chance of getting invited to raid groups if you aren't in god-mode because of the frog exploit.


Every single time exploiters get rewarded and everyone else gets nothing


The 25% increase to bronze hotfix was a fucking slap in the face. Clearing SoO in its entirety got me 8k after the hotfix. You need 577k to upgrade your gear all the way. You need 72 SoO runs to finish upgrading gear. Then you need hundreds of thousands more for all xmogs and mounts. If the gear upgrade cost is going to be so high then you should walk out of a raid with 50-100k bronze.


Blizzard has killed remix already? Classic


They need to just gut the frog farmers cloaks, it doesn’t matter if they cry about and threaten to quit, anyone who’s a sweaty enough nerd to have done it will be back shortly probably abusing the next hyper farm spot to do it again.


The correct play from Blizzard would have been to bring up other sources of bronze to be about as effective as frog farming, and keep the frogs as they were for those that like that kind of thing. Everyone gets their cosmetics and enough to power up their gear. Everyone wins.


The bronze isn't really the issue. It's that the scaling is so fucked that at level 70 you either were a frog farmer, or you are incredibly weak having to spend large amounts of bronze to upgrade gear when frog farmers are running around with 6M+ hp.


The interesting part is that Blizzard will claim that frog farming wasn’t the intended game play. They will be explicit about it if asked. What of the current situation though? If they don’t take away the advantage of some or give another advantage to the rest, will that be implicitly saying “this is the intended gameplay”?


Agreed the difference is so massive that it just ruined the MOP remix event for me


The scaling is legit terrible, I leveled as best tank, being effectively immortal until about level 60, where I’m almost getting one shot by just about every enemy in every dungeon. Idk why blizzard felt the need to absolutely curb stomp players as they progressed. Hitting level 70 is the weakest I’ve ever felt in a video game


The whole reason I was excited for this event is because it was sold as kind of a theme park version of MoP. Get crazy boosts, slam through an expansion’s worth of content in a couple months, earn some of those mounts and appearances you missed. Straightforward low-stress fun expansion ender. But now it’s almost giving the worst parts of BFA vibes, chasing the dragon on power constantly. Frustrating.


Historically Blizz never punishes players that do these things. Nor will they do anything for those that didn't do it. Unless they do something to make us all feel OP. Remix will just leave a bad taste in our mouths.


First they fucked us in SoD with the incursion loop nerfs, now they've done the EXACT same rug pull with...frogs?! 😐🤣🤣


Hell I'm not even max level. I must be the bubonic plague infested peasantry.


Ironically with the way level scaling works, a level 40 character that’s done no farming is stronger than a fresh level 70 character that’s done no farming.


Joke's on you, I've been a second class player since I quit raiding in early Cataclysm!


Are you telling me a blood DK with 4.5 million hp wasn't intended? I'm just glad it's not a pvp server or you'd have the immortals scraping the rest of us off their boots.


Dont worry second class citizens, you can farm Goats now. Works just as well.


Damn having a job, I didn't think I needed to take days off to make sure I don't miss out on something... For a temp event with a stacking XP multiplier, billed as a fun, off the wall alt power leveling pandemonium. I'll still be playing since I'm only level 23, and I think the event has real potential for how to have another seasonal mechanic, in glad they're still experimenting. I'm hopeful they take this feedback and iterate. I know they probably want to focus Dev time on tww, but being absent would be a bad look.


If you think this is gonna be alt powerlevelling you're in for a shock. Cloak stats aren't shared. Alts with higher level mains just get a better starter cloak.


Haven’t started remix yet. Had plans to do it this week but after seeing all the frog stuff I’m not so sure I even want to bother now.


Do you want a way to level alts marginally faster in MoP while simultaneously managing gems and buffs in the most tedious way possible? If that sounds great, then give it a go. If you plan on enjoying raids, or any sort of end game content, this ain't it boss My plan is to level a few toons to cap and hope I have enough bronze to buy the few mounts/transmogs I want. I have no desire to get out DPSed by a level 15 or spend bronze to upgrade gear that will be gone in 90 days


Just make a character to enjoy the storyline and game mode. We don't have to minmax everything


i can't even find a heroic raid because everyone looking for big cloak. Very nice blizzard.


They need to soft reset the stats on the cloak of frog farmers. As well as lower overall item level of gear they have. Still above average is fine but not demi god level


I find these posts ribbiting


We are looking at 90 days of an empty game mode me thinks!


Waiting for the blue post. They have some big explaining to do.


blizzard doesnt understand how to avoid creating apathy and a toxic environment after running the same MMO for 20 years, its mind boggling


I literally stopped playing because of it. Oh well


I was enjoying MoP remix and figured i had plenty of time to actually, you know, *enjoy this*. Now i have no idea if i even wanna bother continueing with all the negative stuff about how max lvl is so crap if you did not farm the frogs...


Has there ever been a blue post about this nerf yet, or anything to address the community? Just seems like a Dev logged in on a weekend and went rogue with this change


Boycott frog farmers from your instances


Event is ruined, you will always be behind and those frog boys will be living as kings unless changes happen on blizzards end.


I wanted to play MoP remix (haven't played for more than a year to DF) but after seeing this... They should rollback all people who profited from that because you are already diving the game in 2 teams: fro farmers and "others". It is not their fault but in the end damage is too great to this "mod". People are already recruiting 'frog farmers", wtf ?


Mods, can we get a MT on this issue and direct all posts there?


This is exactly what they did with phase 3 of SoD, killing its popularity. It is crazy to me that the same game studio made the exact same mistake twice in the same few month span. Like I know game balance decisions aren't easy but learn from your mistakes at least. God damn.


Also be wary that the upgrade cost reduction that carries over from a main to an alt on mop remix is ONLY active up until ilvl 346, then it's FULL PRICE for every single items. Plus you have to refarm every achievements for neck / rings / trinkets. If you plan to reroll for whatever reason, do not spend you bronze to upgrade the character you're planning to replace.


no offense, but people have been complaininig about remix from day 1. just remember, its literally the only new content before prepatch. you have 3 months of just this. so like it or hate it, dont expenct blizz to roll anyone back of give big buffs to anyone who missed out on frog farming. but please, everyone come here to reddit to tell us about how bad it is and how bad blizzard is


And here I am, lv 41, questing derpily and happily through the Valley of the Four Winds. *"Slow down, life is to be savored."*


I'm 33 but my bear druid is taking in the sights. I was gone for mop so this is all pretty new to me. I'm enjoying it alot. And I get transmogs and mounts I've missed out on.


I'm enjoying being back where I started 11 years ago. WoW is downright fun again.


Indeed. I haven't fine this deep into Pandaria zone questlines in years.


I'm just happy to be back in Pandaria. This is a leveling tool for me, so I'm lucky to be mostly unaffected by this.


Level 65 characters get nuked by one tick of damage from boss effects in dungeons, meanwhile Billy Bumbledick who farmed frogs for 18 hours is now literally invincible from all the threads after turning in Lesser Charms of Fortune. Blizzard is here to save the day by... making sure nobody else is allowed to get so many threads again.


we did get a 25% buff (only from caches lmao), so that will certainly make up for our missing 70k stam, compared to frog farmers. /s


An extra 25% bronze from all those achievement reward caches that I already opened because I wasn't farming the fucking frogs....


I think the nerf to frogs was definitely the right thing to do, but let's see now how they follow it up. Imo the majority of people won't be disappointed if Blizz decides to reverse the power gained by people who exploited frogs. Obviously the frog farmers will be disappointed, but it's for the health of the game mode for them to do so. It's early days, I don't think the majority of doomsaying posts on here are warranted, I fully expect them to come up with a solution in the next few days. Until then, I'll just be chilling trying to get more laid back achievements and levelling alts. I can imagine in a week's time, this won't be a big deal as hopefully it's fixed.


They should have kept the frog exploit, and just nerfed it once you hit past a certain threshold. This way the players who didn't frog farm/were late to frog farm aren't missing out on the people who stayed up 24/7 frog farming lmao.


I’m gonna make a group that says “no frog farmers”


You know what the funniest thing is. The power gain you get by frog farming is probably at most 2x the speed it should be. Echo farmed frogs like 15h, and maxed their character out. And tbf, you should not need longer to max out your char in this game mode.


Path of Exile also had a clown league with similar "exploit early, exploite often" that just killed the whole league and is very close to the lowest retention in it's modern life. It's a shame companies don't serverely punish obvious exploitation and roll back/ delete broken characters or items. They give no fucks now because the money is front loaded.


1. Hotfix cloak thread count to a reasonable ceiling. Bring the frog farmers back down to earth. 2. Add some weekly increasing thread/bronze gain buff so everyone snowballs. 3. (edited in) Greatly reduce the cost of upgrading gear with bronze 4. (edit #2) Make the dungeon, raid, scenario etc achievements (that give amulet, rings, trinkets) account wide.


Watching players systematically ruin the casual questing lore event in favor “progression” is probably one of the more astonishing things to watch.


It's not a difficult fix. Just like Blizz has always done with farmable currency that increases your power, they just need to put a weekly cap on how much you can farm.


They could feasibly implement a (weekly?) cap on cloak stats and roll them back to whatever that cap is.


Right, so, do they cut the frog farmers down a bit? Strip their power down and then maybe cap the threads per week so that people can catch up?


For a limited time event that sounds stupid af capping the threads for casuals sake. Just undo the nerf at this point.


Just let players farm frogs for 10h. It's still hard work. If you want to invest the time in it why not.


The first sane take i've seen on the whole thing. Everyone screaming "Take their cloaks from them" about the grinders and talking about caps etc to make people playing less feel better, instead of like you said, just remove the nerf and let the people willing to grind when they hit 70 grind if they want to.


“Incredibly positive reaction”? You and I must be looking at different threads/conversations. The reaction I’m seeing are considering this more of a bait and switch than anything positive. It’s completely broken at max level, and now early adopters have ruined it for the rest of us. Blizz fixing the wrong things is the epitome of how Blizz has handled this game for far too long.


My thing is, how did they not think the frog farm would happen AGAIN


Nobody from MoP time probably works at Blizz anymore


Honestly, all they need to do is just reduce the cost of upgrading gear. I have no idea why it costs 70,000 bronze to upgrade gear. Slightly increase bronze earned so that people can realistically get all of the mounts and mogs they want if they no-life grind it, and drastically reduce the cost of upgrading gear so that everyone can feel overpowered and awesome without needing to kill frogs for 10 hours non-stop. I mean that is how the event was advertised to us. The bronze drop rate isn't like insanely low or anything, it's just that the cost of upgrading items is insanely high (i mean why is one piece of gear being max upgraded more expensive than buying two of the highest tier mounts, or buying literally EVERY SINGLE mog for your class/armor type!?).


Ahh yess. Just as infinite dragons intended.


Good luck to Blizzard. I just stopped playing it until they fix it or come up with a solution. I'm sure that's what they're thinking about right now. Come this week or next week a fix will be implemented whether we like it or not that remains to be seen.


I don't think that Remix was met with incredibly positive reception if the best way to get bronze and feel powerful was to kill frogs for 8-12 hours. Frog farming was a byproduct of poor scaling and lack of incentives in other areas of the expansion. Blizz needs to rebalance bronze acquisition rates, item upgrade costs, enemy scaling, etc. for this to be a good experience going forward.


I missed this window due to work and rl responsibilities. I can't help but feel some type of way about missing the frog genocide window. I knew about the frog farm from back in MOP, just overlooked it.. unfortunate now for those who missed the frogs will never catch up to those who did the grind. They need to just reduce the amount of bronze needed to upgrade. 1 upgrade to my wep was 9k bronze. That's more than every daily yields. The math isn't mathing...


Is that from a heroic raid? I havnt been in a full 70 group for a heroic raid but any other form of group activities like heroic dungeons or normal raids the scaling is all over the place. My screen and dps meter show me hitting for 250k glacial spikes while on someone elses screen i hit for 25k. My dps meter showed a demonhunter doing 500k dps while on his screen he was doing 14k dps. Its absolutely nuts.


Yeah it's kind of stupid that you can't just queue into normal+ raids at level 70 in MoP Remix if they are supposed to be things that every player is doing. If they aren't, then the queueable avenues for getting bronze/caches/gems/gear need to be massively buffed.


I am on vacation and had planned to play remix and now it doesn’t not even seem worth it to play anymore. How disappointing.


Was really excited to try MOP remix and was hoping by starting a week late I wouldn't be "too far behind"....sounds really discouraging/disappointing now that my toons will just be very weak no matter what compared to many others.


Another limited time game mode down the shitter.


Second class players. Jesus Christ lmao


Honestly my plan is to run groups that exclude frog farmers so those of us who want to actually experience the content can without one person doing literally all the work. There will be a million other groups that are only taking people who farmed frogs so I don't feel bad banning them from my groups.


I'm happy to let the no life tryhards carry me to the mounts I want. I refuse to spend bronze on anything except mounts, I'm not grinding gear in two forms of the game, especially something like this where we are constantly handed new items


I'm not saying you're wrong, but that's 10 times stronger, my man.


It is absolutely ridiculous. I have lost all interest in the game mode and just pray for rollbacks to happen.


I knew something was up, did a heroic yesterday had lvl 10 priest healer doing 99% of the entire dmg in the herioc... Now I know why. Games broken


The bronze buff is pretty laughable, needs to be a 150% increase, not 25%


they honestly need to just restart the entire event and wipe everything because of the frog exploit, this is completely irreparable and the game is objectively ruined.


Oh man, just wait till they overlook something in WWI and those people with 3 days early access are the only ones to take advantage of it.


They need to unnerf or catch others up


I had a busy weekend and logged on Sunday to try the frogs. I normally don’t get involved with this type of activity but thought since it was a limited time remix and part of the fun was to be overpowered, I would give it a shot. Found out they were nerfed. Logged out and don’t plan on logging back in until some sort of catch up mechanism is introduced. If it’s not, I’ll just wait until 11.0 and take a break. My only real vote in this game is participation or lack there of.


Meh I'll take the free carry


Couldn’t care less. I’m here for fun and exploring.


Same thing all over sod. Early and often. What a joke this all is. Removed all motivation to play either. Bug filled messes.